Tuesday, 23 November 2021

Acupressure's Sweet Spot - How To Get A Rush Without The Sugar

Are you a sugar user? More and more people are resorting to high sugar drinks and snacks for a quick jolt of energy. But the trouble with using sugar for an energy boost, is that it sets up a roller-coaster effect that can soon become addictive and lead to health problems down the line. Recent research has revealed an acupressure point that boosts energy and alertness naturally and with no come down.


The Highs & Lows of Using Sugar for Energy


Soon after a sugar fix you start buzzing with energy, but it's a short lived boost that soon swings sharply the other way with an energy slump. If you address that slump by eating or drinking something else high in sugar, you'll get that energy rush again, followed by another slump.


Using sugar for energy gives sporadic results at best, but there are health dangers too. Diabetes II is an ever increasing risk in a world where we're rushing to get more done and fighting daily battles with stress and fatigue. Sugar increases insulin levels and raises blood triglycerides which increases the risk of developing late onset Diabetes.


Acupressure Energy Boost


Acupuncture and Acupressure share a network of vital energy points situated along meridian channels throughout the body. For thousands of years these points have been used to influence qi (chi), the body's subtle energy force, for a wide variety of physical and emotional benefits.


The University of Michigan recently finished an intensive study that set out to prove that acupressure can provide an effective natural energy boost. Lead researcher, Dr Richard Harris, explains "it [acupressure] seems to stimulate the nerves that moderate attention and alertness".


Tapping the Sweet Spot


Students in the trial experimented with massaging five acupressure points for three minutes each. The most effective and stimulating point was the Si Shen Chong point, known to acupuncturists as one of the extraordinary acupoints (HN1), and found right in the centre of the top of the head.


Participants in the trial found the most effective way to get a sugar-free energy boost, was to tap this point lightly with the fingertips for two or three minutes.


The point used in this trial is one of the extra energy points sometimes used in the EFT meridian points tapping sequence. The beauty of EFT (Emotional Freedom Techniques) is that it uses a series of potent acupuncture and acupressure points that not only give the body a natural energy boost, but can also be used to control addictive cravings for sugar and popular stimulants like caffeine.


EFT uses a set sequence of 12 acupuncture points known to give relief from a wide range of emotional and physical symptoms. As found in the University of Michigan study, results are easily and reliably achieved by tapping lightly on the acupuncture points with the fingertips.

Acupressure More Effective Than Physical Therapy

Those of us committed to the holistic approach have long been convinced of the benefits of alternative therapy. Recent studies suggest and confirm a bias towards this hands on approach.


We all know Acupressure has been around for some 5,000 years now and those of us involved in Holistic and wellness remain convinced that the procedures encompassed within this sphere are more efficacious than physical therapy. Every living being has a life force, or energy, called qi or chi (pronounced "chee"). When this energy, which runs along meridians, is in balance and flowing freely, the body is in a state of health. Acupoints tap into the major energy pathways of the body


When this energy is blocked or deficient, illness can result. These energy disruptions are often the result of stress or injury. It is believed that acupressure causes the brain to release endorphins. Endorphins play an important role in immune function, pain relief, stress reduction, and slowing the aging process.


Lower back pain has long been the bane of the modern world not only in lost man hours but also because of the numerous side effects, complications and nuances of lower back pain complaints. Further studies now confirm the benefits of acupressure over physical therapy. Albeit that the studies failed to take into account functional status and disability as recommended by most low back pain researchers the results are still very meaningful and relevant. In February 2006 a randomized controlled trial took place at The National Taiwan University in Taipei. 


129 patients with chronic low back pain received acupressure or physical therapy for 1 month. Primary endpoints were self-administered Chinese versions of standard outcome measures for low back pain (Roland and Morris disability questionnaire) at baseline, after treatment, and at 6-month follow-up. After treatment, the mean total Roland and Morris disability questionnaire score was significantly lower in the acupressure group than in the physical therapy group regardless of the difference in absolute score or mean change from baseline.


Compared with physical therapy, acupressure was associated with an 89% reduction in significant disability and that improvement was maintained at 6-month follow-up. Study limitations include a confounding psychological effect of therapy; loss of 15.5% of patients to follow-up at 6 months and effectiveness of any manipulation therapy dependent on the therapist's technique and experience.


