Friday, 17 December 2021

Obesity & Diabetes

Health is a big asset which requires proper care and nurturing. A fit and trim body gives inner and outer confidence whereas an obese physique makes you dull and pessimistic. Obesity breeds other diseases and makes our existence uncomfortable and unpleasant. It also results in emotional suffering which is one of the most painful parts of obesity.


Obesity is not just a cosmetic problem. It's a health hazard. Someone who is grossly overweight is twice as likely to die prematurely as compared to an average-weight person. This is because obesity has been linked to several serious medical conditions such as diabetes and strokes.


A weight increase of 11-18 pounds doubles the risk of developing type 2 diabetes in comparison to individuals who have not gained weight. According to studies, over 80 percent of people with diabetes are overweight or obese. This may account for the newly invented word, diabesity, which signifies the close association between obesity and diabetes.


Type 2 diabetes, one of most prominent ailment found in obese people reduces body's ability to control blood sugar. It is a major cause of early death, heart disease, stroke, and blindness. Overweight people are twice as likely to develop type 2 diabetes compared to normal weight people. Type 2 diabetes is the most common form of diabetes. In type 2 diabetes, either the body does not produce enough insulin or the cells ignore the insulin. Insulin is necessary for the body to be able to use sugar. Sugar is the basic fuel for the cells in the body, and insulin takes the sugar from the blood into the cells.


The chances of its occurrence can be reduced by losing weight and exercising more. If you have type 2 diabetes, losing weight and becoming more physically active can help control your blood sugar levels. Increasing your physical activity may also allow you to reduce the amount of diabetes medication intake. Losing a small amount of weight can also reduce your chances of developing heart disease or a stroke and make your body ailment free.


Studies show that you can improve your health by losing as little as 10 to 20 pounds. Weight reduction can decrease your chance of developing several fatal ailments like heart disease, blood pressure, and levels of blood cholesterol and triglycerides. So take your first step towards weight loss and make your life a healthy and energetic one.

Obesity Surgery

Obesity is the bane of the modern ‘fast food’ world. Obesity surgery is an answer to all the ‘weighty issues’ faced by an individual. In tune with the times, it is a quick answer, to a problem that otherwise could take years to be solved.


As the name suggests, obesity surgery, is a surgical procedure that enables a person to lose weight. It is specifically for those people, who have just about tried everything, to lose weight or tried hard to maintain their weight loss but failed in all their attempts. Though obesity is relatively harmless, as compared to other medical conditions, it does lead to health problems in the long run and decreases a person’s life expectancy. For these reasons, weight reduction assumes paramount importance.


A person should ideally go for obesity surgery, if he/she suffers from morbid obesity. Morbid obesity is a condition wherein individuals have a body weight that is 50 to 100% above what is measured by the Body Mass Index (BMI). The BMI is calculated taking into consideration a person’s weight in relation to his/her height. In medical parlance, a BMI between 30-40 is considered obese and that lying over 40 is considered morbidly obese.       


At times obesity manifests itself in cycles. A person can drastically reduce weight and in a little time might just gain weight drastically. This is why new, improved and innovative weight reduction measures are being introduced and among these is, obesity surgery. Obesity surgery is not as drastic a measure as many people believe it to be. An invasive medical procedure has some amount of associated risks, as is the case with obesity surgery. However, there are numerous bariatric surgeons, who are experts in this type of surgery. Coupled with state-of-the-art hospitals and medical clinics, the complications are minimized to a great extent.


Many regard obesity surgery as a quick fix solution, but nothing can be farther from the truth. It is a comprehensive procedure that also includes, among other things, superior support and services of other medical professionals like dieticians and psychologists. The treatment plan is drawn out over a long period of time. Obesity surgical procedure involves the placement of the gastric band in the upper portion of the stomach. This limits an individual’s intake of food. This is accomplished by using what is known as laparoscopic surgery also known as keyhole surgery. This gastric band or the lap band is adjustable in nature and if need be, can be removed altogether.


The post-operative care includes an overnight stay in the hospital, following the operation. It also includes regular consultations with health care professionals, who will counsel you regarding the subsequent life style changes that a person needs to adapt to.




