Wednesday 2 March 2022

How Easy Do You Find It to Talk to Other People?

Talking to people who are new acquaintances is something most people admit is something they find difficult. For some people, talking to people, they don’t know, can create so much stress they prefer to stay home or only talk to family and friends, rather than face the stress of a social gathering or business meeting.


Most people can usually deal with the simple conversations and can introduce themselves, but then find it difficult to keep the conversation flowing. If you feel like this, it’s important to know that you are not the only one; you are one of a majority of people. Even people, who seem confident, often hide their fear behind the curtain of being the “life of the party.” Social interaction is such an important part of most careers and life events, learning how to talk easily among strangers and friends alike, is an excellent skill to attain.


Becoming a confident person in public doesn’t need to be so stressful; however it does take practice and lots of it. Here are a few helpful ways to help you achieve the self-confidence you want. 


1.  Go prepared with some open questions: In his book ‘How to Win Friends and Influence People” Dale Carnegie reminded readers that if you ask the right questions, you don’t need to say much. Others will do all the talking, and feel they have found a new friend, even if you don’t say too much. 


Open questions are those questions that ask a question that needs more than a yes or no answer. Ask questions appropriate to the group. If its work related, after introducing yourself, ask someone about his or her work and what he or she finds most satisfying about it. If it’s a mother’s group, ask your fellow mother about their children. If it’s a book club, ask a member about the books they enjoy reading most. 


Each of these questions will open up more questions for you to ask, and as you listen, you will find something else to ask them or you will find that people will naturally reciprocate with similar questions, so you won’t be left wondering what to talk about next. 


2.  Watch Your Body Language: Try to maintain an open and friendly stance at all times. Smile when talking to people and try not to cross your arms. Look at people and nod your head when they speak to you. 


Showing interest in what people say naturally attracts people and encourages them to talk to you and show you the same interest you show them. People respond to people who are interested in them and showing interest in others is the simplest way of breaking the ice and developing self-confidence. 


How to Enjoy Your Work and Find Job Satisfaction

It may seem surprising, but only 30% of all people find their work satisfying and of those, only 10% find it extremely fulfilling. Even more of a surprise is that of the remaining 70%, all describe their work as less than neutrally fulfilling and 10% of them describe it as a living hell. 


When we consider how many hours a day we spend working, it seems amazing that so many are willing to invest so much of their life into something they don’t find fulfilling at all. In the current economic climate with so many losing their jobs, it’s understandable that most people want to stay in jobs they don’t particularly enjoy, but even in this climate, it’s possible to do something about increasing satisfaction and fulfillment in the work we do each day. 


Most people do a job, and very few see it as a career and even less see it as a calling. For many people, work is simply a means to make money; for others it becomes a way of expressing themselves and what is important to them. It is a way of expressing their creativity and a place for personal development that influences their personal lives. 


People who see their work as a place for personal development usually experience greater work satisfaction than those who only see it is a necessity and a way of earning money. Finding a career that satisfies us requires us to take an inventory of our skills, passions, values, careers available and our likes and dislikes and searching for a career that ticks most of the boxes for us. It’s important to remember that this is a journey and we may have to take jobs that help us to achieve the big picture, rather than think the work we accept along the way is the job we will stay in permanently. 


Aristotle once said, “Where the needs of the world and your talents cross, there lays your vocation.” The key to finding your perfect career is to match your skills and passions with the current skills need of the labor market. Ask yourself regularly if you are happy in your work and if you are not, ensure you spend time asking yourself why you are not and what you can do about it. Enlist the help of your supervisor, a mentor, a friend, a colleague if necessary to help you redefine your work purpose and ensure you maintain a healthy balance between life and work.

It Is Your Life! Embrace It!

Think about your life today. Is it where you want it to be? Think in terms of your relationships, your habits, your finances, your spiritual wellbeing, your work. All these things impact on the person you see yourself as being and the direction your life path is taking. 


Remember, if you don’t take control of your life, someone or something else will take control of it for you. As children we were often asked the question “what do you want to be when you grow up,” teens dream about their perfect relationship and young adults plan their next overseas holidays. Many people take a course because it looks interesting, or make resolutions at the beginning of each New Year and wonder why they find it difficult to complete the course or to stick to the resolutions. 


