Friday, 4 February 2022

Your Finance and You

Finance can be simply defined as some things that deal with money time and risk in a single platform. This being the case, there are different platforms of finance that can be found in an organization. These platforms will also vary according to the needs of the organization and its requirements. Most of finance is divided into personal, business, corporate and public finance. These platforms of finance have different characteristics. However, they are based on more or less the same principals. The overview of finance is simple and it can be understood by an average individual. 


Finance is basically an aspect of business management. This means that an organization or an individual will have to know how finance works in order for them to understand its impact in their life. It is mainly associated with the acquisition and the use of funds of a business entity or an individual. In finance, there is the income that is generated and the expenditure. Income is the amount of money that has been gotten in total. This can be through payments for goods and services. The expenditure is the amount of money that has been used to generate the income. It can come in terms of costs of buying goods, expenses while providing a service or use for any other business that was related to the generation of income. 


Finance management is the act of making sure that the income is higher than the expenditure. When the income is higher than the expenditure, it means that the entity is making a profit. This is in turn means that the entity is able to run comfortably on its own. An entity that is running on its own has good financial management and smooth running of other branches of business. However, when the income is lower than the expenditure, there is poor management of finance and the business in general. Entities that make losses are those that experience this situation. To avoid it, the entity will have to know why there are expenses which are exceeding the income. 


Finding out where the problem lies should not be a difficult task. In most cases, the problem is a result of spending too much money on the expenses. The costs of running the entity should be reviewed and adjusted. If this does not work, then the products being offered should have an adjustment on price. When these two things are implemented, the entity will start recovering and making profits. 

About the Goal Setting and Getting Results Series

Every person has some goals and wishes, whether short term or long term. However, we at times feel frustrated when these goals are not accomplished. The frustration becomes even greater when we see other people setting goals and easily achieving them, and we have no idea what magic they use to accomplish their goals and to do it on time. You find it quite weird, disappointing and annoying that even the smallest goals are still not achieved, or if they are every achieved it happens quite late. 


Therefore, you keep on resetting the mark of the goals to make it easy to accomplish them, but this still refuses to work. 


When this happens, you become disillusioned and you do not seem to have the big picture and the clear vision any more. You feel tired about this goal setting thing, and you find that every motivational speaker stops making sense to you. You have tried writing down your dreams and you have even tried going for the seminars where the most expensive speakers are, but things seem to be getting worse….


But, let’s face the facts. Is it possible that you are climbing the ladder which is leaning on the wrong wall? Most people set goals, which is very commendable; but they set the wrong goals. Getting a person to really know what he or she wants in life is the most difficult thing, and this makes for about 80% of the whole job of getting there. 


There is this powerful series on setting goals and getting results, and it has been proven by many to work perfectly well. These are five eBooks that will change your life permanently and positively. The series contains the following eBooks:


1. "50 Quick Tips On Getting Organized Easily"

    Mission: Organization - A Simple Guide To Keeping An Orderly Life


2. "Goal Planning Strategies That Truly Work"

    How To Reach Any Goal You Wish! 


3. "How To Accomplish More In A Fraction Of The Time" 

    Getting Results Super Fast Through Prioritizing, Leveraging 

    And Focus 


4. "Results And Rewards Blitzing" 

    The Sprinter's Guide To Short Term Motivation For Huge Results - 

    High Adrenaline And Rewards Guaranteed! 


5. "Time Management Strategies For The Knowledge Worker" 

    Understanding The Evolution Of Time Management Strategies And 

    Prioritizing What Works In The 21st Century


These books will help you to know how to get organized, how to manage time and they even instruct you on how to set goals. They also talk on how to get the results and on how to reward you for the accomplishment. 

Benefits of Setting Goals

Professionals are one of the individuals that show goal setting. This is owed to the fact that they are able to work on a full-time basis and still able to have some good time with their family members. They are also able to extend a hand and actively participate in community-based activities and at the end of the day have time to attend to their hobbies and interests. The secret of all this lies in their ability to manage their time properly and wisely. Proper goal setting solely relies on proper time management.


The benefits associated with goal setting do not only accrue to the professionals. To succeed in life, goal setting is paramount. Each and every successful person acknowledges the weight of goal setting. Successful lawyers, athletes and doctors have in one way or another set goal in their lives. 


