Monday 9 May 2022

5 Things Successful People Do To Improve

Have you ever wondered why some people succeed so much in what they do in life while others do not? Well, here are 5 things successful people do to improve. Try them out and you will become an icon in your community in no time.


1. They set goals persistently. 


You cannot improve in anything you do unless you set some targets and achieve them. Successful people understand that you can never be too good at what you do or too successful in your trade. You always have a goal to achieve. You always have to do something that no one before you did. Steve Jobs had this type of mentality and look at what he built. Apple is now the most highly valued company in the world. 


2. They have the right networks. 


You cannot succeed alone. You need a network of people who know things that you do not know. You should listen to their expert advice, analyze it, and then implement it if it makes sense. Do not rely on your wisdom in everything you do because you cannot know everything. Get a good accountant, a professional lawyer, an excellent human resource manager, and a strategic thinker among others. Start connecting with the high and mighty in your society because they have the ability to make or break business deals. 


3. Take responsibility for your actions and learn from your failures. 


You will never be successful if you do not accept responsibility for your actions even if it is just in private. Without doing so, you would never learn from your mistakes. Instead, you would blame others for your failures and doing that will cost you many good friends. If you learn from your mistakes, you can correct them and even prevent them in future. You can build stronger relationships with those around you and generate better ideas than you did before you took responsibility for your actions. 


4. Family is everything. 


People who succeed focus on their families incessantly. They have to groom the heirs to the family fortune so that their effort to build this fortune does not go to waste after they die. Knowing that someone will take over their businesses motivates them to work harder so that they can hand over a strong and prosperous estate. By doing so, their name will live forever and their grandchildren and great grandchildren will hear stories about them.


5. Take care of your body, mind, and spirit. 


You cannot be successful if your body is unable to handle the pressure that comes with working hard. You have to keep it healthy with exercise and a healthy diet. You also have to have a sound mind for you to make the right decisions at the right time. Doing so is impossible if you have too much stress. Finally, you have to be in good spirit for you to think clearly. You also cannot enjoy life or interact with others positively if you are in a bad mood persistently. Take care of yourself so that you can expand your wealth and enjoy it while you are at it. 


5 Ways to Stay Dedicated to Success

To succeed in life, you have to do your best at all times but sometimes, staying dedicated becomes difficult. This is not a sign of defeat, on the contrary, feeling demotivated along the way whether because of sheer exhaustion or setbacks is almost inevitable and you will need a little boost. The following are 5 ways to help you stay dedicated to succeed.


1. Set Attainable Goals


Setting goals gives you a short-term motivation and a long-term vision. It also helps you to organize your resources and time so that you can make the most out of your life. Write down your goals with a pen on a piece of paper as according to research, writing them down by hand and connecting the letters manually engages your brain more actively. Typing them involves less mental connection.


2. Break down the goals into smaller pieces


A major source of stress in life comes from the feeling that there are impossible number of things to do. If you try to do the whole project at once, you will certainly feel overwhelmed. To avoid this, you should break down the project into realistic steps and focus on completing each at a time.


Success in each step triggers the reward center of the brain releasing a feel good chemical known as dopamine. This makes you feel motivated and inspires you to take another step.


3. Find a Social Support Network


Create a group of people who can help keep you on track. They can be family friends or relatives who can guide you and help you develop new skills. You can also reach out to them when you are feeling demotivated, listen and share ideas.


4. Exercise


Any form of exercise from yoga to aerobics elevates your mood and increases feel good chemicals in the brain. Exercising also acts as a type of meditation focusing the mind on a particular task and clearing any doubts as well as lowering stress. These elements combine and produce motivation feelings to carry forward.


5. Reward yourself


When you get the expected results, reward yourself in some way. For some tasks, taking a few minutes break will do while others you can treat yourself to a dessert or a cup of coffee. For more demanding project, you can reward yourself by doing something enjoyable like taking a vacation, going to a cinema or even buying yourself something then move on to the next project.


10 Habits of Successful People

Nearly all successful people have similar habits. If you are not keen enough, you may never notice these habits. So, do you dream to become successful one day? Well, here is how…


10 Habits of Successful People 


1. Decisive 


The decisions that you make, whether small or big, will affect your success in life. It's important to make sure that these decisions complement your values. If you are unable to make the right decisions, then you will find it very difficult to live a successful life. 


2. Responsible 


Being responsible means taking control of the events happening in your life. It’s the difference between success and failure. Your actions will influence your success, so be more responsible. 


