Monday, 6 December 2021

Best Genes

Most females in most species want 3 things.


Women want the best genes.


What are the best genes?


Well. It’s kind of complicated.


We can intuitively define best genes as genes that give us better potential to succeed.


While it’s true, it’s also true that all of us have huge potential to succeed. All of us are under achievers.


But let’s postpone the discussion for latter. Genes do matter. Different genes do give different capability. Some traits, among species, are so important it become common nowadays.


While your success on anything, including getting laid, depends on your choices rather than your genes, your genes still decide how you best achieve success.


Say Mary and Jane lived in the past. Say they were females Cheetah. Mary picks Bob the Slow. Jane picks John the Fastest.


Mary’s son will of course be slow. Slow Cheetah’s died. So Mary’s went extinct. Jane’s son will be fast. Fast Cheetah survives. So Jane’s genes proliferate.


After a while, all females Cheetah’s will be like Jane. Got it?


The same way works if Mary and Jane were human. If Mary pick Bob the poor and Jane pick John the rich. Mary’s son will not be good at making money. Jane’s son will be.


So Mary’s son will have few descendants. Jane’s son will have plenty. After a while, all women will be materialistic like Jane. That while, has come a thousands of years ago.


So, considering that factor alone, a male that want to mate with many females do not need to worry about how to attract females. Women want the best genes and will automagically pick males with the most potential to survive. That’s just one factor though.


Peacock’s elaborate tails do not help his survival. If anything, it reduces it by making the peacocks’ easier target for predators. But peahens like peacocks with long tails. Why?


That’s where the second factor is. That’s the factor of advertising. In advertising, appearance is sometimes more important than real quality. Hence, it is often worthy to sacrifice some real quality for better appearances of it.


After all, some genetic traits like beauty, has no other use besides signalling good genes.

Benefits of Progesterone Cream

Progesterone is a hormone produced by the ovaries that balances the production of oestrogen, a hormone that can cause a variety of serious ailments such as cancer. Production of progesterone by the ovaries decreases as people grow older, which leads to excess oestrogen in the body. This condition usually occurs a few years before menopause. 


Severe stress, anxiety, and an improper diet can also be the reasons for the ineffectiveness of the progesterone cream. These factors will cause the body produce more oestrogen than must be handled by progesterone in the body. The side effects can be drastic if this oestrogen level is not controlled as early as possible. Other reasons for the increase in oestrogen levels in the body are any kind of diseases in kidney and liver. Also, chemicals in food tend to act as fake oestrogens and create problems.  


Natural progesterone cream, produced in laboratories using an extract from wild yam and soybeans as raw material, can be a good solution to women facing low progesterone problem. Other prescription based synthetic progesterone creams are also being manufactured.  


Very rarely have side effects been noticed in women using natural progesterone. In most of the cases, synthetic progesterone has been known to produce a number of side effects such as depression, insomnia, nausea, fluid retention, etc.  


Natural progesterone cream must be used with utmost caution to avoid unpleasant side effects. It can be used as per doctor’s instructions for a limited amount of time. Most women need to use this cream till adrenal hormones normalize. Usage can usually be stopped after this. Natural progesterone will easily convert into testosterone and oestrogen if required by the body. 


Some of the common benefits of using this cream are that it keeps oestrogen level in check and helps in bone building, which can help to avoid osteoporosis. It is also supposed to increase libido in men and prevents various cancers like endometrial and breast cancer.

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Before You Decide On Rhinoplasty, Read This!

The decision to have plastic surgery is a huge one. There are no guarantees as to eventual outcome, as with any type of medical procedure. Plastic surgery is a serious undertaking and one that shouldn't be undertaken without serious consideration.


Rhinoplasty is one of the more common plastic surgeries performed. When performed by a competent plastic surgeon any complications are usually minor or non-existent and most patients are happy with the results.


Rhinoplasty is a procedure used to reshape the nose. It can make a narrow nose wider, a wide nose narrower, change the tip, remove a hump, change the projection and in some cases rhinoplasty can help patients who experience problems breathing.