Participants were aged 18 to 81 years. Exclusion criteria were pregnancy and contraindication to acupressure. 64 patients were randomized to acupressure and 65 to physical therapy. Conclusive or inconclusive the results still point towards the undeniable and positive aspects of acupressure and holistic healing.


On a more lighter note Acupressure has also been cited as a new aid for sleepy students. 39 student volunteers found that those who were taught to self-administer acupressure to stimulation points on their legs, feet, hands and heads were less likely to drowse during class. The acupressure consisted of light tapping of fingers or using thumbs or forefingers to lightly massage the stimulation points. It was conceded that more study is needed in relation to acupressure and the effect on human alertness.


Looking further into the positives might this self-administered acupressure also be a consideration for children with ADHD contra Ritalin!

Acupressure Fast Facts - Get Pain Relief at Home

Discover the secrets of acupressure and get fast pain relief at home.


Acupressure was originated in China thousands of years ago, and evidence has been found that acupressure was practiced in the stone age! Acupressure has been used to reduce post-operative nausea and vomiting in children. Acupressure also reduces nausea in cancer patients receiving chemotherapy. 


Acupressure can be done anywhere without special equipment. You can treat yourself safely with acupressure, as long as you follow the guidelines of a professional acupressure practitioner. Correctly performed, acupressure increases circulation, reduces tension and pain and enables the body to relax.


Acupressure strengthens the immune system and promotes wellness. Acupressure should be applied slowly and gently. Applying it too quickly or vigorously can do some damage, especially in the abdominal area. Special care and caution is needed in the case of a pregnant woman or in treating a person with burns, infections and recent injuries.


Acupressure is more effective than physical therapy for the majority of patients with low back pain. Ear acupressure can be used to reduce stress and anxiety. Acupressure is used to reduce fear and anxiety in trauma victims and in pre-operative care.


Acupressure can be used to treat all these conditions: 


  • Tension Headaches
  • Migraine Headaches
  • Jaw Pain, Toothache, Earache
  • Neck and Shoulder Pain
  • Wrist, Hand, Arm pain
  • Backache, Hip, Knee, Ankle and Foot pain
  • Colds, Flu, Sore throat, Sinus Infection, Loss of Voice
  • Allergies
  • Anxiety Attacks and Nervousness
  • Depression
  • Insomnia
  • Fainting
  • Hiccoughs
  • Improve Memory and Concentration
  • Angina, Heart Palpitations and High Blood Pressure
  • Constipation, Diarrhoea, Heartburn and Stomachache
  • PMS and Painful Periods, Hot Flashes, Pregnancy Discomfort, Morning Sickness
  • Bed-wetting, Incontinence, Urinary retention
  • Nose bleeding, Itching, Asthma, Decreased Libido, Hangover 


Here are a couple acupressure tips you can try: 


For headaches and muscle or joint pain, press the fleshy part of your hand between your thumb and index finger. Hold for this for one minute, then repeat on the other hand. 


For low-back pain, lie on your back, with your feet elevated on a sofa or chair. Place two tennis balls under your lower back on either side of your spine (I got cheap tennis balls in the dog toy department). Stay in this position for one minute or sooner if it becomes uncomfortable. 


For knee pain, put a tennis ball on a pillow, then place your leg over it so the ball is pushing into the crease behind your knee. Find the sensitive spot just below your kneecap and slightly to the outside of the shinbone. Press into it gently with your fingertips for about one minute. 


You can learn to do acupressure at home to supplement professional treatment. This is especially useful when you are stricken with illness or pain and you can't get to the doctor soon.

Acne Program: Using Acne Face Cream

In this article, I show you how to enhance the power of any type of acne face cream that you are using. These additives are natural remedies that will keep your skin balanced to help you get rid of acne.


After you have washed your face with a chemical free soap, use an applicator to dip into Scotty's face cream or you favourite face cream. Place the cream on your face and spread it all around. Massage the cream into your face gently so the skin absorbs the oils in this cream.


These oils will seal the pores and hold the natural moisture of the skin and enhance the curing effects of the cream.


You can use the cream 2-3 times a day. It is best to use it after you have cleaned your face in the morning and right before you go to bed. You can also use it during noontime.


You can use Scotty's' cream under your makeup or over your makeup. It will work either way. However, it will work better on a clean face.


You will notice that when you apply the cream it will tingle in areas without sores and may sting in areas of open sores. This will pass and as it does it should reduce the itchiness of any sores.


