Friday, 17 December 2021

Weight Loss Surgery, Is It A Safe Option?

For the growing number of obese individuals, weight loss surgery is a reality that must at some point become a real consideration and alternative. Today, in the United States, obesity is quickly becoming our nations’ number one health issue. The staggering effect of obesity on the rest of our health is unequalled. This is due to the fact that when our bodies our obese, every part of the body is affected. Not just the limbs, not just the heart, but every organ, tissue and cell.


There are many advances being made in the treatment of obesity, and the option that most people look to solve the initial obesity dilemma is surgery. Once your body reaches a certain weight, you’re no longer able to exercise; performing simple hygiene tasks often becomes impossible. Exercise and mobility are not options for bringing about weight loss. The only other alternative available is through surgical procedures that cause the body to take in less food. The procedures actually prohibit the ingestion of large quantities of food. You simply won’t be able to eat. This causes the body to begin to feed on itself. Using up the stored fat, in order to keep body processes functioning. This is a drastic way to induce weight loss, but for many it has become the only option


But is this safe? Does this allow our bodies to safely lose weight and come back to normal levels of body mass? Sometimes it is safe, and sometimes a person’s body just cannot adjust. The medical profession continues to work diligently to ensure that all weight loss surgery patients are safe from deathly side effects, but it does happen. No surgery is fool proof, every time you must submit to surgery, of any kind, there are risks. The risks associated with weight loss surgery are often less dangerous than the risk associated with continued obesity, especially for persons who have reached the morbid obesity levels (More than 100 pounds over the recommended body weight).


The traditional options available today are minimally invasive surgeries that directly restrict the body’s ability to take in food or slow the food absorption rate. Both surgeries are minimally invasive, meaning there is no need for major incisions, and most of the surgery is completed using laparoscopic technique. If the United States continues to see obesity rates climb, these surgeries and other techniques under development will become more commonplace for our generation.

Weight Loss Surgery Risks And Benefits

There is an increasing focus on weight loss in North America in the modern age, and the focus goes beyond mere looks. More and more studies are proving that being overweight not only looks unpleasant, but can also lead to some serious health issues, including high blood pressure, heart disease, and other factors which can lead to an early death.


Many obese people, however, face a serious problem when they begin to consider weight loss; they have become so overweight that their bodies simply cannot handle diets, nor can they summon the ability to partake in regular exercise. In most cases, the weight problem has become so critical that they do not really even have the time it takes to bring their weight down to a healthy level as they are in immediate danger of serious health consequences.


Lately, many people in this situation have begun to turn to the option of gastric bypass surgery. Over 150,000 gastric bypass procedures- wherein calorie intake is reduced by causing food to bypass parts of the stomach and the small intestine- were performed in 2005, many on the recommendation by a doctor for people who were considered morbidly obese.


One of the benefits of this procedure is that it is 100% effective when successful. Patients frequently state that they do not get hungry as often as they did before the surgery, nor does the hunger last as long. Patients also claim that they do not suffer the same cravings for unhealthy food that they did before the surgery. These effects are due to two factors. The first is the decreased size of the stomach- patients simply cannot hold food in the same capacity as they did previously. In addition, the smaller size means that the stomach is empty less than before the surgery and therefore does not signal the brain that food is needed.


The second reason for the decrease in appetite and cravings is the change in the hormonal balance that occurs after the surgery.


Gastric bypass is certainly beneficial in both time passed in regards to pounds lost and in the ease of the weight loss itself. However, there are also several risks involved when a patient elects to undergo the surgery.


Almost ten percent of patients who undergo the surgery report symptoms that could prove fatal some of the time. The surgery has been highly invasive in the past, with a large incision required form the upper chest to the navel. Any procedure involves risk, and the greater the cut the greater the risk. In addition, this large incision meant that a patient’s recovery time was greater, and also more painful.


Many of the risks of gastric bypass surgery are being eliminated with advancing research and procedures, such as the new laparoscopic bypass. Electing for this surgery will also entail a period of “dumping” time, in which a patient can expect to have recurring nausea, diarrhoea, and an intolerance to sweets that may last for the rest of their lives.

