Sunday 20 March 2022

Learn More About The Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is an art that has been around since the dawn of the age of man. This is not a statement to be brushed over. After all, many things about mankind have changed over time, but the profound art of meditation is something we have clung on to dearly. This is because there is no substitute for meditation. Nothing else, singlehandedly, bestows the many wonderful blessings that meditation brings... in fact nothing else even comes close. In this article I will outline the top 10 benefits that meditation brings and hopefully it will inspire all to learn and practice this timeless art.


The mind of one who meditates is like the easy, leisurely flow of the Ganges River, as compared to the ordinary mind, which is like Niagara Falls. In other words your mind is at peace, deeply silent and so you are at peace.


Meditation opens up the channels of communication between all levels of your being. What this means is that you have access now to the guidance that is coming directly from your Divine Self. 


This link gives rise to the flow of intuition and wisdom.


Meditation strips away the layers of false identity that mask your True Self from shining through. Once you eliminate these false egos and stop catering to their nonsense you can reside in your True Nature. This brings forth joy and happiness as it allows you to be at ease with life, existence and yourself.


All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. 


Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


The parts that are not put on but are natural. This will give you insight into who you really are and what you really love in life. That is the secret of mastering the art of living and discovering your true talents, gifts and purpose. That which you love, you do for its own sake without the need for reward of accolades. Once this is discovered, life can be lived with passion, zeal and independence.


Enlightenment: This is the one ultimate purpose of meditation. To help you discover the True Non-Dual Nature of Reality. To make you realize that your True Self is Divine and One with God.


All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


Take your time and practice meditation today so that you can start feeling better real soon. This is going to be a life changing experience for you if you can make the most out of it and really start being a much more positive person, there is no doubt about that. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


Good luck and enjoy your meditation practices each day. 


Meditation: Explanations About It

For sufferers of insomnia inability to relax physically and mentally well enough to sleep is often a problem. Thoughts race and make it difficult to shut down and get to sleep until it is nearly time to get up again. The nightly routine of fighting with a racing mind in hopes of a few minutes of unbroken sleep becomes their routine. This article was written to give insomniacs tips as well as advice that is geared toward falling asleep easily. Meditation will always be beneficial.


The first thing we need to do in this battle against insomnia is discuss the problem with your doctor. Often there is a medical reason behind sleep difficulties.


Staying away from sleeping pills is the next thing you should do. Sleeping pills can cause addiction problems as well as add other issues that can cause insomnia defeating their purpose. Sleeping pills also impair mental acuity. Placebo studies have shown patients who were given a placebo actually slept better and were more refreshed than those who were given sleeping pills. 


After that you need to keep in mind that there in not a quick-fix for insomnia. While there may be instances that popping a pill can take care of the problem; insomnia isn't one of those instances. There can be many reasons for insomnia which sleeping pills wouldn't address, and chemically induced sleep is not as refreshing as the real thing. Having a routine will also help you to get enough rest as well as keep insomnia at bay. If you keep track of when you go to bed and when you get up for several days you will most likely find a pattern. Often insomnia can be treated by setting a schedule and following it while watching your sleep patterns. You need to be exposed to natural light daily as well. 


Going outside to get natural sunlight is also important. You need sunlight for over-all health in addition to stabilizing your sleep patterns. Meditation can improve sleep, you can also try listening to soft music in the evening to help you relax. Daily exercise is important for the brain as well as the body. Exercise can help you relax and ensures a deeper, more restful sleep. It is a good idea to have a dark, cool, quiet place to sleep with a comfortable and well supported sleeping surface. You should sleep in your bed instead of in a chair reclined in front of a television set. 


Start your sleep period by relaxing your body starting with your toes and working your way up until your whole body is relaxed. Proper diet plays a large part in sleep habits. You need to get enough vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. St John's Wort can improve mood if you are suffering from depression, which commonly occurs in people with insomnia. Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba can help with concentration during the day as well. Before starting any supplements you should seek the advice of a licensed medical professional and through meditation. 


Meditation Can Help

As you exhale, listen to the sound and associate it with the word Ham. As a guide, So sounds as does if you are saying it in English. Ham could actually be written as Hom, as the in Ham is very weak.


Meditation is one of the most important spiritual disciplines. The benefits of regular meditation are numerous, too many to list, yet peace of mind is one of the greatest.


Try listening to our Let Go recording (see holisticmakeove m link below) which utilizes brain-mind technology to effortlessly guide you into a meditative state.

Avoid all drugs. Even “just” marijuana “only once in a while” hinders intuition and clouds your mind for weeks afterwards.


Try meditating with someone you love or with a group of friends. The combined energy will help you go deeper.


