Monday 7 February 2022

The Significance of Understanding Your Potential

Quite pitifully, a lot of people who are walking on the face of the earth just do not know what they are capable of. They are not sure of their own strengths and weaknesses, and that is one of the most vital reasons why they are not so happy with their lives.


For your life to become successful, it is very important that you have the full realization of your potentials. You have to understand what you can and what you cannot do. You will find a lot of people on both sides of the fence. There will be numerous people who can do what you can do and there will be numerous people who cannot do what you cannot either. However, you should be worried about numbers here. What matters is your individual self. You have to analyze yourself.


It is only when you realize your potentials can you understand how you can go about it. For example, if you have a great ear for music, but you have never tried to sing, how can you become an acclaimed singer? But, if you realize that you have a good voice, then you can try to find the resources that can help you become a good singer. It works that way. You have to understand your strengths and then play according to them. That’s how the geniuses of the world became geniuses.


But, at the same time, you should not be looking just at your strengths. You should have a full realization of your weaknesses as well. This is important because it tells you what your limits are. If these things are putting obstacles in your path, then you will know what you can do to improve upon them. You know that you have to work out your weaknesses and work upon your strengths. When you fully realize what you can do and cannot do, you can easily alter your life in such a way that things begin to work in a better way for you.


Have a perfect analysis about yourself. Sit down and give it a thought. It is better to write everything down, because when words take shape in front of your eyes, things become totally different. They become concrete. Then you can try to work better at them. You can try to work at being a better person by enhancing the plus points within you and trying to improve on the minus points that you have. 


Things to Remember When You Are Setting Short-Term Goals

Whenever you set any goal—big or small—the one thing you want to make sure of is that your goal will be attained. Evidently, the success of your task does not lie in the setting of the goal; it lies in the accomplishment of it. 


Now, the accomplishment of a goal will depend on several factors, but there are some things you can take care of. Planning your goals with these things in mind can greatly enhance the chances of their being brought to fruition. The following is a list of the things that you should consider.


The Practicality of the Goal


Firstly, you have to consider if the goal you are setting is practical or not. Is it realizable at all? Are you setting something for your team and yourself that you know is full of constraints and will lead into a needless exertion of your people and resources? When you are setting a goal, you have to ensure that it meets your purposes. You have to see that it is accomplishable. It is all right if it is a difficult goal to achieve—that should not deter you—but you should make sure that it is a practical goal to accomplish.


The Timeframe


Are you giving it too short a time? Make a clear analysis of when you want your goals to be accomplished vis-à-vis the time you have with you. See that you are not putting a lot of pressure on your people or your resources. You have to give it a good deal of laxity so that optimal results are obtained.


The Resources


Do you have what it takes to fulfill your goal? You have to take a look at the resources you have. If you will have to gather resources, then see if you are giving that adequate time too.


The Purpose


Ultimately, you have to see what purpose your goal accomplishment will serve. Why are you chasing it anyway? How well does it fit with your core values, and how will it take you and your organization further? What prospects does it entail? These things give a very clear idea of how much effort you should put into a particular goal and what you can do to achieve it.


Think of these things when you are setting goals. Do not make it in an unplanned manner. Consider your goals well and you will see that they can actually get accomplished in a much better way.

Tips to Overcome Fatigue at the Workplace

Do you feel tired a lot when you are working? Does it become a very painful task for you to come back home from your office, and do you really want to just lie down and do nothing when you are back? If all these things are happening with you, then you are suffering from a very common problem that most of the people face today—work fatigue.


Tiredness at work is not a new thing. It has always existed but it is only today that it has become chronic. In its chronic form, you get tired at the mere mention of work, even if that is done on a Sunday. Now, your workplace fatigue is not restricted to only the times when you attend work; you are tired at all times as well.


So, how do you deal with such chronic workplace fatigue? Here are some ways that you can use.


1.  Is your employment bogging you down? Perhaps you need to change the place of work, or maybe your line of career itself. What’s the point in working at a place that tires you out completely? More than anything, you have to look after your health. If this work is not appropriate for you, then you must simply look for something else… that is the wisest thing to do.


2.  Maybe you have to look at something that you enjoy to do. When you are in a profession that you really enjoy, you won’t feel as though it is work at all. You will be pursuing it like a hobby or something and you will really enjoy what you do. When that happens, you will find all the stress and tiredness dissipating completely.