The greatest risk in undergoing the gastric bypass surgery is the same as any surgery, especially those that are gaining popular attention; the risk of undereducated operators. Some studies have shown that the risk of death after gastric bypass is much higher in patients who go to surgeons with less experience in and knowledge of the procedure. The popularity of the procedure means that there are more doctors trying to make a quick dollar off of a limited knowledge, so any patient considering the surgery needs to be aware of their surgeon’s credentials and background.

Weight Loss Supplements Buying Tips

American spends $50 billion every year on weight loss programs and diet pills. Unfortunately, 22% of this goes to fake weight loss products.


More and more people are facing the problem of obesity and a lot of them are resorting to weight loss supplements. While some people have benefited from these supplements, there are still a lot of people who are clueless on what type to buy. In the end, they are left frustrated without losing a single pound.


Worry no more! Here are some proven tips to help out weight losers wannabes when buying diet pills in the market:


1. Before buying diet supplement, consult a doctor. There are weight loss supplements that are available only by prescription. Do not forget to tell the doctor about allergies to certain medication and health history.


2. For over the counter supplements, decide what kind to buy. There are numerous types available in the market today. Some are appetite suppressants while some help the body to absorb fat. Also, do not forget to check the ingredients and carefully read the labels to avoid serious side effects like high blood and heart valve lesions. Also, make sure it will not react negatively on any other medications that are currently being taken. It would also help to have it checked by the doctor before taking it.


3. Keep in mind that all weigh loss supplements, even those that are prescribed by doctors, carry risks. It is for this reason that all instructions must be followed carefully and religiously. Stop taking the supplements if unusual symptoms are being noticed.


4. Choose diet pills that are approved by the Food and Drug Administration agency of FDA. These products are monitored and carry minimum risks.


5. Beware of over the counter diet pills that contain Ma Huang. This is a strong stimulant that has been associated with death especially among professional athletes.


6. When purchasing online, make sure that all the weight loss supplements are sealed. Do not accept bottles that were tampered with.


7. Remember that dietary products that promise quick weight loss usually do not have the approval of FDA. Most of these products have severe side effects that lead to drastic weight loss.


8. Research the internet for diet pills that are proven to have side effects. For example, a Brazilian diet pill was recently sold in USA that contains drugs and chemicals like antidepressants, tranquilizers, and amphetamines. This pill was advertised as all natural but was proven dangerous to health.


9. Never buy Ephedra based supplements; they are deeply associated with strokes and death.


10. Look for supplements that contain essential nutrients like Omega fatty acids, B12, calcium, and liver oils which are very important especially to women.


11. Buy products that are endorsed or recommended by health professionals or body builders.


12. Do not depend on weight loss supplement alone. Eat healthy and exercise. Try working out in the gym for at least 3 times a week and get incredible results!


Weight loss supplements have been in the market for some time now but their effects in the long run has not yet proven. People who are serious about losing weight must aid supplements with exercise and well balanced diet. This is the most effective way in shedding pounds the healthy way.

Weight Loss Strategies


If you want any weight loss program to work you have to perform "Strength Training". It's absolutely imperative during the course of a lifetime not only for weight loss goals but also for general health and well-being. 


For years we have been told to diet the excess fat from our bodies and throw in some fast walking to hasten the process. The trouble with this is that the low calorie restricted diet would throw the body into starvation mode, with the body 

holding onto the fat and using precious lean muscle tissue for energy. 


This would "Lower Your Metabolism" causing greater muscle loss and once the diet was broken the original fat returned, and you would have greater chance of gaining even more fat.


A Vicious Cycle


Eventually, your body would become used to the diet and then you will reach a point where nothing was happening.


So what do you do now? 


Try weight loss supplements, creams, massage, toning tables, drugs. You should know by now that these don't work. 


There is a better way, it's simply... 


Strength Training


Many studies are showing that Strength Training is a superior method for weight loss. 


