Sunday 6 March 2022

Are Your Friends Dragging You Down?

We all love our friends and we all want plenty of them. Good friends are like jewels in our crown and they are priceless. They can be our biggest cheer squad, they can help us to find perspective and support when we are under pressure and they are great to hang out with in our free time. 


But what of friends who drag us down by their negativity or their enjoyment of gossiping or putting others down? Too many of us hold on to friendships for fear of having no friends. The reverse is often the case. We become like the people with whom we spend most of our time. Their outlook will eventually affect our own outlook. Negativity breeds negativity and breaking free from negative people will help us to remain positive and attract other positive people to us. 


When we share our problems with others, men and women tend to respond in different ways. Men will either try to fix the problem and offer solutions, and if there are no obvious solutions to the problem, they will, usually remain silent and offer no comment. Women generally are more inclined to try to empathize with their friends and often will reflect back negativity. 


Researchers are increasingly discovering that women who share their problems with other women may not necessarily find the relief they need to a problem or distressing situation, by sharing problems with other women. If the discussion continues to be negative then the situation can be exacerbated by sharing the problem with others, rather than actually providing relief for it.


It is important that children and teenagers learn appropriate ways of dealing with negative emotions so they don’t need to rely on others when they are feeling them. Dealing with our negative emotions is a skill that many adults also need to learn. Perhaps the most important realization for all of us is that sadness and anxiety are normal parts of everyone’s life and whilst we may think at times that we are the only person facing a particular situation, this isn’t true. 


Every day people live through similar feelings and experiences and so will we if we just learn to be patient in them. However, the damage that results from our feelings of anxiety and despair may be the result of the comments of well-meaning friends, rather than the problem itself. 


Do You Expect Good Things to Happen in Your Life?

Research has shown that if we expect good things to happen in our life they often do. Feeling positive isn’t some magic formula that guarantees good, but there is a direct link between our feelings of positive expectations and the release of endorphins in our brain that act as natural painkillers. These in turn help us to deal with the stress and difficulties and to think clearly enough to be able to create possible solutions to them. 


The reverse happens when we have low expectations of positive outcomes. If we think negatively about things, the release of these same endorphins is inhibited. We tend to feel more depressed and it becomes difficult to think about positive outcomes when the situation appears hopeless. Once this cycle continues, we need something to happen to change the perspective and provide us with some optimism to kick-start the flow of hormones again. 


The influence of others positive expectations of our performance and us also influence our expectations on ourselves. Teachers and parents who have positive expectations on a student’s ability to produce a specific standard of work that is within the capability of the student often see continuous improvement in their work. Low expectations often produce low results.


There are numerous examples of underachievement in our schools. Those same students, when provided with teachers gifted to help them believe in themselves, often can improve their grades and excel. This same attitude can turn a failing business into a profitable company if those charged with strategic planning believe in the products and services they are marketing to customers. 


A motivated person with high expectations of themselves and belief in what they want to achieve, will seek ways to achieve their goals and dreams and this in turn produces endorphins that help to maintain the focus even when there are barriers in front of them. Each small success increases the positive expectations and outcomes. An unmotivated person is weighed down by self-doubt, risks focusing on negative outcomes and expectations and often cannot see the small successes as necessary stepping stones to more significant ones. 


If you are in a state of low self-expectation and negative thinking, surround yourself with positive people who can help you to re-focus and believe in yourself and in what you want to achieve with your life. Do you expect good outcomes in your life?


Do You Take Risks for Career Advancement?

If you play it safe in the current economic climate and do your work each day with no thought of career advancement, no one could blame you. Keeping the job you currently have is probably your focus and you may be thinking there is plenty of time to consider career advancement in the future. 


If this is your approach no one will blame you for thinking this way. However, people are taking risks and making career advancements and there is no reason for you to think that just because there is an economic crisis that you must settle for what you have. As someone has said, “nothing ventured, nothing gained.” Being cautious is different to being negative about risk. As you consider the impact of risk on your decisions, you can make life-changing decisions even when there is risk involved.


Risk taking is a very personal experience for most of us. Some of us will take risks emotionally, but we won’t take risks financially. Others will take financial risks, but avoid physical risks. Taking a risk for career advancement is both an emotional and financial risk, but as in all risk taking, once the hazards are assessed, and the appropriate actions taken to minimize them, we often can complete the riskiest of activities safely and then enjoy the fruits of our achievements.