3. Focused 


Focusing on the goals that you set will help you become successful within no time. Without focus, you will be unable to do important things that will set your life on a new path to success. All I can tell you is focus.


4. Wake Up Early 


Most who are successful in life, cultivate a habit of waking up early. If you have difficulty with waking up early, you should try different techniques like finding an alarm clock, avoiding light or screen an hour before retiring to bed etc. 


5. Avoid Distractions 


There are a number of distractions in your life that can lead to your failure in life. For instance, drugs, bad company, social media and much more. To avoid distractions, make sure that you work on completing the items on your to-do list before your work day ends. 


6. Patient 


Patience pays. To become successful, you have to practice patience. If you do your things hurriedly, chances are that you won't do them the right way and you will become a failure. Take your time to attract success. 


7. Listen More and Speak Less 


Those who are successful use most of their time listening instead of speaking. By listening more and speaking less you have time to digest what you are listening to make sound decisions. 


8. Respectful


In most disciplines, respect is the key to success. Without respect, you won't be able to taste success no matter how hard you try. 


9. Always Make The First Move 


Be bold in life and always make the first move and avoid being after the crowd. Always be ahead of the pack if you want to taste success. 


10. Manage Time Well


Time is money. So, if you don’t manage your time well, don’t expect success to come on a silver platter. 




To sum it up, becoming successful is without a doubt one of the most coveted achievements today. However, as you can clearly see, it requires a fair share of effort although it's still possible. If you keenly stick to the 10 habits outlined in this post, you can make your dream of becoming successful a reality.

Top 10 Tips To Become A Positive Thinker

Practicing optimistic thinking enables individuals to concentrate on their strengths as well as accomplishments that enhance contentment and motivation. The following 10 tips for having a positive mindset offer useful suggestions which you can use to assist you to shift into better thinking patterns.


1. Take Proper care of Yourself


It is easier to stay positive while you are consuming well, doing exercises, and getting adequate rest.


2. Recall the Things you’re Grateful For


Taking only one minute each day to stop and enjoy the good things can make a big difference.


Tensions and challenges do not appear quite as bad whenever you are continually recalling the things which are correct in life.


3. Search for the Proof rather than Making Assumptions


In case you have a concern that a buddy or family member's poor mindset is because of something you performed, or that your fellow workers are privately gossiping regarding you whenever you turn your back, do not hesitate to ask them. Do not waste your time worrying that you performed something incorrect until you have evidence that there is anything to be concerned about.


4. Avoid making use of Absolutes


Speaking and thinking in absolutes such as 'always' (for example, “You're ALWAYS late”) and also 'never' (for example, “You NEVER contact me”) makes the situation appear even worse than it is, and forces your brain to believe that certain individuals are not capable of delivering.


5. Remove Negative Thoughts


Your thoughts cannot have any power over you in case you do not assess them. If you observe yourself developing a negative thought, remove it, and do not follow it.


6. Crush the "ANTs"


"ANTs" (automatic negative thoughts) are actually the bad thoughts which are generally reactionary, such as "Those guys are giggling, they must be referring to me," or "The boss wishes to meet me? It must be awful!" When you observe these types of thoughts, understand that they are simply ANTs and just crush them.


7. Practice caring and touching (Your family and friends)


You do not have to be a professional to understand the advantages of a great hug. Positive bodily contact with buddies, family members, and even domestic pets is an immediate pick-me-up.


8. Enhance your Social Activity


By boosting social activities, you reduce solitude. Surround yourself with happy, healthy folks, and you will be affected by their positive energy in a positive manner.


9. Help someone else 


Everybody feels great after helping. It is possible to volunteer your cash, your time, or your assets. If you put more positive energy into the environment, you will receive more in exchange.


10. Combat Rumination


If you are ruminating, the best way to prevent it is to disrupt the pattern and compel yourself to perform something totally different. Rumination is similar to hyper-focus on something which is negative. It is never effective since it's not logical; it's simply too much worry. Try altering your physical surroundings - go for a stroll or sit outdoors. You can also call a buddy, go through a book, or listen to some music.


How to Overcome Failure

Failure can be defined with several definitions, but only those who have faced it in their life understand its true meaning. It is very obvious that nobody on this earth likes to fail. However, there exists a fact that almost everybody on earth has tasted at least once in their life. 