(Ladies, you won't bulk up by using weights, you don't have the testosterone to get big and muscular, so don't worry). 


If you don't incorporate Strength Training into your weight loss program then look forward to "disappointing results".


The days of strength training three to five days a week in the gym, an hour at a time are long gone. That just doesn't work. One short strength-training workout a week done at home or in the gym will melt away more fat than you would have ever thought possible.


Fats, Figures and Cardio Work


We've already found out that by increasing the functional muscle on your body, you increase your resting metabolic rate. Due to the HIGHER metabolic rate you can now eat MORE calories, which means that you won't need to starve anymore to lose weight. 


In a sense, fewer calories have to be cut back from our daily intake of food and successful dieting (provided that you eat the right foods) will become more likely.


As far as Fats are concerned, they're burned from the body when cells oxidize to release energy in the form of exercise. When exercise is done slowly to moderately for 20 to 30 minutes, then the majority of energy is TAKEN from the fat stores.


It's important to understand that the loss of fat comes from fat cells ALL OVER the body, NOT just from one or more specific areas. Therefore, fat reduction of a certain area is not generally possible. 


The best exercise for the purpose of fat loss is fast walking either indoors on the treadmill or outdoors. Walk until you are mildly puffing and hold that rate for the allotted time. 


If your cardio activities leave you panting or breathless ~ you are going too hard. Your energy will be then coming from your carbohydrate reserves and not from your fat stores.


Nutrition For Weight Loss


Small frequent meals should be consumed during the day each containing a little protein to maintain muscle and energy levels. Foods with vital vitamin and mineral supplements should also be taken on a daily basis.


By decreasing the amount of calories you eat per day to the weight loss amount, you should start losing weight. Don't go any lower and check the mirror regularly to judge your progress.


If you don't have an accurate idea of how many calories your consuming a day, how will you know whether you’re overeating or not?


Another word about diets... They'll send the body into starvation mode; a survival mechanism from long ago when humans faced periods of famine. Cutting back on your calories too low will cause the body to lower its metabolic rate, which reduces 

its ability to burn fat. 


At the same time, hunger signals increase and we quickly start to crave high-energy foods loaded with fats and sugar. The same foods we are trying to do without. 


Here are some great eating tips for you to consider:


  • Reduce both obvious and hidden fats.
  • Record food intake to identify problem areas.
  • Be aware of times when you over eat.
  • Avoid severe food restriction.
  • Monitor body fat levels, not weight.
  • Aim for moderate fat loss (one pound per week).

Weight Loss Secrets Revealed

When people lose weight, everyone wants to know their secret. Now, you too can have the secrets to safe, healthy weight loss without the hunger pains.


Here’s the scenario. You run into Megan. She’s an old college friend. You know the one. She was pudgy and wore loose shirts and blue jeans to camouflage the extra weight she often put on because of her fondness for Twinkies. You stop and do a double take. Is that really Megan? The face is basically the same, but the body definitely isn’t. Gone are the baggy clothes. She’s dressed in a form-fitting skirt and top that hug every curve. She looks fantastic. What’s your first question going to be?


“Megan, what are your weight loss secrets?”


It’s a question we ask of anyone who has undergone a total body transformation. We feel that little twinge of envy if we are wanting to lose weight to. There is nothing we’d rather know than weight loss secrets that could speed up the process, making it easier for us to lose weight and look and feel better about ourselves.


What if I told you that I could give you two weight loss secrets destined to change your life? If you’re a realist, you’d probably tell me that I was full of hot air. You may even tell me you’d heard plenty of weight loss secrets and none of them had done a thing to help you in your quest. I’m here to tell you today that I have two points to make that could jumpstart your weight loss.


Probably the most important of the weight loss secrets is something you probably already know but may have forgotten. It’s that to lose weight, you must cut calories. I know, this is common knowledge, but people seem to forget it sometimes. So many individuals worry about counting carbohydrates or fat grams, forgetting the whole scientific process behind losing weight. A calorie is a unit of the amount of energy in food. One calorie of grapefruit is burned off in the same way as one calorie of pizza. One of the best weight loss secrets is learning how to practice moderation. Overindulging means packing on more weight because your body takes in too many calories.