Don't go in thinking that just because you ask for Jennifer Aniston's nose that you'll end up looking like her - that just doesn't work. Each of us has a unique face and her nose may really not work for your face. Be realistic when you talk to your plastic surgeon. Don't expect perfection - perfection means something different to each person. Do expect improvements within reason.


The most important thing to do after you have decided to undertake any type of plastic surgery operation is to choose a plastic surgeon. You can get recommendations from friends or family. Sometimes your primary care physician will be able to recommend a good plastic surgeon in your area. You will want to make sure that your plastic surgeon has a very good reputation and is properly licensed. Ask if your plastic surgeon belongs to the American Society of Plastic Surgeons and if he or she is board certified. Of course each plastic surgery office has their book of pictures - of successful surgeries and happy patients. Ask to speak to some of his patients directly about their experiences with the plastic surgeon and his staff.


Also you should make sure that you get at least two opinions. Use your gut also. How did the doctor react to your questions? Did he take time to completely answer all of your questions or did he/she rush you through? Has he thoroughly discussed all potential risks associated with rhinoplasty? Did he also thoroughly describe what you can expect before, during and after the operation to your satisfaction?


There is a lot of information on the internet regarding rhinoplasty. Take your time and educate yourself before you consider rhinoplasty or any other type of surgery.

Basics Of Breast Augmentation

Breast augmentation is one of the most sought after plastic surgery procedures. Women of all ages, sizes and walks of life get breast augmentation. For some women the choice is a matter of looking better, for others it may be a way to aid recovery after breast cancer. Whatever the reason it is still surgery. Surgery should always be taken seriously and before undergoing this surgical procedure a women should know as much as they can about it.


Breast augmentation is surgery to enhance or change the size or shape of the breast. Women seeking this procedure are cautioned to understand that it will not solve problems they may be having in their life. Unrealistic expectations regarding breast augmentation can lead a woman to regretting her decision. What breast augmentation can do is help the way you see and feel about yourself. 


There was once a lot of media attention directed towards breast implants. Silicone implants were found to be susceptible to leakage which could cause health problems. Today the only approved implants are saline implants. Saline is a natural product already found in the body and leakage, if any, is not threatening. Other concerns, however, are still present with saline as with silicone.


There are always risk with surgery. General risks can range from infection to anaesthesia problems. Complications that are specific to breast augmentation include, loss of sensation, problems being able to breastfeed in the future, and hardening of the implant. The most common complications are breast pain and numbness. The most serious complication that can occur are toxic shock syndrome, implants breaking the skin and skin dying. 


The long term look at breast augmentation shows that many patients will have a need for at least one additional surgery within 10 years. There have not been studies to indicate how long an implant will last, but it is proven that they can break. 


Breast augmentation is an expensive procedure. Most insurance companies do not cover this surgery. It is very important to understand why you want the surgery, what results can be achieved and what long term effects can occur. Reversing the surgery means extra pain and money.


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Balancing Your Home And Business Life Without Having Super Powers

For moms who work from home, balancing the home and business sides of their lives can feel downright impossible, especially when the reason they began working from home was so they could spend more time with family. However, many home businesses actually fail because moms don’t manage to balance business and home life. How can you juggle your family’s needs, your business needs and occasionally find some time for your needs without being a super hero?


The first thing any mom should do to achieve balance is to get the family involved. If your children and husband support you, you will find that they interrupt less often and are more likely to pitch in to get household chores done. You’re probably thinking that will happen the day the moon turns to blue cheese, right? However, if you mention that you need to get a major project done and will be able to buy a pizza and rent a video when you are paid, you may be surprised at how quickly everyone pitches in to help out.


If you have young children, they may not be able to understand the concept of waiting for a reward. To get your younger children involved, try explaining what you are doing in very simple terms and having them help you. Set up a small desk or table for your toddlers and add crayons and paper so they can help you with your work by drawing some pictures or writing a letter. Children that are a bit older can put stamps on envelopes and seal them, paperclip papers together or do other simple organizational tasks.