The inherent objective of obesity surgery is that the patient is able to achieve his or her goal in terms of weight loss. When a person loses weight drastically, the elasticity of the skin is lost and it is left behind. However, most experts offer their patients a comprehensive portfolio of procedures that enable the correction of all the associated problems that come with a dramatic weight loss. With this article we hope that a person suffering from obesity can analyze and evaluate his/her options regarding the same


Author's Bio


Donna McClinton is Senior Patient Advisor at Cosmetic Surgery Consultants one of the UK's leading cosmetic surgery groups. For more information on cosmetic and plastic surgery advice visit

Obesity is an Increasing Health Risk

Obesity is a health risk. It may lead to a multiple of diseases in future. It is better to get out of obesity to remain away from the future diseases. Change in food habits and doing physical exercises are the cost effective and natural way of treating it.


High blood pressure, joint pains, diabetes, hyperlipidaemia, heart ailments, palsy, liver ailments, menstrual abnormalities, breast cancer, female infertility, decline in libido, endometrial cancer, mental stress, blood circulation diseases like arteriosclerosis, cholelithiasis etc. These are some of the diseases which might come up with obesity. This list seems endless. But before knowing how to end obesity one must know “what is obesity?”


Whom would you consider a person to be obese? A person who has BMI (Body Mass Index) of over 30 is considered to be an obese individual. But how does one become obese? In theory causes of obesity are gene, intake of fatty foods, lacking of physical activity, food habits, laziness and endocrine problems.


What are the available remedies for getting out of obesity?


Liposuction: It is a surgical process where the fat is removed by sucking out the fat from the body by inserting a needle.


Surgery: Commonly this procedure involves surgery of stomach and intestine to lower the intake of food.


Diet Pills: Majority of the diet pills are for short-term use only. These diet pills are effective only if they are used in combination with exercises and a controlled diet.


Fat burning pills: These are short-term quick fat burning pills. But the main problem with this medication is that the results are short lived. Once the medication is stopped the fats again show up.


Exercises: It is an age old technique of obesity reduction. It is a natural process so side effects are not there.


Controlled diet program: Like exercises this too is a natural process. Here a limited amount of food is taken which controls the formation of fat in the body.

Acupressure and acupuncture: Age old technique but nothing concrete has been proved yet.


Whatever be the method of getting over obesity there is no better method than natural methods like exercises and controlled diet program. And if a diet pill like Phentermine, Adipex, Acomplia is introduced the effects would be visible within a short time period.


Apart from physical aspects obesity may also let you feel dejected, out of the world and may make an individual abstain from social gatherings. If you are obese it is time to act. Whatever remedy you choose you should always consult your doctor for his view on that remedy.

Oatmeal - The Most Powerful Breakfast for Weight Loss

Did you know that simply eating breakfast raises your metabolism by 10 percent? Oatmeal is one of the most powerful breakfast foods of them all. If you are looking to get your body in great shape, you should incorporate this as a staple food in your diet.


Oatmeal is the perfect meal to start your day because it boosts your energy and has plenty of fiber to keep you full and satisfied. Oatmeal breaks down slowly in the stomach, giving you long-lasting energy. It is also full of water-soluble fibers, which play a crucial role in making you feel full over a longer period of time. Studies have also shown that oatmeal reduces cholesterol, maintains blood sugar levels and fights against heart disease, diabetes, colon cancer, and obesity.


If you want to add some powerful antioxidants to your oatmeal, simply throw on some blueberries and raspberries. These delicious fruits are packed with antioxidants that fight against heart disease, cancer, and a multitude of other ailments. Blueberries have also been proven to preserve vision. This powerful fruit rated highest in antioxidants among over 40 fruits and vegetables.


What more could you ask out of the first meal of your day? However, oatmeal doesn’t just have to be for breakfast. You can use it a couple hours before you exercise to energize your workout. You can even include oatmeal in your smoothies. It is also a wonderful addition to muffins and even as a covering for chicken breasts.


Keep in mind that you must buy the unsweetened, unflavored variety. To spice it up a little, you can use bananas, berries, or milk. The downfall of pre-flavored oatmeal is that it often comes loaded with sugar calories. So, stick to the good stuff.


If you’re looking for oatmeal with a little more texture, you can try out the steel-cut oat variety. Although this type does take a little longer to cook, I find that it is well worth the wait. They have a somewhat chewier texture and heartier flavor than rolled oats. Once you try this variety, you may never go back.


If you’re having trouble with late night binges, have a bowl of oatmeal instead. This will help squash your cravings. Not to mention, you’ll be avoiding any junk food or empty calories.


If you’re looking to get in the best shape of your life, I suggest your alternate your morning meals between oatmeal on one day and have eggs and meat on another. This will put your fat-burning into overdrive.

