Monday 6 February 2023

Building Financial Security Steps 1 to 3

We would all like to think of ourselves enjoying the good things in life, not having to stress about finances, and not having to be concerned about growing old, poor.


But if we are currently living from pay cheque to pay cheque, never seeming to get ahead or having any savings, how do we change things? Where do we start in our quest for financial security?


The best thing we can do, is sit down, take a deep breath and contemplate the differences between the haves and the have nots, the achievers and the laymen. What is it that the successful and wealthy do, that is different to us? What are the principles that they utilise to create wealth?


Once we find out the principles that others who have created financial security have used, it seems that then the only step left would be for us to try and duplicate the process.


Following is a list of some of the wealth building principles that I have discovered in my study of and conversations with successful people.


These concepts have been utilised extensively by those who have already created enormous wealth.


Step 1: Use the power of Compounding Interest/Growth.


John D. Rockerfeller once described compounding interest as the ‘Eighth Wonder of the World’.


Compounding is also referred to as Rate & Time because the longer the time, and the higher the growth rate, the greater the effects of compounding become.


Compounding works by letting any interest earned get added to the initial investment, and then the next lot of interest is calculated on the sum of the two, and so on. Interest is earned on interest. This gives the effect of exponentially increasing the value of an investment.


One of easiest ways to calculate how compounding interest works with different rates of return is to become familiar with the Rule of 72. This rule states that ‘The number of years that it will take for your money to double is 72 divided by the interest (growth) rate’.


Therefore if you have $1,000.00 invested at 10% interest, then the number of years that it will take for your money to double to $2000.00 is 7.2.


72 divided by 10 = 7.2


Step 2: Use the tried and true method of investing in residential real estate.


Statistics show that over 98% of the world’s millionaires have made their money through property.


It should really not come as a surprise, because everyone needs a place to live, and generally at least one third of the population are renting. Property is a necessity, so it can never go out of fashion.


As the population increases, so does the need for housing. The laws of supply and demand therefore will ensure that prices keep rising.


Banks consider property to be one of the most secure investments and because of this they will loan you a high percentage of the value. This leads to the next principle.


Step 3: Using Other People’s Money or Gearing is a tool used extensively by the wealthy.


Why is using Other People’s Money so important? The reason is that it is possible to use ‘leverage’, also known as ‘gearing’ to obtain a greater result, than you could have obtained using only your own contributions. The word leverage comes from ‘lever’. As you know a small amount of force applied on one end of a lever, can produce force far greater than what was initially exerted. A lever has the effect of multiplying the power exerted.


In the case of investing, it is referred to as leveraging when you use just a small portion of your own money, say 10% deposit on a $300,000.00 house, and borrow (leverage) the rest, in this case 90%. The capital growth that you benefit from is then calculated on the full $300,000.00, not just the $30,000.00 that you personally contributed, having the effect of multiplying your capital gain.


Gearing allows you to purchase a far more expensive property than you could if you were using only your own money. Controlling assets of a higher value means that compounding growth has more to work on, and therefore your net worth will increase much quicker. Gearing allows you to build an investment portfolio more quickly than would otherwise be possible.

Automatic Wealth - The Internet Makes It Possible

Attaining wealth and prosperity is a dream most everyone has, but few ever achieve it. Why? The average person is stuck in a rut with a job they dislike and overwhelming debt. This cycle is hard to break, but many people are breaking out and achieving their financial goals through the Internet. The Internet has made it possible for millions of people to create automatic wealth, and there's still room for you! Here's how you can discover your Internet wealth dreams.


Create Wealth, Not Just an Income


With the Internet, the opportunity is there for you to create automatic wealth, not merely an income. You can build one automatic business or several until they reach prosperity - right from your own home computer. The Internet creates the ultimate wealth package because it's so vast in the number of people that use it, but yet, so personal in that one little niche market can earn you a fortune.


You can choose from thousands of business ideas and pick one small market to target for your business. A small market online, however, can mean big dollars for you because it might contain thousands or millions of prospects around the world. The Internet connects you to the outside world and doesn't limit you to those who drive or walk past your local store location.