How would you describe your risk taking? We can measure our risk taking willingness by asking ourselves if we are tend to be more cautious or more impulsive when we are considering different types of risks. Do we take a while to make decisions or are we more inclined to be impulsive? Do we impulsively spend money on a new electronics gadget, but give a cautious yes to going on a date with someone we have not met before? Do we happily jump out of a plane with a parachute attached, but would never invest money on the stock exchange? 


If you are considering changing your job, err on the side of caution, don’t be impulsive, but consider the advantages of taking the risk. If you chose to take this journey, you would not be alone on it. Many people have already done this. Some have left work altogether and opened their own home businesses, others have returned to study and up skilled so they can apply for work as better paying positions become available. 


Saturday 5 March 2022

Experience Your Emotions; Don’t Be Led by Them

Jackie M Johnston once asked her audience. “Have you learned to tell the difference between “experiencing your feelings and being led by them”? The answer to this question is very individual and one each of us must ask ourselves. We cannot become holistically whole people if we don’t answer this question with an instant “yes”!


We cannot begin to act and think positively until we have learned to experience and deal with our feelings, without being pulled down by them. Most people are led by their “gut instincts” when making decisions. How people feel about something often dictates whether they do it or not, or enjoy doing it or not. They may even choose not to do something because of how they feel about it. 


The issue with this type of reaction is that it is deeply rooted in the emotions and not in logic, although logic and our feelings may lead us to the same conclusion. This is what is meant by “experiencing your feelings” Have you learned to tell the difference between “experiencing your feelings and being led by them? .Experiencing your feelings, enables you to rise above consider your feelings about something, but then logically decide what action to take. 


This is particularly important if have an argument with a spouse or teenage child. It is very easy to be led by feelings as the argument becomes more heated. A wise spouse or parent, on recognizing and understanding the increased feelings of frustration and anger welling up inside them, will suggest time out to give each person time and space to think and respond logically rather than emotionally.


Learning to differentiate between our acting on our feelings and understanding how they can help or hinder our actions and our reactions is essential to achieving positive thinking. Negative feelings can hold us hostage to ourselves and to never achieving anything in our life. We don’t feel happy or contented with what we have, so we strive for more. We feel depressed so we isolate ourselves from others or we over eat. We feel angry so we take it out on in our attitudes with our children or our spouse. 


As we learn to channel our negative thoughts and feelings into more positive decision-making, we are able to use them to help us choose behaviours but we don’t let them dictate our actions without first challenging them by thinking through alternative options that can affect positively on our lives and the choice we make. 

A Man's Secrets to Successful Online Dating

People have taken to online dating like a duck takes to water...because it works...or, at least, it can work. Women are, in general, terrified of meeting a man that she has been chatting with online. All they have heard about are the scary things that can happen...and, I must say, they have a right to be careful to the extreme. That’s not only wise but vital. So what’s a nice guy to do? You aren’t a pervert, a sexual predator, or a weirdo. You are just a nice guy looking for “the” girl for you. 


You must be patient. Don’t press her for personal information like her real name or where she lives. Keep your conversations light and fun until she feels comfortable talking with you online. Don’t try to rush her into meeting face-to-face. She will think you are desperate or a pervert. Patience. Patience. Patience. 


Be absolutely honest about your physical appearance and job. A good relationship has never been, and will never be, built on lies and deceit. Eventually she will find out the truth anyway and there you are back at square one. 


A picture really is worth a thousand words. Post many pictures of yourself doing your everyday activities and make them full body shots, not just head shots. If you were dating a girl in the real world she wouldn’t just see your head. 


Once the discussion has been opened about meeting face-to-face for the first time, suggest that you meet in a very public place, during daylight hours and that she bring a friend with her. After all, you have nothing to hide. You’ve told her the truth about yourself and she has already seen a lot of pictures of you. The only thing left is to make her feel safe meeting you.


Ask the Right Questions First

OK. You have joined a couple of dating services and written a killer profile. You’ve uploaded a good picture and now you are going to chat with a contact. What now? How do you start separating those who have real potential and those who don’t have any potential at all? You need to find out something about who this strange woman really is and not just who she wants you to believe she is. It would be nice if women wore labels like “Gold Digger” or “Daddy’s girl”... but they don’t so it’s up to you to find these things out and you can’t just ask direct questions. You need to know what mistakes you can avoid making and how to impress this lady if you decide you want to do that. 


