Monday, 7 March 2022

What Works & What Doesn't in Viral Marketing

Stop with the enforced e-mail forwards already! Trying to force or bribe people to forward your info to a friends or family in order to be rewarded or win looks skanky in today's ultra-permission-based world. Especially when you tell visitors nothing about their friend's or family’s privacy in the space directly next to the e-mail form. 


A true viral campaign gets forwarded because consumers are compelled to do so by the glory of the content, not because you bribed them with points or something else. 


What absolutely will not work:


Suggesting that e-mail recipients forward your message to their friends and family will not work. Adding a line at the bottom of your e-mail that reads “Please feel free to forward this message to a friend” is more likely to get it deleted than forwarded. 


What absolutely will work: 


Offering something worthy of sharing like a valuable discount, vital information or offering an incentive for sharing like additional entries into a sweepstakes or an added discount or premium service will work. 


Relevant or timely information, research, or studies that are included in your e-mail might encourage the recipients to share with their family and friends. Interactive content like a quiz or test, especially if it’s fun, will inspire forwarding.


Jokes and cartoons are almost always forwarded to everybody the recipient knows. Why? Because they are entertaining and entertainment is meant to be shared.


A really cool multimedia experience is always going to achieve a lot of pass-along. Rich media is new and the novelty and tech factors alone are often enough to make the e-mail recipient eager to share it.


Oops! Almost forgot one really important thing - You can craft a brilliant e-mail following all the rules, but if a consumer visits your site and has an experience less that what was promised, you are going to achieve viral marketing, alright - the bad kind. So be certain that your product or service is ready and is as advertised.


Not Attaining Spirituality Leads to Suffering of Modern Man

We have the common person who is so caught in the circle of ignorance, poverty and illiteracy that he does not have any time to learn the moralities of life. But then, how can a man know about religion, God or focus on soul when he is on an empty stomach? Yet, it is the poor who still have some vestige of humanness and goodness in them. Even today, they consider a guest as a messenger of God and treat him as such, sharing magnanimously whatever little they have. Many city dwellers must have experience to selfless concern of a poor when in trouble. There is so much wisdom in their words, though they are illiterate perhaps, struggle for survival teaches them invaluable lessons. 


Where will these mindless pursuit of transient think lead? With these, man cannot be happier or peaceful. Today everyone complains of degeneration of values and corruption in all lifestyles. However, nobody seems to be prepared to break away from it and make a fresh beginning. Corruption has become a chronic future of our times, so much so that pupil has started treating it as a normal future. They no longer show righteous indication against corrupt practices, fights in justice of express any shock when cruel or inhuman acts are committed against their brethren. They choose to remain apathetic or give vent to important rage in the comfort of their drawing room chairs. However, there can be no hope for man if the present trend continues and man remains insensitive to the needs of others. Unless there is a revival of spiritual and moral values, this trend will continue and man will become very shallow. 


Modern man has dug his own grave by rejecting the moral and spiritual values upheld in the ancient scriptures of the whole world. Bible, Adi Granth, Ramayana, Bhagavad Geeta all contain pearls of wisdom which man has disdainfully rejected. Money has become God. It is to the sound of money that man responds and not the chiming of bells in the churches, temples, etc., which were once considered the above of God. 


Today, Faustus has universal significance. The people of today’s age have temptations all around. Everyone falls prey to these temptations. However, it is only after a certain time passes do they realize that uselessness of these materialistic things. Due to this, people of today commit so much sin, evil and corruption. The future of humanity is really in the hands of those who can bring about a reawakening of man’s higher consciousness. 


Optimistic Attitude = Happy Life

Living is an art and the most complicated art as it is based upon the scientific application of the good principles of living, which govern the behavior and attitude of a human being. Life has various aims for various people – to some it is just an empty dream; to others it is a zeal and pleasure. Life may be fulfilling of one’s duties. Life may also be an adventure. Some live just for enjoyment. They like to eat and be merry without caring for tomorrow, which they think may not come. For them life is not a serious journey through years, it is a light comedy; at least that is what is they wish it to be. In real life, however, very few people can enjoy so easily as life is not just a bed of roses, it has many thorns too. Life is a comedy as well as a tragedy. In fact, these are two faces of life to be faced as they come and go. 


