Tuesday 5 April 2022

5 Ways to Boost Your Mood

There are times when you feel low… times when you feel totally unproductive and of no use to anyone. There are several things that can depress you in this manner, but what you have to know is that problems aren’t the end of the world. You have to come out of them and get back to your tasks. If you feel that it is very difficult to pull yourself together when you are feeling low, here are some stress-busters that can help.


Listen to Music


Listening to music works therapeutically for most people. Whatever your particular taste in music is, listen to that. Get your iPod or music CD and pop it in. Listen to your most favorite song; maybe see its video if you can. This can cheer you up royally.


Play a Computer Game


If you like computer games, this could be a great way to manage your stress. It is not just an FPS that can set those hormones running within you; even simple strategy games can do it for you if you like them. The point is to make your mind happy, not excited. So, choose the game you like and play on.


Speak to a Friend


Most times, if you just share your sorrows with someone, you can do well at managing them. Call the one person you trust more than anyone else and tell them what happened. They will listen to you. Do not fear reprimand or ridicule. That won’t happen. If they are your true friend, they will hear you out and even tell you what you should do.


Go Out for a Walk


If you are stressed, sitting inside and brooding is only going to make matters worse. What you need to do is to go out and let it all out. Take a whiff of the air outside and you will find your problems slowly dwindling away. Most importantly, you can give it some thought and put things in a better perspective. This helps as well.


Busy Yourself with Something


When you are trying to work out your stress, the one thing you should try to do is to divert your mind. You have to busy yourself with something that you can put your heart and soul to. This could be your work, or do something creative that you were long meaning to do. This can divert your mind in a very profound manner and you will find that you are slowly but steadily coming out of your stress. 


How to Ask for Something You Want

Even though we are among the richest persons on earth, there comes a time when we have to ask for something. This proves that richness is never absolute. Even the richest person needs to ask people to do something for them. And when these people decline, it adds to the hurt.


A highly effective person is one who can ask for things in such a way that people offer to do it for them. Can you do that? Can you achieve perfection in this all-important skill?


When you have to ask someone for something, one of the first things you have to do is to use the right approach. You shouldn’t be too humble about what you are asking and you shouldn’t be too proud either. Ask casually, as a friend would ask another. You should not let the other person feel like you are asking them arrogantly and at the same time you should not let them feel that they are doing a favor on you. Both extremes can have disastrous results in the long run.


So, when you are asking, have a smile on your face. Ask what you want directly, without hemming and hawing too much. Get straight to the point. Ask first, and then explain why you want that particular thing, again in very few words. Don’t beat around the bush. People should see that you are being practical about it. The demeanor should be thus — “I need something today, so I am asking you; when you need something tomorrow, I’ll help you out.”


Don’t feel inclined to go into detailed reasons for what you are asking unless the other person asks you precisely for it. If you are asking for money, you need not state the purpose in detail, but you will have to give a general idea to the person as to where you are going to spend their money—for an urgent hospital bill or to make a mortgage payment or to buy something. People like to know where their favors are going, but they don’t need to know too many details. That bores them.


Always make a promise as to when you will return what you are asking for, or how you will repay the favor later on. And stand by that promise when the time comes. This ensures good credit for you in the long run.


Above all, you need to remember that people are meant to help each other out in times of difficulty. If you are asking for help today, the tables may very well turn and someone will ask you for help tomorrow. Don’t disappoint them then. If you have a mind to help others out when you are able, people will read it and will extend you help today. 


Finding More Joy in Your Relationship

You are almost sure you have found the person you want to spend the rest of your life with. This person has a special place in your life. You want to give them everything you can, but at the same time, apprehensions are looming. You are feeling nervous. You don’t know whether this person will want to stick with you for a long life. You don’t know where you are headed.


When such aspersions are raised within your mind, then you lose the joy in your relationships. You become worked up and you start worrying. This shouldn’t happen. Relationships are meant to give us joy, not sorrow.


Before committing to any relationship, make perfectly sure that you want to stay with that person for a long period of time, perhaps even for a lifetime. So, think well. Commit to someone only if you know that you want to spend the rest your life with. Your commitment should be meaningful and shouldn’t have any ulterior motive. When you say that you will stick with someone for life, then you should abide by that. And you should do that without expectation.