Automated Business


Another reason it's more feasible to achieve automatic wealth online is because you can have an automated business. Automated means it can run on auto-pilot once you design your website and set things in motion. You can receive automated payments through online forms. You can automate an e-zine (email newsletter) to your customers. You can automate electronic products by email such as e-books or training materials. There are a number of ways to create automated wealth with an Internet business.


No Longer Wait for Paychecks


Another advantage of an Internet business is you can receive daily payments through your website. Many online business owners accept credit cards or use a third party payment processor such as PayPal or StormPay to accept payments from their customers. Through these venues, money goes directly into your account. This gives you a steady cash flow for your business so you can have capital for your income, business promotion, and inventory.


Tips to Build Automatic Wealth


  • Use your free time at home to surf the Internet and find business opportunities that interest you.
  • Join with one or a few others who are already successful so you can learn the basics of online business. Even if you need to make a small investment, it could be well worth the training you'll receive.
  • Decide on a business that's right for you and schedule daily times to work on your business - promoting, analyzing, and building.
  • Keep building until you've acquired enough automatic wealth to quit your day job!


Whatever Internet business you choose, remember that it takes patience and consistency to build an online business, just as it would any other type of business. The main differences are that you can work from your home as you're building the business, you can set your own work schedule, and you can earn a lot just by reaching a small niche market for almost any popular product. Start today with your new online business, and you too can soon realize your dreams!

Attract The Wealth You Deserve

Is it good when you have huge deposits in the bank, plenty of valuable possessions, abundance of anything of value? Nearly all, measured wealth is in monetary factors. We say that people are wealthy when we see their grand mansions, different cars, lots of jewellery, or expensive clothes.


We assess wealth by material possessions. Wealth can be inherited or created. Only few are born wealthy, most need to work hard and sacrifice a lot of things in order live like a prince. Wealth begets wealth if you know how to manage it.


So the more money you have the more you will become wealthy. Richness offers a lot of opportunities and opens closed doors. It elevates your social standing and gives you power. Ordinarily, it gives superficial happiness. Possessing lots of money is heaven here on earth. You can buy anything you desire, go anywhere you want and own anything your heart desires.


But too much wealth has also its disadvantages. You can read in the papers, wealthy people committing suicide; children of affluent families involved in drug addiction, or people committing murder because of money. Most of these people become distrustful of others and abusive of their fellowmen. Perhaps the saying that money is the root of all evil is true.


Problems with wealth are common that it afflicts people everyday. It affects our everyday relationships, strain on our family lives and even destroys friendships. Wealth problems are mental afflictions that still have to be dealt and overcome; otherwise, it will ruin your life.


Hypnotherapy is one way of dealing with problems related to wealth. Hypnosis has been proven to be effective for similar problems. It is a solution to real life physical, emotional and even financial crisis. Focus on going over that mental block concerning your wealth problem. Have a mindset of ruining the dilemma you have and just believe you can actually do it. Once you get over it, it will let you sleep better and eventually improve your life.


What does wealth mean to you? Wealth is not just about the amount of money we have, rather, it is more of a state of mind. It may be funny how people spend their lifetime to have abundant wealth and yet so little time enjoying it. Wealth may also be classified in other forms, like having abundant love from family or friends supplemented with good relationships.


A Couple of Steps To Help You Be Rich

Your advanced wealth planning strategies should not consist of you going it alone. The key to advancing your wealth is building a quality team of advisor's. Your advisor's will make you or break you. Advancing your wealth cannot and should not be done by yourself. Many people make the mistake of doing everything themselves. Doing everything yourself is fine but if you want to increase your wealth you will need advisor's. Money is an emotional subject for many people. Everyone goes through money problems (even the very wealthy), how you and your team handle your money problems is what counts.


