Thursday, 3 February 2022

Knowing Your Real Self

Knowing your real self can be a daunting task. It demands understanding your personal aspirations your emotions and even the spiritual values. It also entails knowing how best to fulfill the requirements you want in life. Self-discovery leads to having a long-lasting peace of mind, happiness and you will tend to be contented. To a very large extent, we are able to acquire knowledge, develop talent and skills in areas that we are comfortable in handling.


The first step towards knowing yourself is to look the needs of your soul. It is important to note that we are not just a body but rather we have an inner self that comprises of the soul that also yearns for satisfaction. Research has it that the soul is immortal.


You should always aspire to remain connected with yourself and draw attention or move away from distractions that may come from outside. In most cases our attentions are drawn to meeting outward desires and most cases this do not add up. In most cases satisfaction of one of these external desire leads to another one cropping up. In most instances we are busy with the desire to meet needs of the body and this is what makes as loose the self. Taking time to meditate will help you realize and know yourself better. It is a practice that can help us discover ourselves better.


Real self to a large extent remains to be in love with other fellows despite having differences that are external. It gives us glimpses to our inner self. When we cling to what we absolutely love with other individuals. This to a very large helps in discovering of the inner self. Negative emotions to a large extent led to reduction of discovering our inner self.


Another thing that will help you discover your real self is through having commitment towards life. It gives a very good opportunity to have a wide picture of life. When we are committed in life, we tend to focus on intangible values like love honesty and sacrifice. We get contented when we love others; make other people be happy, share the worries of others. These activities to a large extent make you know your inner needs.


Having a deep insight into you is vital to having a meaningful and reasonable life. It helps add or make a better you.

When You Know What Makes You Happy You Discover True Gold

Do you know what makes you happy? If you do then you have discovered true gold. We are not talking of the momentary flashes of happiness that come when we eat a favorite desert or drive a beautiful car. These will provide temporary happiness but once the dessert is eaten or the car is returned to its owner, the potential is there for the problems that robbed you of your happiness to return. The happiness being discussed here is the happiness that you can take refuge in, that keeps you at peace with yourself and your world, no matter what is going on around you. 


Some people find a sense of happiness in their relationship to God. For some, happiness is found in pursuing a new hobby or learning a new sport. Many find roles in life define their happiness. However, are these things really the source of true happiness? They certainly contribute to it, and probably most people use these as their source of true happiness.


Self-acceptance is the key to the true gold that helps us to deal with the everyday trials of life. We may express that self-acceptance in our relationship with God, with others or with things in our lives, but unless we accept ourselves first, nothing will truly satisfy us or make us happy for very long. True inner happiness has its roots in who we are and not on what we do to stay happy.


Psychologists have long promoted the idea that the greatest love affair we can have is the one we have with ourselves. This love is not self-seeking, self-promoting, or self-focused. It is a love that accepts that we are unique individuals and the problems we face and the struggles we go through have nothing to do with the person on the inside, the person we live with when we are along with our thoughts and ourselves.


Even if we hit are hard by whatever rocks our experiences in life may throw at us, they can’t harm the inner person. We can experience that level of true happiness when we learn to love ourselves and see ourselves as the true gold we are. We can find refuge in self-acceptance, knowing that we are not defined by our experiences, but rather we can define our experiences by our reactions to them. 

Discipline Is Important to Attain Spirituality

Discipline is the basis of the whole universe. The Earth, the Sun, the Moon and other planets, all are governed by a set of laws to maintain perfect harmony and beauty. There will be utter chaos without this order. Similarly, discipline is one basic requirement to lead a spiritual and civilized life. Every man has to set certain norms to maintain peace and order within his or her mind. 


The strength of a man lies in discipline. It helps him or her to make progress. A man who is of a disciplined nature work in spirit of cooperation with other people. However, discipline does not mean negation of personal liberty. It means a self-imposed discipline. 


The importance of discipline in educational institutions is well recognized. A school is such a place that helps children attain spiritualism through the sense of discipline. Some children have the ability to follow this and learn more out this, while others who cannot follow this goes to the category of individuals who cannot hear what their inner soul says. In other words, discipline makes you lead a more organized life, and only when you lead an organized life, you have no confusions in life. A confused person cannot hear what his spirit wants to say, even if he wants to learn the process of hearing it. 


Therefore, though discipline may not have direct relation with the attainment of spiritualism, but its indirect relation makes it very important in a person’s life. You will see that if you have disciplines in every sphere of life, you can get success in all the spheres of life. School, political, domestic, professional personal or be it any sphere of life, discipline is the most important thing to attain the level of spiritualism.