Nutrition Notes on Weight Loss Supplements and Diet Pills

More people are spending hundreds and even thousands of dollars yearly on weight loss supplements in the hope of speeding up their metabolism. The main desire is to be attractive and accepted but it is becoming a more difficult goal to achieve. The fitness industry is booming but still a lot of people are unable to cut those fat in spite of all the exercise and diet efforts. In America, more than sixty per cent of adults are overweight and thirty per cent are considered obese. This is because: one, a lot of weight loss products promises unrealistic goals; two, dietary supplement manufacturers rely on the overweight person’s failure to survive; and three, the information about the supplements in the market are just written by themselves just to make a sell. 


Although the Food and Drug Administration has successfully banned illegal marketers, some products are still available. Consumers can be deceived of the labels which claims caffeine or ephedra fee not knowing that these supplements composes of other ingredients that may pose the same health risks. These include heart and digestive problems, headaches, insomnia, and even psychological side effects.


Other supplement manufacturers say that their products contains EGCG which is a phytochemical ingredient found in green tea. This so-called component claims to speed up metabolism but in reality poses to reduce the risk of cancer. Some studies denote that it could slightly increase the potential to burn calories and now can be found in many weight loss supplements. It has good points on the other hand since the body might conform to EGCG after a period of time. Even the weight loss benefit could sum up to 60 to 70 calories a day. This helps prevent excessive weight gain. 


A few other significant effects of weight loss supplements is that it may contain ingredients that makers claim will prevent the absorption of carbohydrates. One good example is Chitosan, which appears most promising, which in fact shows no positive result in fat absorption. It could even take up to seven months for men to lose just a pound of body fat and for women, there is no fat loss at all. Thyroid supplements act as thyroid replacements help regulate and optimize the thyroid at a higher level. This they say makes the body feel like a couch potato and won’t perform the job it has to.


Diet Pills. According to manufacturers, diet pills use natural ingredients capable of prolonging life and containing alcohol used in medication or flavoring. One thing’s for sure, never take diet pills as substitute for cutting calories without the doctor’s recommendation. There are simple but important steps to be followed when taking diet pills:


  • Never crush diet pills to mix in drinks or soups. Take it whole with a full glass of water.
  • Diet pills causes a person to urinate more frequently due to its diuretic effect. This could lead to dehydration, thus, causing complications. As a pre-caution, it is best to drink eight glasses of water everyday while on diet pills.
  • Take only the recommended dosage. Taking more than required will not help you lose weight but increase the risk of side effects.
  • Heartbeat should be less than 86 beats per minute. Stop taking the pills if it reaches 90 or higher that is why regular checking of pulse is a must.
  • Always follow the instructions set by the dietician and/or doctor and not only rely on what’s enclosed in the box. Also diet pills will only work as expected if diet plan is being followed.
  • After three months, stop taking the diet pills. Common diet phenylpropanolamine is safe to use only up to sixteen weeks. Other studies show that it can cause health problems if taken under one month.

The Ultimate Solution for Successful Weight Loss


Research shows that about 75% of the people in the developed nations suffer from obesity. If obesity is not brought in check soon, it may lead to disorders such as high blood pressure, diabetes, chest pain, stress as well as cancer. Hence people should take utmost care to see that they are always slim and fit and they don't put on unnecessary weight. 


Also it is very important to choose the right kind of weight loss program and diet that has long term and permanent positive effects. It is often seen that people spend hundreds of dollars for going to going to the gym and they are still not able to lose weight. Also people have become so busy in their lives that they don't have time to go to gym every day. Hence they lose interest after a few weeks and all the money spent goes down the drain. Other options such as the Atkin's Diet are expensive and may cost about $400 a month on an average. The other disadvantage of a diet program is that the positive effects of the program are temporary and people may go back to their unhealthy eating habits. 


The best and the most cost effective option available today for anyone who wants to lose weight is Slim Vital. If you visit the Slimvital website you will be pleased to see testimonials of several people from all over the world who have spoken highly about the site's program. The weight loss program from Slimvital is guaranteed to bring your weight down by 12-20 pounds after just 21 days of following the program. The program costs just $37 and it can be instantly downloaded from the internet to your inbox once you make a once off payment online. The program is inclusive of weight loss books, diaries, charts, articles, tips and hints which have a value of $1500. However, the cost as mentioned before is just $37. Hence for so less money you are able to say goodbye permanently to obesity. Plus you get a free subscription to the regular email updates in your inbox which consist of motivational advice, new articles, tips, research and hints in order to lose weight permanently. 


