Tuesday 10 May 2022

Why Do Some People Blush Too Much?

Blushing means displaying of redness over one’s face and this redness is a result of some strong emotions like embarrassment, anxiety or love. Excessive blushing may be termed as a medical condition that is called as Idiopathic craniofacial Erythema. 


There are some people who blush too much and this can be medically explained. Medically too much blushing is caused due to following reasons:


Embarrassment - Some people feel really embarrassed interacting socially due to many reasons such as lack of confidence, lack of forgiveness and lack of integrity. 


Social anxiety - Some people get over excited while communicating with their friends, family or relatives. This may also cause too much blushing as blood circulates very fast in the vessels when anyone feels excited. 


Frustration - This is caused due to tension and stress leading to high blood pressure thus causes blushing. 


Happiness - Sometimes uncontrolled laughter may cause people to blush because while laughing people loses their self-control. This consumes more energy and physical movements resulting in blush. 


Spicy food - Some people are habitual of eating spicy food and their face shows this through blushing. They blush more than those people eat less spicy food. 


Too much blushing sometimes may be an indication of physical and psychological disorders. Nowadays blushing is common among people due to some or the other reasons especially certain social situations. 


As there are many causes behind one’s blushing face, some people blush more whereas some blush less. There are many treatments available to treat excessive blushing disorders such as surgeries, drug treatment, psychological treatment to minimize social anxiety and cognitive behavioral therapy. One must make sure that, a well-qualified and experienced doctor must be considered otherwise minor problem may grow to a major one with serious complications. Determine the exact cause behind it to treat it well. 

For All Blushing - Why Is It Important To See A Doctor?

Seeing a doctor for any kind of health problem is very important because they are professionals in their field. There are medical reasons for every problem and treatments accordingly that a simple person cannot understand. Seeing a doctor means taking preventive measures before the problem grows to a serious one. If one thinks that blushing is limiting his daily activities then immediately consult a doctor before it becomes a serious issue. Facial blushing means occurrence of redness over the face due to several reasons. Such reasons may include social anxiety, embarrassment, humiliation, nervousness and happiness. 


Sometimes people do not care about facial blushing at initial stages and do not see the doctor. This may lead to excessive blushing in the later stages thus causing irritation, excessive sweating and awkward feeling. Certainly no one will like to experience such kind of situation in their life. If one really thinks so, see a doctor as soon as possible. As the time passes minor blushing problems may grow and take the shape of serious problems. Thereafter some major surgeries may be required to treat it causing certain side effects to the skin. Those side effects may range from skin paralysis, anger, depression, referred pain, paresthesia, hair loss, emotional changes, chronic pain, slow healing, no vascular control, affects mental functionality and chronic fatigue. 


Of course, nobody would want his life to get affected with this problem of blushing. So, why to undermine the facial blush? Stop blushing by adopting different suitable treatments such as regular exercise, cognitive behavioral therapy, surgeries, NLP and many other treatments. One must make sure that he consults a well-qualified doctor for such kind of treatments that too after analyzing the real causes. Do not be afraid of a doctor because seeing a doctor is not a bad thing if one wants to get rid of the problems that affect his life. 

What Are The Treatments Available For Extreme Blushing?

Blushing occurs due to certain reasons like involuntary redness that appears on the face. Sometimes normal blushing takes the shape of extreme blushing and it needs to be treated because it is a disorder. Main symptoms of blushing include embarrassment, social anxiety, humiliation, shame, under confidence and stress. Blood starts flowing very fast in the vessels in such kind of situations causing extra redness to one’s face. Some other symptoms also include extra sweating on hands and palms which is not good for health both physically and psychologically.


Extreme blushing is also known as Idiopathic Cranio Facial Erythema. There are many treatments available for extreme cases of blushing that are very effective. The treatments are divided into three different categories. First is psychological treatment, second is drug therapy and third one is surgery that is done to treat extreme blushing. 


Psychological treatment includes CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy), breathing techniques and confronting fears. This treatment helps in removing fear from sufferer’s mind under proper guidance of professionals. Many exercises are also involved in this therapy and it is also called natural treatment having no side effects.


In the second one that is drug therapy anxiety medication, beta blockers and clonidine are involved. These medications help the sufferers to calm down and manage themselves. Medication is recommended by doctors when they see an extreme case of blushing. The third one is surgical treatment including ETS (Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathicotomy). Blushing is operated with the help of instruments to remove the involuntary nerves controlling the flow of blood-to-blood vessels.


Sufferer must see the concerned practitioner on time so as to avoid complications. Try to treat this problem in the initial stages as it wont demand for any surgeries at that point of time, one will only require to apply some therapies. 

How Far is Endoscopic Transthoracic Sympathicotomy (ETS) Beneficial?

Endoscopic Transthoracic Sympathicotomy (ETS) is the treatment recommended for extreme facial blushing. Blushing is the extra redness over the face that may occur due to stress, embarrassment, fear and shame. Many types of treatments are available to cure it such as psychological treatments, drug therapies and surgical treatments. ETS is a surgical treatment that is recommended to the people suffering from extreme cases of blushing. 


