Thursday 13 January 2022

What Makes a Good MLM Leader?

Good leadership is one thing that most of our leaders never offer. Statistics claim that over 40% of people in leadership positions are not meant to be there. The same happens in our companies. However, there are some qualities that define a good leader. When it comes to multilevel marketing, a leader has to have certain qualities that will enable the network to function appropriately.  These are the kind of qualities that will enable him or her to effectively run and overlook the activities of the whole downline.


To start with, a good leader should be a teacher. He or she should teach those below him the tricks and tips on how to succeed in the trade. However, one cannot teach the rest if he himself does not do well. In that case, a good leader should also be a performer. Never teach water and drink wine; practice whatever you preach. Find ways of sharing your secrets of success with them. Tell them what it is that made you reach the leadership position you are in. One can even open up a blog that will act as an interface between you and the rest. Encourage them and let them know that you are behind them through it all. 


A leader’s main job is to make sure that everything is running as it is supposed to. Due to this, a good leader should be one that is in charge. Make sure that you know everything that is going within the network such that incase of anything; you will accountable or able to explain what went down. Therefore, should be able to command people to do what is right. However, many over do this and end up behaving like dictators. Act diligently and be fair to all. This way, you will maintain a good relationship with the rest and still keep everything running smoothly. 


On the other hand, you should keep on learning. No one in the face of this planet is perfect, not even you the leader. Therefore, keep an open mind and be ready to learn more so that you can grow into a better leader. Finally, honesty is a main component of each and every leader. Never keep a secret from the members of the network. This will result into problems, sooner or later. Be 100% candid with them, no matter the situation. With these qualities in practice, you will surely make a mark as a good MLM leader. 

Why It Is Important to Like Your Network Business Concept

Networking has become a vital part of each and every successful business. A wise man once said that, two are better than one. It seems like business elites have come to realize that this wise man was indeed very wise. Entrepreneurs have come up with various business structures that incorporate networking in each and every aspect of the business. This includes the marketing of products. Network marketing is whereby company goods are marketed by individuals straight from the company to the consumer without involving middle men. The individuals not only market but also recruit other members hence expanding the whole network. The recruiting process is known as down-lining. 


Network marketing has become the main mode of marketing used by most of the established and successful companies of the world. This is basically because it is less costly than the normal method which entails the use of middle men. However, each company has established its own network business concept. Basically, this is the plan that the company uses to market and recruit. In other words, it is the structure used in the downline as well as other aspects of the whole process. These include factors such as the product being marketed and even the network leader.


There is generally no way an individual can hate his or her job and expect to succeed. This is next to impossible. In this case, one is supposed to like his or her network business concept. This applies to both the leader and his subordinate staff. In fact, if one of them hates the network, then the whole business fails. Some of you may not agree with this. Think of it this way, it is meant to be a network. Therefore, if one member of the network does not perform, then he or she shall negatively influence the rest of the team. 


In addition to this, not liking your business concept will highly affect the manner in which you work. Enthusiasm will be a major lacking factor. For the leader, he will not be able to effectively lead the rest. As for the subordinate staff, they will not be psyched up. As a result the sales and recruitment rates will obviously drop drastically. Generally, the business will not do well. In severe cases, the entire business might fall. Therefore, it is vital for each and every individual of the network to like the concept being used if you expect good returns.


Your MLM Network—Are You a Square Peg in a Round Hole?

Multilevel marketing has become one of the main marketing methods used by most of the established companies in the world. Basically, this is a mode of marketing in which a company produces its own products and looks for individuals to market them on their behalf. These people go about marketing the products to interested clients as they look for more individuals to market the same goods. These new individuals will take the one who enrolled them to be their leader. The trends will continue like that till a whole network is formed. Using MLM is advantageous in that the company will not use up a lot of cash on middle men. It will be a more direct link between the company and the clients hence more profits. 


However, there are those that have tried taking part in this kind of business but have ended up failing terribly. Truth of the matter is that, there are specific types of individuals that are meant to do this. If you are not one of them, then joining an MLM network tends to be like circling a square.


A perfect MLM member should be in a position to socialize easily and talk a lot. When marketing, whether online or in real life, one is required to talk to a lot of people and convince them that the particular product is the best in the market. Be friendly. If you are the type that does not talk much, likes keeping things to him or herself and finds it difficult to socialize with others, then this is not your field. Look for a more official kind of job. 


