Saturday 25 June 2022

The 7 Keys for Improving Relationships


Human life is full of moments with people. These are people we build relationships with. And relationships aren’t just confined to people who are actually related to us—we can have a relationship with anyone we interact with. And it is because of this ubiquitous nature of human relationships that we constantly strive to improve them. In fact, when we are improving our relationships with people, we are actually improving ourselves. If we are looking for personal development, this is one of the most concrete ways to go about it.


Whatever the type of relationship may be, however simple or however complex, its enhancement basically boils down to the following simple keys.




For your relationship to blossom, commitment is an important prerequisite. You have to commit to the other person in terms of your thoughts, your words, your expressions and you have to show it to them by investing time in them and putting in the right efforts to grow your relationship.




You shouldn’t bind the people you are in a relationship with. Just as you want your freedom, the other person wants their freedom too. Respect that and you will find the relationship going forward.




You need to respect the other person’s feelings and emotions, likes and dislikes, wants and desires and so on. Respect them for what they are, for what they stand for and do not expect them to change for you.




Being in a relationship means supporting each other. You have to help them in their aspirations and in their joys and sorrows. This will only get back to you—if you support the person you have a relationship with, they are going to support you too.




No one is higher than the other when they have a relationship. At least, you shouldn’t harbor such feelings in your mind. If you are connected with a person for some reason, then you need to think of them as equal to you. You need them just as much as they need you.


Resolving Conflicts


It is not that everything will be hunky-dory always in your relationship. There will be conflicts. You will argue; you will have alterations. But, when you are fostering a relationship with someone, it is essential that you resolve all these conflicts with them in a constructive manner, without demeaning each other and through fruitful discussion.




If you want the people you are in a relationship with to trust you, then you need to trust them first. Trust is the foundation on which a relationship is built.


Top 5 Relationship Killers that You Must Avoid


Relationships are made and broken all around us. At such times, we become apprehensive about our own relationships. We try to protect what we cherish the most. We try to look at ways and means how we can keep our relationship flame burning. However, at the same time, we don’t realize that there are things we may do that can destroy a beautiful relationship. Actually speaking, it is these things—which are mostly behavioral traits—that we need to avoid.




It is good to be a little possessive about your partner, but if you are too possessive, then it can only backfire. You shouldn’t, for example, hog all of their free time. You shouldn’t be jealous of the other people they move around with. Give them their life to live; if you are confident about them, you will always remain the most important person in their life.




Too often, in a relationship, we tend to make people act in the way we want them to act. We tell them to avoid doing certain things they like and do certain things they detest. This is restrictive behavior. If you put yourself in their place, you will find that this kind of behavior can be stifling. A time may come when your partner eventually snaps and walks out.


Asking for Change


You need to realize that your partner is a different person. They have been brought up in a different way from you and they have a personality that is different from yours. You shouldn’t want them to become like you; it is best if they remain the person they were when you first decided to have a relationship with them. Even if your partner is willing to change, it will be unacceptable to them as well as you.




When you are in a relationship, you have certain obligations. You need to do a few special things keeping your partner in mind. It is not just about remembering their birthday and showering them with gifts, but you also have to give them a good ear when they want it, a shoulder to cry on when they are looking for one and a motivational word when they need it. You cannot let your relationship grow all by itself; it won’t.




Even within the staunchest of relationships, there is always an element of skepticism. You shouldn’t do anything to aggravate that feeling. For example, it is best not to be too friendly to other people if your partner is feeling threatened by them. Casual banter is all right, but you need to draw the line with your other people when you are in a relationship with someone.

What Motivates the Teenager?

Are you a teenager at the threshold of adulthood, wondering how you can make the most of your life? This is a phase that most teenagers have to go through. The life of pleasure and security abruptly comes to an end when you are nearing your 20s and then you have to sit up and take notice. In a short time, you have to prepare a plan for how you will be spending the rest of your life. And that includes planning your further education, which is one of the most important things that teenagers have to plan.


But, the biggest motivation for any teenager comes from what they really want to do in life. This should inspire you. When you are confused about what direction you should lead your life in, just slow down and think for a few moments. What is your passion in life? What is the one thing that really drives you, propels you to achieve things in life? Making a proper reconnaissance of this will help you plan your future life.