There are other books as well that are included in the program like bodybuilding techniques, book of home remedies, beauty tips, second income opportunities and a host of other books. Hence it is strongly advised that you don't let go of this great methodology to lose weight. The offer of $37 is a limited period offer and so you should act quickly. Plus there is a 30 day money back guarantee in case you are not satisfied with the results. You get your $37 back but at the same time you can keep the extra eBooks that have come with the program.


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Now That I Have to Eat Salads, Any Suggestions?

When people resolve to lose weight, they know snacks and junk foods will have to be eliminated and replaced with salads and fruit. In order to stay on such a dietetic resolution it is imperative that the meals be enjoyed.


Of course, it’s easy as pie to peel a banana or grab an apple and enjoy the delicious flavors of these and several other fruits without the hassle of preparation. However, everyone knows that we still need our vegetables as some nutrients which may be lacking in fruits are very much more present in these substances.


Moreover, when it comes to weight loss, as we detoxify with exercise and diet, it is imperative that the body is nourished and provided with as much essential substances as possible to maintain adequate health and wellness. These are abundant in green leaves and vegetables and in addition to this; these substances possess the fibrous qualities to serve as intestinal brooms for ridding the body of excess debris.


But how many people do you know that just grab plain lettuce or cabbage and chew on these items like rabbits? Even if you came across someone so inclined, I bet you they wouldn’t last long on such a practice. But still we need the vegetables. So how does one ensure to get them and enjoy them as we go on a weight loss diet?


Perhaps the tastiest and most creative way will be by eating salads. 

Now, to enjoy them and to be able to have fun making them on your own for saving money and knowing exactly what is in your meal, here are some tips and recipes that should come in handy.


Ensure to chop the base vegetables all to the same size to allow the flavors to intermingle. When making for the whole family you can double the ingredients in the recipes and increase the vegetables. 


Great choices for base vegetables for salads are Lettuce, Cabbage and Kale.

You can augment these with fruit vegetables like Cucumber, bell peppers, tomatoes etc or root vegetables like carrots or plain celery.


For a dressing, you can use any choice of the following to enjoy your salads while you go on a diet for weight loss


  • 2 organic Roma or Hot House tomatoes 
  • 2 big Avocadoes (pitted)
  • 2 tsp orange juice (freshly squeezed) 2 oz of water


Serving Suggestion: Chop some Red Cabbage say a cup or less finely and sprinkle into the soup 


The Real Ranch Dressing


  • 2 medium sized tomatoes 
  • 2 young coconuts 
  • 1/2 tsp of salt 
  • 6 organic sun dried tomatoes 
  • 1 stalk of Celery 
  • 1 tbs of lemon juice (optional) 


Blend all and use as a dressing for a lettuce based salad. (Note: I recommend using one base leafy vegetable at a time, if desired a fruit veggie like cucumbers or organic bell peppers can be used along with shredded carrots.) 




  • 2 avocadoes 
  • 2 medium tomatoes 
  • 1/2 orange 
  • Sea salt to taste


Process everything in your food processor. 


I would say this can be an excellent first food for a child in the evenings. Serve in lettuce leaves or largely cut cabbage leaves a la Tortilla chips and dips.


Dress Down Dressing


  • 1/2 lemon 
  • 2-3 avocadoes
  • Sea Salt to taste 
  • 1/2 cup water 


With the suggestions above, now that you may have to include more salads and vegetables into your diet for a safe and healthy weight loss, these delicious recipes will ensure that you not only enjoy how you make your meals but most importantly that they taste good. This way you can stay on your weight loss program and still not compromise tasty meals per-se.


Well, enjoy your salads and have fun working out later on.

No More Upper or Lower Back Pain!

The use of chi machines has consistently proven to induce weight loss. Daily use can help you to break out of the tired and overweight mentality to healthy and happy and vital living . John William Johnson is a nationally certified massage therapist, psychotherapist, and health researcher.


I remember once when I was working a trade show, and was leaving my hotel room with my luggage. I closed the door to my room, turned the corner, and felt a sharp pain in my right knee. Fortunately there was no one in the hall. I put my luggage down, and proceeded to massage and knead the area around my knee, for maybe 5 minutes at most. I got up, and my knee was like new! 


