Sunday 6 March 2022

5000 Year-Old Medical Secret Unearthed!

When you get sick, you go to the doctor. And the doctor will, of course, prescribe medicines. You will go and buy medicines. You take them, and hopefully, you get well. 


This is how the health profession goes on nowadays ñ a cycle of diagnosis and prescription.


If anyone were to give you herbs for medicine, you would probably say that that person was a quack.


But nowadays, studies are being conducted to see if there are really is any merit to what is called natural medicine.


Natural medicine is the use of natural methods, herbal medicines, and traditional practices to heal ailments. Every culture has a form of natural medicine. In ancient cultures, village medicine men served as the doctors of the community, passing on medical knowledge to the apprentices that followed them.


Many categories of the healing methods fall under natural medicine. Among these are traditional medicine, complementary medicine, and alternative medicine.


Usually, natural medicine refers to medical practices that were in place before the advent of modern medicine.


This includes herbal medicine, or phytotherapy, which is prevalent in Chinese, Ayurvedic(or Indian), and Greek medicine.


Upon the advent of modern medicine, many professionals discarded the use of herbs in favour of man-made medicine. The fact that these treatments are based on the healing properties of some herbs was forgotten.


For example, opium, digitalis, quinine, and aspirin all have their roots in traditional medicine.


Natural medicine can be considered as a lost art. This does not mean that it has lost efficacy over time. In some cases, natural therapy is actually better than modern medicine. This leads some doctors to seriously consider and study the possible uses of natural medicine


Before we continue, it is important to stress that not all the natural remedies are legitimate. It would help to only try those remedies which have been thoroughly studied and are relatively risk free.


Take herbal medicine for example. There are many well-documented and studied herbal remedies available. However, only those that deal with minor ailments such as cough, colds, fever, skin rashes, and its ilk are likely to be recommended by health professionals. These remedies are sometimes superior to synthetic medicine. This is because herbal medicines are less likely to cause negative side effects. 


Currently there are numerous organizations that study the effects and advocacy of natural medicine ñ among which is herbal medicine. Some governments and health agencies openly advocate the use of natural methods since they are inexpensive and relatively risk-free.


As their studies compile, more herbs and treatments are added to the list of accepted medicines. However, many herbs and treatments have been proven to be bogus medicine. This represents a challenge for both the user and the agencies because they have to ascertain that the treatments they either use or advocate are legitimate. 


There exist today many alternative medical treatments that fall under natural medicine. However, not all of them have been proven to be effective. You could mention homeopathy, aromatherapy, acupuncture, and other alternative medical treatments. It would pay to consult the experts as to the legitimacy of these treatments.


Natural medicine should also be thought of as an accompanying medicine. Right now, the current collective medical thought suggests that natural medicine be used only to supplement accepted modern medical practices. In that case of minor ailments your expert we actually advise you to take natural therapies instead.


The practice of modern medicine revolves around diagnosing an illness and prescribing treatments for such. Natural medicine is helpful because it suggests that treatment be not necessarily given only when sick. Natural medicine strives to make each patient practice good health habits. These habits include good diet, healthy living, and the regular natural treatment.


It is this same line of thought that leads our parents to tell us to eat our vegetables. Yes, a healthy lifestyle and will do no harm to our well-being. And this is the foundation of natural medicine ñ may it be massage, herbal medicine, aromatherapy or others.


It is funny but true that science, in its quest for excellence, is studying the knowledge of sages past. This, surprisingly, leads us back to the remedies nature offers. The possibilities of finding remedies to everyday illnesses in natural medicine are encouraging. So staying tuned to studying these remedies is worthwhile until we can verify that these therapies are truly helpful to our health and our society.


"The Way to Wellness" It's Time to Start a Healthy Life: Your 7-Day Program

How many times have you gone to sleep at night, swearing you'll go to the gym in the morning, and then changing your mind just eight hours later because when you get up, you don't feel like exercising? 