Scotty's cream has allantoin, which will help to clear acne sores. The oils, vitamin A and E, and minerals in Scotty's will help to feed, rebuild, and rejuvenate your skin.  The minerals also help to neutralize the toxic acids that have contaminated and inflamed pores on your face.


During cleansing and fasting, more acid waste may come out of your pores. This is why Scotty's cream will help you to reduce the inflammation and spread your acne.


Tree Tea Oil


To make Scotty's cream or your own cream even more powerful, you can add 5-10 drops of pure tree tea oil to a two-ounce container. You can experiment with the amount to add. You may want to add more drops to provide more tea tree oil for your face. But, do not use more than 15 drops. 


Tree tea oil has been found to be effective in various skin disorders. It acts as an antiseptic, antifungal, and antibacterial. This oil helps to bring oxygen to the skin cell, which kills bacteria and fungus and helps to repair damaged skin caused by acne.


Borage Oil


There is one more thing that you can add to Scotty's face cream or your favourite acne cream that will boost its acne clearing power. This is borage oil. Borage oil contains EPA and DHA, which helps to control excessive hormones that cause the over production of sebum.


It is the adrenal glands that produce streams of androgens during puberty. These large quantities of androgens help to activate bone growth and assist in bringing forth sexual maturity.


A side effect of these androgens is the release of excess oil from the oil glands near the hair follicle. This excess gives rise to


  • black heads
  • white heads
  • pimples
  • cysts


So here's what you can do to make your face cream even more effective,


Mix one or two capsules of Borage oil into your cream

Do this by cutting the tip off of the Borage oil soft gel and squeeze the oil into the cream


There is a new form of EPA and DHA that is available in a product called Neptune Krill Oil (NKO).


Neptune Krill Oil (NKO)


NKO is the new EPA and DHA product, which may be better to use than Borage Oil.  NKO has the omega-3, EPA and DHA in the phospholipid form, which is easier for your cells to absorb compared with Borage oil. Borage oil contains the omega-3, EPA, and DHA in triglyceride form, which is more difficult for cells to absorb.


One other good property of NKO is that is does not have to be refrigerated like Borage. It can be kept in a cool place in your cabinets. However, it does cost more than Borage oil.


Word of Caution: As with all creams and oils, if you get any rash or skin reactions when using them, discontinue their use.


Use a good face cream to help clear your acne. You can boost the power of this cream by adding tree tea oil and borage or NKO oil.

A Natural Herbal Remedy Could Be Your Answer

Natural herbal remedies are drawing the attention of many traditional medical practitioners to rapidly recognize the ability of the hundreds of thousands of known herbs that have the ability to treat and prevent various human and animal illnesses, as well as properties that can enhance mental attitude, appearance, and performance.  


Many centuries of experimentation by many cultures, for example Indian herbal medicine (Ayurvedic), Chinese herbal medicine, and western herbal medicine have created many uses for plants either singularly or in compounds, and sometimes animal by products to prevent and treat various conditions and illnesses.  


A natural remedy can be anything from tea, to complex preparations of herbal compounds used in hospitals and clinics. These formulas come in many forms such as capsules, pills, ointments, and gels. 


You may be using some of the common herbs as a food in your home such as:  


  • Garlic--natural antibiotic and helps reduce cholesterol 
  • Cinnamon--lowers blood sugar, cholesterol, and triglycerides 
  • Ginger--prevents motion sickness and lowers risk of blood clots 
  • Chamomile Tea--calms nerves and help relieve digestive problems  
  • Peppermint--Treats many digestion and gastrointestinal problems 


These common herbs may be mixed with other proven natural products to achieve a particular result.  


Traditional medicine is very useful for diagnosis, emergencies, trauma and surgery, but often does not cut it for preventing disease from occurring. The time and wait needed to visit a doctor to get a prescription, and the ever growing cost of medicine is allowing an opportunity for many people to try to get help from natural products.  


Many traditional medicines are showing many adverse side effects. Natural, is not necessarily safe, and may have unwanted side effects just as with conventional medicines, however a large ever growing number of the population has been using herbals, vitamins, minerals, and amino acids for many years with very favourable results and no adverse effects.  


Natural herbal products are now available for use by adults, children, and pets to remedy countless conditions from Angina and Arthritis, to skin care remedies, thyroid treatment, urinary tract infection and an unlimited number of other disorders.  


Many new products have been compounded to remedy conditions other than disease, such as smoking cessation, removing unwanted hair, eliminating wrinkles and many other conditions.  


