Monday 14 February 2022

Creating an Atmosphere that Generates Positive Energy within You

Beauty is basically a blend of factors, looks, styles, attitude and posture. To look beautiful, you must also feel that way. That is the only thing behind beauty. The question that most of us ask ourselves is how we can feel beautiful? There are several things that can make a person to look beautiful. One can feel beautiful if they are appreciated or by just receiving love from those who are close to us. You could also feel beautiful by being complimented by a stranger. Beauty is something that comes from down somebody and it enlightens your soul lifting your spirit and then results in making you feel great about yourself. How does one however feel beautiful? There are several tips that are going to help you create an atmosphere that generates positive energy within oneself. 


The first step of feeling beautiful is by familiarizing yourself with beauty. One can familiarize oneself through achieving a goal, through a compliment or gesticulation. You should also generate positive energy and help those who are close to you to make you feel beauty in your life. The vital thing about life is experiencing love and appreciation. The other very important thing is dressing beautifully. You should take time in dressing and admiring all that you have by appreciating that you have them. You should a trendy person so that you can receive lots of attention and feel beautiful. This works with make-ups and designer clothes. 


You should also be in a position of pampering yourself frequently. Utilize all the chances that you have so long as you have money. You could treat yourself to a spar, buying new things and spend extra on yourself. Smiling is also very important; this will make those around you to also smile. Always smile from deep down you. When you smile you are able to reach out to others. You could also improve your surrounding through beautiful colors. This will help you to cheer up your surroundings, which greatly reflect on your mood and in your appearance. Appreciating Mother Nature also helps a lot in calming one, and refreshing your mind. Have a time of yourself by watching a movie, listening to nice music or even taking your time in the bubble bath. 


Spend your time doing your most favorite activity. Feeling beautiful uplifts one confidence and also you feel healthy. When you are relaxed the blood circulates well. 

Meditation for Positive Thinking—the Power of Yoga

Meditation and Yoga were once considered strange things, delving into the occult and people did not readily believe in them. There were misconceptions that yoga and meditation were part of the activities done by members of some mysterious Asian sect. Others claimed that they did not merit all the hype; they could never deliver the results they promised. But, many of them have come to notice today that yoga and meditation are actually very helpful to the body. They have learnt that together with these two very vital activities comes power of the mind as long as other added advantages. Even the medical fraternity has proven that meditation together with yoga is quite helpful to the body. Research has shown that the two lead to a healthier body. They increase the rate of oxygen intake and help in the flow of blood.


Yoga gives you power of the brain. How does it do this? Meditation causes your brain to relax and drift away in a world of its own. It takes away all the troubled thoughts that might be stressing you. In this case, it reduces the burden carried by your brain. On the other hand, yoga revitalizes the brain. It causes the brain to think in a completely new perspective. It helps you see everything in a wider view and this helps you deal with your day-to-day issues more appropriately. 


Once one fully grows into yoga, meditation and visualization, the change will be quite visible. To start with, your mode of thinking will change. One gets more creative and proactive. Creativity will no longer be a major issue. You will have a greater pool to tap into. As a result, you will start approaching things in whole new and better way. A fresh flow of ideas will fill your mind making you more and more creative. In addition, you capacity to improve will highly increase. You will be full of inspiration that will give you strength and grace to go through whatever situation it is you are going through. Generally, you will come up with stronger and longer lasting solutions to issues. 


Yoga and meditation not only help the mind, but also the physical body. As I stated earlier, they increase blood flow and circulation. In addition to this, they detoxify your body and get rid of all the filth that is bothering it. In some cases, they can even heal some diseases. If you still do not believe this, try it! 


How Breathing Exercises Can Help in Positive Thinking

Many people who go to work complain about long working hours and the lots of stress at work, but the thing that bothers them a lot is finding it hard to pay attention on anything. This however has greatly affected people especially those who are twenty and above. Most of them complain of low concentration span. We cannot put the blame on anybody for our low concentration. The low attention span that we have is as a result of our development. Research says that human beings could have developed the trend as a way of surviving. In the early years, human beings could be able to feel whatever was in the environment by detecting. 