After you are past the initial small talk, ask her, “What are the biggest mistakes guys make when dating online?” Listen carefully to her answers. She’s going to tell you a lot about herself and her views on men in general. 


Next you should ask her, “What do you really think about online dating?” Now she will tell you if she has had any bad experiences dating o line and help you to avoid making the same things wrong. 


Now for the all-important one.....”What caused the break up in your last relationship?” If she puts all the blame on the guy, you should probably move on to the next prospect. If she takes all the blame herself, you should probably do the same. If she says the breakup was by mutual consent or that the relationship just wasn’t right for either of them, you’ve heard the right answer. Move forward but always with caution. 


Asking the right questions will give you insight and make you more confident when you meet the lady for the first time.


Signs of a Healthy Relationship

Most people cannot differentiate between a healthy relationship and an unhealthy one. To them, as long as the two of them are together, then the relationship is still strong. As a matter of fact, many cannot tell when their relationships are on the rocks. They only get to know that the relationship was heading in the wrong direction when it is too late. All in all, there are still signs that can tell you whether or not the relationship is heading in the right direction. 


“Look at the bright side of life”; this is a common phrase that is used in all sectors of life. Well, in this case, it is one of the ways through which one can tell whether the relationship is healthy or not. Basically, it simply involves concentrating on the good things and ignoring all the negativity that surrounds the positivity. All the good couples tend to look at the bright side of their relationships even when nothing is going right. Take for example when one of them losses his or her job, the other will console him by telling them that the good thing is that they still got each other. This just shows how positive minded they are. Actually, this is the main characteristic of a healthy relationship. As a result, their bond will be so strong that nothing can separate them, nothing!


The other sign of a healthy relationship is the amount of commitment each one of them shows when it comes to matters pertaining to their relationship. Commitment is mainly defined by the amount of time and effort one puts into achieving something. The same applies in this case. Effort, money, time and even creativity; these are the main items that both of them should fully utilize to bring that spark into their relationship. Do everything within your power to make each other happy, this is the kind of spirit that will strengthen the bond between you two.


Finally, the character of the two individuals can tell you a lot about their relationship. A wise man once said that a relationship is like a tower, it can only be supported by two strong pillars. The main word here is ‘strong’. It two of them are independent and strong hearted, then they have got what it takes to hold the relationship. On the contrary, if one of them or all of them are not strong at heart, then be sure that what they have will not last.


Tips for Long Distance Relationships

There are several types of relationships especially in this recent time. They range from the normal kind of relationship to even online relationships. We have even heard of cases where people get married through the internet. It might sound absurd but it is true. However, there are certain relationships that happen not out of will but they are forced to be like they are. These are distant relationships. Such kinds of relationships have gained a lot of popularity over the years as more and more people practice them. All in all, there are particular tips that one should follow in order for them to work. 


To start with, it is vital that the two of you plan just how you expect things to run in your relationship. Some of you might claim that this is next to impossible due to the distance. On the contrary, it is more than possible. All it needs is for both of you to sacrifice some time and money and sit down and discuss.


This does not necessarily mean that you meet in person; technology has made the world a smaller place. There are several modes of communication that the two of you can use the most convenient ones being Skype or a telephone. Discuss on matters such as the insecurities you face, your sexual desires and ways through which the two of you can help the relationship thrive. Do this as often as possible and you will be amazed at how tasty your relationship will be despite the distance. 


On the other hand, the two of you should generally keep in touch. It should not be necessarily that you are discussing something, just check on each other. Use emails, text messages, phones, mail, web cameras or even social sites. You can also decide to chat every three days a week via Skype and catch up on what has been going on in each one’s life. You can even go to an extent of sending each other videos of the last basketball game you went to alone or something of the sort. Just make sure that the two of you remain in touch. This will ensure that you do not feel separated. The two of you will always feel like the other is right beside them and the bond will be stronger than ever. Finally, think of ways to do romantic stuff despite the distance. Creativity might come in handy.

Tips on Creating Blissful New Relationships

Everyone in the face of this world needs love. We have heard of many who have done a lot of extreme deeds all in an effort to feel loved. This just shows how much all of us need to be loved. This is why many make a sigh of relief once they find someone to build a relationship with. As a matter of fact, many relationships are always full of promise with each partner wondering if that is the one special person that they were waiting for all along. But many hardly believe so, mostly due to the horrible past love experience that they have been through. Others might have just started their relationships phase of life and are full of fear and without experience. Whichever the case, it is still possible to create pleasurable new relationships. All you have to do is follow a couple of tips.