While this can happen to the best of us, it doesn't mean you should drop the ball altogether when it comes to staying fit. What people need to realize is that staying active and eating right are critical for long-term health and wellness -- and that an ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure. The more you know about how your body responds to your lifestyle choices, the better you can customize a nutrition and exercise plan that is right for you. When you eat well, increase your level of physical activity, and exercise at the proper intensity, you are informing your body that you want to burn a substantial amount of fuel. This translates to burning fat more efficiently for energy.


In other words, proper eating habits plus exercise equals fast metabolism, which, in turn gives you more energy throughout the day and allows you to do more physical work with less effort. 


The true purpose of exercise is to send a repetitive message to the body asking for improvement in metabolism, strength, aerobic capacity and overall fitness and health. Each time you exercise, your body responds by upgrading its capabilities to burn fat throughout the day and night, Exercise doesn't have to be intense to work for you, but it does need to be consistent. 


I recommend engaging in regular cardiovascular exercise four times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per session, and resistance training four times per week for 20 to 25 minutes per session. This balanced approach provides a one-two punch, incorporating aerobic exercise to burn fat and deliver more oxygen, and resistance training to increase lean body mass and burn more calories around the block.


Here's a sample exercise program that may work for you: 


  • Warm Up -- seven to eight minutes of light aerobic activity intended to increase blood flow and lubricate and warm-up your tendons and joints. 
  • Resistance Training -- Train all major muscle groups. One to two sets of each exercise. Rest 45 seconds between sets. 
  • Aerobic Exercise -- Pick two favorite activities, they could be jogging, rowing, biking or cross-country skiing, whatever fits your lifestyle. Perform 12 to 15 minutes of the first activity and continue with 10 minutes of the second activity. Cool down during the last five minutes. 
  • Stretching -- Wrap up your exercise session by stretching, breathing deeply, relaxing and meditating. 


When starting an exercise program, it is important to have realistic expectations. Depending on your initial fitness level, you should expect the following changes early on. 


  • From one to eight weeks -- Feel better and have more energy.
  • From two to six months -- Lose size and inches while becoming leaner. Clothes begin to fit more loosely. You are gaining muscle and losing fat. 
  • After six months -- Start losing weight quite rapidly. 


Once you make the commitment to exercise several times a week, don't stop there. You should also change your diet and/or eating habits,' says Zwiefel. Counting calories or calculating grams and percentages for certain nutrients is impractical. Instead, I suggest these easy-to-follow guidelines: 


  • Eat several small meals (optimally four) and a couple of small snacks throughout the day. 
  • Make sure every meal is balanced -- incorporate palm-sized proteins like lean meats, fish, egg whites and dairy products, fist-sized portions of complex carbohydrates like whole-wheat bread and pasta, wild rice, multigrain cereal and potatoes, and fist-sized portions of vegetable and fruits 
  • Limit your fat intake to only what's necessary for adequate flavor 
  • Drink at least eight 8-oz. glasses of water throughout the day 
  • I also recommend that you take a multi-vitamin each day to ensure you are getting all the vitamins and minerals your body needs.


I suppose that's all I can think of for now. I should extend my thanks to a doctor friend of mine. Without him, I wouldn't be able to write this article, or keep my sanity.


Enjoy life, we all deserve it.


Avoiding and Curing Halitosis

Halitosis, or bad breath, is mainly caused by bacteria building up on the back and under layers of the tongue. There are plenty of treatments available for bad breath, and these are important in good oral health. It is often asked whether only some people or everyone suffers with halitosis? In order to cure, you must know the causes and triggers of bad breath.


Bad Breath Indicators


When observing people reporting problems, it is common to see a build-up of mucus and bacteria, especially towards the back of mouth and tongue. Removing this film will not always cure the bad breath. Other symptoms of halitosis are a beige or white layer on the tongue, suffering with a dry or dehydrated mouth, tasting metallic or sour tastes, drainage from nasal passages and nodules of a white colour on the tonsils. Often, no amount of flossing or brushing of the teeth will cure this.


Causes of Halitosis


Halitosis will affect everyone during their life, but it is only an issue if it remains for a long period, or if it is a symptom of another medical problem. If cured by mouthwash or brushing your teeth, it is known as transient halitosis. When cured in this way, it can often have been triggered by eating foods such as fish, garlic or cheese. It can also occur if you have slept overnight, have been stressed or fasting.