They could either detect predators or mates and so they would be distracted from whatever they were doing and do something with what was at hand first. This was basically a way of surviving. However, this response has changed greatly especially in the today’s world which is so urbanized and moves very first. The most things that draw our attention are things like gossips, billboards and also messages. Nowadays our stimulation is so high to appoint of becoming insensitive. This works in a way that instead of our stimuli helping us to pay attention it distracts us from vital works and things of chief concerns. The best thing is that we have a solution to the problem and it does not cost us much or rather anything. The solution is the way we breathe. 


There is a relation between our breathing and concentration. A brain which has got enough oxygen and normal when it comes to breathing is fit and functions well. Different styles of breathing techniques help the brain cells not to die quickly. The brain cells cannot be stimulated and so once they die that is it. Therefore, wear and tear of the brain is usually eternal. Breathing exercises have got strict rules and regulations to be followed and so one can use the discipline in your daily life. 


These exercises are usually boring but once you get used to them you find that they are interesting and very complex. They are also very convenient because they can be done anywhere. Breathing deep, slowly and regularly helps us to make our body strong. Your muscles become flexible and do not wear out or get fatigued easily. When you are relaxed, it is so much easier to concentrate.

The Law of Attraction and Your Life

The law of attraction in our lives has become the in thing. Everyone wants to apply this law in their everyday activity. Talking about law of attraction draws a lot of attention. This is because all of us have dreams and we would want these dreams to come true someday. Most of us want a very successful life with lots of achievements and happiness. We all want to have our desires true. Therefore, we can say that the law of attraction in our lives helps us to tune our minds and feelings to draw the lifestyle that we want and not vice versa. The way we are living now was or rather is dictated by our conscious and subconscious minds which are very vital parts. There are several steps that one can use to get the law of attraction.


The first thing that you should do is to describe the type of life that you want and be able to see it in your mind’s eye. When you want something, you should ask from the cosmos and you should also have an unambiguous picture in your mentality of what it is. Recognition of your dreams and requirements first begins with forming a mental image of whatever you want. You should be able to discover ways of visualizing and also train yourself on how to feel the passion and the approach that follows. To visualize is very important because you are able to involve both your conscious and your subconscious mind. This enables the manifestation of your desire. You should therefore start feeling your image as if it were already with you.


The other vital point in implementing law of attraction in your life is thinking positively. You should always be an optimist. Most of the times you will find that majority of failures have got that negative attitude within them thus stopping them from applying this law of attraction. Many are the times we do not have confidence in ourselves because we are insecure. We usually give up very easily. If you want to achieve the success that you want, then you must be positive. Always think that there are different ways to achieve something. Having a positive verification is the most important thing. 


You should also be thankful always and be willing to share whatever you have. This way you will be able to attract more. Always look at what you have and not what you do not have. Another thing that you need is focus. You need not only to focus your mind but also your brain and energy not forgetting your time. The last thing that you need to do is take action.

How to Know What He Really Wants

Misunderstanding is one of the main causes of relationship breakups. This is because one party never understands what it is the other party wants. They do not understand what the other expects of him or her. As a result, they tend to argue over simple issues just because one did something that did not please the other. Therefore, mutual understanding is one major factor that can healthily build your relationship. 


I know it is not possible to read a man’s mind; many women complain of this. However, there are ways in which one can learn exactly what it is the man expects of him or her. It simply takes a few tips and you will be in a position to provide exactly what it is the man wants. One of the most popular ways of knowing exactly what the man wants is by simply asking him. Try and bring up a topic about him in the midst of your conversations and let him open up. All in all, men hate intrusive women. So be as indirect as possible. Do not ask him “what do you expect from me”. Instead ask him what his thoughts are. This way he will be more open.


Also, you have to be very observant. Actions always speak louder than words. Keenly observe his way of reacting; what makes him happy, angry or sad. Listen to his tone of voice when discussing certain issues. Look at how he talks to some people. Understanding his body language and his tonal variation will really tell you a lot about him. Also as an observation, look at your male friends. Male friends are very influential to women since they normally show exactly what your man might be thinking of you. As you know, men think alike. Therefore, your male friends’ thoughts will be the same as your man’s thoughts. Use them as assets to educate you on how your man thinks. Ask them some issues that might be bothering you relating to your husband. They will surely help you. 