The second weight loss secret I want to disclose to you is the key to unlocking the first one. Sure, you know cutting calories is the most important of weight loss secrets, but the problem is that it’s hard to do. When you’re hungry, you want to eat! Sometimes, you don’t want to munch on a celery stick or an apple. You want something that leaves you satisfied. Now, you’re in luck. You don’t have to pop a diet pill to feel “full” and curb hunger pains. The new discovery of an African cactus-style plant has totally changed the way you have to view weight loss. Hoodia Gordonii is one of the newest weight loss secrets available to aid you on your quest for the perfect figure.


While many companies claim to have weight loss secrets guaranteed to help you lose weight, these ideas often pose health risks. Hoodia Gordonii is 100% safe. This vegetable actually tricks your brain into thinking you’ve already eaten. You feel satisfied, you’re not hungry, and you cut your calories easily as you watch the pounds melt away.


Combining Hoodia Gordonii with a low calorie diet will enable you to achieve the weight loss results you only dreamed of. Say goodbye to the extra weight and watch yourself evolve into the person you’ve always wanted to be!


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Weight Loss Psychology - Tips For Easier Dieting

One of the main reasons we find dieting so difficult is because we underestimate the psychological difficulties it entails. To improve your chances of losing weight, Anne Collins identifies three key emotional problems and offers practical solutions to overcome them and reach your goals.




Losing weight is 100 times easier if you are mentally prepared for it. This may sound elementary, but in my experience most dieters quit their weight loss plan not because they feel hungry or have difficulty with the menus, but because of psychological reasons. Either, they become bored, or dissatisfied with their rate of weight loss, or suffer a momentary lapse and become overwhelmed by guilt, or feel too "deprived" to continue. And then, in an attempt to explain their failure, many of them blame their diet-plan, their domestic situation, or their congenital inability to lose weight. This process often repeats itself, as a result, some dieters can spend years unsuccessfully trying to lose weight, without ever realizing the true cause of their difficulty. Here are three common psychological problems we encounter when trying to reduce weight, along with some tips for how to overcome them.


Problem 1. Not Knowing How Weight Loss Will Benefit You


Whether we want to lose 20 or 220 pounds, we need to change our eating habits and perhaps several other lifestyle habits as well. Making these changes may not be difficult on Day 1 or Week 1 of our weight loss diet, because our initial enthusiasm usually gives us sufficient motivation. But, typically within 2-3 weeks, our "new" eating pattern starts to interfere with our regular lifestyle and, unless we are prepared for this, our desire to continue dieting will start to fade. Instead of seeing our diet as a passport to a better weight and shape, we see it as an obstacle and a burden. It becomes something we are doing because we "must" rather than because we "want to". This is the first big emotional problem we encounter when dieting.


To overcome this problem, we need to know exactly why we are trying to lose weight. We need a clear idea of how it will benefit us. Because only if we have a clear benefit to look forward to, will we be able to resist the temptation to revert to our previous bad habits. General benefits from having a leaner, lighter shape aren't powerful enough. We need a selfish, specific benefit - something we can visualize - that commands our attention. Maybe a beach holiday, or a dream outfit to wear for a specific occasion, or a new shape to show off at Thanksgiving. Whatever we choose, it must make a noise inside our head! Remember, the moment we start to feel that we "have to" do something, it becomes the enemy - like paying taxes, or cleaning out the basement - and our motivation flies out the window. In order to achieve lasting weight loss, we need to "want it".


Problem 2. Trying To Be Perfect


During my 24 years or so as a weight loss consultant and nutritionist, I've met perhaps 10,000 dieters in person, and communicated personally with another 100,000 over the Internet. But so far I haven't met one single successful dieter who was perfect. On the contrary, most of my successful clients made tons of mistakes. They had bad days, bad weeks - even whole months - during which they went completely off the rails. But none of this stopped them from succeeding in the end. Why not? Because they learned from their mistakes. And let's not forget: most of our self-knowledge comes from the mistakes we make, not our successes.