One of the many natural herbal remedies could be your answer.  

A Morning Smoothie to Help You Stop Constipation

Learn how to prepare a morning smoothie that will give you minerals, vitamins, and morning power. This smoothie will also activate your colon to help you keep regular.


Chronic constipation can be hard to stop or elimination, since the colon have become weak. In most cases it will have to be retrained on how to have a bowel movement.


For those of you that have mild constipation, here is a morning smoothie that will help activate your colon. This smoothie is packed with nutrients that your body will use to regenerate your colon and body.


I have been making this smoothie for a few years. I make enough to drink right away and to put into my thermos to drink around 10am.


When I make this drink I just start putting things in the blender without measuring. You can do the same and make adjustments as you go.


  • one peeled banana 
  • 4-5 strawberries or other type of berries, or fruits 
  • one tablespoon of lecithin granules 
  • one - two teaspoons of flax seed oil 
  • half and half almond milk and apple juice 


In a coffee grinder, grind up around a teaspoon or less of the following: 


  • brown sesame seeds - are high in lecithin, vitamin C, E, and Calcium. They improve liver function and help in constipation 
  • sunflower seeds - are high protein, Calcium, and iron. They are one of the best natural foods which feeds the entire body. 
  • flax seeds - are high in fibre and provide bulk for your stools. 
  • almonds - use around 6-7 or more. They are high in Calcium, Phosphorus and have some B-vitamins. Only eat a few. They are high in calories. 


After grinding the seeds, place them in the blender and blender everything for about 3-4 minutes. If you need a little sweetness, you can add a small amount of honey. I find this drink plenty sweet without any honey.


Sometimes I will add the powder of a few acidophilus capsules.


If I don't add the almonds, I just put all the tiny seed into the blender without grinding them up. The blender will break them up.


This is a powerful smoothie to give you morning power and to activate your colon to get moving.

A Constipation Remedy Using Potassium and Prunes

Learn how to use potassium to eliminate constipation. By using a natural fruit and potassium, you can strengthen your colon and get constipation relief.


Potassium and prunes are a natural constipation remedy that you can quickly use to help you get constipation relief.


Potassium is needed in your colon walls to insure that peristaltic action occurs. Without potassium, colon walls are weak and unable to respond and contract properly when faecal matter needs to be move.


Potassium in your colon wall tissues brings in more oxygen, which is required for good cell function and elimination of toxins. In addition, potassium creates an alkaline environment inside and outside the cell, which help protect cell walls from bacteria, fungus, and other pathogens.


Potassium is a powerful source when it comes to cleaning, feeding and building your colon walls. Removing the thin layer of build-up - harden mucus, dried faecal matter, waste derby, heavy metals - against your colon wall can be accomplished by eating those foods that are high in potassium.


Excess build-up on your colon walls of faecal matter and toxins is a cause of continual constipation. This build up prevents your colon walls from functioning properly.


Potassium is necessary for reducing anxiety and depression. These conditions can affect peristaltic movements of your colon. Lack of it causes muscles and organs to sag and lack tone.


Potassium, also, draws water out of the body. So when potassium is in your colon it attracts water and pulls it into the faecal matter. This makes your faecal matter softer and easier to move along the colon.


To get more potassium into your diet make a constipation remedy drink by pouring hot water over dried prunes and waiting 10 minutes. Then eat the prunes and drink the juice Do this on an empty stomach in the morning.


The high concentration of potassium and vitamin A, in prunes, stimulates enzymatic processes. These processes melt down faecal wall wastes and dissolve blockages. They also activate peristaltic action to move this waste out through your rectum.


The foods to eat that are high in potassium are: Kale, cabbage, yellow tomatoes, spinach, carrots, broccoli, cucumbers, cauliflower, alfalfa sprouts, goat milk, sesame seeds, wheat germ brewer’s yeast, flax seed, grapes, green peppers, pineapple, beets, potatoes with skin Blackstrap molasses.


If you have any kidney disease, do not take potassium supplements unless directed by your doctor. If you are pregnant, take potassium only under a doctor’s direction.


If you are on any type of drugs, do not take potassium unless directed by your doctor.


When you have constipation it is best to take potassium supplement. Once you have your constipation eliminated back off on the potassium you are taking and depend on your potassium dose from the foods you eat.


My recommended Potassium dose is 1000 - 3000 mg each day taken with meals.