You may be sensitive to something you’re eating or drinking. Pick a day and eat lightly, perhaps about half of what you usually do. Consume what you know will be easy to digest, such as lightly steamed vegetables. 


You should be able to focus more easily provided you feel lighter and more alert.

Certain supplements, herbs, and medications, especially if they affect your mood, may be disagreeing with your system and causing you to be scattered. Ask your doctor or health professional for alternative recommendations or if you can do without them for a while. If you keep asking God or your guides or angels of the Light how you can be more successful with meditation, you’ll eventually become aware of effective ways to go deeper and focus better. 


You’ll be a pro in no time.


If you’re still having trouble perceiving anything, jump start the process by using your imagination. Tell yourself you’ll perceive the first image, thought, or feeling, in response to any of the questions or instructions in the script, on the count of three. Then count one, two, three and provide a picture or thought from your imagination or memory. Continue this process until other images that feel more related to the issue you are exploring start filtering into your mind.


Try relaxing music. Experiment with different kinds to test which works best for you.

Whatever works the best for you is what you should be thinking of trying out. Meditation can change your life for the better and once you begin feeling better you will know that you definitely made the best choices by choosing this to help you along the way throughout this difficult life. 


Learn more about meditation the next chance that you can because your life will be ever changing because of it. There is more to be learned about it even to this day. Things are going to be different in your life and meditation can be the reason for your healing and becoming a much more positive person that is happier and healthier. 


The internet is the best place to locate information about meditation, and there are many wonderful websites that could provide you with tons of information. 


Beware of Diet Fads When Trying to Shed Pounds

It might be actresses such as Suzanne Sommers and Jane Fonda, or models such as Christie Brinkley or Kathy Ireland. It seems that a number of celebrities today offer their own weight loss programs. The programs are appealing because we see these various svelte celebrities and we want to have bodies just like them. The celebrities are also highly likable, so we have a predisposition to be accepting of their products.


However, did you ever stop to think whether these celebrities have any nutritional training? Do they have medical training? Is the information that they offer nutritionally sound? Or is it just a good sales pitch?


Nutrition experts Annette B. Natow and Jo-Ann Heslin, authors of the book Get Skinny the Smart Way, say that consumers should be leery of celebrity-inspired diet books. They point out that such books are often based upon nutritional fiction and that, while the diets outlined in these books may result in short-term weight loss, they can be far from healthy in the long run. Therefore, you might consider passing up the celebrity diet books and opting for those written by nutritional experts instead.


But celebrities aren’t the only ones preaching fad diets. For instance, there’s the so-called grapefruit diet which recommends consuming a grapefruit prior to each meal. Another fad is the cabbage soup diet, which requires you to consume all the cabbage soup you can handle. Other fads call for eating all the eggs you can…consuming only raw foods…or fasting every other day. Such diets are not only based on nutritional misinformation—they can also be dangerous. 


For instance, let’s take a closer look at the cabbage soup diet. No major health organization has endorsed it. Moreover, the American Heart Association disapproves of it, noting that it can actually harm you. Promoters of this diet say that you can lose as much as 15 pounds a week by following it—what they don’t say is that most of that weight is water weight. Once you begin eating normally again, you will see your weight rise once more. Some of the side-effects of the cabbage soup diet include a feeling of weakness, stomach pains, and diarrhea. 


Yet another questionable diet approach is what’s known as food combining. Such a diet assumes that you are overweight because you are not eating the right combination of food. The requirements of such a diet can seem quite arbitrary. For instance, you might be told that you can eat a banana only in the morning. This is rubbish, since your stomach can deal with a variety of different foods at one time. The idea behind such a diet is to eat food with fewer calories, but there are other methods you can use to accomplish the same goals.


Some companies even claim that you can shed pounds while you dream. They say that, if you use their product right before bedtime, you will lose weight. In actuality, no company can make such a claim with any degree of credibility. It is impossible to burn a large number of calories while snoozing. In other cases, you may be tempted to try to lose weight by consuming special milkshakes or candy bars. In essence, these products are just milk and candy with certain vitamins and minerals added. However, one rarely feels satisfied after consuming these products. As a result, you may find yourself actually consuming additional calories during the rest of the day. While you might be able to theoretically lose weight in the short-term, you’ll find it difficult to maintain the weight loss over the long haul.


The fact of the matter is that there is a great deal of money that can be made through the sale and marketing of diet products. As long as America has a large contingent of overweight people, companies will try to make a profit off of overeating. It is up to you to be savvy enough to recognize a diet fad when you see it and opt for a different approach to losing weight. You’ll find that there are really no short-cuts to weight loss. Any successful diet program takes time, patience, and determination, along with a willingness to change your eating patterns.   


