Sunday, 28 November 2021

A Bird-Flu Pandemic Could Start Tomorrow

Bird flu is a disease caused by a specific type of avian (bird) influenza virus, the so-called H5N1 virus. This virus was first discovered in birds in China in 1997 and since then has infected 125 people in Vietnam, Cambodia, Thailand, and Indonesia, killing 64 of them. It is spread by infected migratory birds (including wild ducks and geese) to domestic poultry (primarily chickens, ducks, and turkeys), and then to humans. 


Since 1997, and especially since the beginning of 2004, approximately 150 million birds have either died from the disease or been killed to prevent further spread. Nevertheless, this very infectious and deadly virus has spread relentlessly to China, Thailand, Cambodia, Vietnam, South Korea, Japan, Taiwan, Laos, Russia, Indonesia, Mongolia, Kazakhstan, Malaysia, Turkey, Romania, England, Croatia, Macedonia, and other countries. This ongoing geographic extension of the virus is of great concern around the world. It is feared that it will continue to spread to all continents, including the Western Hemisphere, and it no doubt will.  


Normally, different types of viruses infect just one, or a limited number, of species specific to the particular virus type. The bird-flu virus, however, has infected a large number of birds and animals, including ducks, chickens, turkeys, tree sparrows, peregrine falcons, great black-headed gulls, brown-headed gulls, gray herons, Canada geese, bar-headed geese, little egrets, pigs, clouded leopards, white tigers, mice, domestic cats, crows, magpies, peacocks, blue pheasants, rare eagles, turtledoves, swans, terns, and others. This is another sign of the virulence or destructiveness of the virus.


Researchers, historians, and infectious-disease experts have determined that influenza pandemics (global epidemics) occur approximately once every 30 years. The most deadly pandemic ever recorded occurred in 1918-19, killing more than 100 million people across the globe in less than two years. Two other much less severe pandemics occurred, one in 1957, when approximately  two million people died, and one in 1968, when about one million people died. Because we have already had three pandemics in less than 100 years, we are “overdue” for another one.


And so this disease-causing virus continues to infect more and more species in more and more countries. In laboratory experiments, it has been shown to be one of the most lethal influenza viruses ever known. In addition, just recently and after 10 years of work, researchers determined that the H5N1 bird-flu virus is genetically more similar to the deadly 1918-19 influenza pandemic virus than to the viruses which caused the much less severe pandemics of 1957-58 and 1968-69.


To summarize the important points so far: The bird-flu virus is a very deadly strain of avian influenza called H5N1 that has killed millions of birds; 2) the virus is spreading relentlessly around the world; 3) the virus has infected many species, which is uncharacteristic of most viruses; 4) the virus has been shown to be similar to the most deadly virus ever known, which caused the 1918-19 pandemic; 5) the virus has been shown to be much more deadly in laboratory experiments than regular influenza viruses; and 6) the virus is known to have infected at least 125 humans and killed 64 of them so far, yielding a fatality rate of approximately 50 percent.


The virus continues to kill humans, but at a slow rate, it has not yet acquired the capacity to be easily transmissible between humans; humans become infected primarily from sick birds. Because humans alive today have no natural immunity to the H5N1 virus, once it becomes easily transmissible between humans a pandemic or global epidemic will occur. The central question is, when will it exchange enough genetic material with the usual seasonal human influenza-viruses to become more like a human-influenza virus, and thus become easily transmissible between people?  


Many people believe that the virus will continue to spread around the world until it is present in most or all countries, before it will “go human” (become easily transmissible between people). And that may be the case. The pandemic of 1918-19 is thought to have started in Kansas (of all places). So it is certainly possible that the coming pandemic could start somewhere else than in Asia, although most experts believe it will, in fact, start there. It could start in a country which has not yet been host to the virus.


However, it is most certainly not necessary for the virus to march all the way around the world before a pandemic can begin. The fact that the virus already has spread to more than 15 countries, and to many different bird and animal species, provides the opportunity for it to commingle with a human-influenza virus and create the dreaded human contagion. There is no known reason why this could not happen tomorrow.  While it is true that the probability of the switch increases with time, the probability of its happening tomorrow is far from zero.


The flip side to the possibility that the crossover could happen at any time is the fact that the virus has been around at least since 1997 and, as a matter of record, has not yet switched to a deadly human-to-human form. At least a few scientists believe that the virus can’t and won’t make the switch to a deadly form, possibly ever.