This might seem like a tall order, but if you do so, you are aiming for the biggest prize—claiming more joy in your relationship. When you are devoting yourself whole-heartedly and sans expectation to anyone, you are making your life more contented and peaceful. Remember that a person who doesn’t expect things to happen a particular way is the one who doesn’t get hurt much.


Don’t be overly possessive. If you partner says that they don’t want to come out with you for dinner one particular day, it doesn’t mean that they have lost their love for you. Think about all the times you spent happily together so far. Give people a break sometimes. It is all right if they speak with someone of the opposite gender apart from you. That doesn’t mean a clandestine affair is looming. You speak to people of the opposite gender too. Think about that. Do you always have an affair in mind when you do so?


Don’t expect your partner to change. All right, you like mussels, your partner doesn’t. There is no big deal in that. Don’t expect your partner to like everything you do. Don’t expect your partner to behave exactly in the way you do. Even in the very remote possibility that they do that, you won’t like it. They will become duplicates of you and you surely don’t want a clone of yours to be walking around with you. You loved them for what they were, so why try and change them now? It is highly likely that when they change you will find them too different and lose your attraction for them.


Keep these few points in mind. When you are looking at finding joy in your relationships, these are the things that go a long way. Work at them to make your relationship a success.


Monday 4 April 2022

Personality Development—4 Things You Should Always Keep Improving About Yourself

A lot of people want to think that they are happy just as they are, but in verity, deep down inside, they know that there are things about themselves that they hate. They also know that they can improve upon these things, and set a whole new meaning to their lives in the process, but they are apprehensive about bringing about those changes.


If there is something likewise that has hampered your assiduity to progress as well, then you need to shun such thoughts. You have to remember that human beings are always meant to keep evolving. Change is the only thing that is constant in life. If you are looking at creating an impressive personality, then enhancing certain aspects of your personality can be what can get you there.


Basically, you have to always keep improving upon these five things in your personality; this is what brings about the right kind of personality development.


Your Knowledge 


Always keep learning new things, whether you are at home, on the job or even taking a walk in the park. This world belongs to people who can keep themselves abreast of things. You have to keep that in mind and keep enhancing your knowledge. The Internet has made everything so very easy. If nothing else, you should browse around for half an hour each day. Even this can give new dimensions to your knowledge. And, if you go for continuing education, it is a prime asset. The certificate that you get can help you in more ways than you think.


Your Relationships with Your Family and Friends


This is another area that needs constant enhancement. Your family and friends are the people who will stay with you through thick and thin. As such, you have to make sure that you always keep them happy. Do things for them that would please them. Don’t be so engrossed in other areas of your life that you have to neglect your family and friends. Real personal development lies in improving your ties with the people you love.


Your Financial Condition


It is also important that you pay attention to your bank balance. With money comes confidence and hence you should try to improve your financial condition. If your current job isn’t doing much for you, then you may plan something like a work at home job through the Internet. You may also think of switching jobs and going for greener pastures. If you are getting better opportunities, don’t let anything hold you back.


Your Personal Appearance


You think that personal appearance doesn’t really matter, but it does. You have to make sure that you look perfect whenever you have an important meeting with someone. This is about the way you look and also the clothes that you wear. Keep enhancing them. 


So, if you are looking at personal development, these are the things that can help you.


Tuesday 29 March 2022

Blog Your Way to Personal Development

The advent of the Internet has made several new ways possible to do the same old things. Even in an area such as personal development, it is possible to use the Internet to bring about a difference. Among the many ways in which you can use the Internet to develop your personality, one of the most effective ways is to have a blog of your own.


Today, almost everyone worth their salt has a blog and they run it religiously. Blogs are weblogs; they are sort of like online diaries that you can submit your written entries to. These written entries are called as posts. All the posts that you make are chronologically arranged, with the newest ones appearing first.