Of course, no matter how supportive your family and friends are, they are not going to be happy if you work 15 hours a day. Make sure that you ask for uninterrupted time to do your job or run your business, but also make sure that you schedule time for your family and friends. While you are making up that schedule, don’t forget your significant other. If you sit at your computer all evening after the children are tucked away for the night, you may end up with some serious relationship issues!


Once your family and friends are involved and you’ve scheduled time for them in your life, it is time to consider a few ways to make the most of your valuable work time. While you may be tempted to work non-stop during the time you have dedicated to your business, you should actually try to take some breaks. Taking a half-hour walk or having lunch away from your desk can really help you recharge your mind and keeps your body from growing stiff and tired. When you sit back down, you can do so with a clearer view of your goals and fresh energy and focus.


Also, don’t be afraid to make a ‘to do’ list for your business. Write the four or five items you absolutely must do on your list and promise yourself that you will get them done before you visit your favourite forums or check your email. This can really help you get more work accomplished in less time.


So, although you may not have super powers, you can still have a home life, a business life and some time for yourself. The next time you are feeling overwhelmed, take a deep breath, ask your family for some help and try out a few of these great ideas for balancing your life.

Back Hair Laser Removal

Are you a victim of back hair? Does your wife or girlfriend cringe when you take off your shirt? There may be help for you with laser back hair removal.


Laser hair removal is a trend that is sweeping the country. With improvements in laser technology, these procedures are safer and less expensive than ever, and the results are long-lasting. Most treatments use a very low level laser that is targets the affected area. The energy of the laser enters the pigment in the hair and causes the shaft to heat up, killing the hair. The follicle is also rendered ineffective, stunting new hair growth. Although the hair follicle deactivated, the surrounding skin is unharmed by the procedure. 


Of course, this treatment has many applications for men and women, but one of the most popular is back hair laser removal. Previously, men had to undergo painful waxing, smelly depilatory chemicals or shaving their backs to eliminate the hair that so many women find distasteful. 


Of course, the type and amount of hair will determine how much your procedure costs. Darker or olive skinned patients will require more treatments than natural blondes, and hair thickness and density varies widely. Different lasers are even used to treat different skin colour groups, so be sure to ask if your treatment centre can handle your needs. Prices typically start at about $200-225, but back hair laser removal can run much higher, due to the larger area being treated. You should also expect to return for several treatments, as hair is removed in certain parts of the growth cycle only.


Although it may seem initially expensive, back hair removal using laser treatments is actually cost effective in the long run. Typically the hair does not regrow, and most centres offer touch ups for the few that do, as part of the package. If your back hair is an embarrassing problem, invest in yourself and try hair laser removal for your back!

Baby Wants - But Maybe Doesn’t Need - New Shoes! (Or ‘The Psychology Of New Shoes’)

No woman in her right mind would turn down a chance to go shopping for new shoes. Whether she has 1 pair or a 100, the lure of shopping for shoes is over powering. There just is no question about it, shoes are FUN! That is not to even mention the infinite outfit combinations we have even more FUN putting together as a result of new shoes! Shoes must both look right and feel right for the occasion. Therefore, options are needed and the more you have, the absolute better.


Styles change and so do women’s tastes. Whether high heels or platforms, square, rounded or pointed toes, flip flops or athletic, the lure of shopping for shoes is irresistible. There are just so many kinds of shoes all serving different purposes. Hours are spent in shoe departments all over the world shopping for shoes. From $5 flip flops to $500 designer name shoes there are so many things to consider. One thing is generally certain: If a woman REALLY likes a pair of shoes, whether she needs them or not, she will most likely buy them, regardless of price.