Emotional Eating: A Prime Ingredient for Obesity

Sandra found her weight ballooning 60 pounds after her separation from her husband. While part of the weight gain was apparently tied to the medication she was taking, the rest appeared to be the result of what can be described as emotional eating. In recent years, greater attention has been focused on the problem of emotional eating for both women and men. In fact, some experts have gone so far as to claim that most weight gain can be blamed on emotional eating. According to Women Today magazine, it has been estimated that as much as 75 percent of overeating is attributed to the emotions. 


For a number of people, overeating stems from anxiety. For instance, if you find yourself consuming an entire bag of potato chips, it’s possible that anxiety is the cause. While many people realize that alcohol and illegal drugs are not an antidote to anxiety, they may not understand that indulging in comfort food in order to combat anxiety can be dangerous as well.


In other cases, overeating may be the result of depression. If you feel tired, hopeless, and have lost interest in your normal activities, you may be suffering from a depressive episode. In order to deal with these uncomfortable feelings, people may turn to food in an effort to cheer up. The problem is that the food can lead to weight gain, which can lead to further depression.


At times, overeating may be a symptom of boredom. An individual may figure that he or she has nothing better to do than overeat. This can be particularly true when one is watching television or surfing the Internet. Rather than trying to determine a cause for the boredom, an individual may just try to “fix” it by indulging in high-fat, high-calorie food.


How do you know if you are an emotional eater? Ask yourself some key questions: Do I tend to eat when I’m worried? Scared? Sad? Do I find that eating lifts my spirits? Am I spending more time eating than engaging in other activities I enjoy? Do my binges come after I’ve suffered disappointment? Am I turning to food in order to deal with the death of a loved one…a divorce…or the defeat of my favorite team? If the answers to any of these questions is “yes,” you may be overeating purely for emotional reasons.


After you’ve identified yourself as an emotional eater, you’ll need to take steps to correct your behavior. Perhaps the most effective technique is diversion. In other words, if you find yourself reaching for the cookie jar, find another activity to engage in. The answer could be taking a walk, kickboxing, or dancing. Or it could be something less physically demanding, such as needlepoint or crochet. The idea is to get your hands…and perhaps the rest of your body…moving. In time, you might find the urge to overeat subsides as you become involved with other activities.


Another effective step you can take is to identify the triggers for your emotional eating. Do you tend to binge in mid-morning, mid-afternoon, or right before bedtime? Are you snacking while watching television, while at the computer, or when you’re sitting in your favorite chair? By asking yourself these questions, you can identify the time of day when you overeat, as well as the location for your binging. With this information, you can learn to re-direct your behavior to less fattening pursuits. 


Yet another helpful technique is to develop a support network to help you combat overeating. The members of your support team could include your spouse, children, parents, friends, or other over-eaters. You may even consider joining a support group which specializes in helping those who engage in binge eating. If you feel the need to overeat, contact a member of your support team. Talking through your emotions could provide you with the emotional release you need, making overeating unnecessary.


If your anxiety or depression persists, consider seeing a psychotherapist. He or she can help you develop more effective coping mechanisms. If you find it difficult to talk to friends or family about your overeating, a psychotherapist can provide you with the talk therapy you need to overcome your problem.


Mind Over Matter: Key Strategies for Weight Loss Success

Katie, a 33-year-old mother of two, has been on her share of diets over the years. From Weight Watchers to the Zone to Sugar Busters, she feels as if she has tried them all. While she has had moderate success in losing weight from time to time, she has never found a long-term weight loss solution. Her weight is a point of contention in her marriage; her husband—who also happens to be obese—wishes she were thin, but says he loves her anyway. The two have been separated a number of times, and even filed for divorce once. The stress has caused Katie to begin binge eating again. 


There is hope for Katie and others like her who feel as if they’re trapped on the diet carousel. The key to long-term weight loss success may not be the body, but the mind. Research indicates that those who have a positive outlook on life are more likely to lose weight—and stay thin. But how can you have a positive outlook when you’ve been burned so many times before? Is it possible to “will your way” to losing weight?


One technique that has been proven effective in sports training is something called visualization. For instance, a baseball player might visualize his bat connecting with a ball, leading to a homerun. A soccer player might visualize kicking the winning goal in a soccer match. And a golfer might visualize sinking the winning putt in the Masters Tournament.


The same technique can be used by dieters. Visualize yourself as thin. Picture yourself in that dress that is now two sizes too small. Imagine stepping onto the scale and being pleased with the result. Visualize yourself saying “no” to that piece of chocolate cake or that plate of Fettucini Alfredo. These mind exercises can help to spur you onto weight loss.


When people learn they are suffering from cancer, they are encouraged to imagine their cancer cells being destroyed by healthy cells. You can follow the same technique in order to lose weight. That means imagining your fat cells being destroyed by thin cells. Through such a method, you can “think your way” to a healthy weight. 