On top of this, the kind of product that you are marketing is another issue. For example, there is no way a man can market sanitary pads. He will find it difficult to relate with women and especially when it comes to that topic. This kind of product should be marketed by fellow females so that they can fully relate to the client. 


In general, look for a product that you can relate to the client easily. Finally, your leaders will play a major role. The type of leadership being offered is a major issue since your returns will be based on how the entire network is run. Look for a leader that leads with example and in effective methods. If you are the type that does not meet any of these requirements, then joining a network will be like placing a square peg in a round hole. Avoid it! 

How the Positive Thinking Series Helps You Get Advanced Affirmation and Attraction

Living a positive life is the key to success. Look at ball the successful individuals; rarely do they tend to wear a frown on their faces. This is simply because they tend to dispose all kinds of negativity that is put in them and turn it into success. This is exactly what “Advanced Affirmation and Attraction” is all about. This is an e-Book that is part of the Positive Thinking Series of 5 e-books that squarely contains tips on how best to use deal with negativity. In “Advanced Affirmation and Attraction”, one gets tips that help him or her attract the good things in life using a positive mindset. In addition to this, it also has some tips on the proper use of power strategies for life success. 


In the first chapter, the author talks about the little things in life that bring about happiness in us. The book states that we should explore them and concentrate on them for a positive mindset. As a matter of fact, they will help overshadow the negativity that pulls us back. Chapter two then discusses the provisions for a positive life that are within us. These are basically our strengths, gifts and natural talents; we should use them positively for our benefits.  In the next chapter, one gets introduced to power methods that can efficiently guide us to positive thinking.


Personally, I find the fourth and fifth chapters to be the most important in the whole book. This is because the talk of building the life you desire. According to these two chapters, whether or not you get the life you have always dream of is all upon you. Chapter four basically speaks about creating your dream life. Hard work is obviously one of the basic factors of creating the perfect life but it should be accompanied by positivity. This is where chapter five comes in speaking about attitude. The kind of attitude you have on something will influence how well you perform in it; a positive attitude leads to success and vice versa. In addition to this, with a positive mindset one will be able to attract the good things. 

Chapter six is all about getting out of you comfort zone. This is where the aspect of hard work and sacrifice for success comes in. The final two chapters dwell on the art of affirmations and how well one can use them for success.       

Positive Thinking Series—Creating the Power of Positive Thoughts in the Post-Modern Age

The positive Thinking Series has really gained popularity among many of its users. It is basically a series of 5 e-Books that dwell on positive living tips and especially in this technology-based age of life. The first book in this series is “The Power of Positive Thoughts in the Post-Modern age”. It goes for about 1 US Dollar in most of the genuine online stores. It contains a total of 8 chapters plus one summarizing chapter. In its contents, it specifically deals with the power of thoughts and how well they one can utilize it positively to succeed in this modern age. 


The first chapter is a detailed summary on the power of thoughts. Our mindsets are basically made up of thoughts that dwell in our brain. Thoughts can be influenced by the environment we live in or the kind of people we socialize with. It may be our parents or friends; whatever they tend to speak about us really makes a huge impact on the kind of thoughts we have. If they tend to talk of things that suggest you to be a failure, then your mindset will adjust in such a way that most of your thought will be redirected on how much of a failure you are. This chapter explains the different types of thoughts and the effect they have in our lives.


Chapter two brings in the aspect of what results from these thoughts; the feelings and views. It goes ahead to discuss how one can achieve success with the right thoughts. In chapter three, the mind is analyzed in terms of the thoughts it generates. One thing that comes clearly is the fact that the mind is very creative; it has no limits when it comes to thoughts. It is therefore up to us to maintain positive thoughts for success. In fact, with the right mindset on tends to have a certain ability to attract the good things in life. 

Chapters four and five give one tips on how to generate a positive mindset. However, they emphasize on the state of peace. A peaceful mind is more likely to gain a positive mindset unlike on that has been intoxicated with all kinds of chaos. Especially in the fast-paced generation, peace of mind is quit essential. Chapter 7 deals with concentration and its importance. This is where various meditation practices come in handy such as yoga. They are a good avenue for concentrating and this is why many people have turned to them today. Chapter 8 gives incidents where these tips apply.       