And so we are left with these two very different possibilities, at any time, and as soon as tomorrow, the virus could mutate into a deadly form, readily transmissible between people, or it might never transform itself into such a form. There appears to be much more evidence for the former and, presumably, that is why the vast majority of scientists and governments are scrambling to prepare for the worst.


This situation is analogous to living on the Gulf Coast during the beginning of hurricane season.  Residents there have been through it before, but most of the time the storms are not too severe and the people can get by without too much hassle.  However, there have been rare severe storms that have been devastating.  Someday another hurricane is coming, and it appears that it might well be a Category IV or even V by the time it strikes land. However, that’s not certain, no one can say for sure, and no one knows exactly when it will strike land. So what should the residents do?  What should the residents have done before hurricane Katrina?  


The coming bird-flu pandemic might be mild and it might not come for years.  On the other hand, it might be severe and it might start tomorrow. The U.S. Government Accountability Office (GAO) has said, “While the severity of the next pandemic cannot be predicted, modelling studies suggest that its effect in the United States could be severe.” We should also be mindful that the pandemic could come at any time, even before the virus methodically marches around the globe.  No matter how advanced science has become, we still cannot predict when the switch will occur; it is currently unknowable, and that does not mean it will come later, in a predictable fashion. As Miguel de Cervantes admonished, “Forewarned, forearmed.”  


Bradford Frank, M.D., M.P.H., M.B.A.

The Frank Group

P.O. Box 138

Lakewood, NY 14750

A Better Understanding Of Arthritis

The term "Arthritis" refers to more than 100 different types of diseases which all cause pain, stiffness, and inflammation in the joints of affected people. All arthritis conditions involve some form of joint pain or the other. However, the seriousness of the joint pain, the duration of the joint pain and degree of the joint pain vary from one type of arthritis to another.


The two most prevalent types of arthritis include Osteoarthritis and Rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis is the most common form of arthritis, in which joint cartilage is destroyed. In other cases of Osteoarthritis, the patient experiences bony outgrowth, also known as bone spurs and also lose of cartilage particles. 


Osteoarthritis affects mostly aged people, from 55 years and older. That is why most people say it is an 'aged disease' of the joints. Osteoarthritis is mostly common in the hands, feet, spine, hips and knees of victims.


In rheumatoid arthritis, the patient experiences white blood cells in the synovial membrane dividing, growing and multiplying. These produce inflammation of the joint capsule and synovial membrane, loss of space in the synovial cavity, pain and stiffness in the joint. If there is no arthritis relief and treatment, this may lead to cartilage destruction. 


Apart from these types of arthritis, another type of arthritis that commonly affects people is "Inflammatory Arthritis". This type of arthritis causes very severe inflammation in the joints and the tendons of the victims. 


This is mostly characterized by the swelling and inflammation of the synovial membrane - thereby causing severe pain and stiffness in the joints of the victims. Inflammatory arthritis makes the joint look red and warm when touched. Arthritis relief for victims is necessary to reduce the pain. 


Arthritis relief is therefore very important, especially in a country like the United States where Arthritis is the number one cause of physical disability. There are an estimated total number of 43 million Americans - 16 percent of the population, suffering from one form of arthritis or the other. 


It is not only adults who need arthritis relief, but also children. In the United States, about 300,000 children suffer from one type of arthritis related disease or another. Children, being very susceptible to pain, need arthritis relief and treatment more than ever before. Unlike adults who can endure joint pains to a great degree, children cannot and therefore need arthritis relief as soon as the problem starts.

10 Most Likely Cancers You Are Going To Get

One of the greatest concerns America has today is cancer. The figures are alarming according to the National Cancer Institute studies a total of 1,372,910 new cases of cancer and 570, 280 deaths were predicted for the year 2005. Approximately one in every four deaths is due to cancer. 


Research indicates that the lifetime probability of developing cancer is higher for men at 46% while for women it is 36%. The National Cancer Institute has   put in place a challenge to eliminate suffering and death due to cancer by 2015. To meet this, the nation is tackling the problem on a war footing. And, to this end the creation of awareness has become a priority. To conquer cancer you must know what the risks are, how lifestyle changes can help, about intervention and preventive care, and where help is available. 