In addition, it is critically important that you maintain a positive attitude. Be forgiving of yourself. If you veer off your diet plan, simply get back on course with your next meal. Don’t spend precious time “beating yourself up” over your failures. Instead, celebrate your successes—in a non-fattening way. For instance, when you reach a milestone—say you’ve lost ten pounds—reward yourself with a trip to an art museum or to your favorite coffee shop (but skip the cream and sugar). Marking milestones will give you a sense of accomplishment, a sense that you are triumphing over food.


Another helpful technique can be prayer or meditation. Some support groups even offer Bible-based weight loss programs that use scripture verses to help inspire. Taking stock of your life and handing your weight loss problems over to a higher power can be cathartic and may give you a sense of peace about your weight difficulties. It has been said that a clear head leads to a healthy body. Try praying or meditating ten minutes at the start of your day. Chances are you will feel refreshed and ready to tackle the weight challenges that come your way.


Yet another technique you might consider is role-playing. Grab your spouse or a friend and ask him or her to act out a situation in which you might be tempted to overeat. You’ll be forced to come up with strategies to fight temptation. This rehearsal could prove to be quite helpful when a real life diet dilemma comes your way. If role-playing works for job interviews, it should be beneficial for your weight as well. 


Mind over matter is not just a clever saying. It can actually be the solution to your weight loss problems. By using your brain power, you can develop the techniques needed to make healthy food choices. When your mind and your body are both healthy, you have the best of both worlds. 


Staying Motivated: An Important Factor in Weight Loss

If you are attempting to fight fat, it is simply not enough to begin an exercise program. You must also be able to stick with it. This can be challenging, especially if you have spent most of your life as a couch potato. You may find exercise to be boring or a chore. And you may be wondering whether your exercise program is really worth the effort.


It should be noted that the key to a successful exercise program is perseverance. This means that you need to commit to it for the long haul—in fact, it is best if you commit to it for the rest of your life. Certainly, it can be difficult at times. But in the end, it is well worth the effort you exert.


Staying motivated may begin with having a tangible goal. For instance, if you are basically inactive when you start your program, you should aim to burn off 500 calories a week. If you are fairly active when you start exercising, your goal should be 1,000 calories. But you must also have a long-term goal. This might be doubling the amount of calories you burn within six months of commencing your exercise program.


You might consider starting an exercise log. Here, you will record exactly what kind of aerobic, anaerobic, and stretching exercises you do each week. Be sure to include the number of repetitions you’re performing with each exercise. This way, you’ll have a concrete chart for your progress. Seeing how well you’re doing can be truly inspiring and can keep you going when you find it difficult to go on.


Another effective motivational strategy is to join a group that engages in some kind of exercise. For instance, you might become a mall-walker or you might find a local square dance club to join. Other possibilities include hiking groups, golfing groups, softball teams, or even ping-pong teams. The fact that you are part of a social network will help to keep you motivated. 


You might try psyching yourself out by using a computer screensaver which says, “Get moving.” Or you might post a “get moving” sign on your refrigerator. In other words, you should be constantly reminded of the value of exercise. You might also invest in home exercise equipment such as a treadmill, elliptical trainer, or free weights. The amount of money you spend could be a powerful incentive for making sure that you use the equipment on a regular basis. You should also place the equipment in a prominent place so that you have to pass it often. After a while, you’ll find no excuse not to exercise. 


You might also consider investing in exercise videos or DVDs. These allow you the convenience of exercising in the privacy of your own home. They can also give you an electronic “exercise buddy” who can help keep you inspired even on rainy days when you don’t feel like exercising at all.


Another effective idea is to place your athletic shoes near the door so that you are reminded of the need to walk rather than drive. You might also consider rewarding yourself for keeping with your exercise program. Your reward could be as elaborate as a cruise or as small as a treat from the dollar store. The idea is to make sure that your accomplishment is celebrated.


While we’re on the topic of celebration, seriously consider throwing a party once you’ve reached an exercise milestone. You can serve nutritious snacks and beverages and even encourage your guests to come in their athletic wear in order to build upon the party’s theme. Sharing your joy can help to motivate you to continue your physical activities. 


It should be said that there is no right way to exercise. But you do need to make sure that whatever you do is effective and that you’re sufficiently motivated to do it. By following just a few simple tips, you can ensure that your exercise routine is not just a fad, that it will continue over the long term. Remember that you may face setbacks from time to time, but that shouldn’t stop you from continuing to try to reach your exercise goals. 


Handy Organic Ant Control for your Home

It’s a fact of life, unless you live in Antarctica, that pests will make themselves at home in your house or apartment.