Curing Bad Breath


  1. Identifying the problem. If people you are talking to cough, cover their nose, give you a mint or back away, these can suggest you may be suffering with chronic bad breath.
  1. Using certain types of medicine can often be a cause. Some can cause your mouth to dry, and can often cause halitosis almost immediately. If you find this, ask your doctor to see if there are alternatives.
  2. Drinking at least 2 litres of water every day can be beneficial if you suffer from bad breath, and combined with a sugar-free chewing gum can help prevent dry mouth, which triggers halitosis.
  3. Avoiding or minimising stress is always beneficial, as stress has been shown to trigger the dry mouth which can cause bad breath. Consider yoga, which is a known de-stressor.
  4. Have a robust oral hygiene regime. Brush and floss your teeth, and scrape the tongue.
  5. Avoid foods that can cause bad breath, such as dairy products and red meat, especially avoiding cheese.


Beating Panic Attacks Permanently

Suffering from panic attacks can be one of the most frightening things of all, struggling to breathe and feeling your chest tightening and your legs trembling. Your heart is pounding and you’re gasping for air, you may well feel that you are suffering a heart attack when all this begins to happen to you, and that your time on this mortal coil is at an end. The most likely answer is that you are suffering from a panic or anxiety attack, and you need to learn how to naturally stop and prevent these attacks so that you won’t have to go through the same thing again.


The first time you suffer an attack, you will probably find yourself in a confused and shocked state afterwards. It is natural to question why this is happening to you and what it is, and how could your body be reacting in this way. The fear of another attack is also a natural response, and the more anxious you are of this, the more likely another attack is to happen. If you have suffered from a number of attacks, you are likely so distressed that it will affect your daily life and stop you from operating normally.


However severe your attacks, and no matter how many you have suffered, these aren’t a disease and they can be prevented.


If you have had a number of attacks, you will probably understand and have tried many things which haven’t worked. Medicines, calming breathing exercises, thinking positive thoughts and distraction methods aren’t effective in combating these attacks and stopping them from happening. The reason they don’t work is that they aren’t dealing with the problem, but are trying to switch the focus of the problem and trying to help you deal with what is happening, rather than preventing it from happening.


There is however a natural solution to help you prevent panic attacks from occurring.


It is a unique solution which has brought relief to over 54,000 people around the world and helped them to end their problem with panic and anxiety attacks. As the principle of this treatment deals with the source of the disorder, it is not only effective, but can promise the results required. Due to the years of study and a basis in advanced psychology, it can promise to make a real difference with permanent results that will cure the problem forever.


Here's How To Avoid The 3 Most Common Affiliate Mistakes

Affiliate marketing is one of the most effective and powerful ways of earning some money online. This program gives everybody a chance to make a profit through the Internet. Since these affiliate marketing programs are easy to join, implement and pays a commission on a regular basis, more an more people are now willing in this business. 


However, like all businesses, there are lots of pitfalls in the affiliate marketing business. Committing some of the most common mistakes will cost the marketers a large portion taken from the profit they are making every day. That is why it is better to avoid them than be regretful in the end. 


Mistake number 1: Choosing the wrong affiliate. 


Many people want to earn from affiliate marketing as fast as possible. In their rush to be part of one, they tend to choose a bandwagon product. This is the kind of products that the program thinks is “hot”. They choose the product that is in demand without actually considering if the product appeals to them. This is not a very wise move obviously.


Instead of jumping on the bandwagon, try to choose a product in which you are truly interested in. For any endeavour to succeed, you should take some time to plan and figure out your actions. 


Pick a product that appeals to you. Then do some research about that product to see if they are in demand. Promoting a product you are more passionate about is easier than promoting one for the sake of the earnings only. 


Mistake number 2: Joining too many affiliate programs. 


Since affiliate programs are very easy to join, you might be tempted to join multiples of affiliate programs to try and maximize the earnings you will be getting. Besides you may think that there is nothing wrong and nothing to lose by being part of many affiliate programs.


True, that is a great way to have multiple sources of income. However, joining multiple programs and attempting to promote them all at the same time will prevent you from concentrating on each one of them. 