One major benefit of goal setting is that it acts as a map. They help you identify areas in your life that you are driving at. It helps you work through the goal that you want to achieve in your life. Thus, when you set goals, you reap maximum benefits in your life.


One way to set meaningful goals is to identify the exact goal that you want to attain. What really do you want to achieve in life? This is an important question that you need to ask yourself so that you have a concrete idea of where your life is headed. 

The next thing is to identify the date in which you are completing the goal you have set. It is important to note that goals should have a date through which they can be completed. To a large extent it does not amount to a goal if it does not have a set date of completion. In this case it amounts to day dreaming. Goals set should be realistic and have a basis. They should not be farfetched.


Another benefit that accrues to goal setting is that goals act as vision. When you have a goal, you have vision. A vision that enables that you see yourself. For example, if you set goal of where you want to see yourself and after five years it comes to happen. It will look like that you predicted your future. A vision brings an aspect of contentment and gives you a forward insight and to a large extent may make you work harder and harder. 

How the Goal Setting and Getting Results Series Can Help You

Many people know how to set goals, but setting the right goals and getting the results is usually much of an issue. This is because they lack organizational skills, and their lives are in chaos. Also, they have poor time management skills and strategies, and they do not know how to prioritize. They therefore do not make the best out of the twenty-four hours every person has in a day, and frustration sets in. when they have set the right goals and they have a pretty well organized life, they fail to know which route to take that will get them to their goal or the route that will take the shortest time and energy to get there. Therefore, some end up in the wrong destinations while others get there when it is too late. 


Setting goals and getting the results is for every person. This applies for business people, writers, affiliate marketers, life coaches, and leaders and even for one’s personal life. For instance, goal setting and getting results applies even for the person who has decided to lose weight or to stop being an addict. This is where the Goal Setting and Getting Results Series come in. this is a series of five eBooks that are all geared towards making it possible to not only set goals but setting the right goals and getting the desired results within the most efficient time frame. This series contains the following five books:


1. "50 Quick Tips on Getting Organized Easily"

    Mission: Organization - A Simple Guide To Keeping An Orderly Life 


2. "Goal Planning Strategies That Truly Work" 

    How to Reach Any Goal You Wish! 


3. "How To Accomplish More in a Fraction of the Time" 

    Getting Results Super Fast Through Prioritizing, Leveraging 

    And Focus 


4. "Results And Rewards Blitzing" 

    The Sprinter's Guide To Short Term Motivation For Huge Results - 

    High Adrenaline And Rewards Guaranteed! 


5. "Time Management Strategies for the Knowledge Worker" 

    Understanding the Evolution of Time Management Strategies and 

    Prioritizing What Works In the 21st Century


In this series, you will get creative ideas in goal setting and time management. Also, you will get the right organizational skills and motivational skills for getting the results. There is so much covered in this series, and the best thing you can do is to invest in it, and you will not regret. It has worked for thousands of people, and you will be no exception. 

How to Set Attainable Goals

Goals are powerful tools that one can use to propel in life both socially and economically. They can lead to progression both in your profession and you day to day life in general. When you are comfortable in creating your own goals and you tirelessly work to attain them not only boost your confidence but also helps you lead a happy and fulfilling and more meaningful life.


The first step towards setting attainable goals is to determine the type of goals that you are setting. Goals can either be short term or long term and be one that augurs well with your professional objectives. You should set plans that augur well with your life ones that will help you live a balanced and lead you to being a better person.


The second thing is to express the goals that you are setting in the form of a positive statement. All the goals should be jotted down and in a complete form. They should be in the format like by the end of this year I want to accomplish such and such a thing.


Another thing to take in to account is the word SMART. This to say that your goals should be specific and not ambiguous; they should be measurable both quantitatively and quantitatively. They should also be attainable. This is to imply that they should not be farfetched and be time bound. That is you should have a certain time on which you should have accomplished.


Each and every goal should have assigned priorities. They should be prioritized such that you start with one that is up in the rank instead of starting with them as a whole. This is vital so that you do not end up not knowing where to start.


Ensure that you also organize all the resources that you need in such a way they help you in ensuring that you meet the set goals. Have a vision and see yourself achieving the set goal.


