Sunday 9 January 2022

Personality Development at the Stage of Childhood

The main factor that pressures or brings about personality development is in place and very much functional when the babies is still in the mother’s womb, however the doctors oppose to this. The people who do psychiatry have come up with their own theories which state that the personality of a human being grows in particular progressive period the minute we are born. They are however exploratory and not definite in the real sense. These phases are not there the way the psychiatric theories claim. The supposed personality periods hypothetically come about in ways related to physical stages of growth like crawling, walking and running. However, our bodily development stages look suitable but this is not exactly what happens when it comes to our personalities.


Let us first talk about how personality starts. It begins to evolve when we are still in our mothers’ wombs. The main factors that power personality is finely reinforced before one gets to early childhood. Every person’s intention, attitude, way of thinking, feelings, actions and the way he reacts influences one’s personality growth negatively or positively. There are two major ways that a person develops his personality. One can develop his personality with the right choice or the second one is that he can develop with the wrong choices. This will greatly determine your personality which people will use to describe you. You will find that those people who are mean develop poisonous personalities within no time due to numerous ongoing, self-centered, wrong, deceitful and immature choices. 


On the other hand, positive and fit personality is made with many ongoing, kindness, right, love, honesty, and admirable dependable choices. You will find that most of us mean people have made a choice to look at life in either angry way or in a fearful way. The particular way becomes the basic way that we inconsiderately control as we try to get whatever we want or to evade what we do not want in many circumstances and relations. And so you will find that whether you are fearful or basically angry, that is how your personality will bring about itself.  


The next thing that we are going to look at in personality development is learning. There are numerous theories which claim that learning is the main factor in development of personality and manners. It is obvious that there are many mental and physical activities that need to be learned. This however does not apply in personality development and characteristics. These are two very different things. You should note that personality does not rely on learning and neither is it innate at conception it only grows at the early stages of childhood.

Personality Development as a Way to Your Success

Personality development plays a very crucial part in a person’s success. Many people have that feeling of inadequacy that has got to be conquered. For us to be success we must possess a positive attitude towards everything that we do. You will find that most people have got negative voice in their heads that stop them from doing anything. These voices discourage us most of the time. This will make us to feel that we are not good enough and we cannot make it. And so with this we cannot be able to see past our destiny and obscurity thoughts. And this courses us not to move forward due to our poor belief of ourselves.


There are other people who will show an attitude of supremacy. This could be a true feeling or just to cover the feeling of inferiority that we have within us. There is nobody in this wide world who would accept their weak points. People do not like an attitude of pride. However, for you to be liked and be respected you must have the correct feelings of yourself this is what will bring about your personality. There are those people who are easy to judge and once you see them you spot a feeling of no confidence in them. This greatly tampers with your relation. This is because some will tend to look down on them and you will find that they are quickly turned off. You cannot control other people if you do not know yourself and your ability to do something. 


Your success in the future greatly depends on the personality development that you have. You have to balance between self-confidence and meekness. Humility means that you have a diffident view of yourself. This is knowing that those who are around you are better in some ways and you are also better in other ways. People usually think that when you are humble then you are weak and you cannot stand for your rights. When you are humble, it does not mean that you must put yourself under or below others. You must accept that strength and that weakness that you have because this is what you are. What you think of as strength may be a weakness.


When you know your weaknesses, you will be able to work on them and make them your strengths. Humility means that you are placing yourself in the right position. You might be struggling but that does not mean that you look down upon yourself.

Meanings of Personality Development

In this world there are so many people and each person has a very different definition of what personality is. Human beings are very unique organisms. This is because they possess a very powerful element called the mind. They are the only creatures with this tool not any other animal in the whole planet has this element. The other animals have got the brain just like the human beings but the ability of their brain is only to some degree unlike the human beings. And so because of our powerful mind, we are able to control the whole world. This is very important to note because it plays a very important part in personality. It is the one that develops, enriches and boosts our personality in both internal and external beauty. 


