Monday 7 March 2022

Successful Personality Development

Different people have different personalities which depend on where they are from, where they grew, lived, worked and who they associated with in their lives. There are personality traits that a person inherits from their family when they are born, and there are others the person picks during their lifetime. This is usually determined by the people the person grows to associate with and the environment to which the person responds. For instance, all factors held constant, a person who grew up in a violent family or environment will grow to become violent and constantly defensive than a person of the same traits that grew up in a secure and peaceful environment. 


There are different personality types that psychologists use to classify people, but there are four of them that are major. These are sanguine, melancholy, phlegmatic and choleric. These four personalities have different strong and weak points, and every single person has a combination of two or more of all these. As a matter of fact, it is rare to find a person who does not have all of the above personalities, even if it is in the smallest percentage. There is no one person who has only one personality type. The only thing that makes a person be called a choleric is because this is the most outstanding trait, say with 49%. One needs to be sincere in identifying what personality they are so that personality development will be possible,


Once a person knows who they are and what traits they have, the person can now list all the strengths they have and the weaknesses they have. Using this list let the person review themselves. This is why you will hear many personality development advisors recommend that one spends enough time with themselves. During reviewing, sincerely state what you want to see changed in yourself. Is it your bad temper, your forgetfulness, your impatience, your extravagance or your domineering attitude? When you have become honest with yourself and have listed all that you want to see changed, then you are ready to start on the personality development journey. 


You also need to believe in yourself for personality development to become possible. You need to have a positive attitude towards yourself even for the mistakes you have done in the past. Do not see them as a hindrance to your personality development efforts but as a catalyst. This way, it will be easier for you to develop yourself.


Tips on Personality Development

Everyone has traits that make them unique and that make one David totally different from the other David, though they share the same names. These traits that act as the trademark of every individual are the personality traits. Every person is born with specific traits that come through inheritance. Any other traits a person has that are not hereditary are those that the person picks along the way as they grow and live. The environment in which one grows in and the people with which one grows really shapes who we are. 


Every person has different strengths and weaknesses in their personality. This explains why every person seeks to do personality development so that they can build on their strong points and improve on their weak points. Personality development is very simple yet rewarding, and it makes your relationship with others quite easy. 


The first thing to personality development is to be honest with yourself. Study your character and honestly do an analysis of your traits. Being honest with yourself is necessary because it will help you to know your weak and strong points alike so that you can know what to do next. The other thing you ought to do is to develop your listening ability. Listen to others more than you talk to them, and you will be amazed at how much this will help in personality development. When it is time for you to talk, avoid having a “me” attitude. There is nothing as harmful to personality development as an attitude in which all you discuss when talking is about yourself. 


Learn to use the three magic phrases; please, thank you and sorry in your conversation. Personality development demands that you say thank you any time a person does any kind act to you. Be polite in every way to others, and this will work wonders. Do not laugh at other people when they make mistakes, because this will hamper your personality development efforts. Make a list of all your strong and weak points. For the strong points, find a way of making them even better. As for the weak ones, acknowledge them and write down what you want to see in them; this will be the beginning of development and improvement. If you have formed any habits that are not good, counter them by making deliberate efforts to pick up good habits. Also, try and develop your self-esteem so that you will not be put down by your weak points as you try to work on them. 

Why Developing Your Personality Is Something That You Cannot Ignore

We come across many people in life, and they are all different in how they behave, how they react and reason. These people are all made different by the different personalities they have. Therefore, personality is the combination of mannerisms and attributes that makes one person distinct and unique from the other. Personality is formed as a result of many factors. First, there are personality traits that one inherits from parents and relatives. No wonder you find some of your traits and your likes and dislikes similar to those of your parents or relatives. There are some personality traits that we pick up along the way as we grow and live our lives. As we grow and live, we pick up habits, values and beliefs that are dependent on where we grow and who we grow, live or interact with. However, the traits we pick up in childhood stick the most more than the ones we get as we grow up. 


It is possible to design and develop your own personality. It is not a sealed fate set for us to act out, but you can control it and determine how it is going to work out. In other words, you can redesign even the hereditary traits to be what you would like them to be instead of letting them be what they were set to be. 


If you want to have successful personality development, you need to be honest with yourself on your personality type. There are four main personalities or temperaments you can use to classify yourself. These include sanguine, melancholy, choleric and phlegmatic. These four temperaments are very different, and there is no one person who has 100% of one trait. When someone is called a sanguine, it means that this temperament is the most outstanding. There are many personality tests you can take on the internet for you to exactly know where you lie. Without being honest with yourself on your personality, then personality development will be impossible. 