Consider reviewing your goals from time to time so that you do not lose focus and you are on track to attaining your goals. All the major goals can be broken in to small bits so that you are able to properly visualize and see yourself achieving them. Breaking them in to bits also makes them manageable. Also, as priorities change consider also changing your goals so that they augur well with priorities in life.

Meditation as a Step to Mental and Physical Health

Many people around the globe do not know that when you practice yoga meditation you are likely to enjoy benefits of health. Yoga meditation is very important for those people who have a lot in their mind especially the people who are suffering from stress. This is the best way of you releasing stress. You could also save your life through the practice of yoga meditation. There are very many kinds of yoga meditation that one can practice. An example of yoga meditation is the sahaja meditation. You must first understand what it is and how it is done before you can start doing it. This is because it has its own techniques and some other things which should be included. 


Basically, sahaja is a combination of yoga and meditation. There are so many exercises that you can do but yoga and meditation are the most relaxing ones. The main purpose of doing yoga and meditation is so that you can get your mind and body not forgetting your spirit into sync. The good thing about this practice is that you do not only work on one area at a time but all the three areas at the same time. Doing a lot of exercise will you to burn down a lot of calories, tone your body and finally get a fantastic shape. The problem comes in with your mind and soul. You cannot be able to achieve a great shape if your mind and soul are not healthy. This is the reason why you should apply yoga. 


Everybody can benefit in one way or the other through yoga meditation. The best thing about yoga meditation is that it deals with every part of you methodically and that involves communication with yourself and the people out there in the world. After doing the first session of yoga meditation you will realize that stress in you has greatly decreased. This is simply because it deals with both your senses, your body, breath and also your mind. This practice is not comparable to any other exercise. 


You can however start your session by going to the local classes around your home area or even register at the gym or any other centre for fitness. The reason as why you should join a class gym or fitness center is because there are experts there who will show you how to do it. When experts are around you will be able to be corrected when you are doing the wrong thing and also prevent any injury. The best thing about yoga and meditation is that it works on the whole of your body both physically and internally leaving you feeling good.

Reducing Stress through Meditation

The first thing that you are supposed to know is that meditation helps us to be able to reduce stress and any other worries that we have within us. The most ideal way of meditating and reducing stress is through a clear mind and breathing in and out simply so that you get back to your normal being. This way you will be able to reach that point that you are able to think in a clear way and think right. You should note that every choice that you make is very crucial in your life and so this is the best way of you to reduce stress whereas you are calmly meditating. You will find that it is very simple to meditate and also very comfortable. 


You should be able to do your meditation as you are breathing. This is not a very difficult thing as some people may take it. It is very important to be aware of your breathing whenever you feel stressed because you can very well get ahead of stress and be able to ease it. You can start by simple practices like closing your eyes and trying to picture yourself far from where you are right now. You can do this so that you get yourself into equal breathing rhythms and get into relaxing breathing. This is all about satisfying your lungs with air and also being able to free them from air. This is what we call meditation and in case you want to do a deep meditation then you have to take long breathes for you to relief off the stress.


You can also feel your breaths as you meditate. You can do this by putting one of your hands on your chest and the other one on your stomach. You will be able to feel breaths into your lungs by the pushing out of your stomach and the exhaling from your lungs by the minor raise of your chest. This is already meditation. This is true because you have intentionally slowed your breathing and altered your thinking so as to get out your mind. You will notice that your mind is resting and intelligibility is the outcome. The best thing about meditation is that you can do this practice or exercise any place. 


You can reduce stress and meditate from whichever place. Meditation is the medication for any kind of stress and even when you are in a tight situation all you need to do is close your eyes and meditate.

Simple Meditation Tips for Everybody

We all need to relax after a long day’s work. We cannot do without it because it is a basic need for all human beings. When you are relaxed then you are able to handle the worries that we go through from time to time. This is possible because relaxing equips us and prepares so that with can deal with any kind of stress. You are supposed to deal with those things which are stressing when you are relaxed. You should befriend stress and so you should think of it as the worst enemy of your life and in your everyday circumstances. This is because its effects are long term and it usually leads to illness which cannot be cured within a short time. It tampers with your health making you not to be able to work effectively. 


