Sunday, 20 March 2022

Alcohol and Drug Abuse in Mental Health

Alcohol abuse is overrated, while drug abuse is underrated. The DSM manual suggests that substance abuse there are differences in the definition of drug and alcohol use. To confuse matters, the law has its own version of who is an alcoholic or drug addict. Some of the symptoms that help professionals determine if alcohol and drugs are a problem include, excessive drinking/drugging, problems with the law, withdrawal symptoms, shaking of the hands, and so forth. If a person drinks every day of the week and relies on alcohol, then you are probably dealing with an alcoholic. There are philosophers who claim if a person needs a drink at breakfast, that he or she is an alcohol. Some philosophers claim that if you drink more than six-pack weeks then you are an alcoholic. 


The fact is, most of the people nagging or evaluating alcohol and drugs has a problem them self or has gotten help someone in their lifetime to treat their own problems. Therefore, as you can see addictions, dependant alcoholics, and other types of alcoholics and drug addicts may alter. 


First all, any chemical that causes harm is a potential danger to your being. In other words if you start out drinking when you are fourteen and continue through your lifetime without alcohol causing you trouble, or else landing you a spot in jail, then you are probably not an alcoholic according to few. The fact is the ones that are drinking and driving and getting caught are alcoholics according to the system although the level of alcohol in the blood plays a role in the determination. 


The truth is the law sometimes over dramatizes and the system is out to make all the money they can, so we all might be alcoholics by the time they are done with us. 


Alcoholism and drug addictions are complex, in the sense there are too many misconstrued inputs and often the label is placed on individuals according to culture and history. If you parents drank alcohol then the system sometimes will claim you as an alcoholic. 


The fact is, Jesus drank wine in moderation, so drinking in moderation is not a bad thing. The problem becomes a problem when the person has difficulty putting down the bottle and/or increases their intake as well as combining drugs with the alcohol to get an affect they was had. If someone will steal or lie to get alcohol or drugs then you know they have a real problem. 


However, most alcoholics and drug addicts have bigger problems than addictions and this is often ignored. For example, people with mental illnesses often resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find relief of their symptoms. Now if a professional is treating this person for his or her diagnose and progress is moving along the person often feels healthy and the alcohol and drugs are out the door. 


In my studies and opinions, I disagree with alcoholism and drug addictions if the person is able to stop once the mental illness is treated. This means that the person was suffering and the substances was a mechanism to help them cope. 


On the other hand, if the person is treated for mental illnesses and his or her drug and alcohol habits continue, then I think you had better get out the chair and start talking ‘one day at a time.’ Alcohol was once known as the “Devils Drink.” The White men are the originator of the source, and since its beginning it has caused serious complications, including death, abuse, and other related crimes. Drugs are optional since the system often makes them available by teaching individuals what the drugs contain. 


The root of all-evil is money, and if a person sees that he or she can gain, they may take advantage, but fall into a snare in between. The system is overwrought, since they put alcoholics and drugs addicts in jail and not seeking help for them. The solution to humankind’s problem is helping and not hurting or promoting. If we can’t get along now, what makes you think you are going to heaven? 


Avoidant Disorders in Mental Health

Yes, there is a diagnosis titled Avoidant Personality Disorder. This type of personality will often avoid public, since they fear that the people will reject them, disappoint them, humiliate them, or view them as a complete failure. They often are reluctant to ask for help, ask questions, or speak in public. They also work below their abilities since promotions are often frightening for them. Most times, they suffer inferiority complexes, and suffer severe episodes of loneliness, depression, anxiety attacks, and so forth. 


Schizoid personality types are similar, in the sense, they will avoid public, and however avoidant personality types do not have a need to socialize. We are discussing this disorder simply because I have to question the idea of this disorder in the first place. 