There are several meanings of the word personality from different sources and the dictionary has got numerous meanings. One of the main meanings of personality is that it is a set of a person’s characteristic. These set is made up of a person’s attitude, interests, different ways of behavior, the way one responds to emotions, the part that he plays in the society and many other personal qualities that last for a very long time. These characteristics are the ones that make one attractive and also to be noticed and thus socially interesting. It could also mean a very well-known person, a person who is famous an example of such a person is an entertainer or an athlete. It could also mean an extraordinary person who is distinguishing. It is also the features of being a person and which make you to exist.  


These are the meanings which only look at the outside of a person but then they are true. The only way that we can be able to know a stranger is through the outside or what he has worn. This is because we cannot know his character or behavior from just looking at the person. Many people however judge one’s personality from the external that is the looks. This is not supposed to be the case. To know the personality of a person you have to stay with them for some time.        


You should also note that we do not inherit personality traits and neither are they inborn. They develop in us the minute we are born. We are the developers of our personality. People around us could help us to develop but the truth is that we are the main developers. So, for us to have personality we have to learn both academic and extracurricular activities. 

Saturday 8 January 2022

Layers of Personality Development

Personality development is a very complicated topic on its own. There are numerous definitions of personality development. Personality in its simplest definition is a combination of mental, physical and also behavioral characteristics and also characteristic patterns that we display in our life. Most people tend not to understand what personality development is and others go to an extent of ignoring its meaning in life. Personality is recognized mostly in the fields of profession. You will find that most firm train their stuff on various skills like communication skills, leadership and also skills on how to be creative and many other skills. These are what they refer to as personality development. 


This is true but that truth is that they have not covered personality development in a deeper perspective. This is because they have only dealt with the external part of personality development. The most vital part in this field is the body and the mind. There are so many books which are being sold in the markets which talk about ways of winning and being happy, but the question that you should ask yourself is how many people read them? These books will only talk about positive thinking but people do not know how. Thinking will not make you positive, you need to act on your thinking. You have to tune your mind and also do a lot of practice on the same. You have got to have a strong foundation of the mind and body for you to come up with a greater personality development. 


The first move in personality development is to admit that you have to improve your personality. Yoga also plays a big role in personality development. Yoga states that the human body is made up of five layers. The first layer is the conscious layer, these is the layer that is related to the things that we do with our physical body like walking and talking. The second layer is the subconscious layer which deals with the physical activities that we do in our subconscious like digestion in the stomach. The third layer is the mental layer which is related to thoughts, mind and also emotions. 


There is also the intellectual layer which is the layer that decides on what is right and what is wrong. The last layer is the blissful. This is the layer that relates to our joy and happiness. When we do a deep meditation called Samadhi we get this joy. You will realize that all these layers affect our personality in one way or the other. Our personalities are categorized according to conscious physical personality, subconscious, mental, intellectual and spiritual personality.   

What Is Network Marketing?

Most people do not have the slightest idea what network marketing is, and they have all sorts of perceptions and prejudice about it. However, this article will seek to clarify what network marketing really is. 


First and foremost, you need to understand how the chain of manufacturing, supply and demand goes. When the manufacturer makes a commodity, the transporters are used to distribute the goods. The transporters may be the manufacturer’s or may be the distributors. When these goods get to the distributor, they are stored, and wholesalers come for them so that they can sell the goods to the retailers, who in turn sell the goods to the consumer. Apart from these, other middlemen are involved. The company that makes the commodity has to advertise for it, and that is why your programs are filled with commercial breaks. Also, companies use sales men to promote the commodity to wholesalers and retailers. 


Needless to say, all these middlemen have to get their portion of the profits because none of them does free work. The company that manufactures has to pay for space, for its workers and its salesmen. It also has to maintain the industry and after all expenses are met (including the tea at 10am), the manufacturer wants to bank a huge profit to enable expansion of the industry. 


The TV and radio stations have to be paid for every second the advertisement is being aired, and the distributors have to make profit out of the same commodity after they have paid for space and the risks of storage, among other over heads. The chain goes on and on, through the wholesaler and the retailer (including the vendor or hawker) until it gets to you, the consumer. 