As maturing adults, we need to recapture that desire to recapture that ability to ask ourselves questions about our life, and dream about creating the best relationships and plan for those special trips and moments in our life. Why not take a life inventory and write down every area of your life that is important to you? Search the internet, make enquiries to local community groups and look in your local library, for opportunities to develop new skills or new knowledge in those areas you want to grow in. Ask yourself these questions…


1.  What are my goals and dreams?

2.  How do my goals and dreams fit into the circumstances of my life at this moment? 

3.  What areas do I need training in to achieve my goals?

4.  Who will be the best source of advice to take control of areas that are out of control now?

5.  Where can I find resources to help me achieve my goals and if I can’t find any myself?

6.  Where can I go to find the information I need in order to start my progress towards achieving them?

7.  What things in my life need to change so I have time to achieve my goals?

8.  What attitudes in my life need to change so I have the intention to achieve my goals?

9.  With whom can I share these goals with so that I have someone to be my cheerleader as I embrace my goals?


Each of these questions helps you to prepare insights into yourself and your ambitions and goals and to create a practical way to work towards achieving them and embracing the life you want for yourself and your family. 


What Makes You Happy?

As you look over your life, do you ask yourself what makes you happy? We often spend a lot of our day “in the pursuit of happiness,” but do we ever find it or are we on a fruitless road to nowhere when we seek to find it? 


Some people try to find money in wealth, others in possessions. Some seek their happiness in their husband or wife or their children. Every day, women around the world go in search of happiness by indulging in “retail therapy. For others, that decadent box of chocolates represents happiness. Men might be smiling at those images, yet how many men have to have their night out with the boys or their weekend golf game.


We probably all smile at thinking of the times when we have told others of the things that have made us happy, yet inside we all know that most of the time, anything we do to try to achieve happiness is going to be momentary. People will let us down, chocolate will make us fat and possessions just never seem enough. 


We won’t find happiness if we look for it outside our own self. We will never be content unless we first find contentment within ourselves and the world we live in each day. Here are some thoughts that will help you discover how to be content and achieve happiness.

  • Don’t spend money to find happiness. You will never be happy if you think money can buy happiness, or that happiness lies in possessions. It just leads to discontentment.
  • Don’t worry about the future: Your happiness is available to you today. Many people live in the hope that tomorrow they will be happy. Expect happiness can be yours today.
  • Find your happiness in believing: For many people, this belief is in God or a supreme being, but for others it’s found in believing in something. Life without belief is a life without hope. 
  • Look at others who are in a worse situation than you and be thankful for what you have. Contentment and gratitude are the easiest paths to inner happiness.
  • You need to want to be happy. Someone wisely said once “He is not happy who does not want to be happy”.
  • Help Others... Their pleasure and appreciation will increase your own happiness.


In addition, be happy... True happiness lies in those three small words. Being happy is a choice. not a pursuit!


Consuming Raw Foods–7 Ways It Benefits Your Health

In 1970, something called the ‘raw-food-movement’ was started by Dr. Ann Wigmore. She believes that eating mainly raw foods could prevent many diseases and improve overall health. 


Since then, eating raw foods have become the norm all over the world. Nowadays healthy raw food is available everywhere, in restaurants and health food stores. Even celebrity chefs are doing it. 


Even if we do not want to follow along with this ‘raw-food-movement’ it is a fact that our bodies do need some raw vegetables and also raw fruits every day in order for our bodies to function properly. 


Some of the benefits of consuming raw foods are:


