Tuesday 10 May 2022

Top Five Challenges of Creating a Success Mindset

‘Create a success mindset’ they say!


‘Just go after the things you want in life’ they say!


‘Take risks’ they say!


It’s a shame it’s not always that easy right? The road to a success mindset is one wrought with obstacles and many of these are things that nobody likes to talk about. It doesn’t fit the narrative. It’s time we addressed them!


Here are the top five challenges of creating a success mindset:


You Don’t Know What You Want


This is a surprisingly common issue and one that rarely gets brought up. How can you go after what makes you happy if you don’t really know what that is? How can you find a goal and stick to it when you fear commitment? 


Having Weird Aims


Or what if you know what you want in life but your aims are just too weird or unattainable? What if you don’t want to start a business, travel or start a family. What if you want to be an acrobat? And you’re 60?


What if everyone will laugh at you?


Being Conflicted


Or how about being torn between travelling and settling down with the person you love? What if your heart is genuinely pulling you in two different directions? What if going after your dream, means saying goodbye to people you love, or turning your back on the things that made you who you are?


Being Honest With Yourself


We are prideful creatures and our very psychology is wired in such a way as to protect our fragile egos. We don’t want to admit to our failures and we don’t want to feel like we’re going backward.


And so, when we realize that we’re unhappy with what we have in life, it can be very hard for us to be honest and admit that - to ourselves or to others!


Responsibility to Others


It’s easy to say that you should take a leap and apologise later but what if people are really relying on you to be mature and stable? What if your goal is to go travelling but your wife just got pregnant?


Yes, there are ways around this too - you can explain how important this is to you and convince her to come with you. But it won’t always work. And at the end of the day, you’re always going to be giving your child a less stable home.


There are answers to all these problems of course - but just know that the path isn’t as simple as some would have you believe!

Top Five Tips for Achieving a Successful Mindset

Want to start changing your life? Then you need to change yourself. You are in the position you’re in right now because you chose to be there. You might not realize that you chose it but even through your inaction, you in fact did. The job you have right now, your financial circumstances and nearly every other aspect of your life is a matter of choice - and if you wanted to, you could go out there and change everything today. You just need to take action!


But if you really want to make a change and you want to start by changing your mindset, how do you know where to start? What is it you need to change in order to achieve a successful mindset? Here are five top tips that will help make that transformation much easier.


Find Your Own Path


Most of us have a clear idea of what success means but this is an idea that we have inherited from our schools and our parents. This is not really our version of success and as such, it’s not going to be what we’re passionate about and it won’t give us that fire and drive to wake up early in the morning to work on our projects.


In order to be truly successful, you need to find your own path and that is going to mean forgetting what others think and finding what makes you happy.


Take Risks


Learning to take risks is a difficult step but if you’re going to achieve the things you really want in life, you need to take the leap sometimes. Learn to take measured, calculated risks. 


Be Prepared to Fail


Taking risks means being prepared to fail. In this instance, you need to learn how to manage failure and take it on the chin. Pick up the pieces and go again for round two!


Find the ‘Essence’ of What Drives You


Sometimes success doesn’t come in the form we expect. Sometimes we don’t know what we need to be happy. That’s why it can be useful to break down our dreams to their essence. What is it about that idea that appeals to you and what’s the easiest way to get there?


Invest in Yourself


Knowing how important that passion is to you, you now need to invest in yourself and be willing to spend both time and money on everything from your appearance to your skill set. There is no better investment that investing in you!


Use Past Mistakes to Make a New Success Mindset

Every single decision matters. Every choice you have made in your life has led you to the point you’re at now.


And when I say that, you are probably thinking of all those big choices you made. The choice to go into a certain career for instance, the choice to move to a certain part of town and the choice to marry a certain person. Change any of those pivotal moments and everything would be different.


But what about those smaller choices? And what about the choices you make all the time, simply through inaction. When you choose not to look for other work, when you choose not to challenge the system.