After being honest with yourself, look at the strengths and weaknesses of your personality type. Do your best to build on the strengths. For instance, if you are talkative and confident, use this to your advantage and let this trait boost your career and ambitions. If you are very patient, use this to your advantage and to the advantage those that surround you. Also, identify your weaknesses in a very honest and open way. Work on your weaknesses by making deliberate efforts. For instance, forgetfulness can be improved by ensuring that you have phone reminders and lists on your notice board.


Why Is Changing a Habit So Difficult?

Changing a habit is like getting out of your comfort zone and this is a very difficult task to undertake no matter how desperate we are to change a habit that we dislike in ourselves. Most people have a habit they would like to modify be it physical, mental spiritual or even emotional, something that does not please us. Habits become deeply ingrained in our minds thus making a change can really turn out to be complex. To be able to make change, you have to focus on what the behavior you want to achieve and not the one you want to eliminate and by doing this you will replace that behavior in your subconscious mind. 


Ever wonder why it is easy for some people to change while others just can’t? Well, it all has to do with the subconscious desire. When you have that real burning desire on your subconscious level then you are more likely to get it without having to endure any pain. It can happen that you desire something consciously but your subconscious has been affected so you may destroy yourself slowly. The trick can be helping yourself subconsciously want the change your conscious mind desires and the only way to do that is to look back and see the issues that may have been affecting your perception in terms of your behavior. This will help both your conscious and subconscious work in harmony to produce a great achievement. 


You have to write and rewrite your perceptions that limit you from being a better person to be able to move the roadblocks and move beyond them. Once you have the behavior that needs change, then we can look at how to initiate and maintain a change. 


i.       Pre-contemplation—here the person has not yet known that they have a problem and they may try to avoid the subject and think that just one tempting treat won’t hurt. 


ii.      Contemplation—this is when a person is aware of their problem but not sure if they want to make a change. They realize they should have done things differently but don’t. 


Preparation; here a person is ready to make changes, they are not completely willing to but they are ready to change. Mostly this stage is entered when change is unbearable. Action; now in this stage the person gets ready to make changes but that is no all. In the maintenance stage the person affected has to learn to maintain the changes and be cautious not to relapse or else they will have to go through the stages all over again. 

Achieving Happiness Through Meditation

There is only one way to achieve happiness. That way is to simply be happy. You are probably thinking right now how do i get to be happy." "Things just don't work like that, it doesn't take into consideration the times that I am miserable because of problems or mishaps that come up in my everyday life, not to mention the tragedies." At this point I have to stop and meditate. Meditation can be done many different ways, just find the one that works best for your purposes. 


Being happy much more of the time than you have been is an incredibly difficult task to accomplish-not in the doing of it once you know how and then in keeping aware of what you have discovered. Yet, I still say that with meditation you can do it! The path that you have chosen that led you to your current situation was not a few days or months in the making, but a long and strenuous path that has spanned through many years.


In reality it has taken you as long as you have been alive to become the way you are today. It has also taken you that long to achieve what you have achieved, to possess, and to arrive at your current condition. By taking the time to meditate and think about who you are, and what you have in your life is truly what you want, if you are completely satisfied with the way your life is going, congratulations - do more of what you have been doing and you will get more of what you already have in your life.


But if who you are, what you want, what you have, and your current conditions are less than what you want or perhaps are different from what you want, you have to start meditating about some basic changes you will need to make in your life. Failure to make those changes will find you continuing to seek the things you really would like in your life as the years pass by.


Because some of this that you are reading will seem impossible, ridiculous, or to you maybe even foolish and it may at first offend you, causing you to ridicule what you are reading and maybe even cause you to reject what you have read. I really want to suggest to you that before you may reject how meditation can help you through your life, ask yourself whether or not you want it to be true-then for your benefit please give yourself the chance to see it as true.


In this day and time with all the things we have to deal with in our lives it is very hard to stay on a positive level and be happy all the time, but just taking a few minutes a day just meditating by yourself will help you keep things in perspective where instead of being unhappy about the situation you are in you can find a way to find the happy part of being unhappy.