First you should hire a bookkeeper. In order to increase your wealth you must know what direction your money is flowing. Is your spending helping or hurting you? Yes there are many people who balance their own check books but you need an outside opinion. The amount of money you are making is irrelevant when it comes to hiring a bookkeeper. Whether you are making 250,000 dollars a year or 25,000 dollars a year you should still have your own bookkeeper. Once you have your bookkeeper you can now go over your monthly financials. You will see what good and bad spending habits you have. Then you can work to out the bad spending habits and increase the good spending habits.


The next adviser you should have is your financial adviser. Hiring a good financial adviser is one of the best moves you can make. He can help you plan for retirement and other things. Having a 401 K with your company is not enough, be sure to get a financial adviser.


Getting a tax strategist should be your next step. It really does not matter if you are self-employed, own your own business, or have a 9-5 job. Getting a tax strategist is essential because your eyes will be opened when you see the way money is taxed for different people. You will also see how people are penalized with heavier taxes by bringing in a certain type of income.


When choosing your advisor's choose carefully. Do not just hire an adviser who makes money off of commissions. You want an adviser who practices what they preach and is successful at it. Your advisor's will be able to help you setup many advanced wealth planning strategies.


Monday 30 January 2023

An Introduction to the Three Biggest PPC Platforms

PPC has completely transformed the way that people advertise on the web. This is a new form of advertising for what is a very different medium – a very more interactive medium – than television or magazine.


PPC stands for ‘Pay Per Click’. What this means for advertisers is that they are only paying for each click. If their ad isn’t successful and no one clicks on it, then you don’t pay anything at all. That can mean free exposure sometimes! A bidding system comes into play whenever an advert is shown and that means that the cost of each click will depend on the amount of competition – again this is good news because it means that some advertisers will be getting nearly free visitors when there isn’t much competition.


At the same time though, because they can set their own ‘maximum bid’ for each click, this means that advertisers can decide precisely how much they are willing to pay for any new visitor. By keeping this lower than the amount they earn per visitor, they can nearly guarantee they will make a profit from those efforts.


Also, important though is targeting and this is where the differences between the different PPC platforms start to come into effect. Read on and we’ll take a look at the three big choices when it comes to starting a new PPC campaign.


Google AdWords


By far the biggest PPC network is Google AdWords. When you pay for adverts on Google AdWords, they will appear on the ‘SERPs’ or the ‘Search Engine Results Pages.’ Thus, you need to start by first choosing a keyword that you want to target. If you are selling hats for example then, you might choose to target the keyword ‘Buy Hats Online’. Of course, it’s important to think carefully about your keywords to ensure they don’t have too much competition.


Google is the biggest search engine means that you’ll gain access to the most visitors – but you’ll also pay the most due to the other advertisers.


Bing Ads


Bing Ads is a very similar system but for Bing instead of Google. Bing is of course the big search engine from Microsoft which accounts for 20% of the market share and an additional 10% through Yahoo!. This is not a small amount.


More importantly, Bing has less competition, meaning that you’ll end up paying less. Specifically, you’ll pay 33.5% less, which is again a big deal. Bing also has a lot of powerful tools for targeting the right users.


Facebook Ads


Finally, Facebook Ads work the same but appear on Facebook based on the information that users give Facebook about them. This can include age, sex, and location but also things like hobbies and interests or even job title!


Another big benefit of Facebook Ads is that you can create more media-rich options that have images or even short videos. Likewise, you have the option to choose ‘CPA’ which means ‘Cost Per Action’, and only charges if someone signs up to your mailing list.


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How to Find the Best Keywords for Your PPC Campaign?

What makes a great PPC campaign? What makes the difference between a waste of cash that you never get back and a campaign that you can use to continuously keep growing and scaling your organization?


While there are a lot of factors, you could certainly make the argument that one of the most important of these is the keywords. Your keywords are of course the search terms that you’re going to target. With both Google AdWords and Bing Ads, you’re going to be advertising in such a way that your ads end up showing on search engine results pages for specific searches. You can then choose precisely which searches bring up your adverts and this is going to impact how sees the ads and what difference this makes for your success.


So, the question is: how do you go about picking the right keywords? What is the difference between a good keyword and a bad one?