Most of the people are always grumbling for one thing or other and they are dissatisfied with life; some people complain of lack of money while others suffer from ill health. Even the richest man may have something to feel unhappy about. Life has become so complicated that only children can enjoy pure laughter, all other have some worry or other. Everyone is busy and over busy all the time. Except in villages where nature continues to play a dominant role in the routine life of man, everyone is in a hurry to do one thing or other. 


An optimist is definitely a much better fighter in the battle of life than a pessimist is. Optimists are always positively inclined. Brave is the man who takes comedies and tragedies alike as they come and go. In fact, that is the attitude of life that can bring maximum success to a man. One should always remember the basic principle of Gita, “Do your duties and leave the result to God. “The greatest of men have practiced this principle and tasted real success in life. The point that you have to remember is keep your expectations low, only then you can feel the satisfaction and content after achieving success. This attitude keeps the mind free from cares, worries and botherations. Therefore, it is advisable to live life to the present, learn from your pasts, and look forward to the future with a positive outlook. 


Spiritual Deprivation of Modern Man and Its Consequences

Man has become too preoccupied in the pursuit of material things. Money is the end in itself and not a means to an end. This excessive urge for materialistic gains has made him ignore the spiritual and moral aspect of life. He considers them obsolete and unproductive. Today, man is motivated to do something only if he is assured of reasonable profit. He has no time or inclination to pause for some time and ask himself where it is leading him. Such is the present social environment that even a child cannot remain unaffected by it. It is so easy to console a child with a promise of a gift and divert his mind from something parents have no patience to deal with. 


Life has become so mechanical. A child, until he becomes an adult, is pressurized every moment to excel and become skillful so that he does not lag behind in his studies. He is not given any lesson in the art of living. The total stress is on the art of how to earn a living. Therefore, from a very tender age, young minds become warped due to the obsessive preoccupation of the adults with security. Undoubtedly, there are certain basic physical needs cannot be met without money, hence the need to prepare for a means of livelihood. However, man is not merely a creature who will be content with getting food, shelter and clothing; he was also a soul, which needs to be nurtured. 


Nevertheless, today it is a pity that the spiritual aspect of the personality is totally ignored. No wonder that the youth feel so restless, demoralized and disillusioned! We have already seen how the young in the Western countries are turning towards East for solace and spiritual comfort. They experience a sense of ennui and feel impatient with the preoccupation of their parents with work and money. It is largely due to the disillusionment of such people that men like Rajneesh, Mahesh Yogi, who promise salvation and spiritual regeneration, have such a large flowing but escaping from the realities of life is not the solution. 


The present education system and the attitude of the parents are largely responsible for the state of affairs. It is a fact that today education is important in inculcating spiritual and moral values and parents in urban areas are too preoccupied with their own lives to pay attention of the growing children. Consequently, children feel a lack of sense of direction and fall easy prey to drugs and other vices at an early age. Thus, there are many consequences if one does not attain the spiritualism right from childhood. 


When Things Go Wrong—Are They Failures or Opportunities?

Many people try new ideas and when they don’t go well for them, they give up and feel like failures. Others, after trying new ideas and failing refuse to give up and continue to try and many of them succeed, and those who don’t just enjoy the experience and turn their hands to something else. 


Why do some people choose to make the most of the experience no matter what the result may be and others rate it a failure if things don’t go well? The answer is an optimistic attitude to every experience in life. Successes are achievements enjoyed today and failures are learning tools for future experiences. There are no failures; they are simply steps towards future successes. 