Discipline though difficult is essential for personal growth as a human being. It helps you to be spiritually inclined, taking you to far-off places. Absence of it can lead to failure, defeat and backwardness. Today in society, it is very important to live in harmony with fellow human beings in a spirit of cooperation and mutual co-existence. If you do attain the level of spiritualism through a sense of discipline, then you cannot exist among others. All this is possible only if every individual follows a personal code of ethics and the one laid by the law for the prosperity of the nation and the progress of the society.

Levels of Meditation in Spirituality

Life is made-up of various sub-sectors with each playing a major in our day-to-day activities. Among them is spirituality which mainly categorizes of the different religions we believe in. There are those that believe in worshiping the moon, others believe in Allah, some believe in God while others even go to an extent of worshipping cows. Whichever the religion, it is still part of spirituality. All in all, different people go about different activities in a bid to improve on their spirituality. Most of these activities are based on meditation. This is basically because it is only through meditation that one can access the inner spiritually realm. As a matter of fact, meditation is said to accelerate one’s progress plus consciousness when it comes to spirituality. 


There are four levels of meditation that people use when meditating for spiritual purposes. The first level is simply referred to as the “walking meditation”. Why the name “walking”? This is due to the fact that this particular meditation is mainly aimed at stimulating the physical part and not the spiritual part as many expect. The physical part is as important to the body as the spiritual part is. Were it not for physical strength, then meditation would never have been possible. Basically, it involves the exercises that one does before beginning the actual meditating process. “Walking meditation” mainly involves breathing exercises as well as yoga routines. In addition to this, it also involves various activities such as singing and spiritual rituals such as spinning in the prayer wheel.


“Mindfulness meditation” is the second level of meditation. This is where the main meditating process begins with individuals settling down and tapping into their inner spiritual realm. What happens is that people relax and redirect all their energy into concentrating. While doing this, it is important that one stays in a yogic posture so as to strategically position the body in such a way that will facilitate meditation. It is up to the mind to turn that silence into a motionless period in the spiritual realm. The act of being motionless is quite vital for the process since it is believed that even the God-realization mainly includes stillness.  


The third stage is “Jyoti” which also means light. This is a phase in which one tends to see light emanating from the spiritual region. One uses the “Third-eye”, located between the eyebrows, to do this. Finally, there is the “Samadi” level. It mainly involves deep contemplation which is basically the climax. One gets elevated into the highest spiritual realm and feels the very radiant inner light. 

Marks of Spiritual Enlightenment according to Frances Vaughan

Frances Vaughan is one of the most renowned authors in the world. In addition to this, she is also a psychologist and an educator in the county of Marin. As a matter of fact, she is a member of the Fetzer Institute. Currently, she stands as the trustee of the institute. Fetzer has written several books based on different topics. However, she has specialized in the transpersonal psychology field. She discusses the various elements of the inner and even speaks of various spiritual traditions practiced by members of different religions. Frances is even a writer in various periodical publications such as the Fetzer Institute Newsletter. 


One of the areas that Vaughan has really emphasized in is spirituality. In most of her writings, Frances emphasizes on the need to be spiritually enlightened stating that it highly contributes to the general growth of the whole you. In fact, she has even come up with a list of items that mark spiritual enlightenment in an individual. Basically, these are the marks through which one can identify the level of spiritual enlightenment. 


The first mark basically relies on how one presents him or herself. In this case, one should be having that spirit in him or her that helps them consider the rest as well as themselves. In Lehman’s language, this is what we call being considerate. Being aware of those around you plus their relationships and also self-awareness are the characteristics the presentation of a spiritually enlightened individual. 


Another mark of spiritual enlightenment is the emotional self. How do you relate to the rest emotionally? Do you tend to be judgmental? Are you easily angered? If the answer is yes, then you are not spiritually enlightened. For a spiritually enlightened individual, anger should be replaced with forgiveness and judgment replaced with compassion. Generally, one should have that empathetic identity in him or her. 


Finally, motivation is a key mark in spiritual enlightenment. This refers to the inner or spiritual motivation. There are various characteristics of an individual that is spiritual motivated. To start with, one is normally full of wisdom. There is not even the slightest sign of ignorance in the individual. Secondly, the individual tends to replace fear with love. This brings about a sense f inner peace no matter the situation he or she is in. Finally, the individual is completely. This is liberation from all the earthly bondages such as addictions. With these characteristics, then it is a guarantee that you are spiritually enlightened. 

Reading Is a Way to Attain Spiritualism

Reading is a very rewarding leisure time activity. It is to the mind what food is to the body. It is a blessing for modern educated man who feels crushed under the pressure of daily life. Books provide an excellent means of diversion from day-to-day tensions. There are books to suit every taste and temperament. The quantity and quality of reading material is so enormous that anybody who is fond of reading is likely to find something that interests him or her. 


There are books on all subjects. The variety and number of periodicals are equally amazing. Modern man who is hard pressed finds magazines and journals immensely useful. He often complains that there is no line to read a book. However, a magazine can be picked up and glanced through even if one has limited time. 