A Constipation Home Remedy - Cayenne

Cayenne is a constipation home remedy that is effective in producing peristalsis in your colon and aids digestion. It can be used regularly at every meal and when needed for constipation. Cayenne pepper is known to help thin the blood. So, it is good for improving blood circulation.


Cayenne is available in capsules of different strengths, from 5,000 heat units (HU) to 100,000 and even higher. In addition, cayenne when used with other herbs helps to deliver these herbs more efficiently to where they are needed in the body.  


As a constipation home remedy, start with one capsule of 40,000 HU and always take it after you eat. You will feel a hot or slight burning feeling in the upper stomach and that’s when you know it’s working. The feeling is like when you get heartburn.  This burning sensation will pass as your body gets use to you using cayenne.


Do not use cayenne seeds, as they can be toxic. If you are pregnant or breast-feeding do not take cayenne supplements. Use cayenne only as directed on its container and only as capsules.


Cayenne has the ability to block the ulcer producing effect of NSAIDS. It also has shown to increase the body’s absorption of theophylline, a drug used to treat asthma.


In his book, Left for Dead, Dick Quinn tells how Cayenne pepper saved his life after coronary bypass surgery failed to restore it. In this book, Shannon Quinn, said, “One of the most effective stimulants, mostly, cayenne targets the digestive and the circulatory system. Cayenne regulates blood pressure, strengthens the pulse, feeds the heart, lowers cholesterol, and thins the blood. It cleanses the circulatory system, heals ulcers, stops haemorrhaging, speeds healing of wounds, rebuilds damaged tissue, eases congestion, aids digestion, regulates elimination, relieves arthritis and rheumatism, prevents the spread of infection and numbs pain.”


Use the recommended dose shown on the bottle of cayenne you use.


You can also add cayenne pepper into other foods. Add cayenne to soups, salads, and other foods you like.


In soups or salads break open a cayenne capsule and mix it in. You can add 1 - 2 capsules, but first start with 1/4 or 1/2 capsule so you can get use to the hot taste.  


If you are pregnant, it is considered safe to use cayenne.


Use this constipation home remedy and you will see results. It definitely has the power to eliminate constipation and keep you regular and has many other benefits, especially for your heart.

A Beginner's Guide To Using Aromatherapy With Children

Trust your instinct - a beginner’s guide to using aromatherapy with children:


Essential oils are pure aromatic plant essences - they are distilled from flowers, fruit, leaves, resins, roots, seeds, and wood. They are used for their healing properties the world over - in , for example, they are only available through licensed, qualified parishioners. In the United States, we have free access to essential oils - but with this comes with some important cautions: Only some of the essential oils available are suitable for children; others are not suitable for children and some are even dangerous to children (children with epilepsy should not come in contact with stimulating essential oils).


When used correctly however, essential oils can be of great benefit, and will not conflict with your child’s medically prescribed drugs. Always research the oil of choice thoroughly before using with your infant or child - ask advice from a qualified practitioner, or see the references at the end of this article.


That said, essential oils can be a wonderful way of supporting your child's health, happiness and well-being. Essential oils can be very therapeutic and nurturing to both your child and you, the caregiver. Essential oils are used externally (on the outside of the body) in your child’s bath, body lotions, oils, creams, gels, compresses, foot baths, or in an oil warmer. The effects of aromatherapy will generally fall into one of three main categories: 


  1. Assisting in healing from minor illnesses and accidents,
  2. Supporting your child’s overall sense of well-being, and 
  3. Assisting your child in getting quality rest.


When using essential oils with your child, it is imperative that you find a reputable supplier of therapeutic-grade essential oils, using organic or wildcrafted varieties when possible. Synthetic copies of oils commonly used in perfumery are not appropriate, and may even be harmful to your child’s health. To maintain efficacy, essential oils should be kept in dark amber or cobalt glass containers, in a dark and cool location, away from the child’s access. Wooden storage boxes from craft or 'Pier One' type stores can make a nice container for the bottles.


Methods of Using Essential Oils


There are two methods of using essential oils with your child:


  1. Inhalation - through a diffuser, nebulizer, or adding to a humidifier reservoir, and 
  2. Topical Application - diluting the essential oil in a carrier oil and applying topically. Adding essential oils to a bath combines the two methods, though we will cover it under topical application.