After studying an individual with multiple personality disorder (MPD), and noticing that the individual displayed avoidant behaviors in certain areas of the persons personality, I noticed that the person was not frightened of social, rather abused and neglect by the father and by the system. The person was raised by a paranoid schizophrenia that taught her or punished her when she would go in the public, or else visit another home. When the person was able to befriend others, the father, moving to another area, instantly swept her away. The young woman was different in the sense she had multiple personalities, so it was easier to fix the problem by integrating the personality that suffered the symptoms of avoidant. After Integration I noticed a tremendous change, in that the person enjoyed being around people to a degree. 


However, this woman was intelligent and wise to the system that she set boundaries in social engagements. This is only one individual with over 70 personalities, so it made me wonder if avoidant personality disorder was proper in some cases. I have to reason that people with avoidant personality types may have a foundation that is not explored to the degree that it should be explored. 


The system alone and how others treat others sometimes is enough to make anyone want to avoid public. It is important to examine all aspects of the symptoms before coming to the conclusion that the person has avoidant personality disorder. Most all (rather all) individuals with a mental disorder or illness has an underlying root which in all cases is FEAR. Once an expert works through those fears dealing with one at a time moving onto the next fear, then mental illnesses is only a state of mind. It is possible to treat mentally ill, disorders with therapy alone, and is more effective if the techniques used are appropriate to the diagnose and worked properly. 


Not everyone with a mental illness needs medications. Paranoid Schizophrenics, Bipolar, and a few other disorders or mental illnesses in my experience needed medication. Paranoid Schizophrenias definitely should be medicated. If you do not medicate a Paranoid Schizophrenic, you are only asking for trouble. These types will kill out of their own state of mind, simply because they believe someone is trying to hurt them, when in reality they are not. Not all schizophrenics kill, but there are known cases, including the Oklahoma Bomber that has killed. 


Avoidant personality disorders are easy to undo without medications, simply because the root of their symptoms is fear. We can start therapeutic treatment by working with the deepest fear the person displays. Talk therapy, role-play, and a few other therapeutic strategies could do wonders for people with avoidant personality disorders. It is important to listen to these types, since the problem lies beneath the voices that speak. 


When a person is telling you that he or she has a problem with socialization, we know that underneath those words is a fear that was cultivated by an incident/accident at childhood. We know that this person had endured some underdevelopment and lacks education and knowledge of the so-called normal ways. This person if taught or relearned the rules and regulations of society can in time socialize without problems. If we work through the problems without burying them with medications, we are most likely going to have fewer problems.

Cognitive Mental Health Disorders

Therapists around the globe are constantly searching for answers that help them understand mental illnesses. Cognitive disorders including, dementia, delirium, alcohol-induced disorders, and other related disorders are under constant studies. 


Most cognitive disorders listed in this article have classic denominators, including loss of memory. Most of the diagnoses are linked to disease of the brain or biological disease, or else alcoholism and related chemicals. 


Often people with cognitive disorders have difficulty with speech, including relating with others, and reasoning. Their judgment is often affected, and their ability to recognize is often comprehended differently than the normal mind. Often the patients suffer depression, irritation, paranoia, and other related symptoms that could easily be misdiagnosed, since bipolar has similar characteristic symptoms. Delirium includes symptoms that target the awareness, signals confusion, effects speech, loss of memory, imposes fear, stems depression, and many other symptoms that affect the patient. Physical symptoms also insult the patient. Increased heart rate, disturbance in sleep, nausea, and many other physical symptoms make it difficult for the patient to find comfort. 


Recent studies have shown however that medications can increase symptoms in the disorder, including strokes, heart attacks, imbalances and so forth. Dementia is a type of Alzheimer disease that causes the patient to lose memory, learning inabilities, language impairments, and so forth. AIDS, strokes, heart failures, and other chronic problems may cause a person to suffer dementia. People that suffer dementia may personal hygiene incapacities, poor judgment, avoidance, personality altering, and so forth. The diagnoses can be misconstrued for several disorders, including major depressive. 