Body Rolling


Body Rolling is a form of body work that was developed by Yamuna Zake. It involves rolling on a special ball in a very specific way. I learned about it in 1998, and my life has never been the same. Using the ball has made it unnecessary to go to the chiropractor, and reduced my need for massage. I have attended all of the trainings available, and am a certified body rolling therapist/teacher.


Click here to learn more about Body Rolling Balls and the amazing results that can be achieved by using them.




Many people think that there is some magical or complicated technique required to give a massage. My experience is that anyone can learn how to use their hands in a way that will give pleasure and comfort to themselves and others.


The easiest way to learn is to sign up at a local massage school or community college for a massage basics class. If that is not possible, purchase a massage basics video. There are a few that we could recommend. Next would be a book. And lastly, just practice! On yourself is a good start, and then on a friend or lover. Just ask them to give you feedback. I've been giving massages for over 20 years, and I still ask my clients and friends for feedback. Everyone is different, so don't take the feedback personally. You are just trying to find the pressure and kind of touch that that person prefers. 


Massage, Chiropractic and Acupuncture


These are 3 primary forms of Alternative Medicine. If I can't fix the problem myself, they are my first line of help. They do cost a bit of money. In an ideal world, we would get some form of treatment on a regular basis. I've never forgotten the fact that Bob Hope got a massage every day! I often arrange to do trades with friends or colleagues.


Massage is good for you because our bodies love to be touched. And a good therapist can help remind the body to relax and let go of unnecessary tensions. In the past, massage was about getting the muscles worked on. The field of massage is expanding exponentially, and now there are forms of massage that work on the nervous system, the lymphatic system, the craniosacral system, and on. Start with what is available, and as you learn more, more opportunities will present themselves. 


Frequency is More Important Than Duration


This seems to be a basic principle; even if you were trying to learn a new instrument, the teacher would tell you that 4 sessions of 15 minutes is better than one 1 hour session. Notice how long it takes for your body to become painful. Then plan on getting a massage a bit earlier. 


Proper Posture / Body Mechanics


We live in a culture that is very mental and very sedentary. Sitting has become the dominant posture. It is also the worst possible position for the lower back, since all of the weight of the upper body is directed onto the lower back. As a result, lower back pain has become a big business. 


My recommendation to you is that you try to move as much as possible. The human body was not built to stay in one position for a long time. The problem with long term sitting is that the muscles used to sit have to stay contracted for extremely long periods. If you moved around, got up, and stretched, your body would be much happier.


The next most important thing is to try and keep the natural curves of the spine in place. This requires that you keep the lower back arched, and the head aligned, as if you were a puppet, and there was a string coming out the top of your head.


Next, be careful when bending over, and when lifting objects. Use your legs for both; bend the knees rather than the torso. And keep boxes close to the body. Imagine yourself as a lever; the further away the object, the more weight imposed on the torso. AND TRY NOT TO TWIST! Lifting and twisting is the perfect formula for pain.


Emotional Factors


As a Marriage and Family Counselor, I have seen the power of the mind cause pain and illness. It used to be called psychosomatic illness. Now we know that probably 90% of all illness is psychosomatic.


So if you have back pain, ask yourself some questions:


  • How am I feeling?
  • Do I have any unfinished issues/conflicts with anyone in my life?
  • If my pain could speak, what would it say? Who would it say it to?


Metaphysically, lower back pain is considered to have to do with survival issues, i.e., money problems. Upper back pain is more about withheld resentment, and being overburdened.


Taking care of your emotional life will have profound results in terms of all therapist

alleviating pain in your body. Every experience you have ever had that has not been resolved is held in the muscles and organs of the body. If your Dad hit you when you were young, and you couldn't strike back, that is all still sitting in your shoulders, waiting to be expressed.


I highly recommend taking advantage of the many counselors and therapist services available to us nowadays. Our parents weren't so fortunate; they really didn't have anyone to go to, other than maybe their priest or minister. Prevention keeps your back pain free!


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No More Excuses for Being Overweight

Success in any endeavour, including health and fitness, begins with the thoughts that you want to attain something. Your desire needs to be strong enough and clearly defined before you will begin to take action. Before you begin to successfully lose weight you need to make the necessary changes, and seek out the ways and means to reach your desired goal. You have to adopt a “no excuse” attitude and stay focused on your goals. 