And when you choose to ignore the nagging voice inside that is telling you: there’s more to life than this.


It’s scary stuff because it means that no moment in your life is inconsequential. But it’s also incredibly liberating - right now, you have a million choices open to you and you can take any of them. But how to know what to do?


Make a Map of Failure


If there’s anything you’re unhappy with in your life, then chances are that you got there by making certain choices and decisions. These are your failures and you are now bearing those scars in your daily life.


Many of us will accept our lot in life and accept these mistakes and thus continue to live a life less satisfying.


But what if we change this approach? What if instead, we take those things we’re unhappy with and we vow to learn from them - to not make those mistakes again.


Did you get to the point of being unhappy in your work by not speaking up and going after a raise? By not looking for work elsewhere? By not taking the chance to go after your dream?


Are you unhappy with your financial situation because you chose not to budget? Or because you chose to take out a loan for something you didn’t need - something that didn’t help you on your path to success?


Don’t feel bad about these mistakes - just recognize them for what they are. And knowing that, use the opportunity to head out there and really make a difference - to embrace the life that you want.


Next time the opportunity comes up - take it. And don’t fail to speak up: start telling people what you want. Want to fix your finances? Come up with a budget and stick to it.


It’s not too late, if you are able to learn from those mistakes!


Use Your Daily Goals to Help Develop a Success Mindset

What is your goal in life? 


For some it is to get into shape. For some it is to get rich. For others, it is to see the world.


Now what is your daily goal?


This is a very different concept but actually the daily goal is far more important than the overarching goal - at least if you really want to achieve the things that you’re dreaming of. And why is that?


Goals Are Often Too Vague


The big issue is that for many of us, our goals are much too broad and much too vague. Even if you have a ‘specific target’ like losing 5 stone in a year, this is still much too broad and vague.


Losing that amount of weight is not entirely within your control. There’s lots you can do to increase or decrease your chances of success and of course you’re mostly responsible, but there are other factors at play here too like your health and like your metabolism.


What’s more, is that having a goal that is that far away can actually make it all too easy to cheat. You know you have a year to lose the weight, so what does it matter if you eat a bit of cake today?


And it makes it easy to get disheartened too - when you get 6 months in and realize that you’re actually heavier than you were before.


Daily Goals Fix All That


But daily goals fix all that. Start with a vision - a very abstract vision of what you want - and then break that down into the smallest possible steps that you can execute every day or every week.


In the case of losing weight, your goal might be to eat no more than 1,800 calories a day, or to go for at least a 10-minute run every day. That’s a small goal but it’s perfect for sticking to because it is completely within your control.


If you don’t manage to run just that little bit, then you only have yourself to blame. There are no excuses to be made - it’s pass or fail. But at least tomorrow you can try again.


And guess what? If you keep accomplishing those smaller daily goals, they eventually add up. Eventually, you manage that big goal.


And the same goes for every other type of objective too. The best way to earn money is to build a business a little every day. And the best way to write a novel, is to write a page every night!


What is a Success Mindset and How Can You Have One?

If you’re interested in achieving more with your life, then you might have read a few self-help books. And if you’ve done that, then there’s a good chance you will have come across the phrase ‘success mindset’. But what exactly does this mean? And is it really possible to start achieving more in your life, simply by changing your mindset? Let’s take a closer look.


What Does a Success Mindset Entail?


The success mindset, as the name suggests, is the type of mindset and set of beliefs that will set you on track to accomplish more. This is the set of beliefs, the attitude and the conviction that is required to really go out there and get what you want in life.


And yes, it really is the mindset that is the most important factor here.