There are a variety of insect pests you need to think of and no two are alike. Rather than spraying toxic chemicals into your home environment, consider using organic, non-toxic pest control. It’s safe for your home’s human occupants and for your pets as well. Pests will show up in the air, your carpeting, your kitchen counter and other places you’d rather not find them.


Let’s take a look specifically at ant control for your home or recreational areas outside. Remember that organic pest control varies somewhat with the pest you’re dealing with and that just like with inorganic chemical pest control, you don’t always use the same thing for ants as you do for fleas. Here’s a look at your organic options for ant infestation in your home.


For the organic treatment of ants, a common summertime pest, you need to make sure your countertops are free of crumbs and anything sticky or sweet. Cover your food well and keep your honey wrapped in a plastic baggy. Leave water sources off 

during the night and don’t leave dirty dishes lying around. The same holds true for your deck or patio. Clean all food up after an outdoor meal and teach your children not to throw food into the yard, like watermelon pieces or other sweet foods.


Your organic pest control continues with a small spray bottle filled with soapy water that you can spray on the little beasts. Put cucumber peels or slices in your kitchen, especially where the ants come in. You can also put tea bags with mint tea in them or cloves around the places where the ants are very active. See if you can trace the column of ants back to their entry point and set out a line of cayenne pepper, citrus oil, lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds. Ants won’t cross those lines.


For serious organic pest control against ants, mix a small amount of honey with an equivalent amount of Borax and aspartame. Put about a teaspoon and a half of the mixture in a bottle and set the bottle (without a lid) on its side where ants are active. This acts as a kind of toxic bait that the ants bring back to their colony. Keep small animals and children away from this toxic bait.


Another organic pest control trick is to leave a low-wattage light bulb or nightlight around where the ants are. 


It disrupts their day and night pattern and can confuse their patterns of food hunting.


If ants are on your deck outside, use your organic pest control skills and put a few cloves of garlic, previously cut into pieces, between the cracks of the deck slats. Ants don’t like garlic and will steer clear of the strong odor. 


You can use some of the same indoor tricks outdoors, especially those involving the use of cayenne pepper, citrus oil, lemon juice, cinnamon or coffee grounds. You can’t use the trick using the toxic bait outdoors as some small animals can get into it. 


There’s no reason to resort to harsh and dangerous chemicals, indoors or out, when perfectly acceptable organic pest control for ants will keep your home ant-free in a much safer way. As long as you keep your kitchen and the rest of your home clean and follow the above methods to discourage or kill ants, your summertime experience will be more enjoyable and healthier for you and your family.


Organic Clothing and Our Environment

Few of us would connect the idea of organic clothing with the Earth’s environment and yet, a strong connection between the two exists. In fact, now that global warming is becoming more of a fact than a probability, consumers need to think of the impact on the environment of even the clothes they wear. 


Have you considered what would happen if the entire world stopped buying conventional garments and instead purchased only organic clothing? Immediately, all of the toxic chemicals used in the production of conventional clothing would begin to disappear from the soil and the groundwater and all of the chemicals used in making synthetic clothing would be of no use. 


Using organic clothing throughout the world would save thousands of lives - those of the farmers killed every year from pesticide toxicity, particularly in third world countries. In addition, there may be a reduction in the number of people with chemical sensitivity syndromes, which is also often related to chemicals in clothing. With organic clothing, chemical dry cleaning would not be necessary. If buyers went totally “organic” energy wasted in conventional dryers would be restored.


In truth, however, the garment industry does participate in environmental pollution and global warming - even those who participate in making organic clothing. Consider all of the sheep, alpaca, llamas and other wool-producing animals that 

provide clothing fibers in the form of wool but that also contribute to methane gas emission from belching and animal flatulence. Cows, which produce leather, create about 600 liters of methane per day per cow. 


The growing of even organic fibers requires tractors and trucks - all of which use fossil fuels and emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. Improving the fuel efficiency of farm implements would help reduce such emissions.


All fibers, even organic fibers, go through a manufacturing process that relies on fossil-based energy. Petroleum-based fabrics like nylon and polyester use additional energy in their production. 


Much of the clothing we buy - organic or otherwise - uses plastic for packaging. Plastic is made from non-renewable resources and, if not recycled, is sent to landfills where the chemicals in the plastic leach into the soil and cause harm to the environment. Recycling of all plastic materials needs to be a must if we are to stop this process from happening.


Consider the energy costs of shipping clothing from manufacturers to the public. As a great deal of the conventional cotton clothing is made in China, you also need to consider that most of the energy these factories use comes from coal - a substance not very good for global warming. From there, all garments, organic garments as well as conventional garments, need to be shipped all over the world. One solution would be to produce and purchase clothing as close to the source of the manufacturer as possible. 