First and foremost, show commitment. The fate of a relationship depends on the choices and actions both partners take in the relationship. It does not matter whether it is in its initial stages or it has lasted for long, all that matters is the manner in which both of you treat the relationship. Therefore, it is vital that each partner shows his or her intentions of totally committing to the relationship as early as at the onset of the relationship. This way, the relationship grows stronger and stronger day by day and within no time, you will find that the two of you are inseparable.


Secondly, intimacy is a must for a relationship to blossom. It is important for the two of you get intimate in the initial stages of the relationship. This way, the two of you will form a strong bond as early as at the onset of the relationship. I know most of you have particular beliefs or principles that are not in line with such behaviour. All in all, the fact still remains; intimacy is a musty. Relax and enjoy the real deal on life. However, do not let this take over your relationship. Too much of anything is poisonous. 


Finally, come into the new relationship with a mentality that this is the partner that you will spend the rest of your life with. Think of the relationship as something that will last forever and give it the seriousness that it deserves. Respect your partner and see him or her as one who plays a major role in your life. Take them for who they are and respect them.


How Important Personality Check Is When Hiring a Personal Assistant

If you are the owner of a company or business, you get to a point where you need a personal assistant for your business, because you cannot handle the growth alone. This personal assistant may not be your business partner per say, but the influence he or she may have on the business is more or less like that of a partner in the business. This means that a personal assistant can either take your business to new heights or ruin it all together. 


The duties of a personal assistant should act as a guideline that should tell you what kind of a person you should expect. The work of a personal assistant demands a high degree of flexibility because it is at times hard to predict the hours in which there is going to be work. It may at times take the personal assistant to work on a weekend or a holiday. The personality of the personal assistant should therefore be that of being easy going as opposed to the one who is too serious and rigid. 


The personal assistant should also be able to do more than one thing at the same time, because his or her job is more than that of your secretary and accountant. The personal assistant should have a personality that is out going. A reserved person is not the best for this job. The personal assistant should be able to freely interact with new people and should easily break the ice in tense situations. The business world is not static, and new things and strategies come up every day. 


Therefore, the personal assistant should be someone who has an open mind and who learns new things quite easily. Also, the personal assistant should be self-motivated. This will enable him or her to work under minimum supervision, and he or she will also be innovative even in your absence. 


Since the personal assistant is a mimic of a business partner, leadership qualities are a must have. The personal assistant should be someone who can delegate duties and who can take charge of situations when you are not there. Leadership qualities go hand in hand with organization. 


Also, it is paramount that the personal assistant be very confident. In as much as he or she should identify with the needs of others, there are times when he or she will have to put the foot down and make a final decision regardless of what others think.


How to Know the Real You

To a very large extent knowing yourself requires you to understand aspirations both physical, the spiritual values, the emotional values and even understanding of the spiritual and knowing how you can attain all these life requirements. If you come to an understanding of all these aspects of life, then you are on the path to self-discovery. This is what brings lifelong peace in our lives, making it a joyful life and you will be contented in all aspects. 


We all at one point in our lives get knowledge, develop our talent and skills that in one way or another make our lives comfortable. In spite of all these we stand ignorant about what we need spiritually. We tend to ignore the spiritual bit of life which is always hidden though it is of great essence. This can largely be attributed to the reason of our unhappy and disturbed life.


The first step to self-discovery is by having a look at the needs of the soul and try feeling its need. We need to come to terms with the fact that self is not the physical body that we are seeing each and every day. It is but the inner us comprising of our soul. Since time immemorial we have always been told of our soul being immortal and it tends to pass from body to body.


Always remain in connection with yourself by trying to draw attention to what lies on the external. Avoid distractions from the outside. On a number of occasions we tend to focus our attention to meeting of external desires which to a large extent are insatiable. Satisfaction of one leads to the coming of another. Our lives are deeply engrossed to our lives, we are always busy with the hustles and bustles of life and at the end of the dour we remain malnourished from the inside. Our soul is starved. 


Consider taking time to meditate. This practice can make us come to terms with our true essence. It can bring light to our real self. Ensure that you are always connected the soul by simply drawing away from external and material desires.