The most common cancers are:




1.         Prostrate. This accounts for approximately 33%. 


2.         Lung and bronchus. Accounts for 13%


3.         Colon and Rectal. Accounts for 10%


4.         Urinary and Bladder, 7%.


5.         Melanoma of skin, 5%.


6.         Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, 4%.


7.         Kidney and Renal Pelvis, 3%.


8.         Leukemia, 3%.


9.         Oral Cavity and Pharynx, 3%.


10.      Pancreas, 3%.




1.         Breast, 32%.


2.         Lung and Bronchus, 12%.


3.         Colon and rectum, 11%.


4.         Uterine Corpus, 6%.


5.         Non-Hodgkin Lymphoma, 4%.


6.         Melanoma of the skin, 4%


7.         Ovary, 3%.


8.         Thyroid, 3%.


9.         Urinary Bladder, 2%.


10.      Pancreas, 2%.


An organization called the CDC is taking giant strides in the field of cancer prevention and control. They advocate adoption of a healthy life style, eating nutritious and well balanced food, regular health checks, and screening for cancer. Screenings are quite often lifesaving as problems can be nipped in the bud. Many cancers are curable if detected in the early stages. 


It is important to know that a cancer is a disease where healthy cells in the body divide uncontrolled to form tumours. This could happen anywhere in the body and some tumours are benign while others are malignant. Most cancers have different symptoms but to give you an idea, symptoms can include an unexplained lump in any part of the body may feel like a small marble; perceptible growth of a wart or mole; wounds and sores that do not heal; a persistent cough; changes in bowel or bladder habits; indigestion; weight loss or gain; unusual bleeding or discharge. These are symptoms that are caused by not just cancer but many other diseases. And, early cancer does not manifest itself in any outward signs so the only way is to undergo health checks. So, you need the help of a doctor to make an accurate diagnosis.


Screening will include routine physical examinations, lab tests, x-rays, and specialized tests like mammograms, CT scans, MRIs, sonography or laparoscopy. The physician will, after giving you a general check and noting down the history recommend any special tests if he finds anything that requires further investigation.


In depth information on cancer, prevention, cures, treatment, counselling and more can be found at:;; and

7 Tips to Take Control of Bipolar Disorder

7 crucial steps to controlling and managing bipolar disorder or manic depression are discussed in this article.


Bipolar disorder, also known as manic depression, is a life-long illness affecting the chemistry of the brain. In classic cases, it causes severe mood swings from manic episodes of extreme highs to depressive episodes of debilitating lows, with relatively normal periods in-between. According to the National Institute of Mental Health, over 2 million people age 18 and older have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder. 


Unfortunately, there is no cure for bipolar disorder at this time. But as with any chronic illness, such as diabetes, heart disease or epilepsy, proper treatment, management and understanding of the illness is crucial. Most people with bipolar disorder can lead full, productive and satisfying lives by taking crucial steps to control and manage their illness.


Some key steps to consider if you or a loved one have bipolar disorder include:


1. Find a mental health professional you trust. A person diagnosed with bipolar disorder needs to establish a relationship with a trusted mental health professional where an open and honest exchange can take place.


2. Take medication as prescribed. This is first and foremost the most important step in taking control of bipolar disorder. It is the one element that needs to be strictly adhered to. In order for medication to work effectively it must be taken consistently and for the long term. It may be tempting to stop taking medication as symptoms lessen and one starts feeling better. However, this could have devastating consequences.


3. Reduce Stress. Mental health professionals typically believe that increased stress can trigger an episode of manic depression. Finding time to relax, sharing extra responsibilities, or simply talking to someone during a stressful event may help to bring on an increased feeling of calmness.


4. Do not become isolated. Do not try to "handle" bipolar disorder alone. Seeking out the comfort and understanding of family and friends is central to a person's treatment. It can be very helpful to join a bipolar disorder support group because the people there understand the feelings and difficulties of living with the illness. They can lend insight and encouragement to a person confronting a diagnosis.     


5. Maintain a healthy lifestyle. It is important to establish regular healthy routines such as exercising the same time every day, going to bed at the same time each night and waking up at the same time each morning. Maintain a healthy diet and get plenty of sleep, because erratic sleep patterns can increase the symptoms of bipolar disorder. Do not use caffeine or recreational drugs. 