3.  Some people feel stressed out at their workplace simply because they take up a lot of work that they cannot realistically handle. Is this happening with you too? Are you saying yes to everything? If that is true, then you must cease and desist. Already, the work you have taken is taking a toll on yourself. You do not want it to jeopardize your life further. Learn how to say no to people.


4.  Start each day with great confidence. Tell yourself that you will shine at your workplace today. Tell yourself that you will be able to easily accomplish all the tasks that will be set out in front of you. When you do that, you psyche yourself into feeling more confident and energetic, and that helps you work that tiredness of work away.


Useful Tips on Self-Improvement

Self-improvement usually comes as a result of taking a sober deliberate step towards becoming a better person and making the best out of whom you are. Self-improvement is not a journey for the cowards and the lazy bones, because there is no promise that you will be all smiles as you walk this path. You need to make a sober decision from the word go, and you should have a clear definition of what it is that you want and why you want it. You should then synchronize every part of your being towards the realization of this goal. 


The first step you need to take is to study your life from all angles so that you can pick up any area of your life that needs improvement. These are most probably the weakest areas of your life. If you are able to admit to yourself that you have a weak point and that you are not perfect, then you are ready for change. This is because there are so many people who have a problem even admitting to themselves, let alone to others, that they are wrong or that they have a certain weakness. For such people, self-improvement is just another cliché, and it can never work for them. 


Once you have identified the weak points that need improvement, work on your mind. This is the tool where every wrong mentality about things is stored. If you have the wrong belief toward anything, especially anything that relates to your weak points, then self-improvement can be a very fruitless journey for you. You have to do away with every perception that tampers with your esteem and positive attitude. 


The most effective way of changing your negative mentality to a positive one is by first changing your company. Birds of a feather flock together, and you will never be beyond what you constantly surround your life with. If you hang around people who have the wrong mentality towards something, you will dance to the same tune sooner than later. Therefore, if you hang around people who are positive and people who believe in you, then it will not take a long time before you rise above your limitation. Also, as you journey on self-improvement, do self-evaluation. This will help you know whether you are progressing or not. As you do this, try as much as possible to avoid putting your main focus on the wrongs you have done, as this will demoralize you.

Self-Help for Depression

If you have been suffering from depression, you may be tempted to rely on self-help for depression to treat your symptoms. While not readily recommended by health care professionals, it is possible for depression sufferers to get satisfactory results by utilizing self-help for depression. There are many methods of treating depression that do not require a physician’s intervention. 


Some of the most popular methods of self-help for depression include homeopathic herbs such as St. John’s Wort, ginkgo biloba, lavender, ginseng, marjoram and many others have been used for generations to elevate people’s moods and have been proven highly beneficial in the treatment of depression and other mood disorders. If you choose the use of herbal supplements in your Alternative Depression Treatment, be aware that some herbs and dietary supplements can interact with prescription and over the counter drugs. Please consult your physician before starting an herbal supplement regimen or adding herbal supplements to your current depression treatment.


In addition to herbal supplements, some people turn to aromatherapy for self-help for depression. Aromatherapy works by utilizing the scents of specific essential oils that have been demonstrated to alleviate stress and promote relaxation. They can either inhale, used as massage oils, or as bath oils. They have been known to markedly improve the moods of people who smell them, and they have virtually no known side effects.


Dietary changes can also go a long way when considering self-help for depression. Making changes to your diet or your vitamin supplements can have marked effects on your depression. Foods that are rick in foliate, niacin, and B vitamins can come a long way in offering relief from your depression symptoms. You can add these vitamins and minerals by dietary changes alone, or you can start taking multivitamins. Many people who choose Alternative Depression Treatment get marked and unexpected results simply by making dietary changes. 


Another way to employ self-help for depression is to utilize therapy. It is important to remember that no matter which you choose to see to help you through your depression will have a legal and moral obligation to keep your records confidential. Also, they are not there to control you or force your recovery. They are simply there as guides, to help you sort through your feelings and emotions to get back to a mental and emotional state in which you can feel comfortable. 


While your depression may linger, even with the aid of drugs and therapy, a trained, professional therapist will can be invaluable on your journey to reclaiming control of your life. While employing a therapist to assist you with dealing with your depression may not exactly seem like self-help for depression, it really is. A therapist can assist you in fining your own way to get through your depression naturally, and without the use of drugs or supplements that may have questionable side effect or other long-term repercussions.