Another solution to improving the environment is to purchase organic clothing and to wash them in cold or warm water. Use a clothes line if possible. A great deal of energy is spent washing clothes in hot water and drying them with high heat. 


While buying organic clothing is just the beginning of what it will take to improve the environment, there are clearly things consumers can do to do their part to reduce energy use and to cut down on greenhouse gas emissions. Clearly it will take everyone to make the biggest difference.


The Health Benefits of Organic Meat

Organic meat differs from regular meat in the way the animal farmer raised the animal priorto butchering. Organic meats must be certified through one of several certification organizations, including the Midwest Organic Services Association. 


Farmers must follow strict organic guidelines in the production of the meat product.

Meat certified organic are often born on farms and raised with the utmost of respect and animal dignity. Beef cattle are not raised in pens but are often free to roam the farm with unrestricted access to water, food, sunshine and outdoor air at all times. 


Everything that goes into an organic farm animal must also be organic. The pastures the animals graze in must be certified organic themselves. Organic forage and grains grown organically must be fed to the animals and organic pest control must be utilized on these farms. No synthetic or chemical pesticides, herbicides or fertilizers are applied to local fields or pastures.


Organic animal farms must apply specific conservation practices to preserve the natural surroundings and the soil in the area. Water is not wasted and recycling is used whenever possible.


No organic meat can be certified organic if the animal has been fed any antibiotics, growth hormones, steroids or animal by-products. Animals are fed what they eat in the pastures and organically grown farm products, such as organic hay. Water is free from contaminants. 


In many cases, animals grown on organic animal farms are removed from the program if they ever become sick enough to require antibiotics. They are removed from the herd as soon as their illness is discovered. While antibiotics are an excellent way to treat bacterial infections, there is always the risk of developing resistant strains of bacteria and no one knows the health effects to consumers who eat meat treated with antibiotics. Antibiotics speed the growth of cattle that seem to grow using less feed but, because of resistances, sick animals often can’t be well treated and often die of their illness.


Growth hormones, eliminated from the production of organic meats, are given to cattle to speed up their growth on less feed. 


This is another situation where scientists do not know the effect of this practice on consumers who eat non-organic meats. 


Most organic meat comes from animals grown from birth on small farms in which the animal has free range to move around on the pasture and to eat when it wants to. Such animals generally are healthier than their conventional counterparts and are 

treated more humanely. Animals are allowed to mate as they wish, adding to the sustainability of the farming practice. 


Much of the organic meat is derived from bull meat, which is some of the leanest meat around. Farmers who raise bulls and sell them (called seed stock producers) must provide affidavits stating that their bulls were not raised using antibiotics or growth hormones from the time of their birth. Such affidavits generally go back at least twenty months prior to the time that the organic farmer purchased the animal. 


Organic meats, particularly organic meat, may be somewhat more expensive than conventionally-grown meat. In general, however, the meat is fresh and the consumer can guarantee that there is nothing unhealthy in the organic meat product.


The Beauty of the Perfect Cup of Organic Tea

As our world becomes more and more filled with plastic waste, unused pesticides and herbicides, many tea lovers have come to the conclusion that organic tea is not only the safest tea you can buy but that it might even be the tastiest. Let’s look at organic teas and how it’s made for the consumer.


Organic tea begins with soil that can be considered “organic” itself. Soil quality has a great deal to do with the foods we eat and drink, whether it be meat products, produce or products like tea, which are harvested from tea plants grown in the soil. 


The tea plant itself can live more than a hundred years and is generally tightly rooted into the ground, eliminating the chance for crop rotation. Nutrients must be directly added to the tea bush and, in organic tea plants, these nutrients must be natural products. On conventional tea farms, chemical fertilizers are sprayed directly onto the tea plant, which retains some of the chemical when harvested. Over-treating the land can burn the tea leaves and destroy soil integrity, leaving the soil vulnerable to erosion.


In organic tea estates, nutrients added to the soil are typically made from manure, compost or plant cuttings. Microbes in the soil break down the fertilizer, making it useful to the organic tea plant. Some organic tea gardens practice a custom called permaculture, in which plants are grown between the tea plants to allow for an interconnected and sustainable soil system. Some of the plants used in this practice are legumes, which rejuvenate the soil by adding nitrogen to it. 


Some tea gardens practice biodynamic agriculture in which the entire area is considered a holistic, self-nourishing soil system. Carefully-aged soil preparations use plants like dandelion, yarrow and chamomile, which are worked into the soil in harmony with local conditions. Organic soil is kept healthy and nutritious without the addition of harmful chemicals. 


Organic tea is labeled as such by being “Certified 100% Organic”. This applies to loose leaf tea and to tea inside teabags. 