  1. Healthier Nutritional Content: Organic vegetables as well as fruits have a much higher content of nutrition than frozen or canned and even cooked vegetables. The important (minerals, enzymes, vitamins) qualities of food are retained, instead of wasted by the process of cooking them. 
  2. Improved Digestion: Because raw fruits or vegetables are crunchier, we have to chew them longer and harder than cooked variations. Chewing is important as it breaks the food down smaller, it also mixes the saliva (which contains digestive enzymes) with the food before it goes to the stomach. This helps the digestive process.
  3. Improved Alkalinity: The alkalinity in our bodies is connected to the foods we consume. Consuming only cooked foods can result in an acidic condition inside your body. This impairs the immune-system, thus leading to more illnesses. 
  4. Energy Levels are increased: Raw foods are full of energy straight from the sun. They also contain large amounts of minerals, enzymes, vitamins, etc. A combination of these two things maintains your energy levels during the course of the day.
  5. Clarity of thoughts: Raw fruits as well as vegetables clear your mind and help you to think more clearly. 
  6. New flavors: If you don’t eat enough raw foods, you should add some into your diet, this will help your meals to be flavorful and bring in a new texture. It will pull you out of your rut and inspire you with new cooking ideas. 
  7. Weight Loss: Adding raw foods to your diet will help you to lose weight, whether you are starting a new diet or just trying to maintain a healthy weight, eating raw foods will help. 


About 40 to 80% of what you eat every day should be raw fruits and/or vegetables. In colder climates you could eat raw food late in spring, during summer and in early fall. Then in colder months you can eat cooked foods. 


A couple of easy ways to increase your intake of raw foods are:


  • Drink a vegetable smoothie at breakfast, at lunch, as a healthy snack or just on your way to work.
  • Eating big salads for either your lunch or your dinner is a good idea. Mix fresh greens and any other vegetables like tomatoes, cucumbers. If you want to get creative there are many options, green beans, celery, mushrooms, avocado, radishes etc. The list is endless. 
  • For a healthy snack, you can have vegetables and a dip.
  • Try new things. You can make a wrap stuffed with all kinds of delicious vegetables. Tomato, sprouts, lettuce, cucumber and guacamole. 
  • For dessert, try eating some fruit salad. 


When starting out with this new diet, you should begin slowly as it could cause some digestive discomfort if you change your diet too quickly. Build it up gradually and you’ll soon see the results of eating raw foods. 


Natural Beauty Products for Nature Lovers

There are so many different cleansing and cosmetic products these days, now not only available in the shops but even online. Most of them have excellent reviews and groups of people claiming its miraculous benefits. This makes it hard to know what is really true and which beauty products will be the best for you. 


There are some products which are completely natural and these are much better for your skin and of course also the environment. Products coming from Australia tend to be much better for your skin, compared to the many chemical products which are highly perfumed.


What you should be aware of is that natural products are much better for you, especially when you’re putting it on your skin. Naturally produced products minimize the risks of having allergic reactions to the cream we are using. One widely spread misconception amongst consumers is that natural products aren’t as effective as others; however the exact opposite is true. 


Mother Nature has provided us with everything we require. Essential oils are very powerful and they should be handled carefully, particularly when they are mixed together. In order to avoid consequences like holes burning through plastic bottles, one should be knowledgeable about which oils compliment the other before trying to mix them. 


Essential oils can be as powerful as or even more powerful than regular cosmetics. Lemon Myrtle for instance has very powerful antibacterial qualities, its also used as an insect repellant. Patchouli is a great remedy for skin conditions such as acne. Bergamont is known to be a good mood lifter. 


Nowadays there are a lot of multi-purpose products. This reduces the need for buying a different product for every different condition or area of skin. Products which can be used on the body, face and even on hair are great to have. Some naturally based Australian beauty products are from companies which make one product for everything—body, face and hair. They can be good for clearing your skin of dead pores, ridding children from head lice, and also as an industrial all-purpose soap. 


A product that you can use for many different things is usually of good quality, safe to use, it’s diverse and is good value for your money. If you can replace several different products with just one, it saves you cupboard space and money. You can feel secure knowing that it is safe for any area of your body. 


Good quality cleansing products should be child and also pet friendly. If your children get into a product unsupervised you should be able to feel safe in the knowledge that it cannot harm them. Natural products and products derived from essential oils can give you that secure feeling, as they are usually not dangerous to children. They are often even encouraged to use them. 


Something people are not aware of is that a lot of products from various companies can even be used on pets. These days, pets are often diagnosed with allergies or skin conditions. Customer testimonials have revealed that certain natural products help against certain ailments in their pets.


You should always be sure to first find out from the supplier/company if the product you’re buying is also suitable to use for children and pets.


If you are looking for decently priced and highly effective multipurpose natural skin products for your skin, you should try naturally based Australian skin products. The quality is superior and the results are too. 