Finally, open up to your man. It is obvious that the man also does not figure you out. In that case, do not know what he wants if he will not give you what you want. Tell him exactly what you want from him and what you do not want from him. In return, he will also open up and the two of you will reach a mutual agreement.

How to Find Out if He Loves You

Everyone wants to feel loved. No one wants to live a lonely life, without someone to love. This is why many spend a lot of time looking the right match hoping that it will one day lead to a perfect marriage. Women are the most affected. This is because many of them do not how to tell if the partner really loves her or is just having fun. 


There have been many cases where the lady misinterprets the man’s actions and this never augers well. Take time ands read the signs, then conclude and react positively. That is the best thing to do. Most ladies want it to be that the man loves her, maybe due to the ego-boosting that comes along with it, but it is never a hundred percent. Here are some tips that can help you accurately find out if he loves you. 


To start with, he looks happier than usual whenever you are around. You can see this by the way he behaves whenever the two of you are together. He tends to get hyper and all jovial even when there is a problem. It is said that love is a hundred percent happiness. Therefore, if the man is always alive then there is obviously some chemistry between the two of you. Secondly, he is always trying to get your attention. This depends on the type of man he is. In most cases, he will crack a couple of jokes every time the two of you are together. To some ladies, this might seem annoying whenever the guy frequently puts out some corny jokes. The truth of the matter is that the person is trying to get your attention in an indirect manner.


Thirdly, he wants to know you inside out; every single detail about you. They tend to ask a lot of questions. Some even go at an extent of asking what you ate for breakfast or what you are planning to wear tomorrow. This is just a show of how interested he is in you. On the other hand, he is just trying to evaluate you and checking if the two of you are compatible. 


Finally, he will persistently communicate. This might in form of text messages, phone calls or even through social sites; so long as he is communicating. He will send texts just checking on how you are or how your day has been. This along with the other signs show that he is thinking of you and is attracted to you. 

5 Tips to Improve Your Relationships

Human beings are relational by nature, and everything they do directly or indirectly revolves around their relationship with other human beings. However, the main hype or juice of human relationships is based on love relationships. It is very rare to hear of someone who throws themselves over a bridge or from a five-story building because of their sister, cousin or, worse still, their friend. However, it is such a common occurrence to hear that someone ran his or her car into a stone wall because of love. It is therefore obvious that everyone (or almost everyone) finds this article very relevant, because everybody wants to know how his/her relationship can improve.


Primarily, you should listen more and talk less (no wonder we have two ears and one mouth). Learn more about your partner by simply listening to them, just as you would want to be listened to. Also, give your partner high priority. Think about your partner before you think of yourself. It is natural for human beings to first secure themselves before doing so to others, but this often ends up straining their relationships. When your partner is well satisfied, he/she will have no need focusing on him/her, but on you.


Respect is paramount in any relationship. It is even believed and proven that men spell the word love as r-e-s-p-e-c-t. Respect should be applied when talking and when acting out things. A partner who feels that they are not respected will become defensive, and this is the last thing you want in a partner. Communication, too, has the same weight as respect. Women spell love as c-o-m-m-u-n-i-c-a-t-i-o-n. However, even the woman in a relationship should communicate effectively, just like the man should respect the woman. Do not assume your partner knows what you want; communicate it. Let your partner know you well by letting them, and this can only be done by effective communication.


Relationships also thrive on creativity. You cannot do the same things you used to do ten years ago to show that you are thoughtful. Be very creative and treat your partner out to nice surprises every now and then. This should be based on the likes and dislikes of your partner. For instance, if she hates flowers, you cannot surprise her by sending her a bunch of them over lunchtime. Be unpredictable, and be flexible. This will keep the hinges of your love rust-free. 


5 Signs that He Loves You

At times, men can be very secretive. In fact, recent research shows that men are the most secretive beings. A normal man opts to languish in pain rather than share his problems with a friend. The same applies to boy-girl relationships. It is very hard for men to open up to women and tell them exactly how he feels. They find it to be very difficult to share their feelings. This is mostly because they are afraid of rejection. As a result, it is up to the woman to figure out for herself if the man is really into her or not. This is why most relationships take ages to stabilize; the two parties take time to open up to each other.


The other problem comes in after the woman fails to read all the signs. Normally, women take time to know that the man is interested. I do not know if it is because they are naturally slow or maybe they are in denial. Whichever the case, these signs will help you know that he loves you instantly.