Self-Improvement as a Goal in Life

Most people get their priorities in life wrongly. Some think that money is everything in life therefore pursuing wealth as their life long goals. Some believe that life is all about having fun. Therefore, they pursue fun to the fullest and put it as their life long goal. This never augers well since such people end up living very stressful lives. For one to live a healthy life, self-improvement should be the key goal in life. We have all seen or heard of cases where people try their level best to improve on their general selves but their efforts prove to be null. This does not mean that improving on yourself is impossible. 


It just implies that improving on yourself is not something that is done anyhow; it needs determination and a certain procedure in order to be successful. However, these procedures should be positive. There are procedures that derail the whole process. They are negative procedures and vice versa.


In simple terms, self-improvement involves reducing negative procedures and increasing positive procedures in your life. These positive procedures act as the guide to self-improvement. They guide one through the whole process. In fact, without them, improving oneself seems like a dream that is way beyond reach. 


There are several types of positive processes that help people improve their selves. The most important one is conversation with one’s self. This might sound absurd but speaking to yourself has been ranked as one of the best ways to improve on yourself. This was proved through scientific research. The researchers concluded that words are much more effective than thoughts. In that case, instead of spending time thinking, talk to yourself and plan on a way to improving yourself. Tell yourself what you dream on improving and how you are planning to do it. This will be effective.


Talking alone is not helpful; it should be accompanied by practice. This is necessary if you are planning to improve on anything. Take for example a basketball player. It takes years of practice for him or her to join the N.B.A. The same applies to our lives. Take the rookie basketball player to be our old selves and the N.B.A to be the improved us; it takes several years of practicing what we plan to improve in order to become our improved selves. Self-improvement is one very simple thing if only we follow these things to the letter.

Self-Improvement: Overcoming the Challenges

People have different backgrounds and different types of upbringings. During the journey of life, we develop and pick up habits, tendencies and inclinations, which become deeply embedded into our being as the years go by. Then comes a time when we realize that success demands that we lay down some of the habits and tendencies we have comfortably lived with all our lives. This is when we lazily drag our feet to the starting point of a journey we are not sure we will complete; self-improvement. Self-improvement is not an easy journey, and it really works against the grain of what you believe in or want to believe in. it often transcends the norm in our lives and brings in a new us altogether. 


Life is a challenging journey studded with problems and challenges here and there. At times, we tend to cringe and defend ourselves from the difficulties we face; at other times, we get on the offensive and start doing weird things to counter the effect of these challenges. However, facing these challenges and using the right tools is what is usually required if we are ever going to be successful. This is not to say that discouragement will not come or that when it comes it shows weakness on your part. It is common for you to reach a point where you are sure that your journey of self-improvement has been or needs to be called off. The big question is how you handle it. 


In his book, “Born to Win”, Lewis Timberlake says, “It is not what happens but how you react to what happens that separates winners from losers and the successful from the unsuccessful.” This can’t be better said, because it is the absolute truth. Every person has his own share of challenges to deal with every single day, but those who choose to face it positively usually emerge that day’s winners. 


As a matter of fact, there lies an opportunity in every challenge; no challenge comes empty handed, without its reward at hand. For instance, who would have thought that the rude interruption of Isaac Newton’s sleep by an apple from a tree hitting his head would lead to the all-time discovery of the gravity principle, which today is used in almost every technological concept? Environmental pollution by garbage is a problem, and many people are making thousands of dollars a day by just solving the problem through garbage collection, safe disposal, recycling, et cetera. Every need presents an opportunity. 

Self-Improvement: Taking a Step in the Right Direction

You want to improve yourself, and this explains why you are reading this article right now. It is very possible to “get there,” only if you are willing to take the right steps in the right direction. Before you take off, you need to have the right mentality about self-improvement. The reason why “get there” is in quotes is because “there” does not exist. Self-improvement is not a destination but a journey. If you have the right mentality and take the right steps, you will not fail along the way. 


If you have embarked on the journey of self-improvement, have a pal to whom you are accountable for your progress. This keeps you motivated to your goal. For instance, if your aim is to lose two pounds every month, having an accountability friend will keep you glued to the goal, because you will not want to weigh yourself in their presence only to find that you have lost nothing or you have in fact added two pounds!


