Everyone puts off tasks now and then, but if you find yourself constantly putting off things you need to do, it's probably time to make some changes in your life. There are several simple ways to help get yourself motivated and stop putting off tasks you've been avoiding.
Don't Make It A Big Deal
When people put off tasks frequently, it's because they are making the task out to be something much bigger or much more serious in their minds than it is. It's time to put a stop to this practice in your mind. Tell yourself that the task isn't that big, and put it back into proportion. It may help to develop a mantra to remind you that the task isn't so bad and repeat it to motivate yourself.
Focus On Long Term Gains
When you procrastinate, it's often because you are focusing on the short-term annoyances. Such as that you don't want to get up off the couch right now. Instead, it's time to focus on the long-term gains of what completing that task will do to benefit you. It may also help to visualize how you will feel after you've completed the task and all the benefits you will experience.
Break It Up
If you are putting off a massive task, it may be because it just seems too big to handle all at once. Do yourself a favor and break the task up into smaller, more manageable tasks. You'll find that you'll feel less overwhelmed and can conquer the task much easier than you could before.
Set A Deadline
If you constantly tell yourself that you will do something "someday" or "when I have free time," you will only continue to put off that task. Now is the time to make a schedule and set a deadline for yourself. Schedule a time to complete each of the tasks you need to get done or each part of the more significant tasks you broke down, as mentioned previously. And if you finish on time, consider rewarding yourself as motivation to keep you on task.
Becoming and staying motivated can be very difficult, especially when it is a task you don't necessarily want to do. But with a slight change of mindset and breaking it down into more manageable pieces, you can accomplish anything, so set a deadline for your tasks and get moving today!