Adapting To Change With Meditation

Adapting to any kind of change in your life can be very stressful. The one thing I have learned when it comes to any kind of change is to keep it on a positive level. To do that I stay calm by meditating and keep it all in perspective. I was talking to a friend how I was very apprehensive about a change I would soon have to make in my life. She told me that almost over twenty years ago she had bought a brand-new car and it was parked in an alley next to her house. 


She walked out of the house just in time to see and old VW bus scrape the front fender of her car. As she continued to tell me what happened she let me know she was trying to stay calm and knew she had to meditate and get focused on the situation. She went on to tell me that the driver got out of his car, threw his hat on the ground, then hung his head, holding it in his hands. She knew that he obviously didn't have the money to pay for the damage to her car and he almost started to cry.


My friend still meditating to keep things in perspective walked up to the man and you could tell he was very nervous and expected her to say something like “What an idiot”, “Are you blind”, or just something so mean that he would just feel terrible. As she walked up to the man she simply said don't worry about the scrape and to have a nice day. He couldn't believe what he was hearing. He began to cry tears of happiness and hugged my friend. He then ran to his wife who was in the car wondering what they were going to do and he hugged his wife and introduced her to my friend. 


As they were talking my friend told them how she used meditation to keep as calm as possible because she had a temper in the past that caused her a lot of problems. The man and his wife and my friend became the best of friends. Here it is 20 years later and even though the man has now passed away and his wife is in a home for the elderly my friend still visits the woman every week and still talk about the day they had met. 


Using meditation will certainly help you think about the situation you’re in and to not act on impulse, but to handle whatever situation it is you are in you will act responsibly. After my friend and I talked I thought how I could adapt to the change I would have to make by positive thinking and could make a bad situation into something that will have a very special meaning in my life. After our talk, I went home and started using meditation to relax myself and now I feel better about myself and my life.


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Controlling Anger With Meditation

I have never really thought of myself as an angry person. I would always do whatever I could to try and help someone out, nor did I do anything that would hurt someone’s feelings, or I would try as hard as I could not to. Every month we struggle to get by but I really didn't complain. I was just happy that we did have the money to pay our bills and have a place to live even though we barely had enough to survive on after paying the bills. Meditation is very much needed in most people’s lives, no doubt about that. 


Even after all that I did not get angry; That changed last week. I really had to meditate to myself when I went with my sister to the doctor last week. My sister is a very hard worker. She never misses work unless it is absolutely necessary. Last year my sister had become sick and finally after being so weak she went to the doctor. He put her in the hospital and gave her 4 bags of blood and said she had pneumonia.


I just couldn't understand how do you lose blood by having pneumonia. As I meditated thinking about last year I was not prepared to hear what the doctor was going to say as my sister and I were driving to the doctor. You see my sister got sick again. She nearly collapsed at work and was taken to the hospital. This time she needed 5 bags of blood. She would keep telling me she was anemic. After the hospital did a CT scan on her they said she needed to go to her lung doctor immediately. That’s where my sister and I were going.


My sister never wants me to worry so she never told me anything and did not want me to go in the room with her when she went in to see the doctor. After I meditated on this I decided when they called her name I would go back with her, and that's exactly what I did. The doctor came in and you could see immediately the concern on his face. He starting reading the results of her CT scan. He was reading something about her lungs.


He talked about something growing in her nodules and spreading to her lymph nodes. He wasn't saying it was cancer but I knew by what he was reading it was. I didn't want to scare my sister so meditating to myself while he was talking, I asked what does all this mean? Instead of asking is it cancer I asked could it be cancer? 


His response was “Yes mam.” She has to go for a biopsy in a couple of days to see how far it has progressed. I really find myself angry at this point because she has never smoked a day in her life, and here she is 49 years old with lung cancer. So instead of worrying for the next couple of days and getting angry, I simply practice meditation by praying that god please heal my sister.


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Creating New Experiences Through Meditation

How can you change what you believe when the experiences you have had has convinced you otherwise? The simple answer to that is to create a new experience. The best way for you to get that new experience is to meditate about how you can change the way you respond to what happens. The new response will create new results, which you will then experience it as a new reality.


To reach your goal of happiness, you have to act as though the following statement is true: Everything that happens to me is the best possible thing that can happen to me. meditating to help turn a bad situation into something good can be as easy as: 1+ 1 = 2. Acting as though what happens to you is the best possible thing that can happen to you plus the new results just equals happiness in your life. 


When you are convinced of the truth that everything that happens is the best thing that can happen, life will begin to be much more fun. It is like opening a new channel to happiness. All you need to know when meditating is happiness is there, waiting just for you. All you need to do is follow the formula that creates it. You have to remember also that unhappiness is also out there, waiting just for you.


