Tuesday 3 May 2022

The Benefits Of Improving Your Focus

In order to improve your focus and attention significantly, you are going to have to put in consistent effort each day. To give you the inspiration and the high levels of motivation to do this, it is essential that you are aware of the benefits of increasing your focus.


It places you in Control of your Life


When you have a higher level of focus you will have a greater amount of control over your life. You will know that you can accomplish many things because you have the power to focus on them and maintain your focus until you complete a task.


You will be able to set challenging goals for yourself and have the belief that you can achieve them thanks to your increase in focus. Taking control of your life is very satisfying and your increased focus will play a significant role in you being able to do this.


You will be more Positive


With an increase in your focus, you are going to harvest more positive energy. Whenever you experience negative thoughts, you will be able to neutralize them a lot more effectively as you can easily focus on positive thoughts.


People that have a poor level of focus tend to concentrate on the negative things in life. They find it easier to focus on the negative things and this can make them overwhelmed. Small problems become big problems very quickly.


You will be more Self-Aware with Increased Focus


By increasing your focus, you can connect to your inner self and raise your self-awareness. You will be able to see yourself continually growing as you move beyond your comfort zone and take on new things. With a higher level of focus you will have the confidence to tackle new things which you would not have done before.


Improve Problem Solving


Having a higher level of focus will help you to improve your problem-solving skills. If your focus is poor then even the smallest problems will be a challenge for you to solve. You will find that you move away from focusing on the problem which will just raise your stress levels, to focusing on the solution.


Be a Better Decision Maker


With a poor level of focus it is going to be difficult to make decisions. Making the best possible decisions requires you to focus on the problem and use critical thinking. We all need to make small and large decisions in our life and with an increased focus you will be able to do this faster and easier.


Reduce your Stress Levels


If you are totally focused on completing a task then you will not be thinking about other negative things that could cause your stress levels to rise. When you have poor focus you will tend to focus on the negative more and this can make you anxious and drive up your stress levels.


Additional Clarity


A lot of people have no direction in their life due to poor focus skills. When you have a high level of focus you can easily determine what you want to achieve and then set challenging goals. You will be able to achieve your goals because you have good focus skills.


Build Momentum


If you have higher level focus skills then you will be more productive and get more things done each day. Once you start focusing and completing your tasks you will build momentum to move on to the next and complete all of your tasks.


How To Regain Focus When You Lose It

There are going to be times when you lose your focus for whatever reason. It could be some form of distraction that causes this to happen. The techniques that we provide to you below will help you to regain your focus when you lose it. 


Minimize or Eliminate Distractions


You know that some things are likely to distract you and cause you to lose your focus more than others. Take steps to minimize these or if you can, eliminate them altogether. These days, people are glued to their phones and need to jump on any notification that they receive. Receiving a notification when you are focusing on something will definitely distract you.


Turn off all of the messenger services, including email, on your phone when you are working on your tasks. If you are used to responding to every notification immediately then let people know that you are going to change this. Just because someone wants to waste your time and chat with you on instant messenger doesn’t mean that you have to respond immediately.


A lot of people think that it is important to look busy all of the time. They spend time on the lowest priority tasks to ensure that they keep up this appearance of being busy. This is not helpful as it means that you are not prioritizing your most important tasks and completing these first.


It’s all about Quality and not Speed


Some people want to complete all of their tasks as fast as possible. They derive a lot of satisfaction from ticking off the tasks on their list and breath a big sigh of relief when they are all done. You need to be careful with this as you are likely to be putting speed before quality.


If you do not complete a task in a quality way then you will probably have to do it again. Maybe you are overwhelmed by the number of tasks on your list. Be calm and examine your tasks properly. Focus on a quality outcome and don’t worry about carrying forward some low priority tasks to the next day.


Be Organized


Not being able to find something fast that you need to complete a task can cause you to lose your focus. If you are disorganized with your computer and your life in general then you will increase the chances of this happening.


It is not a difficult thing to get organized. You create a place for everything and ensure that everything is in its place. When you are able to find anything that you need quickly it will be a lot easier for you to regain your focus for the task.


Use a Refocusing Object


You can add an object to your work environment that will remind you to refocus if your focus is broken. This can be a simple object such as a candle, a toy, a small statue or anything else that will do the job.


Be sure to form a strong association with regaining your focus easily with this object. If you lose your focus then a quick glance at this object will tell you that you need to get your focus back. It may take a while for this to work for you but in a short time you will find that your refocusing object can really help you.