Unfortunately, many dieters insist on trying to be perfect. As a result, when they do fall off the wagon (as they always do), they find it impossible to tolerate their "failure", and become overwhelmed by guilt. So even though their lapse might have been relatively trivial (a weekend binge), they go to pieces. Because, as usual, it's the guilt that does the real damage, not the bingeing.


The lesson is this. When dieting, don't waste time trying to be perfect. It only leads to increased guilt and failure. Instead, accept that you are going to make mistakes, and don't let them distract you when they happen. See them as a learning experience. For example, if you drink too much alcohol when dining out, and massively overeat as a result, don't wake up the next morning in a fit of depression. Instead, savor your experience, and appreciate that you have made an important discovery: that too much alcohol makes weight loss more difficult. By reacting like this, you will avoid guilt and find it much easier to return to your diet.


Problem 3. Treating Your Diet As Race


Another common problem concerns speed of weight reduction. Many dieters expect to lose weight very fast, and are psychologically unprepared when their body refuses to behave in this fashion. If a week passes without any weight reduction, they become dispirited and start to lose interest. Unfortunately, like it or not, the human body is designed for survival not "appearance". Therefore it has no interest in shedding body fat, which it sees as an important source of energy during times of famine. As a result, the maximum amount of fat we can lose in a week is about 3 pounds, while someone who is less than 30 pounds overweight may lose about 1 pound. Anything extra is likely to be a combination of water and muscle weight.


To overcome your impatience and maintain steady weight loss, stop thinking of your diet as a race. Instead, see it as a journey. This reduces anxiety and gives you more "breathing space" to settle into your new eating habits. I explain this in more detail on my wonderful weight loss forum, and most people find it a very beneficial approach. At the same time, avoid jumping on your bathroom scales every day - limit yourself to once a week. Checking your weight more often only encourages you to take a short-term view of things, which is not helpful.


I realize that "steady" weight loss may not sound terribly attractive, but in my experience the slower the weight loss, the longer it stays off. Furthermore, as stated above, if you lose more than 3 pounds a week it won't be fat - it will be muscle or water. And while losing water is only temporary - and thus pointless - losing muscle will slow your metabolism and increase the risk of future weight gain.


So when you start your next diet journey, just remember: there's no rush. Set yourself a realistic weight loss goal and let Nature take its course. For example, if you weigh 200 pounds and are aiming for 150 pounds, allow yourself 6 months to reach your destination. And if it takes a little longer, so what? I mean, what do you lose?


These three psychological problems account for a huge number of diet failures. Mastering them will definitely enhance your chances of losing weight. So before you embark with all your customary enthusiasm on yet another "new" diet, set aside some time to think through these issues and then watch the pounds disappear!

Weight Loss Products : A Great Alternative to Normal Diets

Fat has become a real problem this days. Now, when looks are almost everything, everyone wants to have an enviable body. There are a lot of methods and myths that can help in losing some extra pounds, so choosing the best could be very hard. One of the best weight loss methods is controlling your appetite. But this appetite control method is not so easy for everyone. And that's where the weight loss pills and fad diets come to ease up the weight loss process.


First of all when you try to control your appetite you will surely feel hungry almost all the time. There are numerous methods to reduce hunger like trying to avoid carbohydrates, exposing yourself to natural sun light or drinking large quantities of water.


But I can tell you from my experience that you can do anything and you won't lose the hunger feeling. But you can try other weight loss alternatives like diet pills. Don't consider this diet pills like a substitute for a normal weight loss diet. 


Weight loss pills are some kind of appetite suppressant that works well with a good weight loss diet and weight loss exercises. If you follow exactly the prescription and the indications this weight loss products can do miracles to your body.


Another good alternative for weight loss are fad diets. Fad diets are some weight loss plans that are supposed to bring you really amazing results. There are many good fad diets like the Atkins Diet, the three phases programmed South Beach Diet, the Sugar Busters. The Atkins Diet it's based on avoiding any kind of carbohydrates. It is recommended in this weight loss diet to eat less than 20 grams of carbohydrates per day.