6. Become an expert on bipolar disorder. Become involved in understanding the symptoms and treatment of bipolar disorder and the effects it can have on family and friends. Consult a qualified mental health professional with questions and concerns. Read books about the illness or listen to lectures by experts. Learn as much about bipolar disorder as possible because knowledge is a powerful tool in taking out the mystery of the illness.


7. Enhance life with enjoyable things. Make it a priority to engage in things that bring about feelings of joy, happiness, and accomplishment. Hobbies or activities that enhance a sense of peace or relaxation serve one well in dealing with the confusion of bipolar disorder.


A diagnosis of bipolar disorder does not have to mean the end of one's world; rather it can be considered a new beginning. One that, at last, provides an explanation and ultimate relief from some of the unexplained and destructive behaviours a person might exhibit, freeing them to live rich and fulfilling lives.

6 Essential Facts You Should Know About Bipolar Disorder

The first step in dealing with a diagnosis of bipolar disorder is education. This article contains 6 essential facts you need to know about this serious yet treatable illness.


Mental health authorities estimate that more than 2 million adults have been diagnosed with bipolar disorder (also called manic-depression), a chemical imbalance in the brain causing extreme mood swings from manic highs to agonizing lows. Although a diagnosis of bipolar disorder can be frightening and confusing, it is a treatable and manageable condition. 


If you or someone close to you has been diagnosed with bipolar illness, the first step in relieving fear and uncertainty is education. The more you know about the disorder, the less control it will exert over you and others who may be affected.


The National Institute of Mental Health (, The National Alliance for the Mentally Ill (, and The National Mental Health Association ( are just a few of the recognized national organizations providing information, facts and support to anyone who may be directly or indirectly affected by bipolar disorder. 


Below are some essential facts about bipolar disorder provided by these organizations that may alleviate some of your concerns and questions surrounding a recent diagnosis.


Bipolar disorder affects many people: According to the National Alliance on Mental Illness (NAMI), bipolar disorder affects approximately 2.3 million adults, or 1.2 percent of the population, in any given year.


Bipolar disorder has many potential causes: There does not appear to be one cause for bipolar disorder. Evidence suggests that many components may come into play, all of which affect the chemical balance of certain parts of the brain. Several studies on the occurrence of bipolar disorder in families demonstrate a genetic disposition toward the illness. Other factors may include extremely traumatic life events, chronic illness, alcoholism, and drug abuse. 


Bipolar disorder has varied symptoms: The most pronounced symptoms of bipolar disorder are dramatic mood swings consisting of extremely “high” manic episodes to debilitating episodes of depression and then back again with relatively normal moods in between. Behaviours during a manic episode include heightened feelings of euphoria, extreme energy, decreased need for sleep, extreme irritability and distractibility, and increased aggression. Depressive episodes bring about excessive feelings of despair, hopelessness, worthlessness, guilt, and sometimes thoughts of suicide. 


Bipolar disorder affects both sexes in children to adults: Manic depression is not selective in who it touches. Women and men are equally affected, as are children and adolescents (although a diagnosis in children and teens is more difficult to determine). A majority of those diagnosed with bipolar disorder have a least one family member with the illness. And children of parents with the illness are more likely to develop it themselves.


Bipolar disorder has effective treatment modalities: Bipolar disorder is treated with medications, called mood stabilizers, to assist in controlling fluctuation in moods. The important thing to understand about bipolar disorder is that it is a life-long, recurring illness requiring ongoing care. In addition to medication, psychotherapy is also prescribed in the management of the illness. Psychotherapy assists people to understand their illness and to develop coping skills to help deal with life events and stressors that may trigger manic and depressive episodes. 


Bipolar disorder has no cure: As of today, there is no known cure for bipolar disorder; however, it is a treatable and manageable illness. With a close relationship with a mental health professional, a proper diagnosis, and vigilant adherence to taking medications and sticking to prescribed treatment plans, most individuals with bipolar illness lead very productive and rewarding lives. 


These are just a few of the facts pertaining to bipolar disorder. It is not a simple illness, yet it is manageable and treatable. If you or someone you know has been diagnosed with bipolar disorder, do not hesitate to seek information and help. Any one of the above-mentioned organizations can offer you education, guidance, and support. Obtaining knowledge is one of your first steps in alleviating the uncertainty and anxiety of dealing with such a diagnosis.

5 Ways to Deal With ADHD

With an increasing number of our youths suffering ADHD, stress syndromes, unemployment, depression, drug use, crime and higher rates of youth suicide than ever before, today’s parents and teachers are finding their roles more and more difficult.