The result? The maximum potential of your affiliate program is not realized and the income generated will not exactly be as huge as you were thinking initially it would. The best way to get excellent result is by joining just one program that pays a 40% commission at least. Then give it your best effort by promoting your products enthusiastically. As soon as you see that it is already making a reasonable profit, then maybe you can now join another affiliate program.


The technique is to do it slowly but surely. There is really no need to rush into things, especially with affiliate marketing. With the way things are going, the future is looking real bright and it seems affiliate marketing will be staying for a long time too.


Mistake number 3: Not buying the product or using the service.


As an affiliate, you main purpose is to effectively and convincingly promote a product or service and to find customers. For you to achieve this purpose, you must be able to relay to the customers that certain product and service. It is therefore difficult for you to do this when you yourself have not tried these things out. Thus, you will fail to promote and recommend them convincingly. You will also fail to create a desire in your customers to avail any of what you are offering.


Try the product or service personally first before you sign up as an affiliate to see if it is really delivering what it promises. If you have done so, then you are one of the credible and living testaments aware of its advantages and disadvantages. Your customers will then feel the sincerity and truthfulness in you and this will trigger them to try them out for themselves. 


Many affiliate marketers makes these mistakes and are paying dearly for their actions. To not fall into the same situation they have been in, try to do everything to avoid making the same mistakes. 


Time is the key. Take the time to analyze your marketing strategy and check if you’re in the right track. If done properly, you will be able to maximize your affiliate marketing program and earn higher profits.


eBay: The First 10 Years

Yes, you read that correctly: ten years. eBay was created in September 1995, by a man called Pierre Omidyar, who was living in San Jose. He wanted his site - then called 'AuctionWeb' - to be an online marketplace, and wrote the first code for it in one weekend. It was one of the first websites of its kind in the world. The name 'eBay' comes from the domain Omidyar used for his site. His company's name was Echo Bay, and the 'eBay AuctionWeb' was originally just one part of Echo Bay's website at The first thing ever sold on the site was Omidyar's broken laser pointer, which he got $14 for.


The site quickly became massively popular, as sellers came to list all sorts of odd things and buyers actually bought them. Relying on trust seemed to work remarkably well, and meant that the site could almost be left alone to run itself. The site had been designed from the start to collect a small fee on each sale, and it was this money that Omidyar used to pay for AuctionWeb's expansion. The fees quickly added up to more than his current salary, and so he decided to quit his job and work on the site full-time. It was at this point, in 1996, that he added the feedback facilities, to let buyers and sellers rate each other and make buying and selling safer.


In 1997, Omidyar changed AuctionWeb's - and his company's - name to 'eBay', which is what people had been calling the site for a long time. He began to spend a lot of money on advertising, and had the eBay logo designed. It was in this year that the one-millionth item was sold (it was a toy version of Big Bird from Sesame Street).


Then, in 1998 - the peak of the dotcom boom - eBay became big business, and the investment in Internet businesses at the time allowed it to bring in senior managers and business strategists, who took in public on the stock market. It started to encourage people to sell more than just collectibles, and quickly became a massive site where you could sell anything, large or small. Unlike other sites, though, eBay survived the end of the boom, and is still going strong today.


1999 saw eBay go worldwide, launching sites in the UK, Australia and Germany. eBay bought, an Amazon-like online retailer, in the year 2000 - the same year it introduced Buy it Now - and bought PayPal, an online payment service, in 2002.


Pierre Omidyar has now earned an estimated $3 billion from eBay, and still serves as Chairman of the Board. Oddly enough, he keeps a personal weblog at There are now literally millions of items bought and sold every day on eBay, all over the world. For every $100 spent online worldwide, it is estimated that $14 is spent on eBay - that's a lot of laser pointers.


Now that you know the history of eBay, perhaps you'd like to know how it could work for you? Our next email will give you an idea of the possibilities.


3 Things All Affiliate Marketers Need To Survive Online

Every affiliate marketer is always looking for the successful market that gives the biggest pay check. Sometimes they think it is a magic formula that is readily available for them. Actually, it is more complicated than that. It is just good marketing practices that have been proven over years of hard work and dedication.