Think about those people in your life and in the media who are highly successful and effective. What is different about them compared with everyone else? There are possibly a few factors but the most important things are:

  • They know exactly what they want out of life, exactly where their passions are and exactly who they are
  • They have the unstoppable energy and determination to go out there and make it happen

Let’s take a look at Dwayne ‘The Rock’ Johnson for example. This is a guy who has accomplished incredible things in multiple fields and what is it that helped him get there? The fact that he is willing to put in absolutely insane amounts of work. If you follow him on Instagram, you’ll constantly be greeted by pictures of him training in the gym at 4am before full days of shooting. Where does he get that energy? He gets it from his passion.


Can you ever imagine a sullen Rock? And can you imagine that a sullen version of his persona would have gotten to where he is today?


How to Get There


So that is what it means to have a ‘success mindset’ and hopefully, it has also given you a big clue as to what you need to do to get there. In order to have a successful mindset, you need to find your passion and know yourself. When you can do that, then suddenly everything is going to fall seamlessly into place. You’ll find you have plenty of energy when you truly love whatever it is you do!

Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythema (Excessive Facial Blushing) - What Is It?

Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythema can be characterized as uncontrollable, unprovoked and severe facial blushing. This blushing occurs mainly when one comes into contact with other people, especially when one talks with others. One may notice some kind of redness on sufferer’s face when he interacts in the society. This redness shows his anxiety as well as embarrassment. The sufferers of this problem often avoid being social and building relationships. 


Symptoms of Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythema


•           Extreme blushing that too without any evident reason.

•           Heat sensation on the face.

•           Humiliation and shame.

•           Minimum eye contact.

•           Minimum social activities such as meeting people, friends and relatives.

•           Sweating on feet, palms and under arms.


Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythema is quite severe and requires time for treatment. Sometimes a person may blush even in a simple group conversation without any reason which is not a good sign. This makes that person feel very uncomfortable in social as well as professional interactions that leads to social phobia. Sufferer of Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythema hesitates to get social as he thinks that someone may notice his anxiety and embarrassment. As the time passes, the sufferer starts losing his confidence thus he may suffer failure in both personal and professional life. Thus, immediate treatment is always advised to treat Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythema. 




Nowadays as science has reached the level of excellence, there are hundreds of treatments that are available for Idiopathic Craniofacial Erythema. The most popular and successful treatment is CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) that helps sufferer to pull off the extra anxiety and embarrassment. In some cases when extra treatment is required ETS (Endoscopic Transthoractic Sympathicotomy) is very helpful. This treatment is advised only if the sufferer is going through extreme case and the treatments that were previously opted proved to be ineffective. 


Social Anxiety and Facial Blushing - Are The Two Related?

Social anxiety and facial blushing are deeply correlated to each other. It is not necessary that people who blush are prone to social anxiety and people who are prone to social anxiety always blush. According to some studies and professionals’ social anxiety may be one cause behind facial blushing. The symptoms are feeling embarrassed and anxious in the society, losing confidence while talking to friends, inferiority complex, being unsuccessful, excessive sweating, avoiding eye contact in a group and feeling of humiliation. All these factors reduce one’s self esteem and it ultimately lowers his morale.


Facial blushing and social anxiety are related in a number of ways. It is the fear of blushing that stops one from getting involved with people due to the feeling of embarrassment. As the time passes, one starts blushing even more and this makes the person even more nervous and he gradually loses confidence in himself. Social anxiety and facial blushing causes feeling of discomfort, worthlessness and insecurity in the minds of people suffering from it. Sometimes these disorders may also lead to frustration and then to depression thus the only way to get rid of it is proper treatment.


To get rid of the problem of facial blushing and social anxiety one needs to undergo certain treatments. Sufferers must try to think positive and they should never under-estimate themselves. They must interact with as much people as possible to gain confidence and ultimately, they will find that their excessive facial blushing has stopped. Some medical treatments include social anxiety disorder treatment, Antiperspirants, CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy), medication, Botox injections and related surgeries. The type of treatment as prescribed by the doctor depends upon the severity of the problem.


One must have clear understanding of both the terms social anxiety and facial blushing to go for a right treatment.