It is important to avoid alcohol if you are suffering with any symptoms of mental illness. Alcohol only increases the symptoms interruptions and causes more harm to the patient. Many mentally ill patients will resort to alcohol and/or drugs to find a source of relief from their suffering. This is not the solution and should be avoided at all cost. Alcohol-induced disorders are classified in cognitive disorders simply because the symptoms are related, and many of the diagnoses are a direct result of substances in many cases. This is not true of all mentally ill patients. Therapists have treated many patients that have never touched alcohol or drugs. 


Although many counselors will try to find this as an excuse to eliminate the worst-case scenario. Alcohol induced disorders are also known as ‘Korsakoff’s Syndrome,” which affects the memory directly. Symptoms often include memory loss, denial, indifferences, sometimes-violent behaviors, and so forth. Most alcoholic or drug patients are direct link nutritional deficiencies, which often include B-Complex. It is often difficult to treat alcoholism, however it is possible. It takes the person to will their self free of the substances, acceptance is the beginning of recovery. 


Many patients that are alcoholics or addicts sometimes treated with medications for physical impairments. I have acknowledged obsessive medicinal deliveries, and often the medicines that are provided to the patient with trigger the alcoholism symptoms. High dosage of B-Complex is often given to patients in extensive outpatient/inpatient therapy where alcohol and drugs are the problem. If the patient is at an early stage then it is possible to treat the patient affectively. 


Nowadays, alcoholism is affecting children, and it is time that we take a step to stop the increase of alcoholism and drug addictions, before it is too late. Therapists are constantly searching for a way to resolve the many mental illnesses today. As they study, they are finding that more problems are out there and it only slows them down, since when they find new discoveries they focus on this problem, pushing the other diagnoses to the back momentarily or else linking them together. 


Mental illness whether it be alcoholism or other diagnoses is not a game. There are millions of people around the globe suffering every day and are rarely receiving the care they deserve. We all people and all of us deserve care, including (if not more so) those with mental illnesses. In the next article, we are going to discuss more severe disorders, including antisocial behaviors, obsessive-compulsive behaviors, schizoid, schizotypal, and so forth. I think it is important that we all have a basic knowledge of the many diagnoses in the world. Having a basic knowledge can help us to cope or help someone that is suffering mental illnesses. 


Education and Mental Health

When a person is suffering from mental health issues, then the best source of support and help is found in the educational system. Many people that suffer from mental illness are often in the stone ages and do not realize what is available to them. They were often misinformed while growing up, and since education is always advancing and changing, it is helpful to know what is going on. 


Of course, if you have a mental illness you will need to see a therapist. However if you are learning this increases your chances of finding hope and avoid being misinformed by someone that is not qualified, or under qualified. Professionals around the world are constantly searching for answers to the many problems we face today in mental health. The problem is everyone has an answer and most times no one agrees. They may find an answer to the problem, turn around, and slaughter by analyzing the source to death. Then we have another problem, simply because we have dozens of diagnosis, including schizophrenia, bipolar, depression, trauma, a variety of disorders and so forth. The different diagnoses are diseases of the mind, disorders of the mind, and or chemical and biological interruptions. 


To get help we must know what we are dealing with, rather than trusting in others to tell us what is wrong. If we seek out information regarding mental health we might even find an answer to our own problem. We can then inform the professional and assist them with finding a solution to the many problems we face. Mental health is complicated simply because we are dealing with the mind. The mind is tricky and leaves us know room for playing around with illness. 


Counseling is nothing more than a common sense strategy laced with education. The professionals are learning constantly new understandings while applying them to the older versions. Somewhere in the middle is an answer and it is often overlooked when a professional will treat several patients during a week and sometimes try to treat each person the same if they have the same diagnose. This is a problem area since are all different in our way, including people with mental illnesses. 


For example, a counselor may treat two individuals both with schizophrenia. The counselor may use the same tactics with both patients and medications for treating the patient. One patient may find results and the other patient may complain that the treatment is not working. Why is this happening? Well, it is obvious that one patient may have a different level of schizophrenia, and a different background. Some medications work well with one patient while it may not work at all or work minimal with other patients. The solution then is reevaluating the problem and going over the steps taking to treat the patient and modifying them according to the patient’s needs. It is important to recognize a problem to find a method suitable for treating the problem. It is also important to reconcile with the source within. Meaning if a patient has guilt it is probably because he or she did something that may or may have not been wrong. 