There are tactics that have worked before with online marketing and is continuing to work in the online affiliate marketing world of today. With these top three marketing tips, you will be able to able to increase your sales and survive in the affiliate marketing online.


What are these three tactics?


1. Using unique web pages to promote each separate product you are marketing. Do not lump all of it together just to save some money on web hosting. It is best to have a site focusing on each and every product and nothing more. 


Always include product reviews on the website so visitors will have an initial understanding on what the product can do to those who buys them. Also include testimonials from users who have already tried the product. Be sure that these customers are more than willing to allow you to use their names and photos on the site of the specific product you are marketing. 


You can also write articles highlighting the uses of the product and include them on the website as an additional page. Make the pages attractive compelling and include calls to act on the information. Each headline should attract the readers to try and read more, even contact you. Highlight your special points. This will help your readers to learn what the page is about and will want to find out more.


2. Offer free reports to your readers. If possible position them at the very top side of your page so it they simply cannot be missed. Try to create autoresponder messages that will be mailed to those who input their personal information into your sign up box. According to research, a sale is closed usually on the seventh contact with a prospect.


Only two things can possibly happen with the web page alone: closed sale or the prospect leaving the page and never return again. By placing useful information into their inboxes at certain specified period, you will remind them of the product they thought they want later and will find out that the sale is closed. Be sure that the content is directed toward specific reasons to buy the product. Do not make it sound like a sales pitch. 


Focus on important points like how your product can make life and things easier and more enjoyable. Include compelling subject lines in the email. As much as possible, avoid using the word “free” because there are still older spam filters that dumps those kind of contents into the junk before even anyone reading them first. Convince those who signed up for your free reports that they will be missing something big if they do not avail of your products and services.


3. Get the kind of traffic that is targeted to your product. Just think, if the person who visited your website has no interest whatsoever in what you are offering, they will be among those who move on and never come back. Write articles for publication in e-zines and e-reports. This way you can locate publications that is focusing on your target customers and what you have put up might just grab their interest.


Try to write a minimum of 2 articles per week, with at least 300-600 words in length. By continuously writing and maintaining these articles you can generate as many as 100 targeted readers to your site in a day. 


Always remember that only 1 out of 100 people are likely to buy your product or get your services. If you can generate as much as 1,000 targeted hits for your website in a day, that means you can made 10 sales based on the average statistic. 


The tactics given above does not really sound very difficult to do, if you think about it. It just requires a little time and an action plan on your part. 


Try to use these tips for several affiliate marketing programs. You can end maintaining a good source of income and surviving in this business that not all marketers can do. 


Besides, think of the huge pay checks you will be receiving!

Learning the eBay "Lingo"

Do you have trouble sometimes understanding when people talk about eBay? Don't worry, some of the jargon is really obscure, and you can't be expected to understand it until someone's told you what it means. Here's a little list of some of the most useful lingo to know, but you don't need to memorise it - even the most common jargon is only used relatively rarely.




Bid: telling eBay's system the maximum price you are prepared to pay for an item.

Dutch: an auction where more than one of an item is available.

Feedback: positive or negative comments left about other users on eBay.

Mint: in perfect condition.

Non-paying bidder: a bidder who wins an auction but does not then go on to buy the item.

PayPal: an electronic payment method accepted by most sellers.

Rare: used and abused on eBay, now entirely meaningless.

Reserve: the minimum price the seller will accept for the item. 

Shill bid: a fake bid placed by a seller trying to drive up their auction's price.

Snail Mail: the post, which is obviously very slow compared to email.

Sniping: bidding at the last second to win the item before anyone else can outbid you.




AUD: Australian Dollar. Currency.

BIN: Buy it Now. A fixed price auction.

BNWT: Brand New With Tags. An item that has never been used and still has its original tags.

BW: Black and White. Used for films, photos etc.

CONUS: Continental United States. Generally used by sellers who don't want to post things to Alaska or Hawaii.

EUR: Euro. Currency.

FC: First Class. Type of postage.

GBP: Great British Pounds. Currency.

HTF: Hard To Find. Not quite as abused as 'rare', but getting there.