But, unlike your personal diary, blogs are accessible to everyone that uses the Internet. In fact, that is one thing bloggers aspire to do—to reach out to the largest number of people. They want people to know about their thoughts and ideas; they want people to comment on them. By doing that, they find people who have the same likes and desires as them, and they exchange ideas and improve. People who blog belong to an entirely different section of the Internet, known as the blogosphere. The blogosphere is always buzzing with activity, with people flitting in and out of each other’s blogs and sharing thoughts and ideas.


You could make a personal blog through Blogger.com within a matter of minutes. If you wanted to make a business out of your blog, that would be eminently possible too—in fact, that is a way in which millions of people around the world are earning a healthy amount of passive income. If that is your prerogative, then you would do well to start out a blog with WordPress.


When you are trying to develop your personality, blogging becomes an important tool. It helps you know more things; you can see how other people around the world are doing the things you do and you are able to build your network of contacts. You become an influential person and you overcome your hang-ups. This goes a long way in taking you further in terms of progress than you already are. 


10 Things You Need for a Better Personality

Personal development is an accumulation of several things. All these factors contribute to make your personality more enriched and impressive for others. Though there are many ways in which you can improve your personality, the following are some minor things that can really help.


1.  Improve your grasp over your language. This seems to be small thing, but it really helps when you know the right word at the spur of the moment. Knowing your language helps you to speak in a more refined, eloquent manner, and that can impress a lot of people.


2.  Always be clean. Have the right haircut, and keep your nails trimmed. Pay attention to personal hygiene. You don’t have to be beautiful or handsome to have a great personality but no one likes a person who doesn’t take care of personal hygiene.


3.  Dress well. That doesn’t mean you should go out and stock on Armani’s and Gucci’s, but you have to make sure you display something of a sartorial sense. A good dress is always a good point for making an impression.


4.  Enhance your knowledge on your subject of expertise. Whenever anyone comes to you with a query about your line of work, you should be ready with an answer. People always respect those who are experts in their respective fields.


5.  Keep abreast of current affairs. It really helps when you are informed of things. That ensures you don’t come across as a nerd at conversations.


6.  Make friends. Be a social person. Move about. This helps you get invited to places and the more places you are seen in your elegant form, the better it is for improving your personality. It isn’t enough that you are an amiable person; people should know that you are an amiable person.


7.    Eat well, stay fit and exercise. This is a very important aspect of personal development. You cannot hope to impress people with bad health.


8.  Be a family person. Everyone likes people who are devoted to their families. Never leave an opportunity to express your dedication to your family. Be seen together with your family more than you are seen with your friends.


9.  Be wise with money. Don’t throw it around and don’t be too stingy. Spend on things that everyone needs to have. Remember that a person who doesn’t take care of money isn’t respected too much.


10. Work on yourself. Always keep time for personal relaxation and recreation. Spending time with the family can itself be a great rejuvenator. Pay attention to yourself at all times. Take care of all health problems and you will be fine.


If you are looking for effective personal development, then these are the points that you surely cannot miss out on. Incorporate them in your lifestyle and see how that helps. 


Building Self-Confidence—What Must You Do?

It is true that a person with confidence is considered to be a person with an impressive personality. You have to work on personal development at all times, because this is what really helps you grow as an individual, and for that, you will need to work at improving your self-confidence. But what are the ways in which you can do that?


Learn to confront your fears. No person in this world is without apprehension. You might be skeptical about achieving a particular thing, or you may be fazed by some weakness that lies within you. These are your fears. They are the detrimental factors in building your personality. The first step towards beginning to improve your self-confidence is to be truthful to yourself and understand what it is that hampers your growth as an individual.


When you know what your fears are, you will automatically know what you can do about it. If your fears are about your work, then all you need to do is to concentrate on the results you want to achieve. These are the results you want—what must you do for achieving them? In your mind, find the answers to this question. When you know for sure what methods you need to adopt to achieve the results you want, you will become confident about them. Your conviction levels will increase.


The best way to achieve self-confidence is through achievement. If you achieve something, however small, you become confident that you can do it. Even if your achievement is minor, it gears you for the bigger things. Having done something once is a great motivation for doing the same kind of thing again. So, don’t be hesitant to try new things. Try whatever you can within your field of work, or passion. It is these small achievements that will egg you on for greater glories.


