Thursday 19 May 2022

Why Do Most Americans Fear Self-Discipline?

America is one of the most successful civilizations in history. That is not an understatement. Whether we're talking about material well-being, life expectancy and the general ability of any kind of government or society to provide for its people, America is at the top.


It is no slacker when it comes to cultural contributions as well as economic innovations. We're not even talking about technology here. That's how dynamic America has historically been.


But despite this rosy, shallow surface appearance, there are certain troubling trends that may undercut and, eventually, undermine and sabotage America's success. I am, of course, talking about the self-discipline crisis.


You have to remember that for the longest time, the biggest contributing factor to anybody's success in the United States is one’s ability to work hard. I'm not just talking about digging a ditch or doing any kind of manual labor. I'm talking about something bigger than that.


Believe it or not, even if you're working at an office and you haven't lifted a shovel in your life, you can still work hard. You work hard with your mind. In fact, if you think about it, this is harder than physical work. 


With physical work, there's no thinking involved. You just basically press a button, you dig a ditch, you work the levers of the machine that's assigned to you and you're good to go. You just repeat that several times over the course of 8 hours.


Well, if your job involves any kind of decision making, analysis or cross referencing, it can be hard because you have to make difficult decisions. These decisions are not inconsequential. They can translate to profit or loss.


I don't know about you, but I have yet to discover a private company that doesn't exist for profit. The only exceptions to this that I'm aware of are the government and non-profit organizations. But other than that, market-based companies, particularly private ones, need to make a profit.


This is why people are under a lot of stress and it has always been the American ethic to work hard. Whether you work with your muscles or with your brain, you have to work hard. Fair enough. 


But the problem is the way society has evolved to this point is that it undermines this core pillar of hard work. I'm talking about the self-discipline problem. 


If you live in a society where pizza is expected to be delivered in 15 minutes or it's free, you're going to have a problem. If you live in a society where after you click on some stuff on Amazon, you expect it to appear on your porch steps over night or, at the very latest, 2 days from now, you're going to have a problem with self-discipline.


Make no mistake. The greatest idol in America today is the idol of convenience. Everything is all about getting stuff right here, right now. We've completely forgotten about the virtue of delayed gratification. 


Make no mistake. Delayed gratification or the ability to work hard at something that seems like a chore and such a hassle today and then the next day and the day after that in the hopes of getting a big reward in the future is what built America.


This is the mindset of people. They have a long-term view. They're willing to make the necessary sacrifices now so as to enjoy a much better tomorrow.


Well, unfortunately, the culture has changed dramatically because we have placed such a heavy emphasis on convenience. It is no surprise that most Americans fear, if not outright hate, self-discipline. “Why can't I have my cake now? Why can't I eat the candy now? Why do I have to wait?”


Well, here's the problem. Anything that's worthwhile in life requires discipline, sacrifice and long-term focus. There is a serious disconnect between the cultural values of our society today and the values that we need to preserve the best things about our society.


Be part of the new wave of Americans who are developing sustainable self-discipline. Unfortunately, given the way our society is going, common sense is not all that common.


This Is The Main Reason Most Diets Fail

Make no mistake. Most diets currently on the market work. If they didn't work, those diet books on the shelves would've been pulled a long time ago. There would've been so many law suits, it would make your head spin.


These law suits would have one thing in common. They would all share their common refrain and that all these diet books and weight loss programs and systems are frauds. That's right. They're scams because deep down inside, their authors have crafted together seemingly plausible or believable diets that essentially do not work.


Of course, that's not happening. There are no law suits. Why? Most diets work! That's not the problem! If you go on those diets, you're not going to have a problem. You will lose weight. Maybe you'll lose 10 pounds after 10 days. Maybe you'll lose 20 pounds after a month.


That's not the issue. You can pretty much guarantee that if you follow those diets to the letter, you will lose weight. That's right. You will get what you came for. Here's the problem.


The problem comes after you stop the diet. Most of them are unsustainable. You think you lost 20 pounds and you feel good about yourself. You may be feeling really confident. There may be a little bit of extra spring in your step.


Well, I hate to break it to you, but eventually, all that weight will come back. Wait, it gets even worse. Not only do the pounds come back, but they will bring on extra pounds. That's right! After your diet, you’re probably going to weigh worse than when you began.


Isn't that adding insult to injury? Isn't that sad? Isn't that pathetic? Isn't that tragic? Well, this is the reason why the global weigh loss industry is a multi-billion-dollar juggernaut that refuses to slow down.