NIB: New in Box. Never opened, still in its original box.

NR: No Reserve. An item where the seller has not set a reserve price.

OB: Original Box. An item that has its original box (but might have been opened).

PM: Priority Mail.

PP: Parcel Post.

SH: Shipping and Handling. The fees the buyer will pay you for postage.

USD: United States Dollars. Currency.

VGC: Very Good Condition. Not mint, but close.


The chances are that you'll find more specific jargon related to whatever you're selling, but it'd be an impossible task to cover it all here. If you can't figure one out from your knowledge of the subject, then type the term into a search engine, followed by the word 'eBay'. The chances are that someone, somewhere will have seen fit to explain it.


While it's good to be able to understand others' jargon, avoid using it unless you really need to (for example, if you run out of space in an item's title). Many people on eBay are not experienced buyers and you will lose them if you write a load of gobbledegook all over your auction.


By now, you're well prepared for eBay life, and you're probably ready to get started with that first auction. In the next email, we'll show you how to dive in and get started.


A Great Home Business Idea for You

The best home business idea is the one that is made up of skills and talents. This type of idea will help you to be successful and also make you grow finically in your home base business. The god thing about talents and skills is that they will aid you in discovering the best home business that is suitable for you. These two things are the ones which tell you the route that you are supposed to follow so that you are able to earn more and they will continually make you interested. There are various guides for owners of home business which will make them successful. 


The first tip is that you should take some time off. You should not just think of the business, you should have spare time for yourself. This will help you to have enough for relaxing and also having your meals at the right time. You cannot multitask like a robot and so you need to arrange your schedule carefully. You have to plan your time properly so that you have enough time for resting in between. You should not overwork yourself because this would lead to some serious problems and it will cause you big time. This is because your health is very important and if you overwork your body then you healthy will pay dearly for your actions. 


The other tip that will help your business to grow well and flourish is knowing how to manage your time properly. By proper planning of your time, you can be able to do a lot of work within a very short period of time. You will also be able to finish things which are needed to be done immediately. As you are waiting for your business to grow or flourish you need to have patience with you. Patience is very important when it comes to business. If you rush things then you will end up getting nothing. When you become patient your business will bring about returns faster that you expected. 


You are also not supposed to pay so much attention to whatever you are doing. This is because you will end up getting bored much faster. You can also do a research in the internet so that you get to know the ways that can help you to flourish in your business. Concentrate on your current business so that you are able to track the development of your business. You should also think positively and sustain that positive mindset which will attract success which could bring you good tidings. When you are positive, you are always aggravated to work hard and look forward for the success of your business.  


3 Mistakes in Internet Network Marketing

In the current years there has been a lot of murmur in MLM about network marketing through the Internet and also the performance of business on the Internet. You will find that there are many people who are signing up for the business with the mentality that it is their way to a successful future. However there are three things which are the worst mistakes made in network marketing by marketers. 


The first biggest mistake that people do when they jump into network marketing is that they do not make a contact record or a list of subscribers particularly for you. There are many systems out there which you can promote in online MLM and you can greatly invest in them; however the main long term money in MLM is in drawing a list of potential network marketing clients of yours and also creating relationships with potential clients through e-mail follow-up method which is also called auto-responder. Long term money is not promoting little generic system. 


The other very common mistake that most marketers in network marketing do from time to time is when people get into social networks like Facebook or LinkedIn, it is like people get lost in these social networks. You will find that people put crazy messages which instead of bringing clients to you, it puts them off completely. The thing that most people who are starting a business forget is the value of language. You should use simple business language which is welcoming. You are supposed to be social and very friendly with your potential prospects. You should not talk so much about the things to buy or join you in your Internet MLM business. 


The third and the most common mistake in network marketing is that many people try to use the idea of attraction marketing. This is not bad but it should be done the right way. Most people do it wrongly and so end up being failures in the network home business. What most of the marketers in network marketing try to be is, perfectionists or professionals so that they can be victorious at attraction marketing. The only secret behind attraction marketing is to be yourself and talk to your potential clients desires and wants straight and frequently. This is the only solution to network marketing achievement. 