The best that you can be assured of relaxation is through meditation. Meditation is simply defined as the exercise of strong and focused alertness whereby there is finely tuned concentration and reflection. It is highly related to religious matters where one gets to be close to his or her god but the main role of meditation is relaxation. If you want to relief yourself off stress and worries then the best option would be to meditate. Meditation is especially best for those people who are just starting because it helps them to be better in life and also discover their potential early enough. 


However, you do not just start meditating just like that. There are several steps that you have to follow to be able to meditate. This is an exercise that will change your life completely and so you should be very keen when you are following these steps especially when you are a beginner. The first thing that you should consider is the place of medi9tation. This is a very important point thing to keep in mind. You should look for that place that you will not be disturbed by anyone and that environment should peaceful. This place should be peaceful for not less than ten minutes.


After you have found a good location for your meditation then you can try to calm yourself down by breathing normally. When you begin this practice, you will find that it is not that easy but the minute you get used then it becomes easier and interesting. Do not be too alert, just try and breathe usually and the flow of your breathing should be as smoothly as possible. You should be focused and alert as your breathing continues to be calm and natural. The outcome should be relaxation and calmness. 

The Benefits of Meditation

There are very many benefits of doing meditation. Meditation is very helpful especially to those people who are overwhelmed by stress and they feel like they cannot take it anymore. This is the best way that one can use to relax himself. Research has also shown and proven. You can reduce your stress just by taking a look at a landscape. This will reduce your stress by reducing your heart rate. There are many skills for meditation. The first technique is sitting straight up when you are sitting on a chair you should ensure that your back is off the chair. This is so that you can have a straight line on your back.


Your feet are also supposed to be firm on the ground that is if it is possible. Your palms and arms are supposed to be facing you and upwards. They are also supposed to rest at the joint of your thighs near your stomach. You should ensure that your body is relaxed. This can be achieved by breathing through your nose and not your mouth. You should also do a dual inhalation, which is a long inhalation followed by a short one. It is advisable if you start with the short inhalation. For about five seconds, you should hold your breath and also the tension of your body. 


When it comes to breathing out, you are supposed to breathe out through your mouth. When you do this, the tension in your body is released outside your body. You should repeat this for not less than seven times. After you have done this, you should now start to slowly inhale and count from eight to one. Hold for an extra eight seconds and then breathe out while counting from eight to one again. After that you can now go on without stopping, by breathing in, holding and breathing out as you count to eight. This is exercise is best known as measure breathing. You should repeat this exercise not less than three to six times. 


The other skill of meditation is meditation proper. This is involved with concentration. You are supposed to meditate as you deeply concentrate on the middle point of your eyebrows. Your mind and your energy should be on focus and inside. You should this exercise for at least five minutes. These are a tense and relax exercise which will help you to get rid of tension that is build up in your body plus the breathing exercise. 

What Does Meditation Mean to You?

Meditation is a very important exercise in our lives. This is because it works on our bodies entirely, from the body to the soul and also the mind. If you want to gain control over your mind then taking meditation would be the best choice. This is a method that you can use to acquire spiritual know about. Meditation is a deep concentration on any particular thing. Meditation has been proven to be the thread that ties ideologies of spiritual power of God with you. When you concentrate, you are able to understand something better and deeply but when it comes to meditation, it is the first and foremost step. 


When you concentrate on something you will find that you are using your mind and when you do not achieve that goal, your mind will start to study the object. Meditation on the other hand concludes with the full absorption of the object that you are meditating on. And so, with this you define meditation as the ability of not only concentrating but also concluding and discovering with the things. For you to be able to remember your last session of your meditation, you should ensure that you include a prayer. These two things however have got diverse premises. Prayer is basically aimed at the godly personalities that we feel are far from us, whereas meditation is directed to the way which finishes into divine past all names, forms or any kind of figure. 


You may not believe this but the truth is that we all meditate at some point or the other. In our daily lives we have to concentrate and this is the fundamental part of meditation which we have to acquire for our daily living. For us to be able to see understand and hear anything, we must be able to concentrate. For example, for a potter to be able to make a good shape out of clay she has to concentrate on the shape that she wants to make. And so, with that you find that when we all concentrate we use a very small amount of energy to attain the state of meditation. 


If you want your mind to be your best friend and not your enemy then all you have to do is control it. How do we control our mind? This is where meditation comes in. meditation helps us to learn how to control our mind. It also helps us to find true peace and satisfaction.