Learning to laugh at our mistakes and to dream big dreams are two very important characteristics that optimists develop that enable them to look at something that some may call as a failure as a learning opportunity. When we take our selves too seriously, we are more likely to think of our failures as permanent and they often attack our sense of self-worth. When we can focus on our other successes and see this as a setback that we can laugh at and continue to dream of success next time we maintain our optimism. 


So how do we deal with failure so we can see it as a learning tool for the future? 


1.  Challenge what you think of success and failure. It’s our perception of them that makes us see failure as negative and success as positive. Failure is simply part of the journey to success, the ultimate destination. 


2.  When you feel a failure because of a poor result or outcome, set yourself goals immediately, deciding how to continue your journey to success. The old, but familiar saying of “climb back on your horse immediately after you fall off” is based on this concept.


3.  Look at a failure from the perspective of the big picture, not the small picture. You may have not achieved the outcome you wanted, but you did achieve. Make a list of all the things you learned and gained from the experience and celebrate those things. They are achievements, it is not one complete failure, but many small achievements and they deserve to be celebrated.


Failure is about opportunity and embracing failure as opportunity helps to eliminate failure from your vocabulary helping you to stay optimistic and find success in everything you do.


Who Are Your Companions?

If you want to be optimistic and practice positive thinking, you must look carefully at the people you are spending your time with. Do you spend most of your time with people who are optimistic and cheerful or do you spend most of your time, with those who are negative and who tend to be pessimistic when things don’t go well?


Optimists help us to feel optimistic about things. Even when facing a major problem, optimists can dream of a better tomorrow and continue to put their efforts into achieving their goals and dreams and don’t allow failures to interfere with them. By being around each other, people with an optimistic outlook on life don’t usually allow negative thoughts and feelings be expressed around them. 


To be optimistic does not mean you deny feeling emotional about things that affect you or your world. Optimists don’t smile all the time, neither do they never cry or feel sad when things don’t go right. Optimistic thinking is simply remaining positive and accepting that failure is part of succeeding. This positive attitude is the gift that optimists can give each other. 


Optimistic people are often more successful than pessimistic people because they are willing to take risks. Because failures are stepping-stones to success, risk taking becomes easy for an optimistic person because they believe that ultimately, they will achieve success, even if there are a few hurdles to overcome along the way. 


Optimistic thinking about failures also helps people to problem solve, and being around optimistic people mean they are likely to be successful in their work places and family lives, because they can see a problem as something to be solved, not relegated to failure status. 


Many people wonder if optimism is something that is learned as a child, and whilst it is true that some people are naturally optimistic, most people learn to be optimistic because of life experiences. Therefore, if you are naturally pessimistic, being around optimistic people will help you to learn how to be optimistic as you learn from them and watch them as they react and respond to difficult situations. 


Anyone can find their experiences and reactions to things will improve with a little optimism infused into their lives. Dream big dreams and be around people who dream big dreams. The majority of them achieve their dreams because they push on until they achieve them. Many of the multimillion-dollar companies began as the dreams of optimists and those who shared their dreams shared their successes, or went on to create their own success. 


A Creative Romantic Lives in You

Why is it that so many people believe that they don’t have time or take the initiative to be romantic? Maybe most people don’t believe that they are creative enough to be romantic. Everyone is creative! The definition of being creative is having the ability or power to create. The word create offers a much broader definition than most people accept when it comes to the process of being able to come up with something original or simply well thought out.


Gifts that are considered to be traditionally romantic like candy and flowers are wonderful, but sometimes you need something that goes one step further. If your spouse enjoys flowers, you don’t have to settle for roses because they can sometimes become unexciting after a while! Present him or her with something completely original such as a daisy or another flower where petals can be counted. Ask him or her to play the childhood game of ‘they love me, they love me not’ and watch them pluck the petals as they go. However, don’t allow for the possibility of him or her arriving at the ‘they love me not’. Count the petals before you present the flower to your spouse and trim it so that there is an odd number of petals for the right outcome!