These are the three essentials of applying in network marketing so that you can be successful in it and also develop quickly.    


Business Journal for Network Marketing

Business journal for network marketing is basically a publication of trade which talks about network marketing world. The other common names for network marketing are direct sales or multilevel marketing which is initialled as MLM. These firms are built so that people who sign in make their own business and sign up new acquaintances. A persons earn is based on the profits of the people who he has signed up. All the people have upline and downline and so that is why it is called multi-level. Research has shown that in North America only there are at least thirteen million entrepreneurs of network marketing and so globally the number is quite big.


The network marketing journal is for both the entrepreneur and also the corporate people and it is meant to give the investors the top most information on the companies that spend their cash. This journal used to be called Money Maker’s Monthly in the year 1986. Every single month, this journal talks of the companies which are succeeding in the business, the products which are significant in selling, the vendors that you are supposed to know, and the successful stories of the personal distributors. The person who publishes this magazine is known as Keith Laggos and he is greatly valued in the sector of direct sales industry and loans his professionalism not only to the magazine but he is well known as a victorious consultant in network marketing. He also gives speeches to various industry gatherings, he is also a writer to various articles in numerous other journals and he has also been a representative of America’s direct sales industry abroad.


The leader of the network marketing industry is the publication. Daily the publications of trade fail but the NMBJ has continued to exist for several yeas and it continues to flourish. In the direct sales industry it is the one that circulates the highest and it is also printed in various languages and is also distributed to seven countries. In the whole world it is distributed to at least fifty countries. This network marketing business journal is one of the minority of publications left globally who will provide a free mock-up for readers to try for size-customer service at its highest quality. 


This journal is bets for the people who recognized in the industry. This is because the new members would not understand the chunk of information in it. However this does not mean that they will not benefit, there are ways which the company will do that will be simple to them to understand.


Common Internet Network Marketing Mistakes


The Internet has become a vital part of our day to day lives. It has become the driving force in most of our routine activities. Today, many have even come up with various money-making opportunities in the Internet the most common being online Internet marketing. Basically, this is a form of multilevel network marketing that is done through the Internet. A lot of buzz has been going around concerning this trade as it getting more common each and every day. However, statistics have shown that about 70% of Internet network marketing businesses collapse within the first year of operation. There are certain common mistakes that can be attributed to this poor performance. 


The first common mistake made by most Internet marketing entrepreneurs is in relation to the contact database. In simple terms, this is the list of clients or subscribers that are directly linked to your business in that you are there main supplier. This is one thing that many ignore and end up paying dearly in the long run. The major reason for this is that such individuals opt to use the many new MLM promoting systems that have emerged in the recent terms. However, this is not as effective as building a strong relationship with your clients. The best way to do this is by setting up a contact database as well as a email follow-up system that will ensure constant contact with these clients.


One very common platform that many online network marketers have begun using is the social networks. These include the likes of twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn to mention just a few. The second mistake comes in on how such individuals use this platform. Many are the time when you receive messages on your social network sites marketing various network marketing sites. This is a wise move but it tends to get irritating once you do this persistently. The main reason for joining a social network is to make the site client-friendly and not top spam their walls and inboxes with millions of messages!


Finally, many mistake in the manner in which they tend to attract clients. The problem comes in when the company tends to seek services from so-called ‘marketing guru’ to help them out in attracting clients. This is a complete waste of time, money and other resources. The secret in attracting a large client base is to be open with the clients and act normally. This will help you relate well with the clients. 

How to Start in Network Marketing

There are many people in the world today who are looking forward to starting a home business so that they can make that extra cash. This is so because of the awful economy of today, starting from students to older people who have gone for retirement. One of the best home businesses that anybody can ever do is network marketing. This is the best way to start a home business. However there are many crucial things that you should look into before you register or start network marketing. 


The first thing about network marketing is that you should not let anyone put pressure on you in joining his network marketing. You should first start by doing a lot of research about the company so that you get full information about the company. The person who is giving you this opportunity of joining his company is called a sponsor. If you join, it is his business to give you advice on how to make money in MLM opportunity which he is giving you. You should note that the money that you will be working hard for is his. He first gets his commission for signing you up in his company and then gets more commissions from all your sales. And so you should know that he is not signing you up because of his love for you but because of money. 