In fact, it continues to grow by billions and billions of dollars year after year. Guess what? You are part of that. Every time you buy a diet supplement or you sign up for a diet book or some sort of weight loss program, you are making sure that this global beast continues to grow, grow and grow.


The reason why most diets fail is actually quite obvious. It's one thing to tell you what to eat and what not to eat. It's very easy to instruct people as to the reason why they need to move around more so they can take their metabolism to the next level. It's very easy to coach people as to how to fix their metabolism so they burn a lot more calories.


But at the end of the day, if you do not have self-discipline, regardless of how well-crafted your weight loss program or system is, it will fail. It's only a matter of time. In fact, for some people, it happens sooner rather than later.


If you have been on one diet after another and you can't seem to make any kind of headway, do not invest on yet another diet book. Put your money aside. Hide your money. Stop thinking about the next magical food supplement that somehow, someway, makes all that fat magically burn off. Stop thinking that way.


Instead, focus on discipline. I know it's not sexy. In fact, a lot of people start developing cold sweats the moment they hear the word “discipline”. But you have to develop self-discipline. Otherwise, all the diets in the world are not going to help you.


All those pounds that you lost in the beginning will come back. Do yourself a big favor. Click here so you can get access to a plain, English guide to practical everyday self-discipline. It is not a mystery. In fact, it is common sense.


What's important is you focus on these steps so you can be well on your way to becoming a more disciplined person.


Fact: Either You Discipline Yourself Or Somebody Else Will


There are a lot of people in this world who think that authority is a problem. They really have a tough time with anybody or anything trying to exercise authority over them. These are rebellious people. You've seen all sorts of kids in public places telling their moms or dads off.


They just have a tough time with authority. Fair enough. You have an issue with people telling you what to do. You think you probably have a better idea of what you can do with your life. Again, fair enough.


But here's the problem. If you think that way, you have to accept responsibility for yourself. In other words, you have to have a better game plan or road map for your life than the people that you're turning your back on. You don't like the authority exercised over you by your father. You don't like the tone of the voice of your teacher. Again, fair enough.


But you better have a road map that will take you to where you want to go. Otherwise, you are just fooling yourself. The truth is if you refuse to be disciplined, somebody, eventually, will do it for you. And let me tell you, it's not going to have the graciousness, compassion and kindness of your parents. 


When your parents try to discipline you, please understand that they're disciplining you because they love you. They know all the bad things that can happen to you if you are not disciplined. They know that you can gain a lot of weight and essentially, your health will deteriorate at a certain point in the future.


They also know that without self-discipline, you might run afoul of the law. In fact, they know that without effective self-discipline, you probably won't be able to find a job, much less keep one. That's how important self-discipline is. 


Make no mistake about it. This is the cement that holds your life together. You might not like it, you might reject this fact, but all the rejection and discomfort in the world is not going to make this fact go away. It is the truth.


Self-discipline is required. It's required today the same way it was required yesterday and will be required long into the future. Until and unless you are able to wrap your mind around these central facts, you are going to position your life to a bad ending. No joke.


Again, you have to either discipline yourself or somebody else will do it for you. Just how bad can things get? Well, you can go to jail. And let me tell you, when you get into prison, you better tow the line, follow the rules or you will get infraction after infraction after infraction.


Now you may be thinking that these infractions are just points in some ledgers somewhere that doesn't really have any effect. Well, think again. The more infractions you have, the longer the chance that you will stay in jail.


You may be in there for a fairly minor crime punishable by your imprisonment. But given how you refuse to be disciplined and how you refuse to follow the rules, you might stay in prison for a much longer time.


Worse yet, if you're so undisciplined that you end up harming another inmate or you get into some sort of altercation so inmates harm you or whatever other situations may happen, your prison sentence can get longer and longer.


That's how discipline works. Either you have to discipline yourself or something or somebody else will. Believe me. Nobody can discipline you with as much kindness, love and understanding as the discipline you give yourself. 


This is why it's really important to practice discipline every single day. Sure, you don't like the way things are. Sure, there's always a short cut. Sure, you are uncomfortable with the things that you have to day in day out. 


In fact, in many cases, you feel like your life is some sort of routine that is just a punishment or it's as if you are going through an ordeal. You don't really think that you're doing the things that you want to do. Well, here's the problem. We're no longer kids.