Certified organic tea is grown, handled, processed, stored and packaged in accordance with the standards set forth by the National Organic Program. This type of food is also regulated by the US Food and Drug Administration. 


Certified organic tea is grown on farms that have been inspected on a yearly basis by the certifying agency. The tea handler and the processor of the tea leaves are also inspected and must meet the regulations of the certifying body. Some products, simply labeled “organic” are not 100% organic but must contain at least 95% organic food product. 


The organic tea producer is also audited yearly and is issued a certificate that says the producer have met USDA-National Organic Standards for handling organic tea. A certificate is required for each type of tea labeled and sold as 100% organic. Steps are taken to prevent the commingling of non-organic and organic ingredients at all times and machines are washed to prevent commingling. 


Purchasing 100% organic tea signifies to the buyer that the tea they are drinking is not laced with pesticides or other chemicals. Non-organic tea, given that the leaves are routinely sprayed with pesticides, may contain trace chemicals that are not healthy for anyone to drink. 


Saturday 19 March 2022

What Makes Organic Makeups Better?

Most organic makeup producers take special pride in providing you with organically-based cosmetics produced using the highest possible standards. Cosmetics and skin care products labeled “organic” must pass certain certification standards. 


Users of organic makeup believe they are getting a healthier and higher quality product. Makers of high quality organic cosmetics require that their ingredients are all-natural and come from unrefined, preservative-free organic ingredients that are cold processed so as not to break down the delicate features of the product. 


While every product needs some processing, manufacturers of organic make up do this in an environmentally-friendly way. Organic make up avoids synthetic preservatives or those that release formaldehyde that can get into an individual’s skin. This means that no parabens, urea derivatives or other formaldehyde-producing products are used in their cosmetics. In the same way, no petrochemicals are used, which are those preservatives derived from petroleum. This includes petroleum jelly, mineral oil, parabens, propylene glycol, acetones or benzene-like products are used. 


Some cosmetics require extraction steps with solvents. Most chemical solvents are fairly toxic to humans and these are avoided in organic make up production. Phthalates, found in plastics, have been known to mimic the hormone, estrogen, and can cause female-related diseases. These, too, are avoided in the making and packaging of organic makeups.


Commonly used detergents, like Sodium Lauryl Sulfate and related compounds, are kept out of organic make up and skin care products. These are irritating to the skin and other natural options are available. In addition, all ingredients in this type of makeup must be certified organic or be verified as being pesticide free.


Part of being good to the environment in the making of organic cosmetics, many manufacturers require that there be no animal testing or other cruelty to animals in the making of their products. All fragrances are natural and all essential oils come from natural sources. Special attention is made to make sure there are no pesticide residues in any of their organic products.


Essential oils are extracted from bark, roots, flowers, stems and leaves of organic plant sources. They are cold pressed or steam distilled to keep the oil fresh and not degraded. Essential oils are used as organic makeup preservatives, fragrances and to create a certain texture. Only small amounts of essential oils are used to protect sensitive skin.


In some cases, organic make up can contain iron oxides and titanium dioxide that are processed synthetically but exist in nature. In nature, these ores contain too many contaminants to be able to be used. In addition, fractionated oil is often used that is derived from coconut oil and palm oil. This is considered a semi-synthetic part of organic make up. 


Because some companies can call their product all-natural, consumers need to ask further and look at the ingredient list to make sure the cosmetic product they are buying is, indeed, organic. Hopefully, the above information will help consumers interested in purchasing the safest, healthiest and most environmentally-friendly organic products. 

Debt Is Something That Can Completely Take Over Your Life: Information Regarding Debt Relief

Debt is something that too many of us have to worry about day after day, feeling as though things might not ever get better some days. It is so very stressful wondering how in the world you could ever possibly find some debt relief and in many instances, it can cause depression, anxiety and even problems within a relationship or marriage. Throughout this article I want to discuss with you some more information regarding debt relief and how you can get it. 


There are many options available for those of you who are completely flipping out each day just trying to make ends meet, feeling as if it will never get any better for you. Nothing positive is going to come your way if you do not decide to try and do something about it. Some choices are not easily made but in life, if you do not sacrifice when needed, things just might not get any better for you. We all want more information regarding debt relief, right! So, keep reading this article.


One thing that you could do if you are noticing that debt is controlling every aspect of your life is, start making some changes on the way you spend money, what you spend money on, how much you are spending and anything else within your daily routine that might need to be changed a little, to ease you from some of your financial struggles. Sit down and really give this a great deal of thought, instead of crying all the time, wishing, hoping and just waiting for something to change, without doing anything to make it happen! 