Improve Your Focus With A Challenging Goal

The reason why setting a challenging goal that you are passionate about will help to increase your focus is because you will be more likely to enter a “flow state”. When you are passionate about something you are likely to experience intense focus with it and you will find the whole thing very engaging.


If you try and force your focus then you are unlikely to maintain it for very long. Forcing your focus takes a lot of energy and can make you very tired quickly. It is much better to get into a flow state where you will just maintain your focus for as long as you want effortlessly.


Identify what you really want


The reason that most people do not have at least one challenging goal in their life is because it takes effort to think about what they really want. Most people cannot be bothered to do this and they think that it is too hard. This is not the case and you can find out what you really want pretty easily.


Go to a place where you will not be disturbed and take some paper and a pen with you. Think about the different areas of your life such as health, wealth, relationships, skills and so on. Ask yourself what you really want from these different areas of your life.


Write down everything that comes to mind and do not make any judgments here. When you have finished asking yourself questions about your different life areas you should have a list of things that you would like to achieve.


Go through each of these things and imagine that you have already achieved them. How does this make you feel? Make a note of the emotions that you experience when you do this. The thing that produces the strongest feelings within you is what you will choose for your challenging goal.


Add an Emotional Driver to your Goal


It is essential that you have an inspiring WHY for your goal. Why do you really want to achieve it? How will you feel once you have achieved your goal? A strong emotional driver will provide you with high levels of motivation to work on the tasks that will deliver your goal.


Use the SMART Goal Setting Process


You need to set your challenging goal in the right way and the best way to do this is to use the proven SMART goal setting process. This stands for:


·      Specific

·      Measurable

·      Achievable

·      Related

·      Timed


Any goal that you set must be specific. It is no use setting a goal to make more money for example. You need to decide on a specific amount of money that you want to make. All goals need to be measurable so that you can track your progress towards achieving them.


Achievable means that you are not setting a goal that will not be possible for you to achieve. Related is all about your goal fitting perfectly with your core values. If there is an issue here then you will not achieve your goal. Make sure that your goal has a time associated with it. For example, your goal could be to make an additional $100,000 in the next year.


Create a Plan to Achieve your Goal


You need to create a plan to achieve your goal. Ideally, you want a list of tasks that you need to complete on a daily basis that will move you closer to your goal.

Proven Ways To Increase Your Focus

You may find a number of different ways that other people claim will help you to improve your focus online, but the methods we will reveal in this article are all backed by scientific research. It is essential that you only use proven methods to increase your focus for the best results.


Participate in Brain Training Activities


There is a lot of research to support that certain brain training activities can help to increase your focus. Consider your focus as a muscle that you need to work on a consistent basis to develop it. You can play chess for real or online, solve Sudoku puzzles, play memory games, solve crossword puzzles and even complete jigsaw puzzles for good brain training.


Get the Sleep that you need


If you do not get the right amount of sleep then you are going to find it difficult to focus the next day. A lack of sleep will also inhibit some of your other cognitive functions as well. Sleep deprivation on an occasional basis is OK, but if you consistently fail to get enough sleep then you need to take steps to fix this to ensure your focus is sharp.


Participate in Regular Exercise


How do you feel about regular exercise? If this fills you with dread then there is no need to worry. You do not have to start running for miles each day or kill yourself in the gym with high intensity workouts. Gentle exercise such as walking is a very good place to start.


A healthy body is a healthy mind. Studies have shown that people have improved their focus by participating in regular exercise. When you get up in the morning, perform some simple stretching exercises. Take a walk rather than getting in your car.


Improve your Focus with Mindfulness Meditation


Mindfulness meditation is a great way to improve your focus. It is not difficult to learn and practice mindfulness meditation. You can find videos online that will show you how to do this. Just spend a few minutes practicing mindfulness meditation each day wherever you are and it will work wonders for your focus and concentration.


Take Mental Breaks


If you are working on a task and get stuck with it you can take a short mental break which should enable you to easily refocus on the task and complete it when you return. There are a number of scientific studies that support taking mental breaks to improve focus.


So, the next time that you feel your focus waning for whatever reason, take a short mental break. Go outside and take a short walk as this will definitely help you. Eat something nutritious and drink some caffeinated beverage for example. Get into the habit of taking short mental breaks to boost your focus.


Eat a Healthier Diet


The foods that you consume during the day will have a big impact on your ability to focus. Make sure that you avoid processed foods and anything that is high in sugar or fat content. Instead, you want to eat foods that will provide your brain with the right kind of fats and other nutrients that it needs to function correctly. Here are a few examples:


·      Salmon

·      Nuts

·      Spinach

·      Blueberries

·      Eggs


Don’t dismiss your diet as a way to improve your focus. It is vitally important, so get into the habit of eating the right things.