The way you respond through meditation will determine which one you will be experiencing in your life. It is not necessary to have all the ingredients of a project in hand at the outset. They will come at the appointed time. It's only important that you move forward with the project that you have started until that appointed time comes. With the energy you create through meditation by moving forward as if you had the money to start your project, you actually put into motion a start of events that will lead you to your success.


Your actions create an energy that draws in the necessary ingredients of your project you have ventured into. Everything that you need for your venture is, in actuality, already out there, waiting for you. You only need to draw in what is needed. There is really nothing more to all of this other than just you remembering to keep an open mind and find that peace that is buried deep within you. 


The result that come with meditation that causes you to experience happiness, which then proves to you that this is how things really do work-and this leads you to soon believe that everything does indeed happen for your benefit. When you realize that is true, that is when the deep sighs of relief will come and that meditation can certainly help you see the light.


The internet is a really great place to find out all of the information that you would need about meditation, in case you are interested in learning more about it for your own benefits. This is very important for you to consider doing because it will relieve you from so much stress circulating throughout your life each and every day. Try practicing meditation as often as you can because you are really going to benefit from it.


Different And Helpful Things To Know About Meditation

Relaxation techniques are a great way to help your pursuit to reduce stress. Relaxation isn't just about peace of mind or enjoying a hobby. Relaxation is a process that decreases the wear and tear of life's challenges on your mind and body. Whether you have a lot of stress in your life or you've got it under control, you can benefit from learning relaxation techniques. Learning basic meditation relaxation techniques isn't hard. 


Explore these simple relaxation techniques to get you started on de-stressing your life and improving your health.


There are ample of sources of stress in the world now a days. As the old saying goes, "there's no need to look for trouble, because trouble will find you all on its own". All of us have troubles and worries, along with all these stresses, few of us even have time to kick back and relax. If you suffer from anxiety and did you wish to ease those anxious moods you have and feel relax for a while? 


There are number of relaxations techniques you have that you take a little time and are highly effective which you can done anywhere even at work.


If I were to find perfect relaxation techniques, I would preferred to make a fortune sharing with others. In this, there are a lot of great ideas, and these ideas published in different places but it seems no one got it gold. I know that the people around me seem to be more and more stressed as time goes along. More people tried many relaxation techniques but they only find nothing work for them. 


There are many different things you can try, but you may have to search for a while before you find something that works for you.


Performing breathing can be therapeutic, and with enough practice, can become your standard way of breathing. To breathe with the diaphragm, one must draw air into the lungs in a way which will expand the stomach and not the chest. 


It is best to perform these breaths as long, slow intakes of air - allowing the body to absorb all of the inhaled oxygen while simultaneously relaxing the breather. To do this comfortably, it is often best to loosen tight-fitting pants, belts, skirts as these can interfere with the body's ability to intake air. The old-fashioned remedy of breathing slowly into a paper bag works amazingly well to relax you and restore proper breathing. Another version of this relaxation technique involves taking slow deep breaths. At first you may find you need to force yourself to breathe slowly, but persist and you'll soon be back to normal.


And bear in mind that some people, especially those with significant psychological problems and a history of abuse, may experience feelings of emotional discomfort during relaxation exercises. Although this is rare, if you experience emotional discomfort during relaxation exercises, stop what you're doing and consider talking to your health care professional. Some relaxation techniques will work for some people, while some will leave others feeling cold. Write down all of your ideas and move through your list one at a time. This may help you find relaxation techniques that work best for you and your lifestyle.


I know that the people around me seem to be more and more stressed as time goes along. More people tried many relaxation techniques but they only find nothing work for them. There are many different things you can try, but you may have to search for a while before you find something that works for you.


Performing breathing can be therapeutic, and with enough practice, can become your standard way of breathing. 


To breathe with the diaphragm, one must draw air into the lungs in a way which will expand the stomach and not the chest. It is best to perform these breaths as long, slow intakes of air - allowing the body to absorb all of the inhaled oxygen while simultaneously relaxing the breather. To do this comfortably, it is often best to loosen tight-fitting pants, belts, skirts as these can interfere with the body's ability to intake air. 


The old-fashioned remedy of breathing slowly into a paper bag works amazingly well to relax you and restore proper breathing. Another version of this relaxation technique involves taking slow deep breaths. At first you may find you need to force yourself to breathe slowly, but persist and you'll soon be back to normal.