Positive Thinking Series—eBooks from the Internet

Many a times, we tend to face frustration in life. This is basically brought about by the negativity that surrounds us. The word ‘no’ is the major source of negativity especially when it comes from those close to us. Take for example a mother who is always saying negative things about her son; the son will obviously feel depressed. The same applies to us in our daily endeavors. It is our duty to turn that negativity into a drive for success. This can only be done through positive thinking and channeling all of it towards success. This applies to businesses, relationships and the general day-to-day life activities.  


To help you think positively is the Positive Thinking Series of e-Books. This is a series of online books that contain step by step tips on how to live a positive life and overcome the all of life’s negativity. Generally, they are guidelines on how to live positively. The complete series contains a total f five e-Books that come with resell rights. These rights are those that allow the seller to give the buyers the right to sell the books again. 


Each of these books is meant to deal with a certain sector of life. The first one is “How to Stop Worrying and Start Living Effectively In the 21st Century”. This particular book contains tips on how to get rid of all the troubles and look at life in a positive perspective especially in this age of technology and modernized living. Using the tips, you will be in a position to live a life free from worries. The second book is “Purposeful Law of Attraction Accomplishment”. This book particularly deals with the law of attraction between people of the same sex. It also deals with various aspects of relationships and general dating. 


The third book is “Advanced Affirmation and Attraction”. This is partly a continuation of “Purposeful Law of Attraction Accomplishment”. In its initial chapters, it deals with how one can affirm that he or she has properly used the law of attraction to achieving a purposeful life by positive living. The rest of the book deals with power strategies in relation to positive thinking and how one can use them wisely. The fourth book is the “Power Attraction Power Play”. This is just but a continuation of the third book in the series. It elaborates more on power strategies in terms of attraction. Finally, there is “The Power of Positive Thoughts in the Post-Modern Age”. It is a summary of the whole series in relation to modern life.     

Positive Thinking Series—Power Attraction, Power Play

Positive living is the only way to live a healthy and successful life. Carrying negative garbage with us all through will just derail us from our pursue of success. In fact, we can never function properly if we always dwell on the negativity that has been inflicted on us. Rejection is one of the major ways in which negativity infects us. The word ‘no’ simply represents rejection. For a positive thinker, this word should be a stepping stone to success. It should give us the strength and zeal to pursue success even more.


This also applies to the individuals that are in power. “Power Attraction, Power Play” is a book in the Positive Thinking Series that deals with this particular topic. In its first phase, it shows us how to attract power. There is no way that one claim to be in power without any kind of powers to show for it. Therefore, positive thinking is the best way to attract power. With a positive mindset, one can easily rise to a position of power. This may not necessarily be in your workplaces; it can be in any kind of set-up. Those around you will pick you due to the amount of success you will get from positive thinking. 


Attracting the powers lies in the proper use of ‘the law of attraction’. In simple terms, seek first a positive mindset and the rest will follow. However, there is a particular manner in which one should use this power. There is whole chapter in “Power attraction, Power Play” that speaks of power regulation. Do not over use it or under use it. Just be moderate in how you use it. This book can really come in handy for a particular type of persons. Examples include business entrepreneurs, life coaches, network marketers, self-improvement writers and content writers to mention just but a few. 


All this information trickles down to positive energy and how best to channel it towards your success. Being positive all the time is the only way to achieve your desires. This has been elaborated more in “Power Attracting, Power Play”. 

However, there is also a section on how to train the subconscious individuals to live positively in this book. This section is basically meant for life coaches or simple mentors who want to teach their subjects on positive thinking skills. All in all, “Power attracting, Power Play” is a must read for anyone in power and would like to know more about the Dominating Rationale plus positive thinking.                

What to Learn from the Positive Thinking Series?

At times, we reach a point where it seems that life has pushed us to the wall. These are the times when everything around us starts crumbing down. The only way to get up and move on is by mastering positive energy. It will help you turn the tables and rebuild all that had been torn down. One thing is for sure, negativity is the biggest hindrance of success in our lives. It can be brought about by a lot of factors among them being rejection. The one word that describes rejection is ‘no’. A good example is when one is planning to start a business. It tends to get difficult when everybody you approach for some kind of help say no. Some might even through in the towel. In such cases, one should use the ‘no’ to gain more momentum to further fulfill your desires. This can only be achieved by channeling positive energy.