For example, if a parent taught the child that visiting their friends is wrong (Schizophrenias will often discourage a child from going to other people’s home due to the paranoid) and the patient (behind the parents back) went to visit a friend. The patient obviously needs to recognize that he or she did nothing wrong, rather he or she needs to reconcile with self. In this case, the patient will also need to be re-taught to learn right and wrong. The patient needs to find a resolve. After you have helped the patient overcome this option, it is best to re-teach with material rather than words. 


Simply put, if the patient has a varied of resources to choose from he or she has the ability to come to their own understanding of what is right or what is wrong. Education is essential for reproving, reforming and instructing a person to the right course in life. Words are also important, since if you do not understand what is said, it is often because of lack of education. 


How Meditation Helps Insomnia

Insomnia simply is a chronic inability to sleep. I have had many restless nice with only a few hours a sleep. Many nights I would only get 3 or 4 hours of sleep. I had tried everything to help me sleep. I tried things like Tylenol. Mild nerve pills and even was tested for sleep apnea and had a breathing machine to use at night for the sleep apnea. That machine made me feel as if i could not get any oxygen. Insomnia can make you crazy after a while. 


I was having a very difficult time breathing with it. I had to quit using the machine because it was so uncomfortable. I was getting very irritable from not sleeping so a friend told me how using mediation helped her. I went on the computer and found out many ways meditation helps people for many different problems. The first thing I learned is that having insomnia can also be a mind thing. 


You can actually train your mind to go without sleep. I know that I think about the struggles I go through every day and keep that on my mind so I cannot sleep well. Through meditation I have learned to calm down, relax and know that getting so upset over things I cannot change will just make things worse. Now when I come home after a exhausting day I don't let things bother me so much. I actually first started my mediation in the morning before I left and again when I get home. 


In the morning I get up about 30 minutes earlier then the rest of the family so I can have time to myself. I go into the kitchen get a book I like or a newspaper, fix me some coffee and just meditate before I have to start my hectic day. When I come home at night I know that with my insomnia I will have another restless night so I start preparing for my night after I get supper cooked the dishes done and kids to bed. 


For my meditation at night I will first relax by listening to soothing music. I will turn on a music channel on my television and just kick back and relax. I then get in a hot tub and sit there and let the hot water sooth me. After I get out of the tub I do not wait to go to bed. Since my body is now very relaxed I go straight to bed. I have learned by staying awake watching TV after I am so relaxed will only make it harder for me to sleep. 


Since I used my meditation while listening to comforting music and relieving my tension with a hot bath why get upset by watching television. I turn my fan on low get under the covers take some deep relaxing breaths and go to sleep. I'm not saying that I am cured and get 8 hours of sleep every night but I can say that using mediation to relax me has helped me at least get a couple of extra hours of sleep then I use to. 


My husband also turns on the little clock radio to a country channel and leaves it on low all night to help him get some sleep. You have got to remember meditation is simply clearing your mind of thoughts that upset you. Once you have cleared your mind over whatever is bothering you it will be to your benefit. 


Relaxing is the key to having a better day and night. So find a way of meditation that will help you relax and just enjoy your night. You are worth it and most of all after all you do for everyone you deserve to have a few moments of relaxing meditation.


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How To Relieve Stress By Meditation

The word meditation simply is defined as to be in a continuous contemplative thought or to simply just think about doing something. We all have different types of stress in our lives. Some of us our stressed out over a job, or maybe a relationship, or children, or if you are like most of us you are stressed over finances. Taking the time to meditate in your own relaxing way will help with the stress you are feeling. I have learned that worrying about what is stressing you will not help solve the situation that is upsetting you.