To start with, he will always be very inquisitive; in a good way. Most men want to know everything about their interested parties. This not only applies to women but also to other items such as cars. Men normally ask many questions before buying a particular car. This is to know exactly what it entails. The same applies to women. They even go to an extent of asking what you are planning to eat for supper. It might sound silly but all they want is to know you better and access if the two of you can make a good couple. They also tend to do some things just to get your attention. This might mean cracking many corny jokes when the two of you are alone. All what they want is for your attention to be theirs.


In addition to these, they also love spending quality time with you. The best way to know this is if he always gets jovial whenever you are around. All of a sudden, he gets a live and all psyched up. This definitely means that he is interested in you. On the other hand, he will always keep in touch. It can be through either text messages or even phone calls. It does not matter; all that matters is that he always keeps in touch simply wanting to know how you are doing. This proves that he cares for you. 


How to Turn Your Friend into Your Lover

Friendship is one of the few things that we all treasure, and especially good friendship. This applies for both men and women. However, there are some cases where we start developing some extra feelings towards our friends. This is common between men and women friendships. One of the parties starts seeing the other as more than a friend. The other party still sees him or her as a friend, hence the situation gets tricky. The one who has fallen in love finds it very difficult to open up to the other afraid that he or she might even loose the friendship. However, there are ways in which you can turn the friend into your lover. Play your cards right and these tips might work. 


To start with, do not show any kind of desperation. As you know, desperate times lead call for desperate measures. In this case, desperate measures might not help you out. In fact, they might worsen the situation. It is therefore wise to avoid desperation. Comfort yourself with the thought of many more options. Do not regard him or her as the only option. Still on that note, do not spend a lot of time with them. Try and show them that you are quite busy. In most cases, this works as ho or she will start looking for you and will realize just how much they care for you. This will be a plus on your side.


Even when spending time with them, avoid doing this in groups. Make sure that you do them just the two of you; this will increase sensuality. Stop doing the things you use to do when you were friends. Start doing more intimate things. A good example is taking supper together at your place instead of going for movies. Watch a romantic movie at your place. This will help him or her start seeing you in the same way you see them. It is very important for them to see you as more than a friend since it is the only thing that will help the two of you become lovers. 


On the other hand, it is the simple things we do that cause the greatest impacts. For example, if you friend is a girl, eye contact will help you. Ladies can read eye contacts very easily. They can notice a strong eye contact and come to as conclusion. It is therefore wise to maintain strong eye contact when talking. This will go a long way in helping you turn her into a lover. 

Personal Accountability—Do You Know Your Own Influence?

All of us influence someone. We may not be leaders, but we are in leadership. We may not be powerful but we have power. We may not have responsibility but we are responsible. An old adage states, “No man is an Island.” Even those people living the most isolated of lifestyles have influenced someone, are influencing someone or will influence someone. You cannot be human and not influence someone or something in your world. Do you know the power of your personal accountability and the influence you have on the world around you? 


As parents, we influence our children. Early child hood experts tell us that a child’s personality is fixed by the age of 5 years old, and in those early preschool years, children lay the foundations for everything they will need to learn for the rest of their lives. As they watch their parents or the significant adults in their lives, they learn as we teach them values, morals and behaviors they see portrayed in us. We influence our children in more ways than we sometimes understand.


As members of a work team, we influence the people we work with every day, even if we do not have a leadership responsibility over them. As we interact and work with our colleagues, we challenge work ethics and habits. We help colleagues learn new ways of doing their jobs and to approach time management in a new way. Our influence can help create a harmonious and happy working environment but a lack of team focus by any member or members of a workplace can create an environment of hostility and jealousy that reduces productivity and increases job satisfaction 


When we realize the influence we consciously or subconsciously have over other people, we are more willing to accept personal responsibility for our actions and reactions to particular circumstances and situations. It challenges us to consider others needs and the consequence of our actions and words. 


There are however those who live with a very self-focused view. This attitude is characterized in advertisements on television that suggest we have every right to focus on our personal rights and to indulge our dreams and desires. There is nothing fundamentally wrong with this attitude unless in the process we forget we are not an island and what we do will always influence others. We lead others by example.