Maybe it is your passion in life to save people’s lives. Medical science fascinates you more than anything else. If that is your driving force in life, then you should plan a profession around it. You should not let anything come in your way and force you to do things that you don’t want to do. Do not think about the scope of a particular profession. If you feel highly motivated to do it, then go ahead with it by all means. Do not think about the income you may stand to get; if the activity is something you would really like to do, nothing should sway you from your path.


Remember that if you do what you really like to do, then you will enjoy your life itself. You have to think about whether your childhood dreams will get fulfilled or not. Whatever you do should be in the direction of that fulfillment—your education, your search for a job, your overall plan of life itself.


You are young right now. You may feel you have gained a lot of experience and knowledge, but you should know that that is not the truth. You still have to learn a lot. This is the time to grow, personally and professionally. But, the one thing that can motivate you at this time is that you should be able to fulfill your ultimate passion in life.

What Can You Do to Motivate Your Employees?

When you are at the helm of affairs in your workplace, a lot of responsibility lies squarely on your shoulders. You have to be able to motivate your employees, that’s the most important thing that’s expected of you… something that you have to do if you want your organization to progress. 


However, there are many leaders who find this to be a very daunting task. Employee motivation is actually never an easy job because there are so many different people involved with so many different mentalities and expectations. But, do not let that stop you. There are always common things that you can implement in order to try and motivate your employees.


Here we speak of some things that you can do.


Keep Your Requirements Clear


When you are assigning some tasks to your team, you have to ensure that you keep your requirements completely clear. It is only when you are able to speak with a clear objective in mind, and when your people understand what you are saying that they can perform as you want them to.


Give Them Clear Objectives


Why should people work for you? Loyalty and work ethic aside, it is important that these people are given the right incentives. Everyone performs their job in accordance with the salary they are given. But, if someone is doing more than what their job profile tells them to do… which is your expectation of them anyway… then you have to give them the right incentives as well. And you have to make these incentives quite clear. You should tell people what they will get at the end of the day.


Express Yourself


Employees are always looking forward to receiving feedback. If they do something good, they need a word of appreciation. Do not take this for granted. Appreciation is a very important bonus. For many people, it means more than money. Money is spent and forgotten but the appreciation always lingers. At every opportunity you get, ensure that you give them the right feedback and praise them for the things they have done well.


These are three ways in which you can go about employee motivation in the right way. When you motivate your employees, you will find that they work in better spirits and that definitely works better for your organization itself. If you are looking for things like employee faithfulness and trust in the organization, then you simply cannot avoid these three important employee motivation guidelines. 

Tips to Overcome Fatigue at the Workplace

Do you feel tired a lot when you are working? Does it become a very painful task for you to come back home from your office, and do you really want to just lie down and do nothing when you are back? If all these things are happening with you, then you are suffering from a very common problem that most of the people face today—work fatigue.


Tiredness at work is not a new thing. It has always existed but it is only today that it has become chronic. In its chronic form, you get tired at the mere mention of work, even if that is done on a Sunday. Now, your workplace fatigue is not restricted to only the times when you attend work; you are tired at all times as well.


So, how do you deal with such chronic workplace fatigue? Here are some ways that you can use.


1. Is your employment bogging you down? Perhaps you need to change the place of work, or maybe your line of career itself. What’s the point in working at a place that tires you out completely? More than anything, you have to look after your health. If this work is not appropriate for you, then you must simply look for something else… That is the wisest thing to do.


2. Maybe you have to look at something that you enjoy doing. When you are in a profession that you really enjoy, you won’t feel as though it is work at all. You will be pursuing it like a hobby or something and you will really enjoy what you do. When that happens, you will find all the stress and tiredness dissipating completely.


3. Some people feel stressed out at their workplace simply because they take up a lot of work that they cannot realistically handle. Is this happening with you too? Are you saying yes to everything? If that is true, then you must cease and desist. Already, the work you have taken is taking a toll on yourself. You do not want it to jeopardize your life further. Learn how to say no to people.


4. Start each day with great confidence. Tell yourself that you will shine at your workplace today. Tell yourself that you will be able to easily accomplish all the tasks that will be set out in front of you. When you do that, you psych yourself into feeling more confident and energetic, and that helps you work that tiredness of work away.

Sunday 12 June 2022

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