When you are using essential oils (natural) you can feel confident that these products can be used safely for anyone in your family, even your pet. So check out the properties of these natural Australian products and find out which benefits they have. Then you can find the right product to solve your all your skin problems.


Skin that Glows from the Inside Out!

You can tell healthy glowing skin when it is, clean, free of pimples or blemishes and doesn’t show signs of sun damage such as wrinkles or lines. It is as clear as a child’s skin, with that glow that comes from within. Glowing skin doesn’t look oily; it is shiny but has a clear glow. 


Your first step towards glowing skin is having clean skin. You skin is made up out of layers, the pores on these layers can become blocked which will result in blemishes or pigmentation and even premature aging. It is a good idea to steam your skin about once a week. This will unblock your pores and allow your skin to breathe. Facial saunas are available from most chemists, but it is just as easy to do over a pot with boiling water. You should do this for about 5 to 10 minutes. 


You can put a few drops of rosemary extract or lavender extract in the water. This works as a conditioner for ordinary skin. If you have greasy skin, lemon and peppermint can be used. For dry skin chamomile is great. Steaming your face also unclogs those pores and rids you of the dirt found in the deeper layers of skin. 


Exfoliating cleanser should then be applied to scrub away particles and dead skin cells. After doing this you can apply a firming mask to moisturize and close of the pores of your skin, this gives it that healthy glow. Steaming your face no more than once a week will help you get that healthy glowing skin that all the ladies want. 


In order for your skin to keep that glowing appearance that you want, you can keep facial routines. Steam once a week, apply both exfoliating mask and moisturizer. Be sure to wash your face with a light cleanser in the morning before applying makeup and at night before climbing in bed.


Another good tip for great glowing skin is giving your skin therapeutic massages after you have washed it. You should use light and round motions, do this for about a minute. Always be sure to apply cream to your skin before you go to bed. The next morning you should follow this up by washing your face once again. And always apply face-cream before you apply your makeup. There are different types for every skin type, oily and dry, medium. 


If you follow this routine your face will show it. Hydrating your skin properly is important so you need to drink enough water throughout the day. Sleeping enough also keeps your skin healthy. Eating a nutritious diet and avoiding excessive amounts of unhealthy processed food is also vital. Eat enough wholesome foods, like vegetables and fruits; you also need to remember that a regular workout is a must. Getting lots of sunlight can age your skin so make sure you use a good sun block before heading outside. 


Ridding yourself of unnecessary stress has also been proven to have a positive effect on your skin’s appearance. So, developing a stress-free and wholesome way of life, is the best way to ensure glowing skin and a healthy physique.


Dealing with Insomnia

The definition of insomnia is usually considered to be a person saying they are having trouble sleeping, although the term is also used in articles about disturbed sleep using the evidence of a polysomnography test. Generally, Insomnia is the diagnosis if a person admits to having trouble sleeping, or remaining asleep.


There are many medical, psychiatric and sleep disorders for which insomnia is considered a symptom and an indicator, where the person has repeated difficulty in falling and remaining asleep. This can often lead to problems in functioning normally whilst awake. A common description of insomnia is considered to be when problems completing daily tasks or marked discomfort for over a month caused by problems in falling and remaining asleep, or not recovering normally during sleep.


Most people will suffer the occasional night where sleep is difficult, but it is the frequency of these nights which will dictate how we deal with it. There are many different triggers which can cause sleeplessness, such as work problems, stress, financial difficulties and turbulent relationships, and others. Although most people are not forthcoming in admitting they suffer from stress, but it is an important factor in everyday life, and anyone can be affected by stress.


Many people will have lost sleep from stress related issues, and it is often hard to catch up on sleep and recover the vitality lost through disturbed sleep. Suffering sleep loss for a couple of nights isn't necessarily a problem, but if this becomes an extended period then it is often known to trigger depression or mental breakdown, and can also cause accidents.


Sleeping aids can often come to the rescue in these situations. One such solution is sleeping pills, but these should be considered a short-term solution, as they often leave people feeling groggy or having the 'hangover effect' when they wake, which can also lead to accidents. Another problem is the addictiveness of sleeping pills, as well as documented studies suggesting people will revert to sleeplessness once the course of pills is finished. An overdose of these pills can also prove fatal.