The South Beach Diet it's based on choosing the right carbohydrates, fats and proteins.


The Sugar Busters weight loss diet is some kind of nutritional lifestyle that will teach you what to eat and when to eat. Exercises are also recommended in this fad diet. It's based on avoiding sugar and grain products.


In conclusion, if you have a powerful will and you choose one of this great weight loss alternatives you will have the perfect body that you've always wanted.

Weight Loss Pills: Are They Safe?

In terms of diet pills, before asking about their effectiveness, it’s better to ask: are they safe? Let’s face it - a diet pill manufacturer is going to brag about how many pounds you’ll lose by taking their product, not how many side effects you’ll have. As a result, most customers are not given enough information about the safety of diet products and unfortunately might put their health at risk.


Phenylpropanolamine and Caffeine


Most over-the-counter diet pills contain a combination of medications that have various benefits and harms. Usually they include phenylpropanolamine and caffeine, which suppress appetite. Phenylpropanolamine stimulates the central nervous system and has many effects on the body, in that it controls appetite. This is why it’s a key ingredient in most diet pills. Caffeine acts in a similar way and also causes a person to be alert and awake.


There is proof that diet pills can effectively reduce a person’s weight, but many health experts question the relevance of this. Recently, there have been findings that show phenylpropanolamine to cause serious side effects such as high blood pressure, nausea, restlessness, anxiety, insomnia, irritability and even hallucinations. Similarly, caffeine can affect a person’s blood circulation and its effects on blood pressure are unpredictable. Obese individuals are especially in danger of hypertension - which is ironic, as the heavier a person is, the more likely he or she will be to take a diet pill.


Laxatives and Diuretics


Some diet pills on the market contain laxatives and diuretics. These merely force a person’s body to eliminate vital body fluids. Specifically, a laxative stimulates a dieter’s large bowel to empty, but only after food and calories have been absorbed via the small intestines. So fluids are lost in the process and thus the body reacts by retaining water and consequentially, bloating occurs. This simply causes a person to feel they need to lose more weight. Basically, laxatives not only don’t work, but are counterproductive.


Prolonged use of laxatives also cause cramps, bloating, bulimia, anorexia, severe abdominal pain, dehydration, gas, nausea, vomiting, electrolyte disturbances, and chronic constipation and when laxative use finally ceases, a person can experience withdrawal symptoms. Laxatives should only be used to correct irregular bowel movement; otherwise they simply cause problems.


Likewise, diuretics are a very dangerous component of diet pills, since they cause heart arrhythmias and dizziness. They also lead to dehydration and ultimately, kidney and organ damage due to the subsequent imbalance of electrolytes within the body. In order to protect itself from further loss of water, the body will again, retain more water and cause an individual to feel even fatter than before.




So far, no pills or artificial diet supplements can adequately replace regular exercise and a nutritious diet. If you want to lose weight, your aim should be for a healthy body, not a damaged one. Don’t fall prey to misleading diet commercials and bear in mind that there is no such thing as a “quick fix” to weight loss.

Weight Loss Pills - Magic or Risk


Persons with Overweight, nowadays, have become a menace for their family as well as for the society at large. 


These overweight persons are attacked by many diseases and at least cannot lead a normal healthy and happy life. 


Also overweight causes Obesity to a person. A person with Obesity does not look nice and smart to attract opposite sex.


Now, realizing the risk, persons with overweight are in the lookout for means of Weight Loss. 


Along with many other ways for weight loss, like taking controlled healthy diet, regular exercise etc., Diet Pills have come out in the market for weight Loss that, in some cases, yield good and satisfactory results. 


There are a number of Diet Pills available in the market, particularly in on line stores. Among them are drugs like Phentermine, Xenical, and Solidax ADX etc. Which are prominent in the market. There are many others fighting in the market for customers. 