Arts and crafts used to be a fun break from the monotony of the school day, but believe it or not, it will come in handy when it comes to creative romantic gestures. Instead of promising that you will love him or her forever, show them. Take a piece of paper, ribbon or other material you choose and write “I love you” on both sides from end to end. Twist the paper 180 degrees and connect both ends of the paper until you have mad what looks like the figure eight. Tape or glue to ends together. You can present your love with a symbol that shows them your love for them is an endless love.


Creativity comes in many different forms! Being creative can mean creating an atmosphere. If you want to plan the ultimate romantic evening but funds are low or you simply don’t want to have to leave the house, shut down the electricity and imitate a power outage (it’s up to you whether or not you tell him or her!). You won’t have any distractions or heat, so it is up to both of you to keep the other warm and entertain each other.


Maybe romance is on your mind, but he or she is going out of town. Did you know that people on airplanes are typically hopeless romantics? Any flight attendant would be more than happy to make sure that your spouse receives a special present after the flight has left the ground. Simply approach a crewmember after he or she boards the plane and they are usually more than happy to oblige a hopeless romantic like you! (You might want to make sure that the gift is unwrapped or keep it to a single rose due to heightened security.)


Creativity doesn’t have to come in the form of gifts every single time. Gestures like getting up and dancing with your spouse when a special song comes on the radio is quite creative and incredibly romantic! Whenever the mood strikes you, allow your creative juices to flow!


Appreciating the Romantic Within

While jumping headfirst into ‘romance mode’ is fun and exciting, after a while it will start to become stale just like a relationship can. Being romantic can always be fresh and fun as long and the couple understands what the motives are behind the romance and the underlying intentions. Understanding romance is the most important part of being romantic.


When you decide that you want to begin being romantic, you usually take it slow and carefully consider what your partner likes and prefers when it comes to gifts, actions and gestures. Each romantic expression should have a significant meaning behind it. How you are going to be romantic is far more important that why you are going to be romantic. The process of how you are going to be romantic generally encompasses the ‘why’ in a much bigger way and is far more effective in conveying any message.


When you first met your spouse, you most likely experienced the ‘crush’ or ‘puppy love’ phase of your relationship. While you may experience moments of similar feelings, it is almost impossible to recreate that feeling after spending years together. However, you can always have passion with your spouse. Wouldn’t you agree that passion is much more desirable than ‘puppy love’?


When you hear people talking about relationships, you often hear them mention the word ‘chemistry’. Why is it that people value chemistry with another person over compatibility? If you think about it, compatibility coupled with romance equals passion. Would you prefer basic chemistry or passion in your relationship?


When you look at your partner and you consider being romantic, try not to look too deeply into his or her gender. Gender biasing can really deflate a wonderful intention, especially when it comes to romance. Respect your spouse as the unique individual that he or she is and never allow stereotypes to enter into your romantic intentions. Never point out what you are doing, though! It will be noticed on some level by your spouse. Not only will it be noticed, but it will also be greatly appreciated.


You need to remember that no one is perfect especially when it comes to matters of the heart- this includes romance. You are not and will never be an expert at any point! You will, however, learn and improve as time goes on. Your spouse will teach you through reactions and suggestions as long as you pay attention. It is all worth the time and effort, as life passes by too quickly not to be a hopeless romantic.


No matter how many years you’ve been living with the same person, you may think that they don’t want romance but it’s not the case. Everyone wants to have a tremendously rewarding and romantic relationship. It’s not an exaggeration to include every single person on the planet. The way in which romance is carried out is usually what makes each relationship unique and sometimes even a challenge! Everything worthwhile takes a little bit of work, but what is more worthwhile than a lasting romance with your spouse? You’ll discover that being a romantic makes both of you happier than most other people.


Battling Romance Myths

The institution of marriage is surrounded by a number of myths, stories and advice freely offered by people on a daily basis. Unfortunately, many people listen to and believe these pieces of so-called wisdom to the point where it doesn’t help their marriage and it only hinders its growth. Many of the myths regarding relationships are incredibly damaging and it is unfortunate that they are such common beliefs. Once you understand why certain bits of advice or information can be regarded as myths, you can break through what could be blocking the growth of your marriage. In fact, you may actually learn to appreciate your spouse and your role in your marriage even more.