These pills should not be considered a good cure for insomnia, but there are alternatives. One of these is Alteril, which is both natural and a medically verified option in dealing with insomnia. It reduces the feelings of anxiety and stress, and increases the alpha relaxation waves in the brain which give a much more relaxed mindset.

Stopping Premature Ejaculation

The problems that can occur when a man ejaculates first without his partner reaching orgasm can be disastrous for their relationship. Even having sexually stimulating thoughts can cause these men to become too excited and make them ejaculate. However successful and handsome a man is, if he cannot perform the conjugal duties in the bedroom, he can become half a man in his partner’s eyes. Women often mock those men who are quick to ejaculate, and do not enjoy sex if he reaches orgasm too early. This doesn’t need to concern you, as it is a common problem and affects many men. Would you like to have command of when you ejaculate? It can happen, and by following some simple steps you can prevent PE.


Kegel Technique


These are exercises which improve the tone of the pelvic muscle. This is done by tensing and relaxing the muscle. Due to the simplicity of this technique, it can be done almost anywhere. In terms of locating the pelvic muscle, stopping urinating whilst the liquid is flowing will help. It is between the anus and the scrotum, and is a vital part of men and women’s sex lives.


Using a Cock Ring


This can help for some men, as it traps the flow of blood inside the penis and helps you maintain your erection. Some men also enjoy the sensation of wearing the ring. Another benefit is the erection is harder and larger. Putting the cock ring on is simple, as you stretch it over the cock and scrotum. Make sure you remove it after ejaculation.


Desensitization Cream


Applying this cream before sex will desensitize the penis, leading to a delay in ejaculating, and prevent you from becoming aroused too early. Ingredients like L-arginine, niacin and lecithin are common in these creams.




Due to the build-up of semen in the penis can take time, masturbating before sex can delay reaching orgasm. This will help you avoid getting over-excited, and going at the same pace as your partner will vastly improve sex.


Performance Worry


This usually happens when a man is worried about previous problems, and this exacerbates the problem. It is important to relax and be confident. You can also get professional help.


If you take control of your ejaculation, it won’t prevent you from having a great sex life. Every problem has a cure, and curing PE will improve your sex.


A Home Business Idea You Can Use

The truth is that the online home business is facing very strong competition. And so there are various approaches of the Internet which have been availed in the Internet. What you are supposed to do is to take one by one and carefully assess the outcomes. Internet home-based business is the one that is currently in high demand. However, most people do not know what they are jumping into and so most of them do not flourish or do so well. The main reason behind it is that they do not put much effort in it. This is the main reason as to why you should understand the right techniques for operating your home business effectively. 


The first thing that you should determine is your specialty. Discover the area that you are good in. the next thing that you should do is to create a website. Most of the time people get the concept of what they are interested in. this could be wrong. The reason is that your area of interest should harvest profits for you. This simply means that your website should talk about the products that people like and not what you like or want. People should have a good reason as to why they are buying your commodities through your website. If they do not have a good reason then the purpose of your website is beaten. 


A successful online home-based business needs to have a good number of group work and corporation among its acquaintances. The main secrete of a successful business is doing much and working together. If you do not work together then there is no way that your business would be victorious. A company which has got coordinating associates means that they share work and each does his or her work perfectly. As for the learners they are not expected to get things at first with the snap of a finger, they have to be taught and are made to understand. You should know the things that they already know and the things that they need to learn. This will bring about a smooth operation of the business. 


There are people who would prefer to work as singles but in business this could really be a problem. This is because people need to work together and supporting. This way everyone is encouraged to do their uttermost so as to get the group’s goal. Working as a team is however better than working as one.   


How Determination and Want Can Help You to Get the Right Home Business

The biggest factor that helps and enables one to be successful is his determination. This factor will help you to achieve your success and also your objectives in home business or any other business. The ability to being successful in life is with you waiting for you to take a step. There are so many things that you can do which you thought you cannot do through your will power to do it. This also applies to making money and creating your own home business. The only thing that you need to do is to believe and take action. When you have the zeal to be successful then you can make it come true. Success is always within you.