The very obvious question that comes up in the mind is that, if everybody faces failure then what makes the people sitting at the peak of glory different than the rest. Well, it is the way in which they tackle failure that differentiates them. No successful person in this world has not tasted ever in his/her life. It is hence, considered as an integral part of success.


Though there are several tips on the internet for overcoming failure those who face it find most of them either impractical or pretty theoretical. However, it totally depends on your caliber as to how well you use this advice to tackle your failure.


To begin with, it would be right to say that get over with the remorse of your failure as soon as possible. The more you crib about it, the tougher it would become for you to handle it. For heaven’s sake, do not blame others for your failure. Often, students pursuing sage training would blame their teachers; employees would blame their managers and entrepreneurs would blame their employees for their failure. This way you would go deeper and deeper in the pit of failures. So, if you want to overcome failure, accept your mistake and take the blame for yourself.


After you have taken the blame on yourself for your failure, your job is not done. What good have you done by taking the blame on yourself? To overcome your failure, take the very first step of identifying the cause of the failure. Try to find out what went wrong, where exactly did you go haywire and what else could you have done to dodge. By doing this, you would understand that, had you done 'this' then 'that,' you would not have met the failure. It would show you the path to overcoming your failure to a great extent and would also boost your confidence.


If you find it difficult to chalk out your lapses, seek the advice of experts or mentors. Be honest and frank with them. Do not hesitate in telling them that you have failed. They would rather be impressed by the fact that although you have failed, yet you are striving back again to overcome your failure and transform it into success. Experts and mentors may change the entire game.


One you have identified your pitfalls, it's time to work towards the success. Most of the people make a mistake, throughout their efforts to succeed, of thinking continuously about theirs. Especially while pursuing the home study. Stop it. Do not believe that about your failure, again and again, rather concentrate on your efforts towards success. Your constant endeavors would certainly pay off well. Always remember, never give up and the Phoenix shall indeed rise.


Secrets to Overcoming Self-Doubt

Self-doubt is something we all experience in our day-to-day life. It is nothing new. But it becomes a problem when it permeates every aspect of a person life and prevents them from living life to the fullest. If self-doubt has become a problem for you, the danger is that you may decide to settle for mediocrity. This is because, self-doubt has the power to destroy your confidence, cripple you and stop you from pursuing your dreams.


Here are three secrets to overcoming self-doubt:


1. Do not be afraid to make mistakes.


Self-doubt is grounded in fear, - fear that we will make mistakes or do the wrong thing. It is simply the fear of negative things happening. To overcome this fear, you will need to change your thought pattern. Human beings are not perfect and making a mistake is something we do. So don't allow mistakes to make you feel guilty and bad, rather, let them be your teacher. Remember that you can recover from making a mistake, so do not allow the fear of making one imprison you in self-doubt. Know that just because you make mistakes does not mean you are a failure. Go on and try something new, you will never grow unless you take risks.


2. Do not allow your feelings to rule your life.


We were all born with the ability to make our decisions without any influence from outside. Self-doubt forces us to do things by placing outside pressure on us. In other to overcome it, you need to recognize that doubt is just a thought in your mind. It only has the power to stop you from enjoying life if you allow it. Remember that you have the ability to go forward and do whatever you need to do regardless of how doubtful you feel. I know that feelings are often very strong, and it is not always easy to go contrary to them. But, to be able to enjoy freedom from self-doubt you need to behave contrary to these feelings of doubt. Otherwise, it will continue to run your life and hold you in bondage.


3. Practice at being positive.


Overcoming self-doubt is just a matter of doing away with one habit and forming another one. Discipline is required anytime a person is forming a new habit. Practice believing in yourself rather than doubting. Bear in mind that, in any situation you could either be wrong or right. So why not take the positive approach first? Purposefully try to look at the positive side of every situation. Look at the glass of water as half full instead of half empty.


Overcoming self-doubt begins with you. You must believe that you can achieve your destiny in spite of what other people say or what your mind and feelings say. Maybe you had negative messages fed into you since you were a child. It could have been a parent who excessively compared you to a sibling giving you the impression that you were flawed. But whatever the reason for your self-doubt and negative attitude towards yourself, the power to change lies with you. If you desire to be able to fulfill your dreams, then you must make a decision to start believing that you are a valuable person with a purpose to meet on this earth.