Meditation can help you throughout your entire life. 


3 Steps to Find “Freebies” to Add to Your E-book

Those of us who regularly shop on line are familiar with the array of free gifts, free bonuses and just plain freebies that are offered to a visitor to a website to encourage them to buy. How could you collect, select and offer free gifts, which will be valued as much as the original merchandise that is being purchased, put these gifts together and add them to your E-book? There are just three steps to do that very thing. They are:


1. Identify your key words in each chapter of your E-book. Now, type those words into your favorite search engine. You are looking for free E-books on the same subject in more depth, by a greater expert than you are, or by someone who gives a new and fresh angle to the topic. Add a link to the free E-book in each chapter of your E-book.


2. Research the Internet for related free gifts. Now you are looking for things that you could give as free gifts in your E-book that will make it more appealing and give it more pass-along appeal to your readers. For example: If you are selling gardening supplies, find a planting guide on the web that can be downloaded and include that as a gift in your E-book.


3. Download the freebies. Visit the freebies pages on those web sites. Most sites have freebies and encourage you to distribute them. 


Other key words I searched for are freebies, free E-books, and free reports and then gave the key word that I wanted the free stuff for. Like “freebies for gardeners”.


Give your reader the vest that you can offer. Give them your book, additional reading material and free gifts to boot. Everybody loves a bargain!


6 Ideas for Viral Marketing

Here are six ideas to help you start your viral marketing campaign:


1. Purchase the branding rights to a viral E-book. Allow people to give away your free E-book to their visitors. Then, their visitors will also give it away. This will just continue to spread your ad all over the Internet.


2. If you have the ability to set up a forum or other bulletin board, you really have a great tool. Allow people to use your online discussion board for their own website. Some people don't have one. Just include your banner ad at the top of the board.


3. Do you have a knack for web design? Create some templates, graphics, etc. and upload them to your site. Then, allow people to give away your free web design graphics, fonts, templates, etc. Just include your ad on them or require people to link directly to your web site. Make sure that you include a link back to your site in the copyright notice and require them to keep your copyright notice in tact.


4. Write an E-book. Allow people to place an advertisement in your free E-book if, in exchange, they give away the E-book to their web visitors or E-zine subscribers.


5. Write articles that pertain to your product or service. Allow people to reprint your articles on their website, in their E-zine, newsletter, magazine or E-books. Include your resource box and the option for article reprints at the bottom of each article.


6. You can easily find products on the Internet that will sell you a license allowing you to distribute the product free of charge to other people. Look for those products that provide "branding rights". That is where you can include your own name, website, and contact information.


Four Good Reasons to Use Viral E-books

It is a well-known and widely accepted fact, that E-books - FREE E-books - are one of the best weapons in a viral marketing campaign arsenal. Here are four good reasons why this is true today and will continue to be true for the foreseeable future:


Reason 1

E-books are cheap to produce and don’t take long to set up. If you have articles that you have already written about the subject you are promoting, you can simply combine these articles into an E-book. If, on the other hand, writing isn’t your forte, you can use re-brandable E-books that have been produced by others. Just use your favorite search engine and do a web search for “re-brandable E-books”. You will get a lot of hits and have many to choose from. One way to distribute these E-books to visitors to your website is to give them as a free gift for subscribing to your newsletter. If your E-book contains material that people will want to share with their friends and family, they will pass it along to them - they will pass it along to others - and you will make money. 


Reason 2

E-books are capable of reaching a large audience. The only limiting factor is the enthusiasm or the participants. Therefore, it is absolutely vital that your E-book contain something that people will want to share like timely information or humor. Remember that people like to know something that the rest of the world needs to know. They will pass along something that makes them look like they are in-the-know. 


Reason 3

E-books are a way to sell other products other than the one you originally targeted. For example; if you are selling garden products, your customers could also be interesting in E-books about lawns, trees landscaping, etc.


Reason 4

E-books are effective in building your reputation. It is an implied recommendation if you give a quality E-book and users willing pass on to others.


What an E-book Can Do for You

An E-book that includes your marketing message and a link to your website is a proven technique in viral marketing. This method uses the multiplication effect to “explode” the distribution of your message by willing participants.


This is the basic principle that was used by Hotmail to get established. When the two founders set up their free email system, all the messages that were sent by subscribers had a text message at the bottom which identified Hotmail as the origin. People who sent emails to their friends advertised the free email site. 