I know a couple and the wife has hundreds of pairs of shoes. The husband has but two pair, one black and one brown. BORING and oh, so WAY not enough options. What about style? And does he have dress shoes or are these two pair of the athletic variety or what? That, of course, does not include his golf shoes. Most men have at least two of those if they are like my Father and Brother, both avid golfers.  Any way, he said ‘That’s all I need and I always have plenty of money to go golfing every weekend.’  She said ‘You take the golfing (and your boring shoes) and I will take all the therapeutic effects of the shopping. It also is such good exercise, both mentally and physically!’


Being practical about buying shoes is so out dated.. The more shoes, the more choices. Life is good if it is all about choices, not about being practical. Practicality was for my mother, and the days of practical shopping are gone forever. Now plastic rules (along with beautiful shoes) and somehow the credit card bill will get paid. I mean if we only live once, we should certainly be spending like it. Life is way too short to not have the cutest and best shoes possible.  We can find other ways to be thrifty but please do not be so when it comes to shoes. The days of the ‘have mores’ are here to rule and the days of the ‘have nots’ (shoes, that is) are long gone forever.


Another couple I know try to go shopping together (BIG mistake). Inevitably and much to her husband’s dismay and irritation, the wife ends up in the shoe department trying on shoes, one pair after another. A beautiful thing to see, right? She finds a pair she likes and says to her husband ‘I want these shoes!’ Her husband replies ‘Do you need them?’ She says ‘No, but they will go great with my pink dress that I bought six months ago and have never worn because I have never had just the perfect shoes to go with it. Besides, I did put back several pair that I also liked very much, but not quite as much as these. They are so ‘choice’, ‘sweet’ and absolutely the ‘most divine’ shoes I have, to date, ever seen!!!’  The husband gives in, all the while thinking about the bills that are coming due.


Let a woman give you husbands a few tips about shopping:

It’s a losing battle.

  1. Don’t go shopping with your wife - It ruins her shopping trip. Would you want us to go golfing with you? I didn’t think so. It would ruin your day.
  2. When your wife goes shopping - Expect a marathon and don’t expect her home before the stores close. Should she arrive home early, it will be a pleasant surprise. If she doesn’t--Fix your own dinner!
  3. Never call her on her cell phone and ask ‘Where are you?’ or ‘When are you going be home?’ Big ‘NO NO’ and grave interruption to her ‘therapy’. She does not want to be in touch with reality while shopping. Trust me on this one.


Girls: Enjoy a most pleasant shopping experience! Happy shopping! 

Husbands: Heed my warnings and all will be well! And happy golfing or whatever other pastime compensates for your serious lack of options!


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Baby Boom Icon Sally Field Takes On Osteoporosis

If you're nearing 60, you have some pretty good company. Actress Sally Field, the seemingly ageless icon of a Baby Boom generation that starts turning 60 this year, has revealed that she has osteoporosis and is leading a public action campaign to inspire women to fight the fragile bone disease. 


Surprised by her recent diagnosis of osteoporosis, Field chose to go public with her personal health and is launching Rally With Sally For Bone HealthSM, sponsored by Roche and GlaxoSmithKline. The campaign encourages women with osteoporosis to protect themselves against fractures so they can remain active and reduce their risk of a debilitating injury.


Osteoporosis is a condition in which bones become weaker, more brittle and susceptible to fractures. One in two women over age 50 will suffer an osteoporosis-related fracture in her lifetime, which can result in significant pain and loss of height and may possibly cause some women to lose their ability to dress themselves, stand up and even walk. It can also lead to possible institutionalization and even death. 


"My generation has pushed for so much change to improve the lives of women, and today the biggest hurdle many of us face is our health," said the two-time Academy Award winner who has fought for women and workers' rights both on and off screen. "We've never been willing to sit back and take it-and that includes osteoporosis, too. I'm asking women to take action by talking to their doctors and joining me at" 


"Today, women in their 50s and 60s are leading more active lives than past generations, and it's essential for them to take care of their bones to continue their energetic lifestyles," said Dr. Robin Dore, a rheumatologist and associate professor of medicine at UCLA. 