For topical application, essential oils are diluted in varying strengths depending on the use and age of your child. The concentration can vary from one drop of essential oil per tablespoon of carrier oil, to a couple of drops per teaspoon of carrier added to a drawn bath, to an equal ratio of carrier and essential oil applied directly to your child’s feet (as in the case of gentle Lavender). In other words, there is a huge variation in dilution levels depending on the circumstances. Mamas, do your research and then trust your instinct. Only you and your child baby know exactly what is right for your situation.


Age of Child and amount of Essential Oil per One Ounce Carrier Oil for Topical/Massage Application


General dilution rate guidelines of essential oils in one ounce of carrier oil:


  • New-born (Consult primary care physician before use): 1-3 drops essential oil / ounce
  • 2-6 months: 1-3 drops essential oil / ounce
  • 6-12 months: 1-4 drops essential oil / ounce
  • 1-4 years (unless very small): 5-8 drops essential oil / ounce
  • 6-7 years: 5-10 drops essential oil / ounce
  • 9-12 years: 5-12 drops essential oil / ounce
  • 12 years to young adult: 10-15 drops essential oil / ounce


DO NOT USE AN ESSENTIAL OIL NEAT (undiluted) on children’s skin, unless indicated to do so for a specific condition. If your child has very sensitive skin, it is important to test a small area before using a new single oil or blend. Keep essential oils away from the eyes. When using citrus oils - orange, bergamot, lemon, tangerine, mandarin, and lime - do not use where the skin will be exposed to sunlight for the next 12 hours. These oils are considered 'phototoxic', and can react from the sun's rays. They may be used in a bath, however, where they will be washed off the skin when the bath is done.


Essential oils are not to be taken orally (by mouth). When your child is taking medications, reduce the amount of essential oil by half the amount recommended for their age group.


Carrier Oils for Children


Sweet Almond oil is generally regarded as the safest and best overall carrier oil for use with babies and children. Apricot kernel oil is also considered extremely safe with children over 6. Jojoba oil can be added at about 10% concentration for any blend - it has a soothing effect on the skin and is good for hair.


Topical Application - Nurturing Touch Massage Recipes


There is nothing better for any child than the loving, nurturing touch of a parent. A gentle hug, a smile, a kiss on the cheek all reassure the child and help the parent and child to bond. These everyday forms of connection are instinctual and children thrive from it.


Research shows that massage can help children’s growth both physically and emotionally. In hospitals, studies done with premature babies show that touch is an essential aspect of the children’s ability to thrive.


Using aromatherapeutic nurturing touch massage can be therapeutic to both the child and the parent. Using a light, conscientious tough you can massage your child’s feet, arms, hands, back, abdomen, and even legs. The massage should always be done with loving intention and the work is done in the direction that the blood flows-from ankles to leg; from wrist to shoulder, etc.


Here are a few suggested blends for this wonderful method - each is in one (1) ounce of Sweet Almond oil:


  • Restful Sleep - 4 drops lavender, 2 drops Roman Chamomile
  • Happy Child - 3 drops Rose, 1 drop Neroli
  • Calm and Relaxed - 3 drops Petitgrain, 3 drops Neroli
  • Emotional Nurturing - 1 drop Rose, 1 drop Vanilla, 2 drops Lavender


For a Baby oil blend, to be used as a moisturizer OR massage oil (note: the frequent washing of a baby's skin actually makes it difficult for them to retain vitamin C; application of a quality skin oil will help them keep adequate supplies of this important nutrient).


  • 1 ounce of organic sweet almond oil or hazelnut oil
  • 1 drop of pure Lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop of Vanilla essential oil




  • 1 ounce of organic sweet almond oil
  • 2 drops of pure Lavender essential oil
  • 1 drop of pure Chamomile (German) essential oil


The above blends can also be added to the bath. One teaspoon with the following amount of essential oils added can be added AFTER the bath is filled, per the age of the child: 3-5 years, 2 drops; 6-8 years, 3 drops; 8-11 years, 5 drops. Perhaps the easiest way to do this would be to make a full strength blend (without carrier oil) of your choice, then dilute as needed for the application.


Inhalation of Essential Oils


For inhalation, one can apply one or two drops to a handkerchief and inhale, or add oils to a water misting bottle or humidifier. Calming essential oils that may be used are Lavender (recommended for sleep - one to four drops can be placed under the pillow), Mandarin, Roman Chamomile, Ho Wood (an ecologically friendly replacement for Rosewood), Tangerine, Petitgrain, Vanilla, and Neroli. Use these oils singly, create your own blend, or use one of the body oil blends above without the carrier oil. A few drops per quart of water in a mister sprayed throughout a room or added humidifier reservoir will do.