Always keep working at your personality. You must amass as much knowledge in your field as you can. Read about the famous people in your field. See how they went about their achievements. This gives you great inspiration to surge ahead as well.


When you are building your self-confidence, these are the things that really work. Be better acquainted with your own pluses and minuses and don’t let that spirit dwindle. Soon, people are going to think of you as a stronger, more confident person.


Self-Realization—An Important Aspect of Personal Development

When you are trying to develop your personality, there are several things that you need to look at, but probably the most important thing is that you should have the correct realization about yourself. You should know who you are. It is only when you have a complete realization of yourself that you can plan to make improvements.


Each and every one of us has their own strengths and weaknesses. You have them too. You may be a very confident person, but at the same time, even if you don’t admit it openly, you surely have some shortcomings. If you are trying to develop your personality, the first thing is that you have to come out of this denial. Denial leaves no scope for improvement, because you become shortsighted about your weaknesses. Overcome the denial and accept to yourself what your limitations are. When you do that, it is as good as telling yourself that these are the aspects where you have to improve.


At the same time, you have to realize the things that you can do very well. There will certainly be a host of such things. And there will be one special talent at which you excel. This is the talent that defines your profession, or maybe your passion or your hobby. This is the one thing that you can pursue for your entire life, and keep becoming better at it. This is what you need for your professional, personal and creative growth, and it becomes the focus of your life. You may have a flair for writing, or maybe you can build websites, or probably you are good at sales, or perhaps you can handle a truck very well. All these are special talents. Realize what talent you have and keep improving upon it.


Understand your personal limitations as well. Do people think of you as a good, friendly person? Do you have many friends? Is your spouse happy with you? Do you keep your children happy? Are you prone to temper outbursts? These are the things you should know, and work upon them. The main thing is that you should understand that you have follies in you and improve.


In conclusion, if you are looking for personal development, you have to have a pragmatic view of your faults and your talents. This tells you which direction you have to take your life into. 


Your Way to a Better Life—The Law of Attraction

Have you heard of the Law of Attraction? If not, you are probably missing out on a very important thing, one that could probably turn your life around.


To put it quite simply, the Law of Attraction states that if you want something to happen, you have to think positively about it. So, if you want to become rich, you have to think optimistically about becoming rich. If you are looking for true love, then you have to think as though you have already got it.


The Law of Attraction works on the principle of ‘like begets like’. When you think very strongly about something, you automatically begin doing things accordingly. Your way of thinking influences your actions. And that is why you get the desired results.


For example, if you want a car, you must think very positively about having a car. In fact, you should think that you actually have a car already. Then, automatically, you will begin doing things such as saving money, finding out about cars that are available, checking out which are the best and so on. So, somewhere subconsciously, you are preparing for the arrival of your car. It will be just a matter of time before your thoughts begin to take a material shape.


Popularized in Rhonda Byrne’s famous The Secret, the Law of Attraction has a lot of appeal for people who are looking at personal development today. This law has helped several people succeed in relationships, profession, their financial and social status, etc. These are the people who thought about the single thing they wanted to achieve, with complete conviction. It was this conviction that lent shape to their desire and helped them to fulfill it.


The Law of Attraction surely works. But what you have to ensure is whether you are able to get convinced to the extent that the law begins taking a material shape. You have to be highly optimistic, without a shadow of apprehension, and it is only then that you will see things automatically falling into place.


How to Develop Your Own Style

There are people who spend their whole lives conforming to the ideals of other people, while there are some people who want to develop their own style. If you are the latter type, then it does not mean that you have a large ego or that you are vain about yourself. If you have decided to develop your own style, then it is the sign of a confident personality. You are trying to be unique; there is no harm in that.


The first thing you have to do when you aspire to develop your own style is to have a full realization of your limitations and capabilities. You cannot be unique unless and until you know what you can and cannot do. Think about the things you are good at, and think about the things you are bad at.


Always try to work to your strengths. If there is something you can do well, try and see how you can improve at it. This is what will characterize your personality. People will remember you for your talent. Aren’t all famous personalities of the world remarkable because of just one talent? Try to find out where your special forte is, and work on it.


That does not mean you should ignore your weaknesses completely. You should try to improve on that too. A person with an impressive personality is one who can manage various tasks, but excel at one.