Great books are a constant source of strength and inspiration. The Bible, the Gita, the Ramayana, the Koran, etc., are books, which provide comfort and solace to a disturbed person. These are books, which have enriched human soul. Anybody who spends a few minutes a day to read any of these books will confess to the amount of peace and joy he has derived from them. Such books are perennial and contain the wisdom of wise men down the ages. 


A well-chosen book is certainly the best of companions. The person who derives pleasure from reading does not feel lonely and bored. He is quite content to be left alone with his favorite book and indulge in the luxury of enjoying it in solitude. A book lover considers book his best friend and is generally possessive of them. In fact, one can depend on a book as much as on a good friend. Reading is such a satisfying pastime that any person who has it as a hobby feels enriched and content. It stimulates the mind and nurtures the soul. This nurturing of the soul leads to spiritualism that is very important to attain in one’s life in order to achieve pure success. 


Reading in a way relaxes the mind out the tensions of your everyday life. However, books on murder or detective books do not help you to alleviate stress but books mentioned above can help immensely. Therefore, if you want to attain spiritualism, then read more and more inspirational books in solace and understand the hidden meaning and underlying truths of life written in them.

Understanding the Concept of Spiritual Enlightenment

Enlightenment is frequently misunderstood as a goal or a state of mind that you ought to reach to be completely spiritual. The impression of enlightenment is diverse and it offers great perceptions to our lives in terms of our spiritual paths. The very first enlightenment is about a higher awareness. This simply means having the knowledge that there is something higher and beyond the normal daily awareness. It is about recognizing that you are not just a physical being with the occasional spiritual experiences but you in fact have a human experience which will be very helpful in terms of being able to see past the ordinary daily hustles and bustles that burden people up. Through turning your thoughts to God, your thoughts automatically become aware of God’s presence.


The very second insight is being able to accept the world as it is and understanding it is the way it is because that’s just why it is that way. Enlightenment is described as the quiet acceptance of everything. When you get to know and understand that everything that happens is according to a divine law then you will be aware of the fact that things do not just randomly happen and that there are no mistakes. 


Humans tend to rely on perfection a lot, we like it when everything should turn out just perfect and when things don’t work out, we get mad and awfully curse. The truth is that beneath our low perceptions there is something much bigger that is working that is why the wise remain at peace despite of a great challenge that faces them. Maybe when things don’t seem to be working for you maybe there is something else that is working.


The very final one and the most crucial one is having the inner peace. It may have very little value in our culture but every time you are at peace, you are highly enlightened. With a sense of inner peace, you are truly happy and content with yourself. It is at this time when your mind is calm, you are connected to God. It is said with the inner peace, there is an inner connection with God. Inner havoc suffocates your spirit and is responsible for the wall around your consciousness that prevents you from living from your higher self and from seeing life with a greater sense of clarity. Enlightenment is within our reach; it is not something we attain but rather something you connect with. It is simply being connected with God.

Monday, 31 January 2022

Cheap Personal Finance

You may be in need of some extra cash so that you can accomplish something, say renovating your home, clearing debts or for a certain business deal. You may find that the money you have with you or in the bank is not enough to fully meet the need. Therefore, you may have the need for personal finance. 


The reason why it is known as personal finance is because this is money needed to meet some needs that are somewhat personal in nature as opposed to the other needs like buying a house, purchasing a score of land or setting up a business. There are many personal finance schemes available in the market, but you need to know how to get the best personal finance scheme that will work for you and that will come with the best rates and terms.


There are many personal finance schemes out there that are cheap. They come in many shapes, but the most common one is the secured one. In this you give collateral as you take the cash. Personal finance schemes that are secured with collateral are the best and they are the cheapest. The reason why they are cheap is because the lender is confident that the cash will be paid back because they have your item at hand. Therefore, secured personal finance schemes are cheaper than the non-secured ones. 


The repayment period also varies in different personal finance schemes. There are those schemes that require that you pay off the whole amount together with interest within a period of five years. However, there are those that give repayment periods that are stretched to over twenty years. Also, the allowed lending amount varies. Some personal finance schemes give only three thousand dollars while others even give up to fifty thousand dollars! 


Unsecured personal finance option can also be considered, depending on the nature of your need and your willingness. In this personal finance scheme, you are given the financing without any form of collateral. However, the limitation with this scheme is that the allowed lending amount ranges from five hundred dollars to fifteen thousand dollars. 


Also, the interest rate for this unsecured personal finance option is a bit higher, because of the fact that there is no security. The repayment period is also very short, ranging from one to ten years’ time. For the best personal finance schemes, you can go online and make an application.

How Well Do You Manage Your Finances?

Financial management of your personal finances is one of the hardest things you may have to do in your life. It is very hard to know whether or not you manage your personal finances well, unless you ask yourself some questions. 