Therefore, you find that an item whose value at the manufacturer’s place is four dollars gets to you when it is thirty or forty dollars! This means that it is you who pays every middle man involved before the commodity gets to you.


However, network marketing cuts short this chain and it directly links the manufacturer to the consumer. Therefore, you get part of the money that the middlemen would have gotten and your up-lines get a portion. This goes up all the way to the manufacturer. No wonder you also get a portion of what your down lines sell. Network marketing generally entails making a network in which promotion of a good or service is done and other people are also recruited into the network to make it wider. 

The Best Practices for Network Marketing

Network marketing is a great business strategy, and it also needs tips for good practice just as is the case with every other strategy. The first thing to know is that business is first about people and secondly about money. These two should never interchange position, otherwise you are going to fall big time. Therefore, you cannot recruit people into your network with the mentality that they have now come to make money for you. First try to see them as people before seeing them as money making machines. One favorite quote by Michael Dlouhy is that in network marketing, “people do not join a company; they join other people.” If every person in network marketing has this as their principle, then great success is assured. 


Also, most people in network marketing get it wrong when they are mean with information for fear that the person will not join the network or the person will go to a higher rank in the network than them. This is pure nonsense because you benefit from any person in your network rising even above you. People from outside should not join the network because you told them; they should join it because you are a living example to them. Their admiration of you is reason enough for them to join your network. 


Excellence is the key principle in network marketing. If you want to get more from network marketing, then be prepared to give more, and you will be sure to get it back in even multiplied and greater portions than it was when you were giving it. Raise your standards by paying for training and purchasing materials that will better your knowledge. Buy books, listen to CDs and tapes, and watch videos. Interact with other people in your field of network marketing, and learn from them as you share your experiences too. Do not only purchase materials for network marketing; buy materials that are motivational, ones about leadership, business, et cetera. Do not sit on your potential while it can be of help to another person; mentor someone. 


All that really matters in network marketing is the attitude one has and the mentality one has. Remember, what you do, your down lines will do more. Therefore, any negative step you take will be taken by each of your down lines, making your network start receding. Let the battle be first won in your mind, and it will be won indeed.

Reasons Why Network Marketing Companies Fail

Network marketing has become a very popular trade among business elites. It is doing well in terms of output but there are some cases of low output in the sector. This is only in some of the network marketing companies. The main reason for this is poor marketing skills by the marketers. Inexperience can be attributed to this though there are other factors that have led to this poor performance by some of the marketers in the industry. Here are the basic ones.  


To start with, marketers do not network as much as they are expected to. Human beings are complex beings in comparison to animals. We were created this way so that we could deal with a variety of things at a time. The same applies to network marketing. There are network marketers who rely on others to find connections. This is correct but over doing this is quite wrong. 


A good network marketer should try his level best to initiate a business connection, of which not many marketers do. Due to this they do not produce to their level best hence the low output. Secondly, lack of fully comprehending marketing is a major problem. This is because ‘marketing’ is the main word that describes network marketing as a trade. In short, poor marketing skills are a vital factor in network marketing. 


In some cases, network marketers tend to take the whole trade to be like a hobby. Therefore, lack of seriousness finds its way into the entire business. As you all know, no business can thrive without serious staff members. Lack of seriousness come as a whole package since it also results to a company without a vision. Visions and goals are vital in a business since they set the pace that the staff will work at. They are also a good way of assessing the progress of the business. In network marketing, this results into low output by the marketers. 


Inexperience is the most common reason for failure in the network marketing industry. Especially with the rookies who expect the business to pick within a fortnight. If they understood the entire marketing process, then they would not give up within weeks of the business. This is the main reason that pulls back the development of the network marketing industry. Another reason for failure that is associated with inexperience is lack of some vital skills such as people and communication skills. These are vital especially in the marketing industry. 

Reasons for Failure in Network Marketing

Network marketing is a very cool strategy, and it can give you a residual income if only you know the right secrets in it. One of the reasons why people fail miserably in network marketing is because they are in the wrong company. One way in which you can know whether a person is in the right company or the wrong one is by looking at how enthusiastic they are. If he is not, then just know that he is in the wrong company. Also, a person who cannot explain why he finds the products he is selling so great, then he is sailing in the wrong boat. Such a person will always have products in his bag that have overstayed simply because he has not sold them. He will also get a minimal payment that cannot take him / her through half the month. 