Let’s take a closer look…


The Basics


The basic idea behind your keyword choice is that you’re going to try and ensure that the phrase you pick is one that the right people are going to be looking for. Who are the right people? Of course, they’re the ones who are most likely to buy your product.


This is also how Facebook Ads work – it lets you choose the type of person you want to target by looking at the details they fill out such as their age, sex, location, and even hobbies and interests. The difference with a search term is that it is also time-sensitive. In other words, a search term will have a bigger impact on your eventual profits because you are showing ads to someone at the precise time that someone is actually looking for your site.


For example, if you’re trying to sell hats, then your search term would be ‘buy hats online.’ That means you’re not only targeting people who want hats but you’re also targeting people who want hats now.


So, when picking keywords, think about who and when.


Negative Keywords


One way you can make this a little more precise is to try and avoid certain search terms from showing your ads. This is what is known as a ‘negative keyword’ and a good example of this might be the word ‘free’. You don’t want people to click on your ad if they’re searching for free things, because they won’t be likely to want to buy anything off you – and that means they’re costing you money without earning you anything back.


Keyword Research


More important still is to do your research.


That means looking to find out just how often certain keywords get searched for, rather than assuming. For instance, some phrases that might at the first sound popular end up being surprisingly unpopular. This meaning of course that no one ever searches for them and thus they won’t bring any visitors.


Likewise, you also need to research the amount of competition for each keyword and aim for the terms that aren’t saturated!


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How to Fit Bing Into Your Internet Marketing Campaign?

A great internet marketing campaign should be a campaign that is fought on many fronts. That means you need to have your fingers in lots of pies and you need to find lots of ways to reach the widest audience possible.


If you rely on just one method to build your brand and gain customers – whether that be PPC or SEO – then you’re going to end up too reliant on that single source of traffic and you’re going to greatly limit the number of visitors you can appeal to.


This is why it’s important to make sure that Bing fits into your campaign. But it’s also why Bing should only be one part of a much larger and multi-faceted assault. Read on to learn more about the different aspects of internet marketing and how they should all coalesce into one single strategy.


Content Marketing


One thing that every business can benefit from these days is a blog. Having a blog allows you to create content on your site and this will then give people a reason to come to your site.


The key to understanding here is that no one likes being sold to. If all your site is, is essentially one big advert, then you’re not giving people any reason to keep visiting. You’re not building loyal fans, trust, or a relationship. If the visitors don’t want to buy then and there, then they will simply leave.


By creating great content, you give people a reason to want to find you and this will gain you regular traffic.


Email Marketing


If you can’t capture sales, then capturing emails is the next best thing. This converts cold leads into warm leads and it gives you a huge list of people you can potentially sell to.


Social Media


Social media has a similar end goal to email marketing. This gives you a way to reach the people who have proclaimed themselves your fans and it allows them to share your content and to help more people find you. It also lets you build a closer relationship with your potential customers.




One part of this is creating lots of great content, which you should already be doing. The other part of this is having lots of inbound links to your site and lots of people sharing what you do. You can encourage this by writing great content and being active on social media. This will help you to reach the top of Google and Bing for different ‘search terms’.




Now let’s talk about PPC. This is a tool you can use to pay to reach the top of the search engines right away for your chosen keywords. That means you need to be making money back from these searches, so normally it will be used as means to send targeted visitors right to your sales page or eCommerce store. You can also use this as a way to ‘test’ the organic keywords to try and rank for with SEO though.


Using Google and Bing makes sure you gain 100% of this audience and it also helps you to avoid direct competition in some cases. Bing is more affordable and has fewer advertisers competing for the same few spots!


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How to Identify Your Buyer Persona?

If you’re going to have a successful PPC campaign, then one of the single most important things to have in mind is your target demographic. In other words, you need to be sure that you’re showing your adverts to the right people to ensure that those viewers are going to convert and become buyers. Otherwise, you’re just wasting your money.


By properly profiling who your buyer is, you can that way create a better advertising campaign that will result in more sales. So how do you do that?