Ways To Develop Your Self-Discipline

You know that there is a direct link between self-discipline and your ability to focus and remain focused on tasks that you need to complete. Self-discipline will ensure that you keep your emotions in check and that you take consistent action. Here are some proven ways that you can develop your self-discipline:


Get Started with the Countdown Method


If you are struggling with getting started on a task then you can kick your focus into gear by using the countdown method. Here you will countdown from 10 and then make an immediate start on the task when you reach “1”. 


The reason that the countdown method works so well is because it creates a shift in your mental state as you are counting down. This in turn changes your motivation levels and you will be ready to start as soon as you reach the number 1.


Write your Goal Down and make it Visible


When you have decided on your challenging goal you need to write it down and make copies of it so that you will be able to see it everywhere that you go throughout the day. Place a copy of your goal in your kitchen on the refrigerator, in your bathroom, next to your computer, in your office and so on.

Find and refer to Self-Discipline Quotes


With an online search it will be easy for you to find inspirational self-discipline quotes that will motivate you. You need to print these out and place them next to your goal. Every time that you see these quotes you will be inspired to carry on and complete all of your tasks.


Remind yourself why you Started


By setting a challenging goal for yourself you are going to experience some bad times. Things are not going to work out as you planned them at times and you need to get over this and keep going. Remind yourself why you set your goal for inspiration to carry on.


Just set a Single Goal to Start with


When you are just starting out with self-discipline, we recommend that you only set one challenging goal for yourself. It can be tempting to set more than one goal, but this is likely to cause you problems as you do not have the necessary self-discipline to achieve all of them. You can quickly become overwhelmed when you are trying to achieve more than one goal.


Be a Prioritization Master


If you look at your daily task list, there are going to be some tasks that are much more important for you to complete than others. You need to review your tasks each day and decide which ones are the most important. When you can prioritize your tasks effectively you can avoid the threat of procrastination.


Identify and Overcome your Weaknesses


People that have a high level of self-discipline have identified their weaknesses and taken the appropriate action to overcome them. This will not be easy for you to do but you must do it if you want to develop your self-discipline.


Set Up some Accountability


If you keep your challenging goal to yourself then you are not accountable to anyone for achieving it or not. There will be nobody there to motivate you when you need a boost to complete your tasks. Find a suitable person and share your goal with them so that they can be your point of accountability.


Understanding The Science Of Focus

Please don’t worry – we are not going to use a lot of medical jargon in this article. But we do believe that it is important for you to know how focus works in your brain. So, we will explain the different processes that take place in the simplest terms for you.


When you Focus you Increase Neurotransmitters


When you focus there are a lot of things happening in your brain. You will create a lot more neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine and norepinephrine. These will change your state and put your memory on alert.


The neurotransmitters that you produce while focusing are similar to those that you will produce if you are in a state of “fight or flight”. This is a good thing as they will make you feel a lot more alert and engaged with what you are doing. Your memory will be on alert and you should be able to remember more things.


It’s all going on in your Prefrontal Cortex


A number of neurotransmitters will form in the prefrontal cortex area of your brain when you focus. This is essential as it is the area of your brain which has access to such things as deep thought, planning, remembering things and other higher cognitive functions. These areas are collectively known as your “attention network”.


The attention network is very important and as you focus you change the brain waves there. Focusing hard on something produces beta waves in your prefrontal cortex. Determining what is important for you to focus on is the job of the “salience network”. This area of your brain includes the anterior cingulate cortex or ACC.


Salience Network


Your salience network is responsible for determining what is really important for you to focus on. When the salience network makes this decision, it will direct the attention network to increase your level of focus for this particular thing.


One of the great things about the salience network is that it has a strong connection to your motivation. This in turn will help you to keep focusing on a task as your motivation levels increase. There have been a number of experiments with animals where the salience network was removed. The result was that the animals gave up very easily even when hunting for food.


As soon as your salience network decides what you need to focus on it will release a flood of dopamine and norepinephrine and this will excite your limbic system and reach the hippocampus area of your brain. The result of this is that you will commit more of what you are experiencing to your long-term memory.


Your Attention can be Directed by Internal or External Factors


There have been a number of scientific studies that have proven that both internal and external factors can direct your attention. When you make a decision to focus on something important, this is called a “top down” attention direction. This is activated in the dorsal area of your brain.


It is also possible to direct your attention through an external factor such as a loud noise or some other distraction in your environment. This results in a switch in your attention through reflex process. Your ventral network will then direct your attention using a “bottom up” process. 