According to renowned family relationships specialist, Marguerite Clancy, there are no overnight solutions for issues such as ADHD, but there are a few quick things struggling parents can do now to start dealing with it:


1) Get into a routine and stick to it (try to include fun times and laughter) 


2) Set up a punching bag or get your child playing a sport 


3) Be consistent with discipline and offer rewards where appropriate 


4) Use positive language, keep directions short, maintain calm 


5) Agree on consequences for behaviour together 


“There are many options available to parents and carers. It is important to show love and respect, and to lead by example”, says Marguerite. “There are also many forms of therapy available to help that don’t rely on medication.” For example, she recommends Sandplay Therapy, which is a well-established technique for enhancing emotional growth through play. She suggests parents encourage their child to use toys to represent things that are bothering them. Dolls, action figurines, cars, balls, and even blocks can all be used to represent people, objects, and everyday situations that may be very hard for the child to put into words. “You’d be surprised what problems your child is experiencing - many of them would be things you’d never have even dreamt of,” says Marguerite. “By recognising the significance of imaginary play, you give your child a way to express themselves using a language they’re fluent in.” 


According to Marguerite, parents can then talk about these problems with their child. Then if they’re still experiencing problems, they may want to try a punching bag or a sport. “With an easier way to communicate and an outlet for your child’s frustrations, you should find it far easier to figure out how to improve your situation.”

Benefits of Garlic

Benefits of Garlic! A more detailed account of what garlic does for various organs in the human body: If garlic had been created in the laboratory instead of by nature, it would probably be a high-priced prescription drug. 


A Common Saying everyone knows. That's just how good it really is... 


Garlic is one of the oldest known medicinal plants, and it's been credited with fighting heart disease, lowering blood pressure and helping to fight off colds.


In fact, garlic has been used medicinally for at least 3,000 years, but until relatively recently its benefits were considered little more than folklore. According to a report in the Journal of the American Medical Association (Nov. 28, 1990; 264:2614), the therapeutic roles of garlic have been described in more than 1,000 scientific studies. 


Cooking with Garlic 


Most of the modern research on garlic has concentrated on its ability to lower cholesterol and blood pressure as well as offering protection against strokes and heart disease. 


The following is a more detailed account of what garlic does for various organs in the human body: 


1. Protection of the liver from toxic substances: Garlic activates the cells of the liver and thereby protects the liver from toxic substances; it also rejuvenates a tired liver and promotes its normal functioning. 


2. Improvement of blood circulation: When allicin is heated in the process of cooking the garlic, a substance called ?ajoene" is formed. This substance has a suppressive effect on thrombi and blood cholesterol, so it is effective for the treatment of atherosclerosis and thrombosis. 


3. Regulation of stomach function: Allicin promotes the secretion of gastric juices by stimulating the mucous membranes of the stomach; furthermore, it combines with proteins which can reduce excessive activity of the stomach. In addition, allicin regulates the functioning of the stomach by activating the large intestine and thus cure both constipation and diarrhoea. 


4. Promotion of insulin secretion: Allicin combines with vitamin B1 (thiamine) to activate the function of the pancreas and thus promote insulin secretion. As a result, garlic is effective in the prevention or the cure of diabetes that is caused by a lack of insulin or by the defective functioning of the pancreas. 


5. Normalization of blood circulation: Because it stimulates the brain nerves and controls the workings of the heart at a constant level, garlic stabilizes blood pressure. It is also capable of dissolving cholesterol and fatty substances inside blood vessels and therefore refreshing cells and the blood inside the body. 


Today, there is worldwide scientific evidence to support the many health benefits that can be derived from the daily consumption of garlic. 


Extensive tests on humans have concluded that a regular intake of garlic can: 


  • Lower total cholesterol (but raise the good-type HDL cholesterol) 
  • Produce more "natural killer" cells in the blood that will tackle infections and tumours 
  • Lower blood pressure 
  • Reduce the risk of blood clots (that are responsible for most heart attacks and strokes) 
  • Destroy infection causing viruses and bacteria 


Garlic is classified as both an herb and a vegetable. It can be found in products ranging from ice cream to dry rubs; the versatility of this herb is seemingly endless. 