Using viral E-books as a marketing method is cheap. It doesn’t take long to set up and it’s even quicker if you use re-brandable E-books that have been written by others. Just use your favorite search engine and do a web search. You will find many re-brandable E-books that are available on whatever subject you are interested in and that apply to your e-business. One method of distributing the E-book is to offer it to visitors in exchange for subscribing to your newsletter. If they pass it on to their friends and family it will promote your business for you. 


E-books are capable of reaching a large audience and are limited only by the enthusiasm of the participants. 


E-books are fairly easy to create. It’s possible to produce your own E-books by combining articles that you have written or have gotten from public domain sources, such as directories.


A common approach is to use material that has Private Label Rights, including articles and reports that have been written specifically for that purpose, for that niche. Using a portion of a larger work that you have prepared such as the first three chapters of a large E-book could also be used as a viral E-book.


What Works & What Doesn't in Viral Marketing

Stop with the enforced e-mail forwards already! Trying to force or bribe people to forward your info to a friends or family in order to be rewarded or win looks skanky in today's ultra-permission-based world. Especially when you tell visitors nothing about their friend's or family’s privacy in the space directly next to the e-mail form. 


A true viral campaign gets forwarded because consumers are compelled to do so by the glory of the content, not because you bribed them with points or something else. 


What absolutely will not work:


Suggesting that e-mail recipients forward your message to their friends and family will not work. Adding a line at the bottom of your e-mail that reads “Please feel free to forward this message to a friend” is more likely to get it deleted than forwarded. 


What absolutely will work: 


Offering something worthy of sharing like a valuable discount, vital information or offering an incentive for sharing like additional entries into a sweepstakes or an added discount or premium service will work. 


Relevant or timely information, research, or studies that are included in your e-mail might encourage the recipients to share with their family and friends. Interactive content like a quiz or test, especially if it’s fun, will inspire forwarding.


Jokes and cartoons are almost always forwarded to everybody the recipient knows. Why? Because they are entertaining and entertainment is meant to be shared.


A really cool multimedia experience is always going to achieve a lot of pass-along. Rich media is new and the novelty and tech factors alone are often enough to make the e-mail recipient eager to share it.


Oops! Almost forgot one really important thing - You can craft a brilliant e-mail following all the rules, but if a consumer visits your site and has an experience less that what was promised, you are going to achieve viral marketing, alright - the bad kind. So be certain that your product or service is ready and is as advertised.


Not Attaining Spirituality Leads to Suffering of Modern Man

We have the common person who is so caught in the circle of ignorance, poverty and illiteracy that he does not have any time to learn the moralities of life. But then, how can a man know about religion, God or focus on soul when he is on an empty stomach? Yet, it is the poor who still have some vestige of humanness and goodness in them. Even today, they consider a guest as a messenger of God and treat him as such, sharing magnanimously whatever little they have. Many city dwellers must have experience to selfless concern of a poor when in trouble. There is so much wisdom in their words, though they are illiterate perhaps, struggle for survival teaches them invaluable lessons. 


Where will these mindless pursuit of transient think lead? With these, man cannot be happier or peaceful. Today everyone complains of degeneration of values and corruption in all lifestyles. However, nobody seems to be prepared to break away from it and make a fresh beginning. Corruption has become a chronic future of our times, so much so that pupil has started treating it as a normal future. They no longer show righteous indication against corrupt practices, fights in justice of express any shock when cruel or inhuman acts are committed against their brethren. They choose to remain apathetic or give vent to important rage in the comfort of their drawing room chairs. However, there can be no hope for man if the present trend continues and man remains insensitive to the needs of others. Unless there is a revival of spiritual and moral values, this trend will continue and man will become very shallow. 


Modern man has dug his own grave by rejecting the moral and spiritual values upheld in the ancient scriptures of the whole world. Bible, Adi Granth, Ramayana, Bhagavad Geeta all contain pearls of wisdom which man has disdainfully rejected. Money has become God. It is to the sound of money that man responds and not the chiming of bells in the churches, temples, etc., which were once considered the above of God. 


Today, Faustus has universal significance. The people of today’s age have temptations all around. Everyone falls prey to these temptations. However, it is only after a certain time passes do they realize that uselessness of these materialistic things. Due to this, people of today commit so much sin, evil and corruption. The future of humanity is really in the hands of those who can bring about a reawakening of man’s higher consciousness.