How to Persevere when it Gets Hard

Perseverance is hard to have sometimes. Things happen in everyday life that just make you want to crawl under a rock and hide. It becomes a challenge to stick our heads back out into the world where they may get bitten off in the process. This is what perseverance is all about. The determination to keep going, no matter what the odds. It is the trait of many successful people. Many of whom were shot down before they even got to the door, but today they are successful people with rich full lives.


A strong character is built around perseverance. It shows what you are made of so to speak when faced with a challenge that you must overcome. Successful people are determined to meet that goal they have laid out for their future. They keep striving to get there and will fight anybody and anything that gets in their way. They are determined to see a task through to completion and then they will sit back and reap the rewards.


Refusing to give up doesn't mean that you will never fail. It just means that you may have to take the long way around instead of the shortcut. But don't stop believing that you can do what you set out to do. Refuse to quit just because the road became real steep and it is going to be a big drag to try to get to the top. The journey begins with the first step, so keep placing one foot in front of the other. Before long, you will look back and see all that you have accomplished on this journey called life. It will be a wonder that you got as far as you did and that you didn't stop when the times got really rough.


Be a doer and a thinker. Instead of whining, come up with an achievable solution to your worst problem. This can start you on the road to confidence and self-esteem. If you decide you are unhappy, then you will live your life that way. But one morning, try to think happy thoughts and dream of a goal you want to achieve and you will be on your way. It may take many months or years to achieve, but you started by thinking it into existence as a goal to be earned.


If you have things in your past that upset your future, try to contain them in one small part of your brain. Try to limit the contact you have with the bad memories of the past, let them go. They will just pull you down as you go through life. Living in the now is much better and less worrisome for people. The past is gone and there is nothing that can be done about it now. You can try to fix the mistakes you made by doing even better in the future. Everyone makes mistakes. Don't be so hard on yourself when you do. Take them for what they are as a life lesson. Learn from them and move on. Don't let one mistake ruin the rest of your life.


Make those hard decisions that are needed. They come about to test our mettle. Persevere and get through those challenges sent your way. This will show others what you can do. You may even have a few people ask you how you do it. Be honest and you may just be the one to start them on their journey. Take pride in that. Mentoring can be another goal that is very satisfying. Teaching someone else how you persevered through a bad situation can always help. To know we are not alone in the world is always a great feeling to have. To know someone else made it through, and now I can do it too is a wonderful way to teach someone about living.


Remember to take small steps on that long journey. Don't wear yourself out and try to do it all at once. Take your time and rest along the way. You will find that if you persevere, you can get to the finish line.


How To Set Long And Short-Term Goals

Being successful requires having the right mindset and planning properly. This means to be successful in different aspects of live you have to think like a winner and do proper planning. The planning entails setting goals of what you want to achieve and when you want to achieve it. 


By setting goals you will be more focused since you will know exactly what you want. Consequently, one needs to set long and short-term goals. The short-term goals are for the near future while the long-term ones are the ones to happen after a considerable period of time which might even be years. Here is how to set long and short-term goals.


The first step of setting both long and short-term goals is knowing exactly what you want. This means that your conscious should be clear before setting any type of goal. The importance of this is that you will know the things you need to consider while setting the goals. 


This also helps you to make realistic goals. Being realistic means that you are setting goals which you know you can achieve. By setting realistic goals you avoid the frustrations that come when you repeatedly fail to achieve your goals. In fact, many people give up because they always set goals which are too high and as a result most of the times they fail to achieve their objectives. Therefore, while setting your goals regardless of whether they are short or long-term you should ensure they are achievable.


Setting the short-term goals is simpler mainly because such goals might be achieved even within minutes or hours. This means you can wake up in the morning and set a short-term goal of something you want to achieve by the end of the day. Because of the short period you can easily tell the factors that might hinder you from achieving your goals. Therefore, you will be setting the short-term goals being almost certain of whether you will be in a position to achieve the goals.


On the other hand, making long-term goals can be a bit challenging. This is because the factors you had considered while setting the goals might change with time. Therefore, while setting long term goals it is advisable to consider that some factors might change. You can achieve this through setting long-term goals which are not too rigid. This means you should set goals with options of changing as time progresses. 


The end results of the long-term goals should also not be very specific. Instead, your long-term goals should have a range. For instance; you can say in five years you want to have opened two or three other branches of your business. This will motivate you towards expanding your business without being too specific on the end results. Therefore, through following the outlined guidelines you can easily understand how to set long and short-term goals. 