ETS is performed with the help of telescope that is passed through the chest from cut close to armpit. This method of treatment is divided into two parts; one is to affect sweat glands directly and second is the modification of sweat glands. ETS is helpful to attain complete and long-lasting results when no other treatment produces effective results. This treatment is basically used to treat some severe cases. Main indications when this treatment becomes the necessity are Hyperhidrosis and excessive blushing. A complete diagnosis and deep study is performed before using ETS to ensure that there is no room for side effects. Those parts are being disabled through ETS that are providing signals to brain.


The results of ETS are not possible to predict but it proves to be very beneficial to cure extreme cases of blushing. The family history of the sufferer is also studied to know the suitability and effectiveness of treatment. This treatment must be performed by highly qualified, experienced and professional surgeon for greater accuracy. Some times by not giving proper attention before and after the ETS one may suffer from many side effects. No surgery in this world is totally risk free so one must take proper care of himself so that he can lead a happy life after the treatment. According to some studies the post-operative immediate results on some patient proved to be excellent. Just remember to consult only professionals and do not compromise with health. 


Are Natural Treatments Better Over Surgical Treatments?

Where there is a will, there is a way. This statement is very true for those who own a strong willpower against any kind of situation. Finding the best cure for blushing is little bit difficult but not impossible. Extra redness that appears over the face or other body parts such as neck is called as “blushing”. When it goes beyond the normal condition it becomes an extreme case of blushing. There are many treatments available for blushing such as psychological treatments, drug therapies and surgical treatments that includes ETS. What if natural treatments are providing effective results than surgical treatments?


Of course, natural treatments are better than surgical treatments because they do not have any side effects. Psychological treatment is a natural blushing treatment that includes regular exercise and makes the sufferer psychologically strong. As the main causes behind extreme blushing are embarrassment, fear, stress, humiliation, shame and social anxiety. These all causes are very natural thus should be treated with natural treatments. Surgical measures are recommended only when case goes beyond the limits and need immediate cure but this may involve certain side effects. 


Relaxation exercises such as YOGA is the most effective way to decrease stress, fear, embarrassment, humiliation and social anxiety from the mind of the sufferer. This helps to make a person psychologically as well as physically strong through different exercises and concentration techniques. Sufferer of blushing can perform such natural treatments and check the difference. Natural treatments take few months to produce results but those are really remarkable for whole life. Such kind of treatment helps to cure the disease from its roots which is not possible through surgical treatments. The most important thing is that natural treatment does not involve heavy cost and provides unbeatable results. So always go for natural treatments as they do not have any side effects and are all the more effective. 

Monday 9 May 2022

Red Blushing: How to Find Out That It Is a Disorder?

Blushing is a natural phenomenon that appears on face with some redness resulting from strong emotions. These emotions may include anger, anxiety, embarrassment and excitement. Sometimes blushing may happen without any evident cause that too at regular time intervals. This predicts that one is suffering from red blushing disorder and needs some treatment before it takes the shape of some other disorder. Red blushing can also be associated with people suffering from some medical problems such as fever, carcinoid syndrome, rosacea and menopause. Some other causes may include spicy foods, alcohol and temperature change etc.


Scientific reason behind red blushing is the expansion of blood vessels allowing excessive blood to pass through. When this happens several times a day, this means that this is a disorder. This is also a symptom of SAD (Social Anxiety Disorder) causing people to lose their confidence in social interactions. While blushing one may feel warm, hot and clammy and the face turns uncontrollably red. Red blushing may occur on parts other than face also such as neck and head causing skin to look enflamed and flushed. 


One can find about this disorder by considering its symptoms. These symptoms may include strong embarrassment, extra excitement, excessive sweating, humiliation, heat sensation and reduced confidence level. If one finds these mentioned symptoms this means that an immediate treatment is required.


Treatment of Red Blushing


If the main cause behind red blushing is Social Anxiety Disorder, then CBT (Cognitive Behavioral Therapy) is advised by the doctors. This treatment allows the sufferer to think and act positively which helps in gaining confidence to stand in front of the society. There are many supporting medications of SAD that also helps in solving the problem of blushing. So, one must consult the medical practitioner in time so as to avoid any complications that may otherwise arise due to carelessness.

How effective can Breathing Exercises be?


When redness on the face goes beyond the normal limit it may get replaced with extreme blushing disorder. In such an extreme case immediate treatments are required to cure it before it takes the shape of serious health problems. Nowadays people are relying more upon natural methods to treat any kind of health problem. Blushing is caused by natural reasons such as feeling of fear, depression and awkwardness, humiliation, low confidence level and social anxiety. People suffering from extreme blushing hesitate to get social and always avoid eye-contact to hide their fear from others. 


Besides medication and surgical treatments, natural treatment of blushing shows more effective and long-lasting results. Natural treatments include “Breathing exercise”, “YOGA” and “psychological Exercises”. Main motive behind recommending natural treatments over medication is avoidance of side effects and other post-treatment pain through natural measures. Breathing exercise among all other ones is a very effective technique. In this sufferer is told to breathe slowly through nose. It is an exercise in which deep breathing is done and when breath is released it is accompanied with all the negative thoughts from the body. This makes the sufferer feel very good and full of positive energy.