However network marketing is all about making commissions from everything you sell, and so if you have ever tried to be a retailer then you will find it very easy. And so this is the best home business for you. However if you have never been involved in any kind of business and you also do not have a clue about business, then this is the wrong choice for your home business plan. You can also choose to take some time and learn the psychology that is there about home business. You can also find books in the stores about network marketing, websites, blogs and also forums talking about network marketing. Network business is all about knowing how to build websites, how to use the social network so that you make sales and also the various forms of advertisement. In network marketing you should be able to know what to go for and what to avoid. 


For you to be successful then you must be dedicated because network marketing is a business and not a leisure pursuit. It requires hours of hard work, toiling and sweating. There are two things which can make your network marketing successful. One is a successful solid company and having a positive attitude and mindset.

Network Marketing Tips for Home Based Businesses

Network marketing has become one of the most common trades in the business sectors. Many have started their own network marketing with others even going to an extent of setting up home-based businesses. One common factor that has led to the increase in number of such businesses is the fact that you are your own boss plus the time factor. However, many believe that timing is the limiting factor when it comes to succeeding in this business. This is just but a misconception; no extent of success can be attributed to timing. In this business, success is all about you as the boss and how devoted you are to the business.


There are several tips that one can use in order to become the best leader he or she can be. To start with, it is only wise for you to deal with potential clients. Do not waste time talking to every Tom, Dick and Harry that you come across in the streets. Clients are interested in the nature of the products of services you offer. Therefore spend time perfecting your products rather than walking round advertising that which h you do not offer. All in all, advertising is still necessary but do it wisely. The best way of doing this is by back-linking your website with written articles or looking for cheap online leads to buy. On the other hand, you can also advertise using the pay-per click method. 


Still on the clients, it is quit necessary for you to make some sort of connection with them. This is the only way through which you can point out who your target clients should be. On the other hand, you will still find out what it is the clients expect from you plus their fears when it comes to business matters. You will also form some kind of connecting relationship that will extend your bond to an extent of them being your ‘personal’ clients. 


One very good way of doing this is by providing them with testimonials on the product you plan on offering them. This way, you will motivate them into buying whatever your products or services since they will find out that they can still benefit from the transaction. Trust me, once you create the connection between you and the clients, you will never run out of clients! Last but not least, provide the new customers and distributors with quick start guides for introduction purposes only. 


Are You a Positive Thinker?

All of us like to think we are positive thinkers. We tend to think we deal with generally well and cope day to day with the problems that come into our world. Yet for many people, life is about survival and not about taking advantage of every minute and feeling like we are living life to its fullest potential. 


How can you tell if you are a positive thinker? Here are a few questions you can ask yourself, to help you reach the correct answer to that self-discovery question. 


1.    How do you feel others think about you? 

2.    Do you feel confident in your skills and abilities?

3.    Do you feel confident in your decision-making abilities at home and work? 

4.    Do you look at the week ahead as full of challenges or full of problems? 

5.    Do you believe you can improve your ability to achieve new successes? 

6.    Do you feel you are trapped in a cycle from which you cannot escape? 

7.    Do the problems in some areas of your life tend to cloud your perception of other things? 


If you answered mostly yes to these questions, it’s possible you engage in negative thinking about your life and the things in your life that cause you distress and problems. If you said no, use that list to help keep yourself from falling into the trap of sometimes feeling sorry for yourself and starting on the negative track.


People who are affected by negative thinking can turn it around by first acknowledging that they are prone to thinking this way. With that in mind, it becomes easier to face it and begin to change how you approach life, if you are honest with yourself. Many people don’t recognize they are caught in a trap of negative thinking, so acknowledging is the first step in turning it around. 


Next make sure you don’t allow yourself to be around negative people, but be positive and focus on being positive. Ask a friend to help you see the positive side of things and to help you learn when you are not being positive about something. Write down those moments and make an effort to think of an alternative way of responding to whatever caused the negative thoughts and talk. 


Remember positive thinking usually attracts positive people and outcomes. This is a sure way of realizing your full potential.