The Importance Of Self-Discipline For Increasing Your Focus

When you have identified what you really want in your life and have set a challenging goal around it you are going to feel “fired up” and have a real sense of ambition. This is great as it will provide you with the motivation that you need to get started with your new goal.


The problem is that this ambition can fade easily if you let it. People that are successful have a high level of focus but they also have something else which you may not have at this stage – a high level of self-discipline.


A lot of people that create a new goal fail to achieve it. They are not confident that they have the necessary self-discipline to do everything that is necessary to achieve their goal. As a result of this they will tend to give up the moment they face an obstacle that they have never tackled before. 


Why Self-Discipline is so Important


The reason that most people do not have the required amount of self-discipline to achieve goals is because it is hard to develop it. There are ways that you can do this but it will take a lot of consistent effort on your part.


When you have a high degree of self-discipline you will be able to control your actions, feelings and emotions on a consistent basis. This will ensure that you can complete all of the necessary tasks you need to achieve your goal.


With a high level of self-discipline, you will be able to stick to your plans no matter what happens. You will be able to rise above any distractions and overcome any challenges that you encounter with your tasks.


Being a master of self-discipline will also help you to maintain your motivation for achieving your goal and you will remain focused for as long as it takes to complete your tasks. You will have strong will power and will be in total control of your actions and your impulses.


Will power is your ability to stay focused on something by using your powers of self-discipline. You will take consistent action in the pursuit of your goal. The combination of will power and self-discipline will keep you focused on the tasks that you need to complete.


What are the Benefits of Self-Discipline?


The truth is that there are a number of benefits to self-discipline. One of the major benefits is the reduction of anxiety and stress as you will be in no doubt that you can control your actions and your emotions. People that are unable to do this are far more likely to suffer from high stress levels.


When you are a master of self-discipline, you will be much more likely to achieve any challenging goal that you set yourself. You will be able to prevent self-induced distractions and have the will power to overcome any setback that you experience. It is likely that you will achieve your goals faster than you had planned as well.


People that have a high level of self-discipline tend to be happier in life. They know that they can use the power of their self-discipline to accomplish anything and make the necessary changes which will result in a better life.


Another great benefit of self-discipline is an increase in your resilience. With this new found resilience you will be able to replace bad habits with empowering ones so that there will be no stopping you when it comes to achieving your goals.


What Is Focus And Why Should You Care?

When you are able to focus at will on anything that you want you will have the power to transform your life and get anything that you want. You need a good level of focus to achieve anything worthwhile in your life.


Having the ability to focus on something for as long as you need will improve your productivity considerably. You will be able to get far more done than you could before. Being able to focus on the important things will enable you to accomplish anything that you want.


Focus Defined


In simple terms, focus is a thinking skill which enables you to get started with any task without any procrastination. With a good level of focus, you will be able to concentrate fully on a task until you have completed it.


Once you develop a high level of focus it will be a lot easier for you to pay attention to a task in spite of distractions and any setbacks that you may encounter. You will have the energy required to focus and re-focus as necessary and ensure that the task gets done.


Every Time you Think you Focus


It is not possible to think about something without focusing on it. Focus is required to provide perception, make decisions, solve problems, recall things from your memory and more. If you cannot focus then you will not be able to do any of these things.


Of course, we all have some power of focus, but many people have a wandering mind which causes them problems. You need to increase your focus to overcome your wandering mind so that you can be more productive and achieve more each day.


Attention comes in Three States


There are three different attention states that you can be in when you are trying to focus on something. These are:


1.    Selective attention

2.    Divided attention

3.    Sustained attention


Each of these has a part to play with your focus. It is usually not necessary for you to focus too much when you are driving a car for example. This is especially true if you have been driving for some time. You use divided attention here as you can drive almost on autopilot.


As people age it is possible for their divided attention to diminish. By using proven methods to increase your focus you can prevent this from happening. Divided attention is important to have as it enables you to process several different sources of information at the same time.


Selective attention is where you can shut everything else out to concentrate on one thing. The ideal state to master is sustained attention which will enable you to concentrate on something for a long period of time.


When it comes to sustained attention, your brain will use a process called “sensitivity enhancement”. This will ensure that all sensory information is intensified such as sounds and lights to make sure that you can process things in the correct way.


Efficient Selection


Your brain is amazing and it will use the efficient selection process to filter information that you receive and determine if it is important or not. If the efficient selection process deems something to be important then this gets moved up your priority list. The same process will suppress interruptions and distractions and move these to the bottom of your priority list.