Maintaining a Journal to Discover Yourself

Do you keep a journal to record your life journey? Maintaining a journal is an exceptionally good way of making sense of the things you go through in your life. You can tell your journal what you cannot tell other people and as you look back on past entries, your journal is a record of how every experience you go through in life, becomes a mirror that reflects how you have grown through those experiences. 


Many people feel they could not keep a journal. If you feel this way, and the reason is that you do not like writing or feel you can’t write properly, do not let this stop you exploring this excellent method of keeping track of the many thoughts and ideas that travel through your mind daily. Journaling is not about needing to write in any style or with grammar. You are the only one who will read the journal. It is your thoughts on paper 


Other people have found creative ways to use their journals. Drawings, photographs and poetry or quotes can sometimes depict the stories that you cannot write on paper. It is not the method you use that is important, but it is the concept of keeping a journal; it is the benefit it will be to you and your journey of self-discovery. 


Most of us hold our feelings inside, these can have both a stunting effect on our personal growth, and they can lead to health problems if the stress that usually accompanies them remains internal. Expressing thoughts on paper is the simplest way of learning how to express our feelings. Once expressed we can either look at them from a different perspective and deal with them ourselves or we can feel more willing to talk about them with others. 


Journaling for self-discovery need not be only for expressing our inner feelings and thoughts. As we travel through life, we inevitably have some great ideas. As we write these ideas down, we can return to them when we are in a position to either follow them up with action or to revisit them in the future. Without writing our ideas down, we often forget them and many of the gems that life offers us are forgotten when we try to commit them to memory. 


Once you create the habit of maintaining and writing in a journal often becomes a lifelong habit.


10 Questions to Understand Yourself

Do you understand yourself? Understanding yourself helps you to make decisions that help you to choose the best paths for you to take. Often the choices we make without understanding ourselves can be wrong decisions that create problems. Understanding our strengths, weaknesses, what gives us satisfaction and what causes us stress help guide our paths to those experiences that will provide us with the best possible outcomes for our choices. 


If you keep a journal these 10 questions may help you to know yourself and to get in touch with inner thoughts and feelings. They can help you make choices in your private life, your working life and in your relationships. 


1.  Describe what you believe is truly important in life. Describe anything you would fight for in life to keep and not lose.

2.  Describe what values in life best reflect what you believe are essential values that you treasure about yourself. Describe what gives you happiness and a sense of achievement and what upsets you and causes you stress and anger or frustration.

3.  Describe a dream you have about what you would like to achieve for yourself personally in life. Describe what affect this dream is having on your life currently and what you would hope it to have in the future.

4.  Who is a mentor or major influence in your life and how do they help you make decisions? Why are they an important influence?

5.  What would you like to achieve within the next 10 years in your personal life? 

6.  What do you consider are your special talents and gifts?

7.  What skills would you like to develop in either your personal or working life in the next 12 months?

8.  What would you regret not doing if you look back on your life in 20 years’ time? 

9.  What do you consider your greatest achievement in life until now? 

10. What do you consider is your greatest failure, sadness or disappointment?


Remember there are no right or wrong answers for any of these questions. As you answer them honestly and thoughtfully, the answers will provide you with a picture of you and a summary of your hopes and aspirations and the things you can learn from your past choices. Turn your answers into life goals and use them to help make decisions that will shape your future. 

How to Fall in Love with Yourself

Do you love yourself? Most people probably take a deep breath when they hear that question, but it is a valid and important question and one if we could all answer yes to, would change the way we feel about ourselves and give us self-confidence to achieve the dreams and desires we have for our lives. 


Someone once asked the question “how can we expect others to love us if we don’t love ourselves” and this demonstrates the importance of learning to love the unique person we are. It is accepting that we have own special place in this world. Feeling unloved and unworthy is a very lonely feeling. If you cannot find anything to love about yourself, you are probably struggling on the inside with a whole range of feelings. 


Learning to love yourself is possible. To love yourself, you must challenge the negative feelings inside that center our thoughts and self-wealth feelings on external things like how successful we are in our roles as mothers or husbands or how well we can sing even how good looking we are. While acknowledging their role in our life, our self-worth and self-acceptance is about the person we are, the person we are comfortable being around when everyone else has left and we are alone. If we are not comfortable with that person, we do not love our self. 