This is exactly what the 5 eBooks that make up the Positive Thinking series are all about. They contain teachings on how to live a positive life, free from negativity. The trick lies in your mindset. These books contain a variety of tips on how to set the perfect positive mindset for success. To start with, they contain each and every detail related to positive energy; how to generate it. These books go ahead to explain how one can channel this energy towards accomplishing your dreams.


Still on positive mindsets, the Positive Thinking Series contain tips on how best to produce positive imagery into your mind. Normally, the brain tends to get very creative. One is therefore expected to generate positive images in the brain for a positive mindset. This can only be done by concentrating on the good things in life and ignoring the negativity. Finally, this series goes to an extent of explaining how to manifesting the positive energy into the real world. It is one thing to generate positive energy, but it is another to use it.   

The good thing with these eBooks is that they have sections where they base their teaching on the recent times. This is the fast pace lifestyle that we live due to the increase in technological powers. They go to an extent of teaching on how to properly adapt to the Internet world. In addition to this, they also describe how much marketing has changed in relation to the 21st century. Generally, this series shows us how best to create success and happiness in the modern time through positive living.

Tips to Keep Your Marriage Alive

Is your marriage boat rocking? Maybe you are thinking what happened to all those vows you took when you got married. It happens with the best of us. We start out with the best of hopes to do something great out of our marriage and then we falter along the way. However, if you give it a little more care and attention, maybe you can still keep your marriage alive.


If issues have cropped up between the two of you, then you need to first think for yourself how those issues started. In most cases, you will find that it was nobody’s fault and then it was the fault of both of you. If you can, get someone neutral whom you trust in and tell him or her of everything that has happened between your partner and you. They may be able to give you a great perspective on where the fault actually lies.


Whosoever is at fault, you are responsible as well. Being accountable for it is something that can really help you. Own up to your shortcomings. Accept to yourself that the mistake was not wholly your partner’s. Once you have done that, you must gather the courage to go up and speak to your partner. Tell them that you do not want your beautiful relationship to come to an end because of some trivial issues and tell them that you are expressly sorry for whatever happened. It does not matter if they apologize or not. You are not looking for an apology here. You are looking for a better life together. If you get back together, you have the whole life ahead to analyze what went wrong.


Bring the fun back into your relationship. Maybe things have started to sour because you are no longer as exciting for each other as you were before. Plan something together, like going on a vacation… just the two of us. This can work amazingly well in bringing both of you close together. When you get back together in this manner, you will both realize the fun aspect of your relationship that you have been missing so far and you will want to rekindle that passion once more.


Throughout all of this, you have to maintain an optimistic attitude. Keep confidence in yourself. Go on as nothing has happened to mar your relationship. Do not give out the slightest hint that your relationship has soured and that it is heading for bad times. If you think positively, then you will see the difference it makes for your partner’s perception of you. 

Strengthening New Relationships

No matter how much many of us try to deny it, the truth still remains that none of us can do without love. It is human for anyone to have the urge of wanting to feel loved. This is why most of us are always in search of that special one that is said to be your ‘soul mate’. As a result, we get overjoyed once we find someone to start a new relationship with. This is why most of these relationships are full of promise while at their initial stages. However, some of them live up to their expectations while others do not. There are specific requirements that are compulsory for a new relationship to blossom. 


The first one is the time factor. It is vital that the two of you to find some time to bond. Make sure that you spend a lot of time together. This is quit important if at all you want to maintain the relationship for a long period of time. As a matter of fact, this is most important in the initial stages of the relationship. This is the only way through which the two of you can get to know each other better and get to form a strong bond between you. This can be done by simply hanging out, go out for nature walks, meet at each other’s place, go for movies or even at the gym together.  


Secondly, get to know your partners social relations as early as possible. This mostly applies to his or her friends. Make sure that you not only know them but also be-friend them. It should be obvious by now that friends influence the manner in which your partner will perceive your relationship. Therefore, it is only wise that you try your level best to become friends with the friends in order to avoid any kind of negative influence on your partner from the friends. 