However, effectiveness of these diet pills is uncertain. Studies have been conducted by many researchers regarding this. But results of them are not easily available. 


Scientists of Weight Loss Institute have conducted thorough research about this and based upon their findings we highlight a few of them below.


Diet Pills like Phentermine, although a prescription Drug, have reports of serious side effects. However, the Drug is effective in Weight Management. But problem is that, many on line stores market poor quality Phentermine and their effectiveness are doubtful, although consumers may not know it. So People should be sure to take the appropriate drugs with consultation of an experienced Physician.


Diet Pills like Xenical also have serious side effects. However, the Drug is especially effective in Weight Management for patients with high blood pressure or diabetes etc. Doctors should be consulted before taking this Diet Pills.


There are more Diet Pills in the market like Kava-Herbal, Brontril, Meridia etc. each having its effectiveness with side effects also. Our space is limited to discuss about all of them. 


Thus, if you are overweight, Diet Pills may create magic to you but if not checked properly, you may be at risk also. 


We would suggest that Diet Pills might be one of the solutions to Weight Loss - supplemented by a comprehensive Weight Management Program, provided, it was taken with the supervision of an experienced Physician, expert in this field. Also availability of good quality of Drugs should be ensured for best results. Still risks are there for side effects, which should be taken care of by the Physician prescribing them.

Weight Loss Pills Explained

Do obesity drugs work? Can supplements really control our weight? What is the real problem about using diet pills? Weight loss expert Anne Collins outlines the issues and provides some answers.


Within the pharmaceutical industry, obesity is now seen as the "trillion dollar disease". That's the estimated amount of profit a successful weight loss drug can expect to make. But are companies getting close to delivering a diet pill that really works - meaning, a pill that is both safe and effective at solving obesity? The answer, it seems, is No.


Pills To Reduce Obesity


It's true that the Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a tiny number of weight loss pills like Xenical and Meridia for long term use in the treatment of obesity (BMI > 30). But evidence accumulated in clinical trials suggests that the effectiveness of these obesity drugs is less than impressive. Total annual weight reduction tends to be in the range 8-20 pounds. Furthermore, the highest weight loss tends to be achieved by patients who participate in supervised trials involving a combination of drug treatment, diet, exercise and counseling. Which makes it difficult to ascertain the precise effect of the medication itself. By comparison, less well supervised obesity drug trials tend to have a higher drop-out rate and reduced weight loss. And the longer the trial, the lower the compliance and the lower the weight loss. In short, while helpful to some patients, weight loss drugs are not yet the answer to obesity, especially when factors like cost are taken into account.


Should we be surprised? Not really. After all, even bariatric surgery is no guarantee of long term weight loss unless patients comply with the necessary post-operative dietary regimen. Indeed, some obesity experts claim that medical interventions like drugs and surgery are almost by definition doomed to failure, for the simple reason that they take control and responsibility away from patients. According to this view, it is only when patients accept full responsibility for their eating habits and lifestyle, that they have a real chance of achieving a normal weight in the long term.


Unfortunately, this view satisfies no one! It doesn't satisfy the pharmaceutical companies, who need to make money. It doesn't satisfy doctors, who need to give hope to their overweight patients, and it doesn't satisfy consumers who want instant weight loss without having to change their eating habits. In short, there is an overwhelming demand for an obesity pill, but a viable product has yet to emerge.


Pills For Cosmetic Weight Loss


Demand for diet pills is not limited to those suffering from clinical obesity. Millions of consumers with less than 40 pounds to lose take non-prescription pills to burn off body fat or increase their rate of weight loss. According to a study conducted by the University of Michigan, almost 25 percent of girl students turn to anorectic diet pills when they're trying to lose weight, including laxatives and diuretics.


These non-prescription pills are more difficult to evaluate, as they are not subject to the same high level of regulation as prescription-only drugs. Thus not all ingredients need to be tested, dosages and other labeling requirements are less stringent, and reporting of "adverse events" or health problems is not mandatory. Furthermore, few long term clinical trials are conducted on non-prescription pills, so hard evidence as to their safety and efficacy is scarce. Meantime, the huge profits to be made from these weight loss products means they can be supported by expensive advertising campaigns to increase consumer acceptance, making regulation and control even more of an uphill struggle. Indeed, the FDA has found it almost impossible to ban over-the-counter diet pills, even after reports of illness and injury.