Take time to sit and write all the things there is to love about yourself. Be honest with yourself. Do not let negative self-talk stop the process. Try to do these five simple things every day and you will find yourself thinking differently about the private you few others see or know.

  • Challenge your negative thoughts about yourself by having positive ones written down and read them aloud to yourself often. 
  • Learn to self-care and do something every day that you enjoy doing. You deserve it!
  • Look in the mirror and learn to love the person looking back at you and tell him or her often she is lovable and why.
  • Fill your life with people who love you and tell you often what a special person you are. Accept their words and their love without questioning it.
  • Add to your list about the person you are, the good thoughts you have about yourself and read them regularly. 


When you have positive feelings about yourself, you automatically begin to love yourself and hence you do a better job at whatever you do.


There Is More to You than You Think

The person you look at in the mirror who is looking back at you may not be the person you think he or she is. Most of our self-awareness comes from our perceptions of how we think we appear to others. Just how accurate our thoughts about ourselves are, is usually dependent on our life circumstances and the people and events that have shaped our memories and our perceptions of the things that have happened in it. 


Our self-talk tells us about ourselves and if we listen long enough to it, it will speak louder than family and friends who often affirm our strengths and abilities. Not all self-talk is bad. Sometimes it says things, which give us a premonition, and keeps us away from harm. 


Others have achieved a sense of acceptance of who they are and where they fit into the world. For many people however, the public image they portray to others may not be a true reflection of their inner feelings. Self-talk convinces many people that there is nothing good in them or their lives. This creates tension and sadness that can manifest itself in destructive ways. It can affect relationships and health if not corrected. 


How do people develop the negative feelings about themselves? Often, they are the result of someone we love or trust saying or doing something that makes us feel bad about ourselves. Even though what we may initially know that what we are telling ourselves is not true, over time we begin to internalize and then believe it. It begins to affect the way we think and feel about ourselves and how we appear to others.


Escaping the negative feelings means learning to love the unique person we are. It means learning to allow others into our lives again without fear of a repeat of the hurt or rejection. We can do this alone by consciously rejecting the inner voice and countering it with a reminder of all the blessings and successes in our life or we can do it with the help of a trusted friend or counselor. 


Finding the inner strength to face our negative thoughts about ourselves is the first step to discovering that we have hidden qualities and strengths we are often not aware of. It is a journey that no person will regret taking, once they embark on it. 

5 Factors that Are Necessary for Personal Enlightenment

The concept of ‘to enlighten’ is very similar to the thought of ‘turning the light on’. When we think of personal enlightenment, it is easy to think of it as a ‘turning the light on inside me’. It is about getting to know myself. There are five factors necessary for this personal enlightenment. Learning these factors will change our own lives and the lives of those around us.


1.  Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is Necessary for Self-acceptance 


Many of us do not like, let alone love ourselves. Self-acceptance is only possible when we are comfortable with the person we are, physically, emotionally and spiritually. When we experience the ‘light bulb’ moment in our lives, we are at a turning point. We can use this moment to grow or we can choose to turn it off and retreat back into the darkness of our former selves. 


2.  Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is Necessary to Change Ourselves and Our World


Those who choose to explore personal enlightenment are usually self-empowered as they learn to recognize and then unlock the power of the person they are or would like to be. These are the Nelson Mandelas, Malcolm Xs, and Martin Luther Kings of this world. Their journey to enlightenment changed them so profoundly, it empowered them to change their world. 


3.  Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is a Journey, Not a Destination


Although we may experience a light bulb minute, this is self-awareness, it is not enlightenment. Our life is a journey of experiences and personal enlightenment enables us to make sense of those experiences as we meet them on the journey. As we apply what we lean each experience helps us understand ourselves more fully.


4.  Believe that Personal Enlightenment Is a Force for Good and Not Evil


The world is a global community and each of us is its member. As we learn about and then gradually progress to accepting ourselves, we are more likely to accept others and enjoy who they are and encourage them on their own path of enlightenment.


5.  Believe that Our Past Influences Do Not Control Our Future


As we accept that our past life influences have no control over us, we can learn from its lessons and apply them to our future. Our past often holds us captive to its mistakes. Enlightenment frees us to learn from them.