People in network marketing also fail because they do not strike a balance between recruiting and selling the product. You cannot purely do recruiting without selling because you may run out of leads and cause your network to stagnate. You cannot also sell your products without recruiting because there comes a time when the market for those products is just not at the peak season to enable you to rely on points made from sales only. Also, you need to put effort, because network marketing cannot be a ticket to overnight richness. This get rich quick mentality is what makes most people in network marketing to fail. 


Another mentality that makes people in network marketing to fail is the one where they do not see network marketing as a job simply because it is not set up in a proper office setting. Therefore, they end up doing it like a part time job or they place it at the same level as golfing, if this is their hobby, it cannot work like this. However, the funny thing is that when the end of the month comes, this person expects rewards that only a “real” job can give. 


Also, you cannot do network marketing without short term, medium term and long-term goals, because you will fail miserably. It cannot work if all you are living and dying for in your network marketing is this current month. All you care about is how much you will get. This is very harmful to your network and it is the easiest way to kill it.

Lessons to Learn from Network Marketing

Network marketing is a marketing strategy that we can really learn from. The tactics and principles learnt from this strategy are usually valuable, and they can be applied in any other business.  


One lesson learnt from network marketing is that no business can survive without relationship. There is great importance in the relationship between management and other people and between the qualities of the product. Also, we learn that we should analyze the network and get the bigger picture, without making any assumptions. In network marketing, chancing and assuming on your network is never done because you have to study the strong and the weak points in your network so that you can know what to do to strengthen that part. Another great lesson with network marketing is that they show the best way to sell is to make your product surrounded by consumers and distributors. No wonder there is a lot of distributor support in network marketing. Also, network marketing has a lot of follow up and recruiting because they do not take chances with even a single person in the network. 


Another strategy is to leverage those who are not selling by making them sell to their direct community. A good example is using a college student in network marketing. This student will not go to any CEO’s office to market, but he or she will do network marketing in the community that is closest which is the student community. This way, the product penetrates all the way through into any group whatsoever as long as you have a single person in the network that is in that group. 


Also, in network marketing, relationship is very important. This is unlike in other types of marketing, where you introduce some thing and you want it implemented immediately (like trying to sleep with a girl on the first date, without building a close relationship first). In network marketing, the relationship comes first before the implementation and the results. In network marketing, top network marketers believe that you should not view everyone around you as “prey” or as a catch. You should establish natural relationships with many people and you should know that some of them will join your network. Some will join and refer others to it, and others will only refer others without joining while the last group will never do anything about it. This is unlike the three-foot rule used by other business people who do not know the principles of good network marketing.

Starting a Home Business

In this current day, the best business that anyone can start is a home business. Many people round the globe dream of starting a home business. This is because they want their own freedom and power over their lives. If you start a home business and be successful then you are likely to earn much more than in your current job. Moreover, there are things which should be considered before one decides to start a home business because this is not something which will flourish within a day. A home business requires someone who is patient. 


People start home businesses because they want ample time for their loved ones and friends. However, you should note that it is not easy because you will experience many interruptions from all corners and so you need to be serious and strict. The first thing that you are supposed to do is to think about the business that you want to start and also whether it has market. This is basically having a plan before starting your home business. You should do some research and put down a list of home businesses that you know you are capable of doing. You should also put down a list of things that you dislike doing and the things which are difficult to do in your case.


After you have made your list, then you can now choose one that you know can be a successful business. The good thing about a home business is that you do not require a lot of capital and neither do you need a loan for that matter. An online business is one of the best home businesses because it only takes less than a minute to create. However, many people join from second to second and so the competition is stiff. The good thing is that you work at the comfort of your home. You should do research and know more about your products or services. This should be a regular thing. For you to be successful you should always look for new ideas and information. 