Really pay close attention to what financial mistakes you are currently making that is helping to keep this debt burden on your shoulders at all times. Are you doing everything right, are you blowing unnecessary money on unimportant things, are you working hard enough to earn the money that it is going to take to clear up some of the debts that have collected over time? These are some questions that you all need to be asking yourself in order to begin the process of making corrections and different improvements in your life. 


You also have the option of debt consolidation but make sure before you make any decision to do something such as this, that you are going through a legitimate company that is highly reputable. This decision needs to be one that is going to really help you financially. Ask plenty of important questions and really make sure that this is the best decision which will benefit you the most. 


Get on the internet and do some research in your spare time, to find out more about debt relief, as well as different little things you can do on your own to try and help out with your stressful financial situation. Anybody can run into problems such as these and it can happen when you least expect it. Do not wait for it all to pile up so drastically that nothing could possibly be done about it, do something now!


Debt Issues Can Cause Many Negative Effects Throughout Your Life, So Why Are You Still Not Doing Anything To Help With Your Situation?

Debt can really just sneak up on you, before you know it you could possibly have thousands of dollars’ worth of credit card debts, including other types of debts, which might have possibly been because of borrowing money for different purposes, a possible illness which increased your amount of medical bills each month and other unexpected events in life that many of us just cannot control. Often times a person just loves spending money entirely too much, only they do not have the means, so they charge it. Debt can completely take over when you least expect it to. 


Be cautious and thoughtful anytime in your life when you are thinking of making some sort of purchase of which you know you could never possibly afford. It always sounds so good, knowing that you can get something that you really want, without paying any money down right up front. Thinking that you can just charge something and make small payments on it later, can be what gets all of this trouble started for you in the first place. 


Staying away from too many credit cards is truly your best and smartest choice, even though sometimes it is too late and many of you have already sank to the bottom when it comes to an overabundance of credit card debt. This can be prevented however, if you become more educated about finances and problems with debt, at a very early age. So, to all parents out there right now, reading this article. Begin speaking with your children at an early age about the importance of not spending money that you do not have and always talk to them about the problems that can come from too much debt. 


There is so much more negative stuff that can come from being in too much debt and those negative issues need to be determined and discussed as quickly or before they are ever truly recognized. The sooner that you can alleviate a great deal of your debt, no matter what the debt is from, the better off you are going to be financially, as well as every other aspect of your life which will also begin improving because of getting rid of so much of that debt that has kept you up many restless nights, concerned about how in the world you might ever be able to afford such payments each month. 


Nobody is going to fix your debt problem for you, it is all in your hands and you are really the only individual that can improve your life, as well as your financial status. Nobody is safe from getting involved in debt, unless at an early age you were taught about all of the risks and dangers involved, hopefully carrying that on through into your adulthood, which prevented you from making those same mistakes that possibly your parents or grandparents made. 


Good luck and take back control of your life people!


Figure Out What To Do About Your Current Debt Condition: It Does Not Have To Be That Challenging

Debt condition happens for many different reasons and for most people it can really turn out to be extremely overwhelming for them at times. Unfortunately too many of these accrued debts never end up getting paid off at all and the creditors eventually just take the huge loss and lose quite a bit of money or have to spend more time and money trying to file suit so that the debt can be collected, one way or another. 


Debt problems come in all different sizes, and with all different types of people, nobody is beyond ending up in trouble with debt issues. It is definitely something that has taken over many peoples’ lives and has caused many families to lose everything that they have worked so very hard for their entire lives. It is difficult for some people to understand the importance of paying off their debts on time and always being consistent on their monthly payments, otherwise creditors are going to be pounding at your door, calling your house phone nonstop and sending threatening letters that will most definitely cause you a great deal of stress. 


It is absolutely crucial that you all figure out different ways of finding the debt relief that you deserve, because if you do not figure things out quickly on into this then more than likely you are going to end up in so much debt that you will never possibly see the light at the end of the tunnel, which is extremely depressing. Debt is not something that you should be ashamed of because as I mentioned before, it can happen to the best of them and nobody is above ever running into any problems like that. 


Debt conditions can come in many different ways, whether it be from credit cards, bank loans, mortgages, car loans, student loans and many other things as well. Either way it goes, if you allow these stressful debts to continue collecting as they have, things are only going to get much worse for you at the end of the day. It is so sad that entirely too many people allow their debt condition to keep them down and turn them into people that ignore their responsibilities, that is not what you want for your financial future. 


Online help can be found just by simply taken a few minutes out of your time and spending time doing a little bit of research. There are people online that can help you to figure out what your best options would be to try and straighten out your current debt condition. Debt does not have to worry you constantly and become so bothersome that you end up mad at the world. Gain back control of your life and your money, do not allow your debt to slow your pace down, preventing you from accomplishing the many things in life that you have made your goal throughout the years.