Another way to self-realization is having contentment in life. When we are contented we tend to get some time to or have an ample time to have a deep insight in to our lives. We drift our attention and start focusing on such aspects like love, honesty and life sacrifices. We become contented by having love with others. When we start sacrificing ourselves for others, sharing other people’s worries and anxieties and having them as our own.


How to Use Your Personality to Choose the Best Career

There are many ways in which personality types are classified, and one interesting classification is that of colors. The color classifications include yellow, blue, green and red types. It is very important to know what color type you are so that you will make the best choice in career. 


If you are a yellow, you are that kind of a person that puts others before you and you care about the feelings of other people first. You are a person who is very caring, understanding and patient. You are a home maker, and you are great with kids. Therefore, the best careers include nursing, community resource and teaching. Do not go into technical careers such as engineering or aggressive ones like sales and marketing, because you will waste your personality. 


If you are a green type, you love working with figures and actuality, and not with fiction. You do not make rush decisions and you love analyzing a situation before making a final decision or conclusion. You also do not give up easily, and you can push for something until it succeeds. 


When you get results, you do not stop at it; you confirm and reconfirm and you take no chances. You love gathering information that will give you enough confidence and surety in the decisions you make. If this is you, consider being an accountant or an engineer. Also, computer programming and other factual sciences will do for you. 


You love fun, you love life and you cannot withstand a life that does not seem to have any motion in it. You have nothing to do with the facts that the greens use, and you love adventure. You love making new friends and you love going for trips. You do more than multitasking, and you can hardly concentrate on one thing to the end. Creativity is your second name. this puts you into the blue group. The best career choices for you are those that involve people and not machines – sales, network marketing, public speaking and media (radio and entertainment). 


If your main motivation is money and you love getting solutions, you are a red. If you are this kind of a person, then you are much focused and you rarely lose control. You love handling one thing at a time with perfection. You cannot be contained in an activity that does not bring in big money. You fly with eagles, not with chicken. You can be the best CEO ever, and you should go for it. Also, you can make a good pilot, doctor, lawyer and judge.


How Your Personality Can Determine Your Home Business Success

Most people dream of one day working from home and experiencing the freedom in time and money that comes with this. This is usually more so in women than in men, because women have more to do at home than men, because they are more or less the home makers. 


However, there are also some men who dream of one day working from home. It is no big issue to dream, but making it a sweet reality is. Before you hand in the resignation letter to your boss so that you can start working from home, you need to know your personality and how it can influence the home business. All factors held constant, your personality alone can determine the success or failure of the home business. If you are planning to work from home, you need to be able to multi task, to organize things properly, to be flexible, to be energetic and to be able to hold many ideas in mind at the same time.


You must be able to multi task if you are working from home, because there are more distractions here than at the workplace. It is not easy to work while attending to your children, while preparing a meal, doing dishes, laundry et cetera. All of these tasks combined usually take a lot of mental energy, and you need to have an equally if not stronger mind. For this trait to work, you need to be at ease and draw your schedule. Also, you need to ask for help.


You also need to be organized. Organization does not only refer to your desk being neat; your chain of thoughts should be neatly arranged and the way you dress up should also be organized. You will not give your best if you are busy talking to your clients on phone with your bunny shoes on and the shower cap on your head. Working from home is not an excuse to look shabby. Avoid eating from your office desk, and let it be strictly for work. Keep it neat and organized, and never start working without a plan. You should also ensure that the whole house is neat, because a chaotic house will affect you mentally and psychologically.


In your mind, you should be able to hold many thought and plans. There should be a clear division between each of those thoughts, and they should not be juggled up. This will keep you from being weighed down under your tasks. You should also reserve a place for everything in your mind. Your children are as important as those profits and doing dishes is as important as picking your kids from school and feeding the dog.


Importance of Knowing Your Personality

There are many ways through which you can know your personality type. Nowadays, it is very easy for you to know it because there are many tests for personality online that, if correctly done, can give you your personality type or temperament with pin point accuracy. 


Personality types are classified in many ways, but all of them can be generalized into four pairs of temperaments – the introverted and the extroverted, the one who thinks and the one who feels, the one who uses judgment to conclude and the one who uses keenness, and, finally, the one who prefers using senses and the one who uses discernment. These different temperaments usually determine how one will react to various situations and the choices one will make.


It is of utmost importance that one knows their personality type, because this will make them a better person, a better worker, a better parent, sibling, consultant, student, counsellor, coach et cetera. 