Sunday 8 May 2022

How to Build a Gratitude Attitude and be Free Right Now

If there is one place where we should be completely free, then it is in our own mind. We might have limitations in terms of what our bodies are capable of and what we’re allowed to do – but our minds should be free to roam wherever we want them to.


Unfortunately, this is not the reality most of us live in. Instead, our thoughts are dictated by our circumstances and those circumstances are largely out of our control. This is why we will often find ourselves feeling dissatisfied and constantly wanting to push forward, rather than stopping to enjoy life and smell the roses.


And without meaning to get political or philosophical, our capitalist lifestyles only reinforce this nature and try to push us faster.


Are You Happy?


Most of us are constantly in a position of slight dissatisfaction. We feel as though there’s ‘one thing’ that could make our lives better and help us to be happier. Maybe we wish we had just a little bit more money, or maybe we wish we had a bigger house. Maybe we want a better job?


Partly this will be encouraged by the media and by the material goods that we want. We want more money so we can play the latest game, wear the latest clothes and post pictures of ourselves on holiday to show to friends. 


And we keep working harder and stressing more to try and accomplish these things – in turn keeping the cogs of society spinning.


Making a Change


But now take a think about that game you find yourself wanting. Aren’t there computer games on your shelf right now that you haven’t played yet? Aren’t there free games you could download today and have just as much fun with? Isn’t it just marketing that is pushing you towards that next game and that next expense?


Likewise, ask yourself if having more money would really make you happier. You can travel very cheaply right now – the problem is probably more with leaving work. More responsibility isn’t going to help that! 


So how do you make a change and start to be freer and happier right now? The answer is that you change your focus. Instead of fixating on what you don’t have and on what you want, instead start to fixate on what you already have and what you’re grateful for. This is called a ‘gratitude attitude’ and it’s the fastest route to having a satisfying and happy life.


How to Change Your Mindset and Pickup Anyone From a Bar

Changing your mindset can help you to accomplish all kinds of things in life. It can help you to be happier with what you have right now, it can help you to go after the right goals and ambitions and it can help you to be more successful in your career.


But it can also change your love life and help you to be more effective in going after what you want. Read on and we’ll see how a simple mindset shift changes everything in this sense.


Frozen by Fear


If you’re just like most people, then chances are that you’ll feel a fair amount of fear when thinking about approaching members of the opposite sex in a bar. You’ll find yourself thinking that you might get turned down and humiliated or that it will damage your self-esteem.


The first trick to fixing this problem is to acknowledge it. Simply understanding that it’s fear that’s holding you back (or ruining your chances) and knowing the nature of that fear will give you the chance to undo it.


In this case, we’re going to undo it by removing the risk.


How to Mitigate Risk in a Dating Scenario


Now you know what you’re afraid of, you can simply change your strategy to mitigate the risk and to put yourself in with a better chance of success.


In this case, that means removing the opportunity for them to turn you down or greatly reducing the chances. And the simple way to do that, is to look at what it is to find out if they’re interested before you have to approach them!


How can you do this? By testing the waters from a distance before approaching. You do this by looking around the bar and making eye contact. When you see someone you like the looks of, smile and hold their gaze. If they look away or don’t look pleased, then you can probably presume it’s a ‘no’.


But if they smile back and look happy, then you can make the assumption that they’re at least somewhat interested – at least somewhat open to the prospect of you approaching them at the very least.


Now approach their group with your group and speak to the whole group. Once you’ve seen how that’s gone, try asking if they’d like a drink when you go to the bar.


You can take this further but essentially, you’re edging forward without ever making any moves that can lead to rejection – removing the fear and changing your mindset in the process!


How to Change Your Mindset and Turn Problematic Lions Into Kittens

It is not just our bodies that are a result of evolution. Likewise, it is also our minds and our psychology that have been shaped by the world that we evolved in and that is where a lot of our most unusual behaviors come from.


When we were evolving, we were in far more dangerous scenarios than we were now and we could never afford to take risks. Only the psychological traits that made us most likely to survive were passed on from one person to another and that means that they’re the only ones that matter.


This is why we are risk averse by nature and it is also – unfortunately – why we spend a lot of our time experiencing chronic stress. 


The Danger of Ambiguity


Imagine that you were in the wild, looking at the silhouette of some kind of animal sitting on the horizon. You don’t know if that silhouette is of a lion or some kind of kitten… what do you do?


The most pertinent solution in order to survive is to assume the worst. Assume it’s a lion and either freeze or run. The people who take chances would be the most likely to get eaten and thus not pass on their personality traits!