Finally, make good use of the three most important words in a relationship; ‘I love you’. One mistake that many do is using this phrase so early in the relationship. In the real sense, saying ‘I love you’ is simply a serious commitment statement towards your partner. The problem is that using it this early in the relationship will make the relationship kind of awkward. The partner will feel uncomfortable once you make that statement too soon. Be careful and take things slowly. Do not rush into anything!

How to Recover Quickly from a Breakup


When a breakup happens, it is painful on both the persons involved. But, despite the pain and anguish that is bound to follow, people do break up. If you have been unfortunate enough to have had a breakup recently, it is justified if you are feeling completely dejected with life. However, if you give it a thought, there are ways in which you can overcome the pain and move on with life.

First and foremost, you have to be rational about your breakup. Ask yourself—why did the breakup happen? Certainly, something wasn’t meant to be. If it was like that, then why do you want the relationship at all? Right now, you may be feeling completely bad about everything that happened. But, let some time pass and you will actually be heaving a sigh of relief that a relationship without potential was over. Think about that, and the breakup will not seem such a bad thing after all.

Now, prepare a list of all the good and the bad things that happened while you were together. If you see that there were many negative things that happened when you were in the relationship, it will become a sort of support for your breakup decision. You would mind it less because there were all those bad things that happened. You won’t feel the pinch of the breakup that much.

How to Make Him Fall in Love with You

Do you have your heart set on some guy you see often, at school, college, workplace or just in the neighborhood, but do not know how to make him fall in love with you? This can be mighty frustrating! You want to strike a good relationship with this person but you do not know how.


Now, here are some tips by which you can do just that.


Get Him to Notice You


Nothing is going to work unless he notices you. Now, guys have an innate eye for girls; so, your problem here is not as difficult as you think. You just have to plan to be in the right place at the right time, which should not be very difficult considering you share several common places. You might think of a few other ways of grabbing his attention. Take care of the way you dress. Learn to speak in a refined manner and polish up your personality. Guys like all these things.


Understand His Personality


Once you have got his attention and got introduced to him, you have to understand his personality. You have to see what he likes and what he does not like. Find out about his passions for starters. A good idea here is to ask him to add you on Facebook or any similar social networking website, and chat with him there. You can know a great deal of a person’s personality when you are chatting with him. Also, ask his friends if you can.


Please Him… But Just a Little


It is your turn now to give him a little attention. When you have started talking with each other, you might give him a small something as a keepsake. But, this need not always be material. Speak about the things he likes to speak about; go to places with him where he likes to go; cook things for him that he likes to eat. All these things make you important for him.


Let Him Plan Things for You


All men love to plan things for their women. He will want to plan too. He will want to plan a date even. Let him do that. Men like to be in control. Men also like women who allow them to be in control.


Just Be Yourself


Over and above everything else, you have to learn how to be in control. It is very important for you that you do so. You should maintain your integrity and you should have an opinion of yourself. Men do not like women who change for them; that is a fact. They do not like women who hide themselves behind layers of makeup. The most desirable ones are always those who are as natural as can be.


Keep these things in mind if you have your heart set on a man who you want to claim as yours. They will help in diverting his attention towards you and keeping him close to your heart forever. 

Benefits of Having a Relationships Coach

Most of you have heard of a relationship coach but have never tried seeking the services of one. Basically, this is trained individual that helps single people find their perfect soul mates. On the other hand, they also try and mend broken relationships. There are various benefits that are related with seeking the services of a life coach. To start with, they are the only people who can help you finally meet your perfect mach. Most of us go through a difficult time looking for that one individual that we automatically blend with. 


On the contrary, a relationship coach can easily point out the perfect individual to relate with. They do this by comparing various aspects between the two of you such as interests, values, desires or any other thing that you have in common. 


Secondly, they tend to offer hope to those that might have lost it. We are all different; there are those that are not affected by being single while others go to an extent of breaking down just because of being single. This is the main reason why we hear of people who have done some stupid things just because of love. A relationship coach is the best person to deal with such cases. He or she convinces the individual that all hope is not lost. On the other hand, they also coach them on how to positively live single. Most importantly, they finally find perfect matches for them.