Tips for Cooking with Garlic


1. Before cooking, remove the exterior skin of the clove. There are many ways to do this: strike the bulb with the broad side of a kitchen knife, use a rubber garlic rolling tube, soak the garlic in lukewarm water for 30 minutes or dip the cloves into boiling water for 30 seconds. 


2. After skinning the garlic, select a cooking method that will result in the appropriate flavour. It can be sautéed to create a nutty, savoury taste; poached to create a mild flavour; oven-roasted to bring out the nutty flavour with a caramelized quality; fried to create a crisp exterior; or grilled to create a soft, smoky flavour. 


3. Garlic is very sensitive to heat and will burn easily, especially when sautéing. Expose the garlic to heat just until the oil sizzles and then remove it. When cooking garlic with onions, start the onions first. They will take longer to cook. 

Benefits of Ayurveda

The world of Ayurveda is a vast and interesting one. It is with this objective that this article on Benefits of Ayurveda was written, so that people got to know more about Ayurveda and its various effective uses in treating different diseases.


Ayurveda is the essence of old Hindu Medicare techniques, which are based on the curing the diseases from the roots. In Ayurveda, whole body is supposed as a mutually responding system. A single part not responding well may cause a disturbance in all body. Ayurveda works for the aim of complete health.


Allopathic techniques are based on the concept of sudden and instantaneous relief, so often the patient get rid of his problem for a short period, but the origin of disease is not eliminated, finally there comes the probability in future for that origin to be worse. Allopathic techniques uses antigen that introduces a chemical, heaving opposite effect of what the body is producing. So there is always a risk with the power and supplied quantity of the drug.


On the other hand, Ayurvedic Medicare is based on natural and herbal techniques and supplements, which are 100% side effect free. Ayurveda does not believe in antidotes and antigens, very rarely those techniques are used, Ayurveda works not to suppress the system of body, but to go to the origin and cure the basic disturbing element. In such treatments there are very low chances of side effect and the benefit of the body is forever. It gives you a complete health treatment, which works on the complete body system so it makes you feel better in your entire body.


If you eat 1 apple a day and one day suddenly eat 3, it’ll not cause any problem for you, but if you take 2 sleeping pills a day and one day you takes 4, it’ll be dangerous; most of the supplements of Ayurveda are essence of fruits, vegetables and jadi-booties, which are natures gift to human. Jadi-booties are some of the rarely found wild plants and fruits, which are very effective in some dieses. In old age, students of Ayurveda were taught the classification of every single kind of plants exits; they used to give long time to find those jadi-booties in jungles, rocks & mountains. In modern age of globalization some of the companies and groups are doing that work collectively, so now it is easy for us to use those techniques, which were once very costly even for the kings.


Ayurveda works in all directions, it not only gives the body what it wants but it prevents harmful supplements. The concept of ‘Parheja’, in Ayurveda, is the concept restricting the harmful food and supplements that disturbs the treatment.


Ayurvedic techniques are developed in ashramas of Hindu saints and researchers. This Medicare is the result of long time, generation-to-generation research work. It is well tasted and well proven in the history of India that is one of the world’s oldest cultures, In modern age, when pollution and effects of intoxications are disturbing the systems of the body and a normal human is getting weaker due to luxurious life; Ayurveda, along with yoga and exercises is the way to have a healthy body and a sound mind.


Taking in to account all the benefits of Ayurveda we can expect a rise in the popularity of ayurvedic medicines in the forthcoming year. Surveys have showed that many patients have received positive results from Ayurvedic treatment, thus in a few years Ayurveda is sure to bring about a revolution in the field of medicines.

Benefits of Green Tea

If weight loss, the prevention of cancer, healthy teeth, and the idea of low cholesterol does not give you an idea that green tea is a miracle worker, you must be working with some pretty powerful magic.


Benefits of Green Tea Introduction


There has been an influx of media coverage about the health benefits of green tea. Most green tea enthusiasts may base their opinions on green tea around their own experiences of the beverage. The Chinese have been drinking green tea for thousands of years due to its miracle working abilities. Green tea has been used by the Chinese for treating minor headaches to much larger matters such as preventing cancer. Many health studies are beginning to shine some light on the facets and benefits of green tea. What are the benefits from green tea that can affect your life? The following are five major benefits of green tea that may substantially change your life.


