Most people get their priorities in life wrongly. Some think that money is everything in life therefore pursuing wealth as their life long goals. Some believe that life is all about having fun. Therefore, they pursue fun to the fullest and put it as their life long goal. This never augers well since such people end up living very stressful lives. For one to live a healthy life, self-improvement should be the key goal in life. We have all seen or heard of cases where people try their level best to improve on their general selves but their efforts prove to be null. This does not mean that improving on yourself is impossible.
It just implies that improving on yourself is not something that is done anyhow; it needs determination and a certain procedure in order to be successful. However, these procedures should be positive. There are procedures that derail the whole process. They are negative procedures and vice versa.
In simple terms, self-improvement involves reducing negative procedures and increasing positive procedures in your life. These positive procedures act as the guide to self-improvement. They guide one through the whole process. In fact, without them, improving oneself seems like a dream that is way beyond reach.
There are several types of positive processes that help people improve their selves. The most important one is conversation with one’s self. This might sound absurd but speaking to yourself has been ranked as one of the best ways to improve on yourself. This was proved through scientific research. The researchers concluded that words are much more effective than thoughts. In that case, instead of spending time thinking, talk to yourself and plan on a way to improving yourself. Tell yourself what you dream on improving and how you are planning to do it. This will be effective.
Talking alone is not helpful; it should be accompanied by practice. This is necessary if you are planning to improve on anything. Take for example a basketball player. It takes years of practice for him or her to join the N.B.A. The same applies to our lives. Take the rookie basketball player to be our old selves and the N.B.A to be the improved us; it takes several years of practicing what we plan to improve in order to become our improved selves. Self-improvement is one very simple thing if only we follow these things to the letter.