Be an accountability pal to yourself. This means that you will track your progress based on results. An achievement of a certain goal can be quite motivating, thus enabling you to achieve even more in the next step. One rule in self-improvement about goals is that a goal is not a goal if it is not quantifiable and assessable.


As you push towards the goal, find the “why” in all that. The “why” is usually the motivating factor behind every goal. For instance, the “why” behind you wanting to sell one hundred muffins a day may be a pending debt. Your aim for losing a total of ten pounds may be fitting in your wedding gown or simply a promise you made to your husband. Any time you think of this goal, you cannot help but say no to that offer for an ice cream treat!


Make incentives and rewards for yourself along the way. For instance, give a $100 bill to an accountability pal to keep as an incentive. When you achieve the goal by a certain set time, the pal is to return the cash to you. However, if you do not make it, let the cash be given to a certain charitable trust (you should have decided which one before giving your pal the money). Reward yourself when you achieve a goal. For instance, if you make your target sale, promise yourself something, for instance a new outfit or a pizza treat. Enjoy the journey as much as you can; do not get too overwhelmed about the goal.

Significance of Journal Writing on Self-Improvement

Journal writing is a powerful self-improvement tool. When one picks up a pen to do journal writing, what he or she writes is what comes straight from the mind and heart without being tampered with. When you do journaling, you get a realistic view of what really lies within you.


Everyone needs a safe place to express themselves without judgment or ridicule. In a private journal, you have a trusted confidante who you know will not spill your secrets. It's up to you to keep the journal in a safe place.


You can begin to express your creativity and individuality by carefully selecting a journal of who you are. It does not have to fancy or expensive, just feel good for you. The design and texture of the journal not only reflects who you are but also should give you immense pleasure when holding it and thus writing in it. This makes a big difference in how often you will use it. For it to be effective, you do have to use it regularly.


The act of writing your thoughts down on paper, gives them legitimacy. It is a great time to really get to know yourself and take your hopes, dreams, and wants seriously.


It has been known to heal broken hearts, and has been a great source of strength for people undergoing certain changes.


You do not have to feel obligated to write every day, but it is a good idea to try even if it is just a short paragraph or two.


To help get you started, we have listed some journal topics that have been very well received in terms of helping people make a connection.


Suggested Journaling Topics:


1) You at 85:


Imagine that today is your 85th birthday and a reporter is going over to your house to interview you. You have about 10 minutes to highlight important things in your life up to now. Discuss significant events in your life, people you've known and loved, places you've seen, good will that you've shown, etc. Describe your life exactly how you would like it to have been should you be 85 years old looking back.


2) My Favorite Treasure:


What is your favorite material thing? It should be something that holds great personal value to you. If you had to save one material thing from your house, what would it be? Discuss why it's so important to you? What value do you get out of it?


3) My Favorite Space:


Describe your favorite space in the whole world. It does not have to belong to you, but it should be the place that you go to that brings you great happiness, joy and a sense of safety.

Start a Home Business—Take Control of Your Life

Do you think you are stuck in a job that you don’t want to do? A wise person has said that if you like what you do, then you will never have to work for a single day in your life. But, if you are feeling the pressure of work, then evidently you are not liking what you are doing. Then what is it that keeps you at it?


If you are thinking about financial stability, then you do not need to think about it much. Today, people who are working over the Internet from their homes are mostly earning more than their traditional desk job counterparts. It may take some time to set up things, but you are in the game sooner than you think. For most people, it takes just a month to build a good name on the Internet and see the money start trickling in.


Now, I don’t intend to say that stating a home business will be as easy as saying pie. It won’t be. You will be responsible for yourself, everything will be your responsibility, and you will have to manage your finances, production, deadline, quality and everything else that is associated with a business. You might find things difficult at times, especially in the beginning when you are just trying to set things up. But, once the ball is rolling, you will find that there will be no turning back.


Maybe you are thinking that working on the Internet is too technical and that is what is stopping you from doing something here. But, you mustn’t worry too much. It is not as difficult as you think and there are a variety of things you can do. You can pick and choose something that is more up your alley. Just do your research; you will see the various options that exist.


You must have faith in your management skills and you should be able to stick to deadlines. You should be able to provide quality jobs. These are all the requirements that you need to work on the Internet. If you have what it needs, then the Internet can open up an unending world of possibilities for you.