The Basic Demographics


To start with, you need to consider the most basic factors that makeup demographics. That means categorizing your potential buyers in terms of their age, their sex, and their location.


Who buys the products that you sell? Are they young or old? Do they have a big income or a small one?


To a large extent, this will be obvious – for instance, if you’re selling wedding dresses, then you can safely assume that your target demographic is female. In other cases though, the demographic might be both or it might not easily fall into one category.


So, what can you do in this case to make sure that you’re targeting the right person?


One way to do this is with a little market research. You can look at the metrics of who has bought from you so far for example, or you can simply survey your visitors. Who is it that buys from you? Likewise, you might be able to find information about other products or brands that are similar to yours.


You can also ascertain a fair amount by looking at your web stats. If you have Google Analytics set up, or you have web stats on WordPress, then you can see what people are searching but also the location they’re coming from and even how long each person stays on your site!


The Persona


But this does not yet give you your full buyer ‘persona’. That’s because a person is more than just a collection of statistics; a persona is an entire fictional biography based on what a person likes, what their hobbies are, and more. You need to try and get inside the mind of that person to better understand what they might want to spend their money on, where they will be at any given time and what they will be likely to search for. 


To do this, it can help to have an idea of the ‘why’ behind what you do. Make sure your brand has a mission statement and think about what it is you want to achieve as a company. When you do this, you’ll then be able to find people who believe what you believe and who are like-minded. These are going to be your long-term customers with longer ‘lifetime customer value. That means they’re the ones you want to advertise to get the very best ROI in the long term!


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How to Increase Your Conversions?

Want to increase the success of your PPC campaign? Then it might pay to look elsewhere, other than the actual PPC campaign itself. 


For example, you might want to look at your website itself. If you can increase the conversion rate on your website, which means that more people will buy products from you. If more people buy products from you for the same number of visitors, then that means that you’ll be able to earn more money from your site, which in turn means that you can spend more per click on each visitor. That, in turn, means your ad will be seen more, bringing in more customers and scaling up your profits even higher. It’s a ‘virtuous circle’. 


So how do you go about increasing your conversion rate? There are a few things you can do…

Sales Copy


The main thing that will help you to sell more from your site is good sales copy. This is the persuasive writing you’ll add to your website that will convince people that your products are worth buying and that they should make a purchase.


So, what can you do to increase that sales cop? A whole lot!


First of all, you need to make sure that your sales copy is gripping and that it is holding the attention of your visitors. People have very short attention spans these days and if they have to wait more than a minute to find out what your site is about then they’ll often just leave without waiting.


To grab them right away, one thing you can try is to use a narrative structure. That means phrasing your sales pitch like a story – perhaps telling the tale of how the product helped you. We are naturally inclined to pay attention to stories, so if you do this right, then it will be hard for people to turn away.


Another thing you can do is to make sure that your readers can skim through your content if they want to. These days, most people do not thoroughly read content and instead just briefly skim over it. That’s why you need to make sure that you are including all of the relevant information in each headline: so that people can read through quickly and still be sold to.


You also need to make sure you build trust, remove risk and remove ‘buyers’ guilt’. To do the first part, you can allude to stats and statistics and use ‘social proof’ (like reviews). To remove risk, you need to make sure that you are offering a comprehensive money-back guarantee. And to remove guilt, you need to demonstrate how your product is of good value. Ideally, it should even be an investment!


The Value Proposition


Most important of all though is to have a ‘value proposition’, which will help you to sell the lifestyle and the emotion that your product is promising to deliver. How does your product make life better? What’s the dream? Make sure your readers can feel the emotion of being fitter, healthier, wealthier, or happier!


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Monday 23 January 2023

How to Use PPC to Build Your Brand?

The most obvious way to use PPC is to try and make sales. When you place PPC adverts on Google or Bing, you are paying per click. This means you can calculate precisely how much each visitor to your site is costing you and that means in turn that you can work out whether or not you’re likely to make a profit.