You may think that taking time out of your already busy life to meditate is ridiculous. But it is not ridiculous it will absolutely help calm your nerves which will help you relax enough to sit down and calmly work out the situation that is upsetting you. I found that I can relax and meditate by sitting and relaxing in a hot bubble bath. If you are worried about not having enough time to sit and relax in a hot tub maybe you can just go outside for a breath of fresh air and take time to just collect your thoughts. After everything has calmed down you can then take the time to take a hot relaxing bath. 


If the kids are stressing you out you know how easy it can be to lose your temper with the kids, So things don't get out of control you can do breathing exercises to help meditate you. Let the kids go outside for a few minutes or maybe let them watch a movie or whatever they like to do within reason for a few minutes so that you can get your thoughts together when meditating. Breathe in and out slowly and take time to think about what options you have to control the situation that has upset you. With having to deal with our children, our jobs, our relationships, and our finances it's a wonder we all can even go on every day. 


Find a way of meditation that will work for you and you will see that even if it's for only a few minutes that will be a few minutes you don't have to worry about things. If you don't want to go on the Internet to find ways to relax then go to your library in your town. There will be many, many books on relaxation by meditation. When you are in a place like the library you can actually just relax in that environment where it is quiet and relaxing. Get you 2 or 3 books and find the one that will help you the most. 


You know you can also write down notes on the other books you have read. Maybe check out a couple of books that talk about different ways of meditating and write down the chapters that interest you the most. Even if you start out by just learning how to have peace of mind that is a very big accomplishment. After you have found peace of mind you can then start working on the daily things in your life that has left you feeling empty inside. Remember you can have the life you have dreamed of if you just take the time to learn ways to help you with relaxation techniques. You can find fulfillment in your life and defiantly make a difference in your life and the lives of others who feel the pressures of everyday life. 


Whether you find meditation and relaxation techniques through books, tapes, or even exercises you will find that when your life is free of every day stress you can then start to find solutions to the many different problems in your life in a calm peaceful way. You can go on line and find self-help tapes about meditation. Do you want to just settle on a life that can make you miserable day after day? You may feel so empty inside that you feel as if you have no purpose in life. 


You have to remember you are using your thoughts in your mind to meditate so you want to take the time to clear out all the negative feelings you have in your mind so that you can concentrate on how to improve your life and make a goal for yourself. Meditation can help. When you take the time to relax and really stop and think about things that are going on in your life you can also find that you are relaxed enough by meditating to find solutions to many different things you question in your life.


Learn More About The Benefits Of Meditation

Meditation is an art that has been around since the dawn of the age of man. This is not a statement to be brushed over. After all, many things about mankind have changed over time, but the profound art of meditation is something we have clung on to dearly. This is because there is no substitute for meditation. Nothing else, singlehandedly, bestows the many wonderful blessings that meditation brings... in fact nothing else even comes close. In this article I will outline the top 10 benefits that meditation brings and hopefully it will inspire all to learn and practice this timeless art.


The mind of one who meditates is like the easy, leisurely flow of the Ganges River, as compared to the ordinary mind, which is like Niagara Falls. In other words your mind is at peace, deeply silent and so you are at peace.


Meditation opens up the channels of communication between all levels of your being. What this means is that you have access now to the guidance that is coming directly from your Divine Self. 


This link gives rise to the flow of intuition and wisdom.


Meditation strips away the layers of false identity that mask your True Self from shining through. Once you eliminate these false egos and stop catering to their nonsense you can reside in your True Nature. This brings forth joy and happiness as it allows you to be at ease with life, existence and yourself.


All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. 


Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


The parts that are not put on but are natural. This will give you insight into who you really are and what you really love in life. That is the secret of mastering the art of living and discovering your true talents, gifts and purpose. That which you love, you do for its own sake without the need for reward of accolades. Once this is discovered, life can be lived with passion, zeal and independence.


Enlightenment: This is the one ultimate purpose of meditation. To help you discover the True Non-Dual Nature of Reality. To make you realize that your True Self is Divine and One with God.