Herbal Diet Pills For "Healthy Eating"


The past five years has seen a huge rise in sales of herbal diet pills, which are marketed as a form of "healthy eating". These herbal supplements typically include a variable combination of vitamins and other active ingredients which supposedly offer a healthier type of weight loss. Such claims are not generally supported by clinical evidence, and some suppliers are under investigation by both the FDA and FTC. Nevertheless, rising demand for these herbal weight loss pills is yet another confirmation of our huge appetite for what is essentially a non-dietary approach to weight control.


How Do Weight Loss Pills Work?


In simple terms, weight loss pills are designed either to alter body chemistry in order to reduce appetite, or to interfere with digestion in order to reduce calorie absorption. Appetite suppressants include amphetamine-like stimulants such as ephedra, or pills to increase serotonin or norepinephrine levels in the brain. Pills that interfere with the digestive system include fat-blockers (lipase inhibitors) like Xenical and chitosan, carb-blockers, and very high fiber bulking agents such as glucomannan.


Are Weight Loss Pills Safe?


Obesity drugs are generally safe when used correctly and under medical supervision. The trouble starts when users do not follow the manufacturer's instructions. Adverse health events for these pharmaceuticals include heart or blood pressure problems and strokes, as well a range of less serious complaints. The same applies to non-prescription diet pills, whose adverse health effects include high blood pressure, heart palpitations, irregular heartbeats, dizziness, blurred vision, headaches, insomnia, intestinal blockages, anxiety and depression. In extreme cases, both prescription-only and non-prescription pills can cause life-threatening conditions. Even so, safety remains a relative concept. Cigarettes, alcohol, cars and stress kill millions of people every year. By comparison with these things, diet pills cause far fewer "casualties", and if you consult your doctor before taking them, you can reduce the health risk to a minimum.


The Real Problem With Weight Loss Pills


The biggest problem about relying on drugs and supplements to lose weight is not health, it's reliability. In my 20-odd years of dealing with overweight individuals and their families, I have yet to hear of anyone who achieved and maintained any significant weight loss by using pills. But I have met a huge number of people whose weight and emotional state of mind had been significantly worsened through the use of pills. They were afraid of food, they had absolutely no confidence in their ability to make sensible food choices, and tended to rely on purging, laxatives and similar products to control their eating habits. One client - a former annual weight loss winner with one of the major dieting companies - had been fed deliberately with pills in order to achieve the weight reduction that the organization required. When she came to me for help, she had regained 70 pounds of her original weight loss. In short, relying on pills for weight control can mess up your body and your mind.


The Small Print Says It All


Advertisements and infomercials for diet pills are dominated by headlines like: "Effortless Weight Loss" or "Lose Weight While You Sleep!" and so on. But the small print often tells a different story - either that users should follow a calorie-controlled diet, or only eat at certain times of the day, or stop eating certain high-calorie foods, or some combination of all three. There may also be a reference to the need for exercise. In other words, if you want the truth about a weight loss pill, check the small print. Because, as all obesity experts and dietitians will tell you, no long term reduction in weight is possible without controlling energy intake and expenditure.


If You Must Take Pills


Whether you are a diet pill addict, or just an occasional user, here are two ways to make weight loss easier. Look for a healthy, gimmick-free diet, and follow it as carefully as you can. In the process, focus on healthy eating rather than calorie reduction. Aiming to eat healthily is much more positive than calorie control. Secondly, join an online dieting forum and get encouragement and advice from other people. Because all surveys show that losing weight is a lot easier when you have others to lean on. My own forum for instance includes a large number of former diet pill users who are now enjoying their food and losing significant amounts of weight in the process. Which proves that when it comes to weight control, people power is much more effective than popping pills.