It is also important that you listen to your ‘inner voice’. When you are planning on something, ask yourself—What does my inner voice say? And act accordingly. If you have firm conviction in a particular thing, you should probably do just that. There will be several detractors on the way, but you should only heed the advice of people who have noble intentions for you. Don’t be obstinate, but know what’s good for you and act accordingly. Be confident about yourself.


Don’t blindly copy others. Don’t try to do something just because someone else is doing it. Do what you believe in, even though other people don’t recommend it. If you are firmly convinced that it is good for you, then it probably is. Weigh the pros and cons of anything that you take up, and when you take something up, commit yourself to it.


Developing your own style isn’t something that you can do overnight. Your whole life is a process of developing a personality or a style. Everything that you do will affect it. So, you need to be careful about everything that you do and, above all, have faith in yourself and the people who mean well for you. 


5 Tips to Build an Impressive Personality

Everyone wants to have a personality with which they can impress other people. Our existence is all about being what we are and still being liked by people. However, we must realize that we aren’t perfect as we are. We can actually never be perfect, but there are ways we can implement in order to get closer to what people want of us. If we want to build an impressive personality, we have to fit ourselves within the expectations of the people that we encounter, and then some more.


That might seem intimidating to you, but if you are just starting out with your aspirations to develop a better personality, then there are some simple things you can plan on:


Lend an Ear to Everyone


People will constantly tell you of their opinions and give you ideas. Never mow them down. A person with an impressive personality is always a good listener. Make sure you hear people out, and then take it from there. Just like you like it when people hear you out, others want that too.


Don’t Give Out Too Much Advice


People who are always ready with some advice are actually detested. A lot of people you will meet want to do things their own way. Just like you, they want to be free and independent. That’s the reason you’re doling out of too much advice won’t always be appreciated. It mars your personality. Give out advice only when people ask you directly for it.


Always Be Confident


You don’t need to know everything, but you have to be confident within your special expertise. This could be your line of work, or your hobby, or some other passion that you pursue and are known for. Other people are going to approach you about these things. You are going to have to make decisions. At such times, you have to make sure that you are confident about your actions.


Prioritize Your Tasks


You are always going to have a lot of tasks ahead of you. They will be your different social, professional and personal tasks. All of these tasks will deserve to be fulfilled but they will have different degrees of importance. This is where you have to understand the art of prioritization. You have to know which task is most important—the task whose fulfillment affects other tasks—and which is less important. Accomplish your tasks in this order. This ensures that you become more productive and earn people’s respect.


Respect Everyone for What They Are


Just as you want to be respected, other people want to be respected too. You have to ensure that you don’t slight anyone, that you give them the respect that they deserve. When you understand that others around you are also human and are prone to the same limitations that you are, you become better at handling other people.


Work on these points. If you are looking at developing an impressive personality, they are going to help you immensely.


Tips to Develop Your Personality at Your Workplace

Your workplace is one place where you have to be at your best. People are scrutinizing you at every moment, whether you like it or not, and they are judging you. Hence, you need to put your best foot forward at all times.


This might seem to be a very daunting task to you and you may even feel intimidated about it. But, what can you do about it? What can you do so that you always leave a favorable impression on everyone at the workplace? The answer to this doesn’t lie in a single aspect—you have to try and improve your entire personality. The personality that you project at the workplace should be such that it should impress people. Only then will you command respect at the place where you work.


Here are some tips on how you can go about developing that amazing workplace personality that gets you great results.


Be Knowledgeable


Always know what you are doing. You need to know everything about your job. Always keep gaining information and keep educating yourself. Learn new methods and techniques as they are introduced. When you have the right knowledge, you develop a great personality for the workplace.


Be Confident


Give out the impression that you are confident about what you are doing. If you follow the above point, i.e. if you gain knowledge, then you automatically become confident as well. You have to be sure of your decisions and your way of doing things. 


Be Focused on Your Results


Even if you are the most knowledgeable person at work, you don’t go a long way if you don’t achieve your results. This is what proves that you have the spark in you to achieve what you set out to achieve. The best way to do this is by being focused on your results. Concentrate on what you have to achieve. Keep thinking of ways and means to reach those goals.