You should always keep in mind that opportunity comes only once and you should not let the chance that you have been given to prove your capability and skill go away just like that. The opportunity to come up with your home business should not be let go because this is a chance that should be kept. There are so many people out there who want to have their own businesses but they cannot because they do not have the chance and they are also not lucky. And so, you should not let your chance pass by you just like that. You should make maximum use of it. You should not even think of giving it away. You should bear in mind that your will power and your selfishness could build your day or break it in a home business. This is why you will find that it is hard and very complex to do right in your business.


The thing that you are supposed to do is to have a positive attitude and everything else will go smoothly. The first thing that you are to do is to prioritize. This simply means that you are supposed to have in mind of what needs to be done and you also have to center on your objective the way you have prioritized. Do not concentrate so much on the small things that your home business is able to do rather focus on the long-term victory of your business. The thing that you need is motivation.


Inspiration is what aggravates our goals; the achievement is based on how much effort we put for the goal. In most cases you will find that our motivation is what forces us to put more effort in our goals. The best motivation in making us successful in life is the wanting to provide our families with the best. Determination and motivation are all that is needed.

Opportunities for Home Business

There is a difference between having the interest to build a home business and being able to do home business. Before you stop your job and start a home business you should first ask yourself various questions. The first thing that you are supposed to do is be realistic before you think of setting things up and creating your home business opportunities. Have some ample time and ask yourself various simple questions. The first question that is supposed to be in your mind before you start a home business is whether you are ready to start. Having self-assurance is very important when it comes to business and without assurance you cannot go far. For a home business to start you must believe that it is going to flourish. 


You should also ask yourself whether the rest will have an idea that you are a main contender for self-employment. There are times when we are a little bit over confident about our ability. When you start thinking of whether you are going to be successful in home business or not, you must be honest with yourself. Consider the way you work at your work place and ask yourself whether you finish your work no matter the situation. You should also ask yourself whether you always work hard in the presence or in the absence of your boss. The minute you answer these questions or you do an assessment of yourself through these questions then you are ready to start.


The other thing that you should ask yourself is whether or not you have ever attended any forum or taken classes of starting and controlling a small business. If you have not then it is best that you do before you start. This will help you know the pros and cons of a home business. You should also be ready to go down in your standards of living as the business is progressing. Home businesses are a good thing but most of the small businesses starts with a lot of work but make very little profit. And so, you should ensure that you have some amount of money somewhere to add on the little profit. 


The other thing is that you should be prepared to work very long hours with very little profit at the end of the day. This is how the business begins. It does not flourish the minute you have started it you have to work hard and be patient. Make sure that you also have acquired the right legal documents before you start a business. 


Ideas for Home Business Starters

Many people right now are tired of running to a daily job of nine in the morning to five in the evening and so they are looking for best home businesses. There are numerous of home business and the only thing that you need to do is to look around and get the right business ideas. Running your own home business has got lots of advantages compared to working for someone else business. One of the advantages is that your schedule is more flexible. This is because you get to work at whatever time that you want and also at the comfort of your own home. This is very nice because you have time for your family and friends as compared to being an employee.


With home business you can make as much money as you want depending on the hours that you spend in it, the effort that you put in and many other important factors of success. With home business, there are no bosses to follow you around and make noise at you for every slight mistake; you become your own boss. Being your own boss means that you should be able to produce more and bring out high quality work. Because of the introduction of the internet and the website, it is now possible to search for different and many home business ideas online nowadays. 


The first thing that you should ask yourself before starting your home business is what your area of expertise is. There are many things that one can do including cooking and sewing. The minute you discover your area of interest or whatever you are good at then coming up with your business becomes much easier. There are those people who are specialists in baking and also decorating cakes for special events, this can take you so far. There are also others who know how to bake different types of cakes. They also may have recipes for the different types of cakes and this could be something in the family. Cakes which are made at home are much sweeter that those which are bought from the stores because they are not as fresh. This could be one of the best home businesses if done properly.


There are also those who know how to sew. You can easily do a business of plain sewing or even embroidery. The only thing that you will be required to do is to buy the various materials or tools. Then all you have to do is use your creativity to come up with various designs and colors of embroidery. You can sell this as covers for sofas, tables, cushions and also pillow covers.