One of the best home businesses is the Internet marketing or an online home business. This is because it is simple to start and the website enables you to promote your home business in a cheap and easy way. The most benefiting thing in this business is the reduced overheads. You should also look for clients online and once your home business is running smoothly, try and look for other ways of creating more streams so that the business can last.

Starting a Home Business on a Budget

There are so many people out there who dream of starting their own home business and they always wonder how it feels having to have power over your finances without depending on a job. There are those people who are happy with their work but they want to start their home business so that they can pay for the extra expenses, but the problem is that they do not have enough extra money to put in a new business. 


You can make your dream come true if you are that person who wants to start a home business but you do not have adequate finances. The solution to your problem is the World Wide Web. This service has really helped many people to start their home businesses with very little amount of money. People with limited budget have been helped by this service and now they are competing with the big companies. Anyone who is in a position to sell or offer services, he is able to create a website and take advantage of the free tools on the internet. It is cheaper to start an online home business.


This is because with the traditional business, there are important overhead expenses which have to be paid before you even start earning. Some of these overhead expenses include rent, stock budget, ads, insurances and many other expenses. When you consider online business, you will realize that you will not pay rent because your room is the cyber and your home is your office. You can also find cheap shippers who will ship products to your clients. This can be done by searching in the internet for various price options for both shippers and websites builders.  


The best place for you to start your home business on your budget is eBay. This is because so many people shop on eBay every now and then. They are also looking for various products. The reason why eBay is such a great place is because the traffic already exists. The other advantage is that the eBay does the ads for the marketers and the only thing that you can do is to go there and put your post about the product. 


The other way that you can get cheap ways of marketing your product is through the affiliate programs. This simply does this by allowing you to put your links on other websites and whenever someone clicks on your link, you become an affiliate and you make money. Whatever type of business that you are doing on the Internet, you should make sure that you do it as a business. 

Should a Home Business Be Restricted to Your Home?

You should note that it is very important how you plan your business. This is because it will be able to determine your destiny in business. This will either be success or failure. Most people do not have an idea of what a home business is and they also do not know how they are going to start the business. There are various points that are very crucial about home-based business so that you know whether a home business is restricted to your home or not. Many people think that just because it is called a home-based business then there is no need for an office. This is not right as you must have an office so that you avoid other destructions. 


When you are working away from, it is more demanding because you have to be at home most of the time. When you work at home you find that you face many distractions like children playing around especially young ones. You friends also on the other hand will feel like they can visit you whatever time because you are at home often. To avoid all these problems, you could look for a corner in the house if you do not have an extra room and make it your home business office. You should note that your business is not restricted in your home alone; you could use different places like the cafeterias, centers of shopping and also at the comfort of the beach. This is most of the time for a change of environment. 


You could also get your own computer like a portable computer of the likes of a laptop. This is to help you to shift from place to place without any problems. Your PC is what will help you in building your business. Without a computer there is no way that you can have your work done anywhere. You should ensure that you have a well-connected network so that you could work form wherever efficiently and quickly. There are also various payments that you have to do so that you can run your business without having any pitfalls. For you to be able to work effectively at home you should also have a home-based Internet.     


Your business should not just be home restricted because you also have to go out there and meet friends telling them about your business. This way you are advertising or rather marketing your products. You should be able to attend important conferences so that you get to know the trend in the market. You also have to deliver your products t0o some of your customers. 

How to Become a Disciplined Home Business Boss

Several people who leave the corporate world to join the home business sector each with his or her own reason. Some plan on opening up their own companies and decide to use a home business as the starting point. Others do it due to lack of options while others just do it out of adventure. One very common feature of this kind of business is the fact that one tends to be his or her own boss. The feeling is so good but no matter how good it feels once one settles down and sets up their own home business, there are certain aspects that make up the perfect boss in a home business.


There are two main features of a home business boss that one is expected to follow to the letter if he or she plans to succeed. The first one is that as the boss, you should follow the work schedule to the letter. A work schedule is basically like a time table for the business. It stipulates what should be done and at what particular time. One common feature with a work schedule is the fact that it normally entails a lot of work. The only difference with this work schedule and the normal work schedule is the simple fact that this one does not entail waking up at the crack of dawn and rushing to the workplace in a suit.