All serious meditators know how much their brain function has been enhanced by meditation. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


Take your time and practice meditation today so that you can start feeling better real soon. This is going to be a life changing experience for you if you can make the most out of it and really start being a much more positive person, there is no doubt about that. Now, empirical studies every day are indicating this link. Meditation will undoubtedly increase your awareness and will significantly increase your intelligence.


Good luck and enjoy your meditation practices each day. 


Meditation: Explanations About It

For sufferers of insomnia inability to relax physically and mentally well enough to sleep is often a problem. Thoughts race and make it difficult to shut down and get to sleep until it is nearly time to get up again. The nightly routine of fighting with a racing mind in hopes of a few minutes of unbroken sleep becomes their routine. This article was written to give insomniacs tips as well as advice that is geared toward falling asleep easily. Meditation will always be beneficial.


The first thing we need to do in this battle against insomnia is discuss the problem with your doctor. Often there is a medical reason behind sleep difficulties.


Staying away from sleeping pills is the next thing you should do. Sleeping pills can cause addiction problems as well as add other issues that can cause insomnia defeating their purpose. Sleeping pills also impair mental acuity. Placebo studies have shown patients who were given a placebo actually slept better and were more refreshed than those who were given sleeping pills. 


After that you need to keep in mind that there in not a quick-fix for insomnia. While there may be instances that popping a pill can take care of the problem; insomnia isn't one of those instances. There can be many reasons for insomnia which sleeping pills wouldn't address, and chemically induced sleep is not as refreshing as the real thing. Having a routine will also help you to get enough rest as well as keep insomnia at bay. If you keep track of when you go to bed and when you get up for several days you will most likely find a pattern. Often insomnia can be treated by setting a schedule and following it while watching your sleep patterns. You need to be exposed to natural light daily as well. 


Going outside to get natural sunlight is also important. You need sunlight for over-all health in addition to stabilizing your sleep patterns. Meditation can improve sleep, you can also try listening to soft music in the evening to help you relax. Daily exercise is important for the brain as well as the body. Exercise can help you relax and ensures a deeper, more restful sleep. It is a good idea to have a dark, cool, quiet place to sleep with a comfortable and well supported sleeping surface. You should sleep in your bed instead of in a chair reclined in front of a television set. 


Start your sleep period by relaxing your body starting with your toes and working your way up until your whole body is relaxed. Proper diet plays a large part in sleep habits. You need to get enough vitamins and minerals, especially calcium and magnesium. St John's Wort can improve mood if you are suffering from depression, which commonly occurs in people with insomnia. Ginseng and Ginkgo Biloba can help with concentration during the day as well. Before starting any supplements you should seek the advice of a licensed medical professional and through meditation. 


Meditation Can Help

As you exhale, listen to the sound and associate it with the word Ham. As a guide, So sounds as does if you are saying it in English. Ham could actually be written as Hom, as the in Ham is very weak.


Meditation is one of the most important spiritual disciplines. The benefits of regular meditation are numerous, too many to list, yet peace of mind is one of the greatest.


Try listening to our Let Go recording (see holisticmakeove m link below) which utilizes brain-mind technology to effortlessly guide you into a meditative state.

Avoid all drugs. Even “just” marijuana “only once in a while” hinders intuition and clouds your mind for weeks afterwards.


Try meditating with someone you love or with a group of friends. The combined energy will help you go deeper.


You may be sensitive to something you’re eating or drinking. Pick a day and eat lightly, perhaps about half of what you usually do. Consume what you know will be easy to digest, such as lightly steamed vegetables. 


You should be able to focus more easily provided you feel lighter and more alert.

Certain supplements, herbs, and medications, especially if they affect your mood, may be disagreeing with your system and causing you to be scattered. Ask your doctor or health professional for alternative recommendations or if you can do without them for a while. If you keep asking God or your guides or angels of the Light how you can be more successful with meditation, you’ll eventually become aware of effective ways to go deeper and focus better. 


You’ll be a pro in no time.