But you need to work in the determination. If your current job is going nowhere, perhaps it is time that you took stock of the situation. The time has come for you to think about making the change. Think about it and see what you want to do.

The 5 Important Assets of Our Lives

We are all looking for different things in life. Some of us want to become rich, some of us are looking for fame and some are looking for things they can do to improve society at large. But though we are here for different things, there are several common elements among us, and this is true for a king as well as a beggar. These are the things that we can count as our assets. All our activities are so that we can preserve these assets we have.


Asset # 1: Our Self


Our self comes above everything else. This relates to the people we are within, our individuality… our thoughts and beliefs… our likes and dislikes. All these things make up our selves. We are all gives unique personalities and we need to preserve them. Enhancements and modifications always keep happening within us, but at the core of it all, we are the same people.


Asset # 2: Our Family


The second important thing in our lives is our family. A large part of what we do throughout our lives is for our families. We are always engrossed in their improvement and advancement. We want to progress in lives, but we want to progress with our families. Most of us plan out our lives keeping our families in mind as well.


Asset # 3: Our Love


Love is something that gives meaning to our lives. Relationships give our lives a new direction, and we gain in strength. We need to preserve the love that we get, especially the love that we get from people we don’t know from birth.


Asset # 4: Our Friends


Friends are important to us because they are so influential in our lives. The way our friends think and act somehow influences our beliefs and actions too. It is easy to make friends but more difficult to preserve them. However, preserving friendships should be a constant endeavor in our lives. This is something that can take us ahead.


Asset # 5: Our Passion


All of us have some or the other passion in our lives. The passion is defined by what we want to do in life, where we want to take our life. Our lives are the most ideal if our passion gets converted into our profession. If we do what we enjoy doing the most, we will never have to work a single day in our life. 

How to Improve Yourself—Some Tips

Self-development is the art of making yourself better in all aspects of the word. This being the case, people are looking for ways that they can improve their self. The improvement comes with certain advantages. 


One of the main advantages of the improvement is that a person is able to be more productive. Apart from this, they are also able to do things that they could not before. This means that self-development is an important part of ache and every human being. 


There are some tips that a person can use to make their self-development experience good for them. 


The first thing that comes to mind is that they will need to look at their negative attributes. Looking at their negative attributes will make them know what problems they are facing. At the same time, they will able to know their weak points. The best way to know their negative attributes would be through using a list. 


If you happen to be in this situation, you will need to reflect on your character. In most cases, people will complain some things about you. Such things should be put down on paper for of a list. You should also look at the problems that you have on your own. 


Once you have done this, you will be able to know the exact problems that you are facing. Putting them down on paper will act as a reference point for future use. From this list, you should look at each point and analyze it. You should analyze the issue thoroughly. In some cases, you might find that it is something that you can control. If it is something that you can control, you should control it. You should try your very best to do it on your own. In a week’s time, you would have some positive results. 


In the event that you do not have positive results, you should seek some help. In some cases, the trouble that you might be undergoing can be solved either clinically or emotionally. This will mean that you can look for help using a counselor or by using some medicine. If you happen to be addicted to drugs like cigarettes, you can try reducing your daily intake. If in seven days you will not have reduced you daily intake, you can opt to look for remedies like a stop smoking patch. 


Thus, analyzing your inner self and resolving to improve upon it is one of the best ways that you can use to go about with your personal development. Be truthful to yourself, and you will find interesting solutions beginning to emerge.

How to Make a Plan for Anything

There are two ways to achieve things… you can either make a proper plan and work according to it in order to achieve what you are looking for, or you can simply work without a plan and still try to achieve what you want. But the former option has a potential to give you much better results. You will know what to do at each given time and you will know what you should do to go about it.


But, how do you make an effective plan? You cannot go about it haphazardly, of course. All plans are not bound to work; if you want your plan to work, these are the most vital things you have to include in it.


Why Are You Making the Plan?


The first thing that you have to analyze is the reason why you are making the plan. What purpose is it going to achieve? When you are sure that your plan will do something positive for you, you see that its importance rises, and then you go about it in a more focused manner. You should start with a very clear-cut idea of why you are creating the plan.


How Serious Are You About Accomplishing It?


Whatever the purpose of the plan might be, or whatever results it might bring for you, it is important that you are serious about bringing it to fruition. What is your level of seriousness? Some plans may promise the moon, but unless and until you are serious about putting your efforts into its accomplishment, there are going to be no results achieved.