After being diagnosed with osteoporosis in early 2005, Field attempted lifestyle changes, including calcium and vitamin D, to slow the progression of her disease but supplements alone were insufficient. Her doctor then recommended that she begin taking medicine and prescribed BonivaTM (ibandronate sodium), a once-monthly tablet for postmenopausal osteoporosis. 


Although 44 million Americans are affected by or at risk for osteoporosis, it often goes undiagnosed until a fracture occurs. 


A major new campaign is under way to help protect women maintain their bone health.


Important Safety Information: Boniva is a prescription medicine for the management of postmenopausal osteoporosis. You should not take Boniva if you have low blood calcium, cannot sit or stand for at least 60 minutes, have severe kidney disease or are allergic to Boniva. Stop taking Boniva and tell your doctor if you experience difficult or painful swallowing, chest pain, or severe or continuing heartburn, as these may be signs of serious upper digestive problems. Follow the once-monthly Boniva 150 mg dosing instructions carefully to lower the chances of these events occurring. Side effects are generally mild or moderate and may include diarrhoea, pain in the arms or legs or upset stomach. If you develop severe bone, joint, and or muscle pain, contact your healthcare provider. Your doctor may also recommend a calcium and vitamin D supplement.

Ashton & Demi: A Giant Step For Older Women?

So, Ashton Kucher, 27, and Demi Moore, 43, got married with her kids and ex-husband in attendance.


It’s great! It’s Bizarre! She’s a cradle robber! It’s a giant step for older women!


Which one is it?


How about ‘A giant step for older women.’


Well, almost.


It’s not unusual for older female celebrities to hook up with much younger men. Fame and fortune are powerful magnets. But men are visual creatures. What happens after her beauty fades? Not to worry. Loss of a youthful appearance is no longer an issue. With the variety of cosmetic procedures now available women with ample financial resources can look younger than springtime until the day they die.


To a shrewd, future-oriented man, an older woman with money promises long-term benefits. If her age is really ‘up there’ he can look forward to a bundle upon her demise. If the relationship or marriage doesn’t last, he’s likely to win a hefty settlement. So, what does a younger guy have to lose?


What’s significant about the Moore-Kucher union is that it has driven one more nail in the coffin of the ‘older woman younger man’ taboo that ‘common folk’ - older women seeking younger men but not endowed with fame or money - have to deal with in their quest for a suitable partner.


Sometime ago I gave a talk to a group of older women. After my presentation, a woman I’ll call Betty, came rushing up to share that she was 84, single, dating, and never tells her age. Furthermore, she had no use for men older than 60, and prefers them younger than that. ‘I can’t stand old geezers. They’re all dead. They are living but they are dead, if you know what I mean’ she explained in a confidential tone of voice.


I could understand why Betty preferred younger men. She looked fabulous -- a trim figure, she was intelligent, her eyes lit up when she spoke, and she had beautiful smooth skin. Clearly, she had it goin’ on. She could easily pass for 60. Why would she want to put up with a cranky old codger her age?


Here’s the problem: When Betty finds someone with potential, and age comes up, Mr. Potential is gone. I suspect that if Betty had money and celebrity, it would be a different story.


Let me relate a personal experience: At the pharmacy where I work, a customer I’ll call Mr. Smooth, in his mid-fifties, made it clear that he found me interesting, even though he knew I was married. One day the local paper ran a story about my new book and mentioned that I was 76. Before that, my age was mostly unknown because I never talked about it. The public disclosure of my age raised eyebrows, and whispers began at work. ‘She’s HOW old?’ Formerly friendly male co-workers began looking the other way. Sheesh! Be seen talking to an old woman? The guys will think there’s something wrong with me.


Back to Mr. Smooth. He must have seen the story in the newspaper because soon after, he appeared at my prescription counter. Glaring at me with disdain and disgust, he blurted out, ‘I can’t believe you are as old as you are. I just CAN’T believe it!’ He turned around and strode away never to be seen again.