Once you get past the age of 18, you're an adult and you're going to have to live with the consequences of your choices. Unfortunately, if you choose to be undisciplined, the consequences can be very harsh indeed. Regardless of how busy you are, you can choose to practice self-discipline right here, right now.

Your Relationships May Suck Because You Lack This Powerful Personal Trait

Do you have a tough time in your relationships? Does it seem like regardless of how awesome things start out, they eventually end up in the same place?


Now, please understand that I'm not talking about your romantic relationship breaking up. It's not that bad. Your relationship is still intact. But it's not as full or as rich as you would've hoped. You have to understand that real relationships are mutually rewarding.


In other words, they challenge you to become a better person. You're not really looking to benefit the other person, per se. You're looking to become a better person because of the relationship. It helps you mature. It helps you commit. It helps you dedicate your life, your emotions and your resources to something bigger and better than you.


A lot of people don't understand this about relationships. But the ultimate truth about this type of interpersonal arrangement is the fact that you have to lie to yourself for the relationship to flourish. In other words, the relationship is not about you. 


It's not about what you want. It's not about what you need. It's not about what makes you happy. It's not about the things that put a smile of your face. It's not about you. Instead, it's about your ability to commit to something bigger than you over a long period of time.


This commitment is easy to understand when things are going well. When you love your partner and she loves you back, it's very easy to see why people stay in the relationship. It is mutually rewarding. 


But what if the love doesn't come back? What if, try as hard as you might, there's no mutuality there? Does that mean that the relationship has to go 6 feet under? Does that mean that you have to head for the door and call it quits?


Well, this is the choice you have. And unfortunately, if you don't have the powerful personal trait of self-discipline, it's very easy for your relationships to die at some level or other. As I've said early on in this blog post, even if your relationship is still intact, it may still suck. 


Why? It's not very fulfilling. In fact, if you're completely honest about it, the relationship has, for lack of a better word, died a long time ago. You're just going through the motions.


Maybe you're afraid of having to go through the long process of meeting somebody new. Maybe you don't like rejection. Maybe there's just so many things out there that you're afraid of because you don't know what could go wrong so you stay in the relationship.


But for all intents and purposes, it's dead. Your relationship sucks. Why? You lack self-discipline. If you want your relationship to flourish, be self-disciplined. It's that simple! 


This means you have to pay attention to the needs of the other person. This means that you have to put the relationship ahead of your needs. This means that you have to give everything that you have, regardless of how you feel, regardless of what other people are saying, so the relationship can flourish.


It's all about sacrifice. In other words, it's all about becoming an emotional adult. The problem is the more you think you're entitled to the relationship serving you or giving you something that you don't have, that's going to be a problem.


The longer you think that the other person has to somehow, someway, complete you instead of you maturing and stepping up, that's going to be a problem. The solution to this is self-discipline.


It takes self-discipline to put somebody else's needs first. It takes self-discipline to continue being patient with somebody as they get their emotional and mental act together. Make no mistake about it. In any relationship, there's either an adult, a child or 2 children or 2 adults. You know what the right answer is.


You have to both be adults and this requires discipline. If you need more self-discipline in your life, the other articles in this blog will show you how.

This Is The Secret Ingredient Of Truly Rewarding Relationships

What is a rewarding relationship? If you're reading this, you probably already know what a relationship is. It's an arrangement between 2 people. Maybe they share a certain level of intimacy. Maybe they share certain resources. Maybe they even live together.


But at the end of the day, our relationships apply across the board. You're in a relationship with your boss whether you like it or not. You're in a relationship with your friends. That much is obvious. Obviously, you're in a relationship with your relatives.


But the problem is just because you're in a relationship doesn't necessarily mean that they are mutually rewarding. In fact, most relationships involve parasitical arrangements. I know that's harsh. I know that at some level or other, it's politically incorrect. But it's also true.


Have you ever had a friend who would call you only when she's depressed? She would call you because she has all these problems and she's basically just going on and on about how everybody's unfair and how this person broke her heart and now she's crying and suffering deep down inside.


So, you try to be as supportive as you can and you just listen or you give advice. But at the end of the conversation, she feels so much better but at the same time, you feel heavy. It's as if you got hollowed out by this person's complaint and general negativity.


Well, that is forgivable if it happens every once in a blue moon. But if it happens all the time, that is a parasitical relationship. Guess what? You're not the parasite. Your friend is. She is benefiting from you. You, on the other hand, are getting emotionally hollowed out. You feel really heavy and at the end of the day, you feel numb.