Thirdly, relationships coaches can also warn you of unhealthy relationships. This has become a very common problem today with very few individuals being able to tell if a relationship is unhealthy or not. They only get to find out when it is too late. A relationship coach will help you free yourself from such relationship. On the other hand, a relationship coach can also help you save your relationship before it is too late especially when it comes to such unhealthy relationships. 

Apart from bringing the two of you together, a relationship coach can also teach you how best to date. He or she will give you the secret tips that will make your relationship blossom. The coach will tell you of the dos and don’ts. These are the little things that make a relationship great such as communication. You will no longer have to worry whether you are doing the right thing or not, the relationship coach will help you out.

Discover Yourself by Writing Journals

There are a number of benefits that can accrue as a result of keeping a daily journal for you.  It can help you have a deep insight into your life. It can help bring to the fore some aspects in your life that may be hidden. It helps you look back and notice a certain habit that you are fond of. It May also serve as a tangible way of relieving yourself of anger and emotions that might be getting to your nerves or disturbing you. Thus, to a large extent, journal writing can help you discover yourself.


Journal writing refers to where an individual keeps some form of log of his/her day-to-day life. It may be kept on a daily basis or even weekly basis. Here you jot down the activities of the day, the thoughts, dreams you have had, emotion and feelings. You can do this on a well decorated leather journal or you keep journal of your life on a simple notebook.  The end result is similar weather you are using a simple notebook or an expensive leather journal.


If you want to discover yourself through journal writing you simply start by creating an account where you simply write all your undertakings. Here you are simply downloading all your troubles and feeling to your friend, with the advantage that this will not spill to a person you do not want. When you want to blow off steam that has resulted at your place of work, or your wife/husband is driving you nuts. It is important to let these feeling go. To a large extent when you jot down your feelings it seems therapeutic and they act as a highlight of how the day was.

How It Leads to Self-Discovery


It will help you express your emotions of happiness, love and personal fulfillment and result in peace of the heart. It will help you shed off tears of anger, feelings of anger and depression, relieve you of anxiety. It can act as a very useful way of letting off what is taking you nuts. After you have done enough writing you will start to notice patterns that are within you.


With ease track the things that bring you certain feelings. You can come to a conclusion of what makes you upset, what depresses you or the particular time when you get upset. It can also help you know whether, for example, you have some issues at your workplace that are unresolved. 

Wednesday 12 January 2022

Self-Discovery Series—Balancing the 4 Quadrants of Life

“Balancing the 4 Quadrants of Life” is one of the books that make up the Self-Discovery series. This particular book deals with the life quadrants and how one can use them to better his or her life. These quadrants all add up to two things; our actions and attitude, of which are brought about by our words and thoughts. What happens is that we absorb information, process it in our brain and talk about them. This way, our attitude towards that particular topic is shown by our attitude.


Generally, this will influence the manner in which we will behave in the quadrants. Spirit, mental, emotional and physical are the life quadrants. According to “Balancing the 4 Quadrants of Life”, 3 of these quadrants influence the outcome of the fourth one. It claims that the physical quadrant is influenced by how well the spiritual, mental and physical quadrants are. The physical is the one quadrant that is visible to all those around us. This is why people get judgmental when we do not develop the other quadrants. They always notice that something is wrong with our physical quadrant. Therefore, we should careful to improve one our three quadrants knowing that the fourth will come automatically.  


According to the book, our mental quadrant is more of a consumer. This is because it takes in information using the senses; sight, smell, taste, hearing and touch. One cannot control the information we take in but we can control how we use it. This is the only way in which one can control his or her mental quadrant. Use the inner voice to do this, also known as conscious. Still in relation to this quadrant, the words we utter as a result to our mental consumption influence our future. We should try our level best to dwell on the positive rather than the negative.


As for the emotional quadrant, it is made up of feelings. According to the Self-discovery series e-book, these feelings are just but stored memory of past events. We normally see them in form of mental pictures and thoughts. We normally reflect this through our actions and talk. Faith is the major aspect of our spiritual quadrant. We normally show faith in whatever we speak or do. Generally, all these quadrants affect the physical quadrant. In the book, it is said that we should however balance all the quadrants. An imbalance may lead to a weak physical self.