If you’re still having trouble perceiving anything, jump start the process by using your imagination. Tell yourself you’ll perceive the first image, thought, or feeling, in response to any of the questions or instructions in the script, on the count of three. Then count one, two, three and provide a picture or thought from your imagination or memory. Continue this process until other images that feel more related to the issue you are exploring start filtering into your mind.


Try relaxing music. Experiment with different kinds to test which works best for you.

Whatever works the best for you is what you should be thinking of trying out. Meditation can change your life for the better and once you begin feeling better you will know that you definitely made the best choices by choosing this to help you along the way throughout this difficult life. 


Learn more about meditation the next chance that you can because your life will be ever changing because of it. There is more to be learned about it even to this day. Things are going to be different in your life and meditation can be the reason for your healing and becoming a much more positive person that is happier and healthier. 


The internet is the best place to locate information about meditation, and there are many wonderful websites that could provide you with tons of information. 


Beware of Diet Fads When Trying to Shed Pounds

It might be actresses such as Suzanne Sommers and Jane Fonda, or models such as Christie Brinkley or Kathy Ireland. It seems that a number of celebrities today offer their own weight loss programs. The programs are appealing because we see these various svelte celebrities and we want to have bodies just like them. The celebrities are also highly likable, so we have a predisposition to be accepting of their products.


However, did you ever stop to think whether these celebrities have any nutritional training? Do they have medical training? Is the information that they offer nutritionally sound? Or is it just a good sales pitch?


Nutrition experts Annette B. Natow and Jo-Ann Heslin, authors of the book Get Skinny the Smart Way, say that consumers should be leery of celebrity-inspired diet books. They point out that such books are often based upon nutritional fiction and that, while the diets outlined in these books may result in short-term weight loss, they can be far from healthy in the long run. Therefore, you might consider passing up the celebrity diet books and opting for those written by nutritional experts instead.


But celebrities aren’t the only ones preaching fad diets. For instance, there’s the so-called grapefruit diet which recommends consuming a grapefruit prior to each meal. Another fad is the cabbage soup diet, which requires you to consume all the cabbage soup you can handle. Other fads call for eating all the eggs you can…consuming only raw foods…or fasting every other day. Such diets are not only based on nutritional misinformation—they can also be dangerous. 


For instance, let’s take a closer look at the cabbage soup diet. No major health organization has endorsed it. Moreover, the American Heart Association disapproves of it, noting that it can actually harm you. Promoters of this diet say that you can lose as much as 15 pounds a week by following it—what they don’t say is that most of that weight is water weight. Once you begin eating normally again, you will see your weight rise once more. Some of the side-effects of the cabbage soup diet include a feeling of weakness, stomach pains, and diarrhea. 


Yet another questionable diet approach is what’s known as food combining. Such a diet assumes that you are overweight because you are not eating the right combination of food. The requirements of such a diet can seem quite arbitrary. For instance, you might be told that you can eat a banana only in the morning. This is rubbish, since your stomach can deal with a variety of different foods at one time. The idea behind such a diet is to eat food with fewer calories, but there are other methods you can use to accomplish the same goals.


Some companies even claim that you can shed pounds while you dream. They say that, if you use their product right before bedtime, you will lose weight. In actuality, no company can make such a claim with any degree of credibility. It is impossible to burn a large number of calories while snoozing. In other cases, you may be tempted to try to lose weight by consuming special milkshakes or candy bars. In essence, these products are just milk and candy with certain vitamins and minerals added. However, one rarely feels satisfied after consuming these products. As a result, you may find yourself actually consuming additional calories during the rest of the day. While you might be able to theoretically lose weight in the short-term, you’ll find it difficult to maintain the weight loss over the long haul.


The fact of the matter is that there is a great deal of money that can be made through the sale and marketing of diet products. As long as America has a large contingent of overweight people, companies will try to make a profit off of overeating. It is up to you to be savvy enough to recognize a diet fad when you see it and opt for a different approach to losing weight. You’ll find that there are really no short-cuts to weight loss. Any successful diet program takes time, patience, and determination, along with a willingness to change your eating patterns.