Business journal for network marketing is basically a publication of trade which talks about network marketing world. The other common names for network marketing are direct sales or multilevel marketing which is initialled as MLM. These firms are built so that people who sign in make their own business and sign up new acquaintances. A persons earn is based on the profits of the people who he has signed up. All the people have upline and downline and so that is why it is called multi-level. Research has shown that in North America only there are at least thirteen million entrepreneurs of network marketing and so globally the number is quite big.
The network marketing journal is for both the entrepreneur and also the corporate people and it is meant to give the investors the top most information on the companies that spend their cash. This journal used to be called Money Maker’s Monthly in the year 1986. Every single month, this journal talks of the companies which are succeeding in the business, the products which are significant in selling, the vendors that you are supposed to know, and the successful stories of the personal distributors. The person who publishes this magazine is known as Keith Laggos and he is greatly valued in the sector of direct sales industry and loans his professionalism not only to the magazine but he is well known as a victorious consultant in network marketing. He also gives speeches to various industry gatherings, he is also a writer to various articles in numerous other journals and he has also been a representative of America’s direct sales industry abroad.
The leader of the network marketing industry is the publication. Daily the publications of trade fail but the NMBJ has continued to exist for several yeas and it continues to flourish. In the direct sales industry it is the one that circulates the highest and it is also printed in various languages and is also distributed to seven countries. In the whole world it is distributed to at least fifty countries. This network marketing business journal is one of the minority of publications left globally who will provide a free mock-up for readers to try for size-customer service at its highest quality.
This journal is bets for the people who recognized in the industry. This is because the new members would not understand the chunk of information in it. However this does not mean that they will not benefit, there are ways which the company will do that will be simple to them to understand.