The average time for working in a house business is about forty hours a week. Therefore, the work schedule should equally divide this time among the many activities involved in the work. It is now up to you to follow it to the letter for the benefit of the business. A good boss should follow the work schedule to the letter.


The other feature is the ability to effectively deal with disruptions. They are very common and especially in home businesses. Just because you work in the house, it does not mean that you are available at whatever time. It also does not mean that you can talk with every Tom, Dick and Harry that passes by your place in the middle of the day. A good boss is one who sets a boundary between family, friends and work. Look for a way to avoid such disruptions. On the other hand, we are all human. There is a chance for us to get tempted into watching a bit of television while working or maybe listen to a favorite radio show while working. A good boss should know how to avoid such scenarios.  

3 Things That One Should Know about Home Business

There are so many people joining the home businesses but it is so unfortunate that many of them are not coming out successful. This is because they did not find the guidance which is needed so as to start a home business and maintain it. There are those people who have tried and given up because they do not think it is a great idea, whereas there are those who have started following the right procedures and have been very victorious. There are also those who have tried and failed but they did not give up until they started to be successful. This is because they did a lot of research and found the basic tips of succeeding in home business. The victory has really changed most of the people’s lives. 


The first thing that you are supposed to know about home business is that success does not happen within a night. Many people think that they should become rich within a very short period of time with their home business. The reason as to why so many people want to get rich quickly is because of the get rich scams which are out there. This is because they make everyone to believe that any home business is like a con and this is a lie. The truth is that success in home business does not come within days and so during this period you will get so many negative thoughts. The thing that you should avoid is the negative thoughts crowding your mind. 


The second thing is that success does not come without any efforts. Just like those other works, home business requires hard work. You cannot just sit and expect money to flow in your account. When you consider how much you miss when you are employed to starting a home business and running it, then there is no hard work there. Being your own boss is the best thing that anyone can think of even if you are doing everything alone. This is because it is the fruits of your hard work. Success only comes about after you have worked on your skills and confidence. You cannot be successful without working hard and the maximum is working your business. The faster and harder you work the faster you become successful. 


For you to be successful you must also be disciplined. When you are running your home business you should be very strict with time. You should learn to say no to some things and also friends. In most companies, people work because they are being supervised but in home business you are your own boss. 

Small Business Merchant Loans and Other Alternatives

One very common way to begin your business is by becoming a merchant. Being a merchant is by no means easy however. There are always a lot of things which you need to pay attention to. One of these things is the liquidity of your company/business.


Often what causes merchants to fail is simply a case of not having enough capital or insufficient access to extra capital. 


When you have access to extra capital, it could mean two things; you are either a very rich person or you have learned the different options available to receiving funding for the small business you are running. 


It’s clear that the second option is the best. These days it doesn’t matter so much if you have a lot of money today. There may be a time coming when you will have to resort to different types of merchant loans.


There are two different types of financing solutions for funding your company/business. Merchant loans and small business loans are some of the popular choices, as they can generally approve you for borrowing a large amount of money. 


This is good, because you are able to start your own business or you can buy out a business. Money which you have borrowed from the bank could be used to re-finance some of your other various business depts. It could also be used to buy other kinds of capital such as, inventory, commercial real estate or necessary equipment. 


Besides small business loans, you can choose for a cash advance. This is somewhat similar in regards to merchant loans, except you are not required to pay fees upfront. The application process is much simpler then applying for a normal business loan, they typically do not ask for details for credit card agencies. 


A business cash advance has the big advantage that there is no fixed collection time and the scheduled repayments are a little more lenient. The money you are borrowing is unsecured, so you don’t have to worry yourself about collateral. With a cash advance you as an applicant don’t need especially good business credit score. 


SBA loans generally will satisfy your needs for funding, but it is not as easy to get additional capital like this. That’s why there are other alternatives. It would help you if you turned more attention to the other options. Unsecured loans/cash advances usually cover the higher risk by higher rates; they can still be a good last resort. 


It could save your business. Learning more about merchant loans and also funding alternatives will help you understand your options.