Do these excuses sound familiar? “If I just had more time, I would be exercising regularly.” “I tried to eat low-fat today but my kids wanted pizza.” “Every time I plan to exercise or eat healthy, something always comes up.” “Eating healthy is too expensive.” If we continue to blame outside factors, we will continue to get the same results. Many truly believe these excuses are something totally out of our control preventing us from reaching our goals. We think that something, or someone else, is responsible.


The number one and most important step to losing weight successfully is to take 100% responsibility for your actions, which means, you are fully responsible for everything you put into your mouth. Everything you eat is a decision you make. Decisions like whether or not to eat that chocolate cake. Each decision you make you are accountable for. This may sound harsh, but it is a truism. 


You’ve heard the buzzword used by motivational speakers, Proactive. It means more than just taking initiative. It means that we have the responsibility (response-ability) for our own lives. Highly proactive people don’t blame others or circumstances for their behavior. Their behavior is a product of their own conscious choice and willpower.


Next time you’re faced with an excuse outside of you, change the way you think and develop a strategy to tell yourself that you can do it. Once you realize the power you already have inside of you, overcoming obstacles will be easier. A few successes will build your confidence and help you grow and be able to commit to something you want to do or have. Self-talk can make us or break us. Allow your self-talk to help you be proactive toward your health and fitness goals. You already have, inside of you, what it takes to succeed.


When I work with clients on behavioral modification, we use tools to help them achieve their goals. Two successful tools are a food journal and appointment scheduling. 


1. The food journal is used to write down everything you eat. You will think twice before you eat knowing you have to write it down. Then you can look at your journal to see how the extra calories sneak up. A weight loss coach is also a good strategy to help you become accountable and learn about healthy eating. 


2. Schedule your exercise time just like scheduling a meeting or doctor’s appointment. Many clients are successful with their fitness goals working with a personal trainer because they have the appointment scheduled and are less likely to blow it off because of the appointment. Discipline yourself with regularly scheduled exercise time. This will increase your consistency and help you get to your goal.


You have the power to control your life and behavior. Recognize the excuses and take the action, now! For more information, motivation and tips on weight loss, go to

New Year’s Diet Resolution Tips

For many people, the coming New Year will involve resolutions to get on a diet and lose weight. While slimming down is one of the most popular New Year’s resolutions, it is often easier said than done. Making the switch from the calorie and fat laden temptations that lure us during the six week long holiday fest can be quite difficult. If you’re planning to start your new year off with a pledge to lose weight, keep these tips in mind to help you ease into your resolution the healthy way. 


Cutting everything out cold turkey is one of the most common techniques for approaching a diet; however, doing so may well spell disaster for a good intentioned diet. Instead of putting yourself on such a restrictive diet right after the holidays, consider options that will allow you to ease into a healthy eating regimen. This will increase your chances of sticking with your diet resolution and achieving success. 


Start by opting for foods that are grilled, roasted, baked or broiled instead of fried. This one technique will allow you to cut out a large amount of calories as well as fat. If you don’t care for the somewhat blander taste of grilled or roasted meats, don’t be afraid to add a little zing with some low-fat or fat-free sauces. Herbs and spices can also go a long way toward livening up grilled and roasted foods. 


Most people do not eat nearly as much fruits and vegetables as they should. Besides the fact that fruits and veggies are rich in healthy vitamins, minerals and fiber; they are also a good way to fill up without loading up with calories and fat. Look for ways that you can incorporate fruits and vegetables into your eating regimen. Vegetable soups make a great dinner or lunch solution on a cold wintry day. Salads are easy and quick to pack for lunch with a low-calorie dressing. Top it with some grilled chicken and you’ve got a quick dinner solution as well. 


After indulging in holiday sweets, cutting out the treats may be one of the most difficult aspects of starting a new diet. Increase your chances of sticking with it by substituting fresh fruit for calorie rich treats. Stock up on plenty of apples, oranges, berries and whatever other type of fresh fruit strikes your fancy. This is a great way to satisfy your sweet tooth without sabotaging your diet. 


Finally, resist the temptation to reach for a cup of coffee, tea or even a diet cola and grab a bottle of water instead. Even if you’re using an artificial sweetener with your beverage, your diet and your body will respond much better if you opt for plain water. This much needed essential nutrient helps your body to flush out toxins; and in the end, it can help you to lose more weight faster. 


By easing your way into your new diet instead of torturing yourself with an overly restrictive or fad diet, you’ll find that you’re more likely to stick with your resolution and by next New Year’s Eve will be ready to show off your slim new shape.