Breathing exercises helps in controlling and stabilizing body temperature by controlling the emotions. It keeps the temper of the sufferer in limits to normal conditions as when people breathe, they intake the positive energy from the nature and release negative energy. Breathing exercise helps in reducing carbon dioxide from blood and depletes extra anxious feelings. By doing so sufferer gets relaxed and stops thinking too much negative. Breathing exercise followed by concentration helps to enhance mental power and reduces fear from society.


Thus, people who want some permanent and secure treatment of blushing must go for natural treatments including many exercising techniques. Always remember to meet a psychologist or YOGA professional as they will suggest a right way depending upon the complete diagnosis. 


Helping Somebody Get Out of Excessive Facial Blushing

An involuntary condition when face or neck goes extra red as a result of certain reasons is termed as “facial blushing”. Everybody blushes a little bit but when one feels that it is accompanied with fear, embarrassment, shame, anxiety and stress, these are not normal symptoms. This is the stage called excessive blushing that needs to be taken care of through many effective treatments available. To help someone to get out of excessive blushing is like offering water to the thirstiest person in the world. There are many people who do not take care of themselves and underestimate the effects of blushing thus do not go for proper diagnosis. 


Excessive blushing can be treated with the help of following treatments:


Psychological Treatments - People prone to social phobia have chances to blush excessively. This is a natural treatment that includes breathing techniques, confronting fears and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy). Such treatments do not involve any side effects so no surgery and medicines are involved to treat the sufferer.


Drug Therapies - There are three types of medications that help to treat excessive facial blushing. These are anxiety medication, Beta blockers and Clonidine. Anxiety medication is used to reduce frequent blushing and Beta blockers to manage symptoms. While Clonidine treats some uncontrollable responses of body.


Surgical Treatment - The main surgery is ETS (Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathicotomy) which includes operation with slender equipments. These equipment are inserted to the chest through a cut along the armpit. This is done to remove the nerves that control blood vessels partially. This is an effective way to get rid of excessive blushing. 


One must consult a medical professional so as to get accurate information about different types of therapies and surgeries. One must undergo the treatment on time so as to avoid any type of complications.


Stop Hiding Behind Your Fears And Get The Road Map To Help

Our blueprint is our own; life is wondering and we respond. Do we meekly submit and let life, let those near us, determine where we're going? Do we serve a maybe in response to life in a muted voice? Or do we persist firm and persist true to our inmost wants; to live a life of virtue and fulfillment - a life of responsibility... free from fears?


All of us may come up with someone else to fault or leastwise find someone else who's some more faults than ourselves to take the attention off and pose ourselves in a good light. Making comparisons in this way seems to be fabricated into our DNA as well as hiding behind our fears.


When we think about our own lives, conforming to the line ‘I may not be perfect, but I’m not worse than the next individual’ seems all too familiar but behaving poorly or in a more improper way than what we would call for from others, compromises our own wholeness. 


The idea that we're ‘not as spoilt’ as someone else lets us think that our own actions are okay and guardedly selecting someone with whom we can equate ourselves only gives the backing we need to justify this to ourselves. It’s all truly handy, correct? 


This kind of behavior lets us skip out on being responsible for ourselves, to go on acting badly or to just ‘put our head in the sand’ about specific matters. If our actions are ‘not as sorry’ as someone else’s, does that signify we're correct? 


Is it genuinely just when we commit an act we acknowledge as wrong, to not anticipate being held responsible for it? We oftentimes hurt others in ways we, ourselves wouldn't enjoy happening to us and this is hiding behind our own fears. 


As a matter of fact, a couple of life's hardest examples can serve as vicious reminders that we have treated someone in some respects how we'd detest to be treated ourselves so how come do we do it? Why do we do something if we’re afraid to face the final result? 


An acquaintance once gave me some of the finest, yet most simple-minded advice I’ve ever gotten - ‘don’t be sorry, just don’t do it!’ Its dandy advice that compliments that old adage of ‘Do unto others, how you'd have them do unto you’ and is a wonderful doctrine to live your life by. 


Consider it, if you tell yourself this any time, you’re mulling over lying to somebody, treating someone badly, speaking out of turn or doing something you shouldn’t behind someone else’s back - and let’s face it, 9 times out of 10 you’re going to get discovered, you’ll never have to be ‘sorry’ ever again. 


If you don’t do the risky behavior in the first place, you won’t have the showdown with that individual, there’ll be no hoo-hah or judging, no relationship unsaved or tarnished and utterly no need to apologize, best of all - your scruples will always be clean and guilt free. It may be rather an easy way to undertake life but it most decidedly works. Alas, doing unto others, how you'd have them do unto you isn’t always assured in today’s society but you're able to at least be responsible for your own actions. Passing off the fault only displays a cowardice and lack of value for yourself and everyone around you.


We're responsible for our own lives. No individual is precisely like us; not even an identical twin. Our seeds of joy are our own; our resolves are as unique as our fingerprints. Take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming your fears on others. Learn the right way to banish your fears and move forward today.