A woman’s age matters to most men. Except when she’s 18 and he’s 81. Then it’s a different story. Society accepts it with a knowing look and a wink. If the relationship produces progeny, that’s really, really cool --until the kids lose their father before their sixth birthday.


Betty has it right. She knows what she wants. She knows what she has to offer. She’s not allowing antediluvian age taboos to stand in her way of finding happiness. Withholding the number of years she has lived, and maintaining a youthful demeanor and attitude, she refuses to bear the stigma of ‘invisible older woman.’


Joan Collins, Susan Sarandon, Tina Turner, Carol Burnett, Mary Tyler Moore, Victoria Principal, and now, Demi Moore, have defied convention and chosen younger men.


Eventually it will become chic for a fabulous older woman who doesn’t have a bank account or celebrity status to have a relationship with a fabulous younger man.


How can I predict that? Think about this. We are living longer, healthier lives. Yesterday’s 60 is today’s 40 for many women. Dr. Helen Harkness, in her book, Don’t Stop the Career Clock reinforces that reality with her perception of aging chronology that makes sense for today:


  • Young adulthood: 20-40
  • First midlife 40-60
  • Second midlife: 60-80
  • Young-old: 80-90
  • Elderly: 90 and above
  • Old-old: 2-3 years to live


Dr. Harkness’s vision of the stages of aging may take a while to catch on with mainstream thinking, but it will happen. In the meantime, fabulous older women looking for a guy who is still alive and kicking should not tell their age. Happy hunting!


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Are You Sugar Scrubbing Yet?

Sugar Scrubbing is a gentle way to exfoliate the skin just about anywhere on your body. A basic sugar scrub includes of course sugar and some sort of liquid and lotion or moisturizer. For a very simple sugar scrub mix some sugar with enough of your favourite body lotion to form a paste that’s easy to rub into your skin.


But why would you want to use a sugar scrub in the first place? Sugar scrubbing is a great way to exfoliate your skin. Exfoliating removes dead skin particles, as well as any oil and residue. This will soften your skin and preparing it for anything else to follow such as a moisturizer. A sugar scrub stimulates the lymph system, which is responsible for eliminating toxins out of the body. The gentle massage of rubbing a sugar scrub into your skin also improves the circulation of the blood right under you skin, giving you that healthy glow.


Start your sugar scrubbing treatment by cleaning your skin with a gentle soap or other cleanser and warm water. Then grab a handful of the sugar scrub and massage it into your skin in circular motion. The grainy sugar will gently exfoliate your skin. Rinse the sugar off with plenty of cool water and use some more cleanser to get any sugary residue off your skin. Gently pat your skin dry with a soft, clean towel and follow with your favourite moisturizer. You should use a sugar scrub to exfoliate once or twice a week as needed to maintain that soft skin and healthy glow.


Are you ready to give sugar scrubbing a try? Here are some great recipes you can put together in no time at all and give this a try.


Invigorating Lemon Sugar Scrub




  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of extra virgin olive oil
  • 1 teaspoon of lemon juice
  • 3 - 5 drops of peppermint essential oil


Combine all ingredients to form a paste. Rub it into your skin in a circular motion and rinse.


Tip - For a calming sugar scrub, replace the peppermint essential oil with lavender or rosemary oil.


Almond Grapefruit Sugar Scrub




  • 1 cup of sugar
  • 1/4 cup of almond oil
  • 5-10 drops of grapefruit essential oil


Mix the sugar and almond oil until well combined, then slowly add the grapefruit essential oil drop by drop until you get the desired fragrance. Use like the sugar scrub above.


Give sugar scrubbing a try. You’ll be amazed at the results this simple beauty treatment provides. Not only will your skin get soft and glowing, but the scents in your sugar scrubs uplift your spirits as well. Before you know it you’ll be mixing sugar scrubs on a weekly basis, experimenting with different oils or lotions and using different essential oils.