For an anti-anxiety blend: Try 5 drops bergamot, 1 drop lavender and 3 drops geranium - dilute to 10 drops per Ω pint of water for a room spray or use in a humidifier, or dilute to the appropriate level for your child's age if using topically. For alertness, try lemon, bergamot, grapefruit or pine, either singly or in a blend that pleases your senses (usually the best way to blend is to trust your nose!)


Essential oils can also be used in a candle lamp or warmer - with the oil gently evaporated from the surface of a small bowl of water by the heat of a candle. An electric nebulizing diffuser is generally not recommended for use with children, as the concentration of oils in the air can be too high.


Last but not least, essential oils are wonderful antiseptics.


Cuts and scrapes are simply a way of life for the little ones! A great blend for minor wounds is a 1:1 mix of Lavender and Tea Tree oil. The lavender is soothing, anti-inflammatory, and has regenerative 'ketones', while the tea tree is a strong antiseptic used for many generations by native Australians. Use this blend in the water used for cleaning wounds, and apply a few drops to the gauze of a bandage - do not apply directly to the skin as it will be unnecessarily irritating. On the bandage, however, it will be soothing and accelerate the healing process.


So this is a very brief overview of using essential oils with children. There are many, many diverse applications for essential oils for almost every conceivable minor ailment seen in childhood. The key is knowledge - finding a good practitioner, or reputable resource for your needs. For further reading, books by Valerie Ann Woorwood are excellent: "Aromatherapy for the Healthy Child" and "The Complete Book of Essential Oils and Aromatherapy"; for safety data, see "Essential Oil Safety" by Robert Tisserand and Tony Balacs. The essential oils mentioned within this article are recognized as safe for most individuals - if you or your child are recognized as having a specific illness, and/or are under a doctor's regular care, please consult an appropriate practitioner before proceeding.


That said, aromatherapy can be a very fun and rewarding endeavour for both you and your child. Essential oils have benefited the lives of many the world over, and have a little bit of plant magic available to everyone.

10 Easy Tips for Arthritis Pain Relief


Think you can't stop that arthritis pain? Great news! You can act now. Get 10 super easy and effective arthritis pain relief tips from arthritis experts and make your life with arthritis a little easier now.


Protect your joints. Don't keep your joints in the same position for a prolonged period of time. Balance your rest and work throughout the day. Use the strongest joints available for the job.


Stretch it. Stretching should be part of every arthritis patient's daily routine. A good stretch helps prevent injuries by warming up muscles and tendons which are more limber and less likely to tear. Spend at least 10 minutes each day stretching, and work each major muscle group. 


Cool it down. Stop physical activity. Rest in a cool/shaded environment. Spray with a mist of cool water or wrap an ice pack or cold compress in a towel and apply it to reduce arthritis pain and swelling. 


Get moving. Exercise can help reduce joint pain and stiffness and increases flexibility and muscle strength. It can also help with weight control, stress management, and make you feel better overall. The Arthritis Foundation also offers water exercise and other classes. 


Get a massage. Massage therapy can relieve your pain, soothe stiff sore muscles, reduce inflammation and swelling. Make sure you use oil or cream on your fingers to make it more gentle. Work the area for five to ten minutes a day if possible.


Keep your weight in balance. Being overweight, even just moderately, impacts weightbearing joints and can increase the pain of arthritis. Studies have indicated that losing extra weight lowers the risk for developing osteoarthritis of the knee. Losing weight can help slow the progression of arthritis too.


Get a diagnosis. If you are experiencing symptoms like pain, stiffness, swelling for more than 1 weeks, you should consider seeing your doctor and getting a diagnosis. Remember that there are more than 100 types of arthritis. It is important to get the specific diagnosis for the type of arthritis you have.


Take your medication the right way. Don't stop taking your medication just because you feel it is not working. Check with your doctor first. You need to understand that it may take several days to several months for a medication to become effective.


Look out for new options. Recently FDA has approved some new drugs for osteoarthritis, rheumatoid arthritis and other arthritis diseases. If feel that the current medication doesn't work well, check with your doctor about possible new options.


Keep educating yourself. It is important to learn something new about arthritis. Find some good websites online and subscribe to their newsletter if they have it. Join one of two active online arthritis communities like forums or bulletin board. Never hesitate to see your doctors and ask questions.