First and foremost, you need to ask yourself is, “how well can you manage without using your credit card?” If you are very dependent on the credit card that you cannot do without it for the month, then your personal finance management has not yet grown to maturity. Doing without your credit card is not something you will learn to do overnight; it needs a lot of patience and sacrifice to break from such a habit. You first need to gradually but steadily pay off all the pending debts in your credit cards. This will call for debt consolidation so that the interest rates you pay will lower.


Secondly, the best indicator of how will or badly you manage your finances is your savings account. How much savings do you have? Over what period of time have you made these savings? How much do you dig back into the savings to meet your needs and wants? It is very disastrous when you have absolutely no personal savings. You should ensure that you save at least ten percent of your monthly or daily income. If you use more than ninety percent of what you get, then you should improve your personal finance management skills. There is no way you will get your personal finances in order if you have no savings to fall back to.


Thirdly, look at the status of your job or business. How much do you get from it in a month or week? How stable is it? What is the future like for the job or business? Does it meet your expenses? If not, what is your next plan for making more money? Do not rely on your job alone if you want to be in a good position to manage your personal finances. Consider doing business, whether small or big. 


Lastly, you need to know the stats of your emergency funds. Do you have sufficient medical emergency funds? Are you in any retirement benefit plan? You should make use of such plans, especially the government ones. This will ensure that your future is secured financially and that you will be prepared in case of any emergencies.

Manage Your Personal Finance

Most people have issues with their personal finances, and they have never come to a point where they have full control over their personal finances. Most people think that management of personal finances will only be possible when they start making millions of dollars every month. However, this is not true. This assumption usually makes people reluctant to take control of their money and they end up in financial crisis. 


Others think that taking steps to manage personal finances is a harsh and exaggerated, and they just live each day as it comes. Others live with the dream of becoming financially free one day and they therefore see no need to bother planning for the few peanuts they presently have. This is a very wrong perception, and it is imp0ortant that you take charge of your personal finances. 


One simple tip is to make good use of free samples. Why should you buy something when you can get a smaller version of it for free? It sounds funny, but it helps. Also, be a good steward of your plastic money.


If you are very extravagant, then avoid having a credit card; go for a debit one. Open a savings account instead of a current account, because your rate of withdrawal will be regulated. Make an effort to save money and reward yourself when your aims are met. It also makes more sense to buy things in bulk. Do a month’s shopping instead of buying what you need every day. 


This is especially with dry foods and foods that have a long shelve life. Things are much cheaper when they are bought in bulk, and you will find more offers on bulk items than on single ones. It is also cheaper to transport many items at once than to go ton the store everyday or every week. Remember, saving money is not only in the price at which you buy them, but also in the effort, time and money you spend to get them to your house.


When going to the convenience store, always have a list and stick to it. This is to avoid impulse buying, because this is what affects many people’s personal finances. Have someone who will keep you accountable, say a spouse or a friend. Practice sticking to the shopping list and it will become natural to you with time. Mark your progress, and give yourself incentives and rewards for every progress you make.

Personal Finance—Make Your Own Budget

When people hear the word “finance” mentioned, their mind goes into business and corporate matters. However, the bare truth is that finances start at your piggy bank at home to your plastic money in the wallet to your bank account. 


This is what personal finance is all about. You should be a manager of your own finances, or else you will end up in disaster sooner or later. Finance experts say that if you cannot save at least ten percent of what you are earning, then you are in financial disaster. This means that out of ten thousand dollars, a thousand should go into the savings account. This rule applies regardless of how much money you are earning, and it does not apply to the rich and wealthy, as many people think. 


Personal finance management cannot be done verbally, and therefore there is need to write down the plan so that it will be easy to implement it. It is natural for human beings to forget that they swore never to overspend especially when they are looking at an item that is flashy and exciting, and more so when this item has been their dream item. 


Therefore, a personal finance budget is the way to go. This will keep you accountable, and if you are strict enough to stick to it, then you can be sure to get to the level where you are financially free. Financial freedom is not a point when you get more cash than your bank account can hold; it is that point when your finances are no longer in control of you – you are the one controlling them. 


As you make your personal finance budget, use actual figures. It is wrong to use estimated figures, unless it is quite inevitable. When it is not possible to have the actual prices, make an estimate but ensure that it is on the higher side. 


However, even this is not the best way to go, because you may put unnecessary strain on your budget. Find out the current prices of food items, clothing, entertainment, leisure, beauty, health, and every other need that is predictable. 


Health needs are not easily predictable, but they can only be accurately predicted when you have a member of the family that has a certain chronic illness that requires a certain amount of money every month. However, the 10% named above that should not be spent is what covers any unexpected needs and it also stands to meet any future expenses like a holiday, a car, long term further education, a new house, etc.