In other words, look at your number of visitors in a given timeframe, look at the amount of money you make in that timeframe and then calculate an income per visitor. That’s how much you can afford to spend on PPC.


The Power of Brand


But, is it? Because not every visitor to your site is going to of course buy from you the very first time they visit your site. Much better for you, would be to build your brand and to build trust up to the point where you can sell a ‘big ticket item’, such as an expensive course or a retreat. If you can do this, you can make much more per customer over time.


Likewise, it might be that by exposing people to your brand, you are later better able to sell to them the next time they visit your site.


The only problem is that it’s much harder to quantify the value of a brand and to know how much to spend on this kind of advertising. So what do you do?


Free Exposure


One thing to keep in mind is that you can use a PPC advert to get free exposure if no one clicks on it. Remember: this is pay per click. So no clicks equal no payment. But just because no one clicked on your ad, that doesn’t mean no one saw it and no one noticed it subliminally.


That means that if you design a PPC advert with a heading and a description that people are less likely to click on, you can build a lot more visibility for your brand!


The other thing you can do is to use PPC by carefully choosing your search term. Normally, the keywords chosen are picked to try and directly sell the product. The example often used is ‘buy hats online’. Buy hats online is a keyword people will search if they’re trying to buy hats there and then.


But instead, consider making your keyword something that is not sales-oriented. For instance: ‘improving VO2 max’. Perhaps you sell cycle helmets; this is the perfect way to reach and talk with the very same audience. People who want to increase their VO2 max may well cycle and that means they might need cycle helmets. 


This is all about knowing your ‘why’. That means knowing why it is your business exists and what it hopes to accomplish. If you understand this, then you can find other people who will believe in your brand and want the same thing. Once you can do that, then you can find people who will likely become loyal followers and fans.


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Top Ways That Bing Ads Beat Google AdWords

When it comes to PPC advertising, more and more people are now starting to wake up to Bing and to think about it as a viable option to use alongside Google. Of course, the biggest PPC network with Google AdWords, which people will use to appear on Google searches. This makes sense, seeing as Google is the biggest search engine there is.


But Bing is big too. With 20% of the market (and 30% if you count Yahoo!), this is not an insignificant amount. Moreover, it is a very good idea to make sure that you have advertising on both platforms in case Google ever changes its policies or in case it ever goes down for some reason.

But you shouldn’t just think of Bing as Google’s ‘poor cousin’. You should think of it as a ‘useful addition’.


In some ways, Bing trumps Google. We’ll look at how here and demonstrate why it’s important to make sure that you give Bing the attention it deserves.


Bing is Less Competitive


The first BIG advantage that Bing offers is that it is less competitive. With fewer other advertisers trying to get seen on Bing, that means that there will be less competition for ad spaces. Seeing as PPC works using a ‘bidding system’ this is very good news: it means that you won’t have the price of your CPC driven up through a bidding war.


In turn, that then also means that you’ll get more customers for a cheaper amount. Specifically, you’ll pay 33.5% less for Bing traffic!


Bing Has Better Targeting


Another big advantage of Bing is that it gives you some more precise controls in many ways. This largely relates to the ‘targeting’ that Bing offers.


For example, Bing allows you to target your ads only to people on tablets and smartphones. This can be very useful if you combine it with location targeting as it allows you to target people literally out in the street looking for place to stay, eat or shop.


At the same time, Bing also allows you to target your users based on things like their gender and age. It can do this because it will look at the Microsoft profile associated with the account. 


Bing Offers More Control (In Some Areas)


In some ways, Bing also lets you control certain aspects of your ads better.


For example, if you use Bing, then you’ll be able to target based on the time of day. You can control what time of day your ads show and this can then help you to ensure that you’re not showing your ads at 3 am in a specific location. 


Bing Has Nice Big Images


Okay, so this isn’t exactly a game-changer… But Bing’s homepage is nice. Go to search Bing and you’ll be greeted by a huge and very attractive ‘photo of the day’. Someday, that beautiful big image could end up being the one thing Google doesn’t have…


It’s unlikely but it could happen!


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