First Health of Green Tea - Weight Loss


The high concentration of polyphenols in green tea helps to oxidize fat and encourage thermogenesis. Thermogenesis in the body is the rate which the body burns calories. Green tea results in an increase of energy which raises the metabolism, therefore, more weight is lost than normal. As a morning beverage, green tea has a small amount of calories compared to most other beverages that Americans drink in the morning. The constant barrage of coffee as most peoples’ morning beverage results in a higher amount of daily calories compared to green tea as a beverage in the morning. A substitution of green tea instead of reaching for a cup of joe will make a big difference in the size of your waistline.


Second Benefit of Green Tea - Prevention of Cancer


The antioxidants in green tea eliminate free radicals that plague the body. These free radicals cause aging and cancer. The polyphenols of green tea constantly search for free radicals and they prevent the formation of unstable oxygen molecules in a process known as oxidation. This oxidation damages healthy cells of the body and have been linked to illnesses like cancer, heart disease, and even strokes. The polyphenols in green tea prevent the birth of abnormal cells, inflammation, and destroy most cancer causing agents.


Third Benefit of Green Tea - Healthy Teeth


Green tea is well known for keeping teeth clean because of one of its ingredients, fluoride. The fluoride kills the bacteria in the mouth that causes plaque. Also, fluoride helps to maintain healthy, cavity-free teeth. This helps to prevent general tooth decay inside of the mouth. This cannot be about coffee which stains the teeth with an ugly yellow tinge. The oral health of teeth can be vastly improved with the consumption of green tea.


Fourth Benefit of Green Tea - Lowers Cholesterol


Green tea may be a possible solution for all those suffering from conditions of high cholesterol. Heart attacks are one of the most common problems associated with bad cholesterol. Drinking green tea could possibly lower this stunning high risk. Green tea lowers the bad cholesterol’s levels, LDL cholesterol and prevents the occurrence of blood clots in the body. The LDL cholesterol flows through the liver and cells forming heavy deposits on artery walls. The catechins in green tea help to decrease the amount of bad cholesterol. Also, the catechins help to maintain a healthy good cholesterol to bad cholesterol ratio improving the overall health of the body.


Benefit of Green Tea Conclusion


If weight loss, the prevention of cancer, healthy teeth, and the idea of low cholesterol does not give you an idea that green tea is a miracle worker, you must be working with some pretty powerful magic. A couple of cups of tea in addition to your normal daily beverage will greatly decrease the risk of any bad conditions. The only side effect that has been clearly recognized is the daily overdose of caffeine. This problem has been addressed through the usage of green tea extract. Green tea can be taken in a pill form with all the benefits of normal green tea. So, we hope that you begin a daily green tea regimen tomorrow!

Ayurvedic Home Remedies for Digestive Disorders

There are numerous simple recipes illustrated in Ayurveda to correct many disorders. Here are few gruel recipes which are strongly recommended in digestive disorders. These are simple and effective remedies which can be prepared easily at home to correct the digestive disorder and also to replenish the lost nutrients.


Gruel Recipes


For Indigestion




Rice - 1/2 cup

Water - 4 cups

Long pepper - 2 or 3 

Ginger -1


Method of Preparation:


Cook rice with recommended quantity of water with crushed ginger and salt. Powder long pepper and fry it in a spoon of cow’s ghee and add it to gruel. Consume this when it hot. This is very light to digest and relieves colic pain.


For Diarrhoea




Rice - 1/2 cup

Water - 4 cups

Ginger paste - 1/2 spoon

Salt to taste

Pomegranate juice - Ω cup


Method of Preparation:


Cook rice with recommended quantity of water with ginger paste and salt. Add pomegranate juice when the gruel is warm. This gruel rehydrates body and supply energy. This soothes inflamed walls of intestine and controls bowel movements. 


For Flatulence 




Ω cup of rice

4 cups of water

Haritaki (Terminalia chebula) - powder-1/2 spoon

Roots of pippali or long pepper

Ginger paste -1/2 spoon salt to taste


Method of Preparation:


Cook Rice, haritaki powder, roots of pippali and water together. Add salt to it. Consume this when it is warm. This relieves flatulence and regularizes the bowel movement


For Indigestion Due to Over Consumption of Oily Food




Ω cup rice

4 cups of water

Butter milk - 1 cup

Salt to taste


Method of Preparation:


Cook rice water and salt together. Add a cup of butter milk when it is little warm and consume it. This relieves indigestion, nausea and corrects digestion.