It's as if all your emotional energy just got sucked out. This also applies to romantic relationships. Please understand that there are a lot of broken people out there. Unfortunately, a lot of them don't know they're broken.


So, they unload all their insecurities and hang ups on the people who love them. And since you love this person, the relationship becomes some sort of emotional black hole. Every time this person opens her mouth, it's as if all the problems in the world is placed right square on your shoulder and guess what? It's not exactly light.


So, what happens? You start looking at your relationship in terms of compartments. You like the sex. You like the intimacy. But you could do without the drama. So, what do you do? You keep her emotionally at arm’s length. You're not really there. You're not present.


When she opens her mouth to share her deepest feelings and her most agonizing insecurities, you check out. Now, this is the problem, it doesn't mature you as a person nor does it help her. And unfortunately, your relationship is stuck in neutral.


This doesn't necessarily mean it's going to break down. This doesn't necessarily mean that there's a high chance that somebody's going to head out for the door. Instead, I'm talking about something worse.


You can stay in a relationship. But essentially, it is not very rewarding. You can stay in that for 30 years. You can stay in it until you die. And the worst part to all of this is that you cheated yourself because that relationship could've been mutually enriching.


It could've been a gateway for both of you maturing as adults and going past your comfort zones so you can live up to your fullest emotional and mental potential. But unfortunately, because you lack self-discipline, you just look at your relationship as this necessary evil that you just have to endure because there's something in it for you.


Maybe it's the sex. Maybe it's the intimacy. Maybe it's her money. Whatever the case may be, it is an unhealthy arrangement. If you're sick and tired of unhealthy arrangements and relationships that are not all that healthy for you on an emotional, mental or spiritual level, click here.


You will get a practical everyday guide on how to become a more self-disciplined person. It doesn't matter how busy you are. It doesn't matter what kind of past drama you have suffered. It doesn't matter what kind of crappy relationship you're in.


This framework will help you get the self-discipline you need so you can be that kind, loving, compassionate and effective partner that you are capable of becoming.

This Is The Secret Ingredient of Truly Rewarding Careers

Do you consider yourself having a job instead of a career? You might not be aware of it, but you may be a Marxist. Did you know that Marx said that when people get up every day to go to work, they shouldn't get up and put on their pants or whatever else they're putting on to go to some sort of daily humiliation?


The work must uplift their humanity. Work must complete them. Work must not debase them, split up their emotions or otherwise dehumanize them. It's very easy to see why Marxism has its strange appeal.


Who wouldn't want to uplift people? Who wouldn't want people to be complete? Who wouldn't want people to live up to their fullest potential? Who wouldn't want a better world? But here's the problem. The solution is not about some sort of revolution to bring about a classless society. 


The problem is not class itself. The problem is something closer to home. The problem, if you are honest about it, is actually very personal. It is this personal trait that most people don't want to think about.


They equate it with some sort of discomfort. They think that it worked well for their grandparents, but it probably won't work for them now. They think that modern society has gone so far and is so advanced and different from the past that it's really pointless to look at past values and use them in the here and now.


The personal trait that I'm talking about is self-discipline. Now, don't get me wrong. People still use the word “self-discipline”. There is no shortage of people talking a good game when it comes to self-discipline and self-control. Those people are all over.


But the problem is people can say certain things but you only need to look at how they live their lives and, most importantly, you need to pay attention to what's going on in the economy to see that there's a big disconnect.


People like the concept of self-discipline. They definitely want other people to be self-disciplined. But when it comes to them or their family or their loved ones, it's another matter entirely. 


The truth is self-discipline is something that we think would be nice if we had. But at the end of the day, we'd rather get convenience. We'd rather have instant careers that are instantly rewarding and complete us.


Unfortunately, that doesn't happen without our own effort. It's impossible without our input. Sadly, too many people have developed a passive mindset. They think that great careers just happen to them. They just need to fill out a form, get a right job and automatically, they will have a truly rewarding career. 


But what they have is that Marxist description that I gave in the beginning of this article. They think that life is a daily humiliation. They think that the job that they go to is a complete and total waste of their time.


Here's the secret. If you want a truly rewarding career, you cannot wait for your boss to give it to you. That's just not going to happen. You can't wait for somebody else to hand you the career that you should be building yourself.


In other words, truly rewarding careers are only possible because of hard works, sacrifice and long-term commitment. I know none of these are popular. I know none of these are convenient. I know none of these are easy. But they are all absolutely necessary.