Be Good to Your Fellow Workers


This is a social aspect that forms a large part of your workplace personality. Always be kind to your subordinates and obedient to your superiors. But, act within the premise of reason. If you see someone stepping over the line, then you should take the right action. People respect you for being firm on your beliefs, and people are also constantly checking you for the way you deal with the other people at work.


Keep these basic points in mind. If you are looking at developing a great workplace personality, these are what you should incorporate within yourself. 


How to Enrich Your Mind Even When You Are Super Busy

Everyone’s grouse today seems to be the same—there’s just too much work for me to do! It seems that everyone around us is biting more than they can chew and then they regret it, but cannot back out. This is certainly a worrisome factor, but if you played your cards right, you could do things that could give you a more enriched life. In fact, you could do a few things in that regard even without putting any kind of limitations on your current busy life.


Think about these things.


1.  Is there something that you really like to do, a real passion? You should spend time doing it at least once a week. Imagine that playing tennis is a real passion with you but you don’t get time to play it any more. Even so, you should try to wedge it somewhere at least once during the week. Or maybe you can invite your office people over to play tennis with you. They want the relaxation too. And you won’t feel too guilty about it then.


2.  Buy a good self-help tape which gives good, life-changing advice. There are many such motivating tapes that you can get your hands on. Listen to them when you drive to work. A really good motivating tape in the morning can make your day.


3.  Or, you can get some music you really like and put it into the player when you are driving to work. There’s nothing like a dose of your favorite songs in the morning when the whole day stretches yawningly in front of you.


4.  Talk to your friends when you can. This is something that can really cheer you up. Maybe you can talk to a different friend each day. This is also a great way to socialize because people don’t exactly have the time to meet their friends regularly nowadays. The best time to call them is in the lazy afternoons when everything slows down to almost a halt.


5.  Take short power naps. Do you have some important work looming in front of you that is going to take the considerable part of the evening, and you are feeling sleepy already? It is time to take a power nap. Close all doors to your room, sit on the most comfortable chair you have, draw the drapes and go off to sleep. Set an alarm to wake up after 15-20 minutes. When you wake up, let the dredges of sleep subside, and you will find yourself to be a new, refreshed person.


Try these tips to rejuvenate the inner ‘you’ even when you are busy. You will find the difference making its appearance felt soon enough.


Recreation—An Elusive Thing that You Have to Grab Hold of

In today’s hasty world, one thing that most of us have forgotten is that the human body needs to relax. We need to take time out for ourselves. Our bodies are more complicated than any machine man has ever devised. Even the best of machines requires to be energized in some way or the other and they need to rest if they have to work for a long time. But, with our own bodies—these amazing machines that nature has provided us with—we are completely laidback. We don’t realize the need of rest for our body machines. And therein lies a major problem.


Today, most people flinch at the prospect of rest. There is so much work everyone has taken up that resting seems like a taboo. It is something you should not speak of. It is something for the lazy people who can do nothing good in their lives… that’s the sorry impression we have about rest and recreation.


But this attitude can only take us faster to our graves. If our body doesn’t get the chance to recharge itself, how will it be able to continue functioning normally? How do you hope to make your body more productive the next day if you don’t rest today?


Rest is one thing; recreation is another. When we are resting, we are just shutting ourselves off from the world for a while. But when we are recreating, we do something that we enjoy. We enrich our minds when we recreate and at the same time our brain is happy because we are doing something that we love. It releases more endorphins and that’s the reason our entire body attains a state of natural felicity. This is a factor that can enhance our health in great measure.


However, the important thing is that recreation isn’t something that comes naturally to us. We have to take it. Like for hunger or thirst, we don’t have an instinct for recreation. That’s the reason we don’t ‘feel’ the need to recreate, but this is definitely something that we should do.


Whatever it is that we like to do—go for a walk, watch a movie, listen to a song, read a book, write something, talk with our friends, take the dog out, play with our children—we should do. We should spend time doing that for at least a few minutes every day. This makes our mind richer and our bodies fitter. If we want to make a well-oiled, productive machine out of our bodies, then we must not forget to give it its dose of recreation each day of our lives.