Sensationalist television, magazines and talk radio have been key players when it comes to fueling any belief that there is a battle between the sexes happening. While there are definitively some physical and psychological differences, they are not enough to earn the term ‘battle’ as a description. When you allow yourself to consider any kind of battle between the sexes, you risk grouping all men or all women into a certain category and that leads to stereotyping. Once you recognize that your partner is a unique individual with a number of positive attributes, you can shed the thought that there should be any type of conflict between the two of you. Any thought of battle or conflict only leads to lack of communication, misunderstandings and discourages growth in any relationship.


Nice guys finish last is one of the worst possible sayings floating around today. Whoever thought of that and actually uttered those words must have been feeling truly low and full of self-pity because there simply cannot be any other explanation. Nice guys never finish last. They may have a longer and harder road sometimes, but it isn’t often that you see the bullies and jerks finishing first. If they aren’t, who is? It’s the nice guys, but they are so nice and gracious you don’t hear them bragging about it. It is also important to note that the word ‘nice’ doesn’t mean ‘weak’ or ‘effeminate’ in any way. Nice means socially or conventionally correct; refined or virtuous and not at all negative in any way. Nice is not another word for push over or spineless. Nice is as close to a ‘perfect’ man as you can come and they always end up first in line.


Romance is all you need in order to save your relationship is a wonderfully optimistic thought, but not quite accurate. If simple romance were enough to save a marriage, it would be running wonderfully rampant throughout the world today. Unfortunately, it takes more than simple romance. If you truly feel love for your spouse and you are expressing it through romance, then it will save your marriage. If you are trying to use romance to buy some time or to placate your spouse, then you are only buying time or placating your spouse. Your time as a married couple is most likely limited and should be attended to immediately by a professional.


Getting a Perfect Score for Your Relationship

You probably have a good idea of where you and your spouse are in your relationship or if you don’t, it’s time to find out. Consider thinking about your relationship, write down where you believe your relationship could use some improvement and talk to your spouse about what you have been thinking and feeling. Achieving an exceptional relationship is not easy, but it is an attainable goal. People who have wonderfully rewarding relationships are loving and giving people. This is a lifestyle that is available to every couple that is willing to work towards such a goal.


When you are looking to have an outstanding relationship with your spouse, you will benefit in more ways than you can imagine. You will be more able to understand you loving relationship in ways that you never thought possible and it helps you to act in ways that satisfy both you and your partner as well as nurture both of you as a couple. An exceptional relationship is one where you and your partner have the best intimate relationship possible, where you are both faithful, passionate, committed to growth, romantic and fascinating, you both consistently work at making your love grow and although not perfect, your relationship is one that you wouldn’t trade for anything else in the world.


So, how do you arrive at such an existence with your spouse? You must dedicate yourself to achieving excellence while you work hard, play hard and you both work on your relationship skills together. As simple as it sounds, you both have to live how you love each other each and every day. Great relationships don’t just happen. They arise as the result of work, work, and work! You need to be creative and work together at creating the relationship into one life you can both share together.


Your relationship with your spouse is very individual and only you both know what you want as far as a life together. You are in charge of making your rules and expectations for your individual relationship. This type of direction you can make for your marriage is a wonderful concept in the way people view relationships. You are able to make your relationship into exactly what you want it to be. You are in charge of your goals and in meeting your own standards.


You have the unique knowledge that allows you to create a relationship out of the values you treasure the most like honesty, faith, commitment, creativity, flexibility and equality. With this knowledge as well as the desire to create such a wonderfully romantic and loving desire, you can create a relationship that is not only fulfilling and rewarding but enviable as well.


When you can center your attention on the behaviors in your marriage and not on the personalities, you can focus you attention on setting goals instead of placing blame. This method helps you to set, reach and maintain your goals in order to have the marriage most couples only dream of.