When you know your personality type, you get better understanding of yourself first. If you are an introvert, then you will stop being a cheerleader at school, because introverts become very irritable when they are in extroverted situations. An extrovert will stop hiding in the closet and will come out in the open to mingle and to cheer the world. You will also get better understanding of others. You will no longer get upset because your friend is not as spontaneous as you are, but he or she takes time to analyze his schedule before accepting your spontaneous invitation to a movie.


When you understand your personality type, you will communicate more clearly to others. You may be the thinker and the one who is very keen as opposed to the one who uses spontaneity and quick judgment. If you know this, you will kindly ask your spontaneous wife to kindly inform you in advance of anything she plans to involve you in. this will help you live harmoniously. Also, you will be able to ask for help in weak areas. For instance, if you are forgetful and procrastinating, you will request your desk mate at work to remind you of something.


Finally, you will have success all round. You will relate with others better in marriage, work, business, as a parent, as a coach etc. you will also maintain the friendships you already have easily and you will create other lasting friendships easily. You will live harmoniously with yourself and with others, and you will have fewer conflicts in your life. 

Enjoy Your Life: Change Your Point of View

"Two men look out through the same bars: One sees the mud, and one sees the stars."- Frederick Langbridge, A Cluster of Quiet Thoughts 


If you’ve placed second in a writing contest, will you jump for joy and push for better results the next time or will you be discouraged and find an excuse not to join again? 


In life, you are always filled with choices. You may opt to have a pessimist’s view and live a self-defeated life or you may decide to take the optimist’s route and take a challenging and fulfilling life.


So why nurture an optimist’s point of view? And why now?


Well, optimism has been linked to positive mood and good morale; to academic, athletic, military, occupational and political success; to popularity; to good health and even to long life and freedom from trauma.


On the other hand, the rates of depression and pessimism have never been higher. It affects middle-aged adults the same way it hits younger people. The mean age of onset has gone from 30 to 15. It is no longer a middle-aged housewife’s disorder but also a teen-ager’s disorder’ as well.


Here’s how optimists are in action and researches that back up why it really pays to be an optimist:


Optimists expect the best


The defining characteristic of pessimists is that they tend to believe bad events, which will last a long time and undermine everything they do, are their own fault. 


The truth is optimists are confronted with the same hard knocks of this world. What differs is the way they explain their misfortune---it’s the opposite way. They tend to believe defeat is just a temporary setback, that its causes are confined to this one case. 


Optimists tend to focus on and plan for the 'problem' at hand. They use 'positive reinterpretation.' In other words, they most likely reinterpret a negative experience in a way that helps them learn and grow. Such people are unfazed by bad situation, they perceive it is a challenge and try harder.


They won’t say “things will never get better,” “If I failed once, it will happen again” and “If I experience misfortune in one part of my life, then it will happen in my whole life.”


Positive expectancies of optimists also predict better reactions during transitions to new environments, sudden tragedies and unlikely turn of events. If they fall, they will stand up. They see opportunities instead of obstacles. 


People respond positively to optimists


Optimists are proactive and less dependent on others for their happiness. They find no need to control or manipulate people. They usually draw people towards them. Their optimistic view of the world can be contagious and influence those they are with. 


Optimism seems a socially desirable trait in all communities. Those who share optimism are generally accepted while those who spread gloom, panic and hysteria are treated unfavourably. 


In life, these people often win elections; get voted most congenial and sought for advice. 


When the going gets tough, optimists get tougher 


Optimists typically maintain higher levels of subjective well-being during times of stress than do people who are less optimistic. In contrast, pessimists are likely to react to stressful events by denying that they exist or by avoiding dealing with problems. Pessimists are more likely to quit trying when difficulties arise.


They persevere. They just don’t give up easily, they are also known for their patience. Inching their way a step closer to that goal or elusive dream.


Optimists are healthier and live longer


Medical research has justified that simple pleasures and a positive outlook can cause a measurable increase in the body's ability to fight disease.


Optimists’ health is unusually good. They age well, much freer than most people from the usual physical ills of middle age. And they get to outlive those prone to negative thoughts. 


So why not be an optimist today? And think positively towards a more fulfilled life.


Why not look forward to success in all your endeavours? Why not be resilient? Like everybody else you are bound to hit lows sometimes but don’t just stay there. Carry yourself out of the mud and improve your chances of getting back on the right track. And why not inspire others to remove their dark-colored glasses and see life in the bright side?