But the problem is that we don’t see lions any more. This is not the biggest threat to your life right now. Instead, the biggest stressors are things like debt, illness, relationship problems and career issues. These are the threats we face that are the stand-ins for the lions and that we now must try and overcome if we’re going to be successful in life. 


And unfortunately, we still have that tendency to assume the worst!


It’s All About Perspective


But here’s the thing: it’s actually all about perspective and it’s all about mindset when it comes to our reaction to threats. If we think it’s a kitten, then we will be able to remain cool, calm and happy even if it is a metaphorical lion.


In other words, it pays for us to reassess our situations and to take control of our anxiety and our stress. When we can do that, then we can remove the chronic anxiety that makes us perform worse and feel worse.


How do you turn your situations into kittens? Simple: you assess exactly why you’re afraid and whether or not there really is a good reason for you to be. Likewise, you can look at contingency plans and coping mechanisms. Remember: it’s all just perspective. Change your mindset and you change the reality!


How to Find the Drive and Determination to Work Out Every Day

Working out is something that many of us feel we should do more of – whether that means jogging, lifting weights or training for some kind of sporting event. The hope is that by training, we’ll be able to build more muscle and burn more fat, which in turn will give us the physique that we’re looking for.


Thus we go about creating these elaborate training programs, filled with multiple workouts throughout the week. We combine this with some kind of diet that involves eating a very small number of calories and we generally just force ourselves to live in discomfort for days and months to reach our goals.


Except come day two, we will often already have abandoned that goal. Why? Because it’s just too intense to stick at and we were too ambitious. If you’re already tired and you’re inactive most evenings as a result, how do you intend to add 5 hours of training to your current routine? And how do you intend to do all that while also factoring in 30 minutes of travel, washing and cool down after each session? Or when taking into account a calorie deficit giving you less energy than you would normally have?


Be Realistic


The first problem with this type of training and thus the first thing you need to fix, is your ambition. It’s great to be realistic of course – but not at the extent of being realistic. There’s only so much you can expect your body to accomplish in a given week and your energy (not just your time) is finite. Instead of starting with five one-hour workouts, who about starting with three half hour ones? And find other ways to make it easier too; such as training from home.


Focus on the Vision


What’s also important is that you focus on the vision and you focus on ‘dream’. Why is it that you want to work out? What are you hoping to achieve? What would it feel like to have that body you’ve always wanted? To feel confident and energetic?


It’s too easy to miss that connection between our dream and the steps we have to take to get there. So to make sure that you’re driven in the right direction, really focus on that dream and what it can deliver you. Really imagine what it will feel like to accomplish your goals and use this to drive you!


How to Fuel Your Brain With Energy

What is your fitness philosophy?


In other words: why do you train and exercise? What is it that you hope to achieve by being physically active?


Many of us train because we want to look better. Some of us train because we want to be healthier and stave off disease. Others train because they want to perform better at a particular sport or activity they enjoy.


But I have a different reason for training: I train because I want to change the way I feel and because I want to change my mindset. And this is also one of the driving factors behind my diet choices.




One of the biggest limiting factors in most of our lives – one of the things that most prevents us from achieving all that we want to achieve – is tiredness. You wake up in the morning and instead of leaping out of bed filled with enthusiasm, you instead struggle to drag yourself up and to actually start being productive. Then you get home and instead of doing something fun, interesting or productive, you instead just crash on the sofa and watch day time TV. Sound familiar?


Everything you do is less enjoyable when you’re tired. All of your decisions are worse. All of your challenges are harder. And I’m not talking about physical tiredness – I’m talking about mental tiredness. And that’s what you can actually fix with the right training program and diet, unbeknownst to many.


How to Increase Brain Energy


So how can you increase energy in your brain? One method is to increase the strength of your heart. If you do this, then you’ll be able to pump more blood, oxygen and nutrients to your brain, thus allowing it to perform more optimally. How do we do this? With steady state cardio This means the kind of cardiovascular exercise that involves long durations of exercise. A good example is running a few miles twice a week, which can help to enlarge the left ventricle in your heart. This also reduces stress by helping you to lower your resting heartrate and thus produce less cortisol.


Also important is to increase the efficiency of mitochondria. These are the parts of the cells that turn glucose into usable energy and the more you have and better they function, the less tired you will feel. You can increase these with a combination of HIIT training and foods/supplements that are known to support them such as CoQ10, PQQ, l-carnitine and others.