Have You Spent Time on It?


When you are planning, you should not do it in a very hurried manner. Such plans, which don’t have much thought put into them, are not much likely to work. You have to be able to devote time to the plan you are crafting and then you should work accordingly. Only when you sit down and think about each aspect of your plan carefully can you rely on its accomplishment.


Do You Have the Resources?


Another thing that you have to consider is whether you have the needed resources to realize what you have planned? You need to have everything in place. But that does not mean you abandon the plan if you do not have a particular resource. Maybe you can incorporate that too in your plan… how to get the resource that is missing.


The most important things that you need are determination and courage. If you have these two vital ingredients, along with a creative mind that is open to ideas, you will find that you are able to make more successful plans that work.

How to Overcome the Fear of Speaking in Public

Most people are paranoid of speaking in public. But, at the same time, these people know that if they could overcome this fear, they would lead a more successful life. Are you afraid of speaking in public as well? These methods will help.


1.  Firstly, you should know that the fear of speaking is not the fear of speaking itself. You know that there are many things that you can say, so the speaking part itself is not a problem. Your problem is something related to the act of speaking. Maybe you are afraid that you will mess up on stage, forget your words, or pronounce something in a funny way and become the butt of YouTube jokes. Or, maybe you are afraid that people will walk out when you start speaking, or doze off, or not applaud you. You have to sit and analyze what your cause of fear is. This actually helps in dealing with the situation.


2.  Everyone feels jittery, at least a teensy-weensy bit, when they have to walk up on stage and face those people who are staring at them. But, you should realize that this kind of nervousness is universal. Most of these people, as soon as they hold the microphone, find all their fear subsiding. You just have to walk up to the stage, hold the mike and begin… you will find your fear going away.


3.  Practice well. If you are paranoid of getting on stage, then rehearsing it in advance will help a lot. If you know your speech backwards and are confident about it, you won’t be afraid too much. You may also try to hold a mock show at home with your family and friends attending, just to get over the fear.


4.  Do not worry about messing up with the words. There is only a very remote chance of that happening. The trick is to speak from the mind, to really feel what you are saying. If you are truthful about what you say, you will not lisp.


5.  Dress well. Be neat. It all works!


6.  When speaking, if you suddenly feel jittery, look at the place where people you know are sitting. Just looking at them can help a lot. From personal experience, if feel a bit nervous when speaking, I look for people who are visibly responding to what I say… nodding their heads or something like that. Speaking directly to them is also something that can help build that confidence on stage.


Try these tips. You will find that your stage fright is not as bad as it seems. 

How You Can Motivate Yourself to Work Better

Motivation is something we all feed on. We need to be motivated to do our tasks. We need to be inspired… without that, it is very difficult to achieve anything that we are setting out to do. This is especially true in the case of business goals. If you aren’t motivated about fulfilling the various goals in front of you, your efforts will only be half-baked and you cannot say that they will be successful.


Now, motivation comes from various quarters. There are many people who can motivate us to do a better job, but the best motivation is that which comes from within. If we put our minds to it, we can motivate ourselves to perform better. Self-motivation, as it is called, is a state of the mind. To be able to inspire ourselves to do better, we have to condition ourselves to think that we can do better.


That is so true! There are so many times that we just let go of things just because we resign ourselves to our demotivated self. We tell ourselves that we cannot do something, and then things really begin happening that way. 


In order to keep ourselves motivated, the one most important thing for us to do is to accept that we can do things. We have to prepare a clear plan about each aspect of what we are setting out to do, and we have to build proper strategies for the fulfillment of the task. It is not an easy thing to do, but if our plans are carefully laid out, then we can definitely reach out to do better things.


An emphatic part about motivation comes from expecting results. We need to keep our focus on what we want to achieve. If our intentions are clear, we are able to concentrate on the task in a better way too. We have to actually visualize the results of fulfilling a particular goal and that can drive us towards the accomplishment of that goal.


It is quite a difficult process to go about that initial phase of self-motivation. It is difficult to generate that, but once it is created, it remains stable. When you condition yourself to think that you want to achieve something, the inspiration does not fade away easily.


So, your difficulty might be only in that initial phase when you do not know what you might do to motivate yourself. But, once you are out of that phase, and you build some determination within yourself, you find yourself going ahead in the right direction.