Friday, 29 October 2021

10 Ways to Make Social Media Posts that Get Engagement

Social Media is a great tool for content marketing, but there are some rules to the game. Check out these 10 suggestions for effective posting that gets engagement. 


1. Use a great visuals. The visual content is what will stop people from scrolling through the endless parade of their feed and checking out your post. If you don’t have an image directly related to your business, use some stock imagery from a free site like Pixabay or Unsplash.


2. Write good copy. While the picture gets them to stop, the words get them to click. Use good grammar, flawless spelling, and appropriate punctuation with adequate spacing. 


3. Don’t be self-centred. Don’t promote your business and products directly every time. Post about topics in your industry, or repost items from other people to build your credibility and engagement with a wider audience.


4. Use hashtags. For the majority of social media sites, your post might as well be invisible if you’re not using hashtags. Hashtags tell people what category your post falls into, and draws in more engagement from people checking out what’s new in that topic.


5. Be brief. Don’t make your posts too long, because readers will get weary and move on. Use synonyms for longer words and keep your sentences short. Remember that your audience is very distracted. 


6. Post at key times. This varies by social media type, but your post will get in front of a large audience. You can do a quick Google search to see what days and times are best for the social media platforms you’re using.


7. Involve the readers. Put engaging questions into your post that will elicit discussion and response. If people are building on the thread below you words, you know your post has been a  success. 


8. Be persistent. In today’s socially connected world, it’s not overkill to post, post, and post again. People may need to see something at least a dozen times before even clicking on it, so don’t be afraid to keep trying, and don’t give up.


9. Consider the pros and cons of auto-posting. You may think that auto-posting saves you time and energy, but an organic effort fuelled by the inspiration of the moment might yield better results. 


10. Remember the audience. Different social media platforms are geared towards different users, so while you might be fine throwing up pictures of your weekend on Instagram, that tactic could backfire on LinkedIn.

6 Steps to Making a Content Marketing Strategy that Will Boost Your Business

You may have heard that content is king in this digitally connected age. Here are 6 simple steps to get the ball rolling with some excellent content marketing in your business.


1. Define your goals. You can’t go anywhere without a goal. Set concrete goals for your marketing attempt, such as fortifying your connection with a particular audience or branching out to new ones. 


With all the analytic tools available today, you can easily be able to monitor your progress as you move along.


2. Define your audience. Who are you marketing your product or service to? If you don’t have a clear vision about this, you’ll be wasting your time and money trying to market to everyone—which is sort of like throwing pasta on the wall and hoping it sticks.


Instead, build a vision of your ideal crowd. Perhaps even make a storyboard about the “typical” person in this group to fill out your marketing attempts with genuine copy.  


3. Define your style. What exactly is your brand all about, and what’s the accompanying style that best matches with your message? 


If you bounce all over the place with your words and your appearance, you’re going to make your audience confused and lose potential customers. Solidify the details about your appearance—everything from colour schemes to fonts to content topics.


4. Learn from the past. Chances are, if you’ve been in business for a few years already, that you have some extant content out there already. 


Take a look at what did well, and what bombed, and try to figure out why. Build on your success, and stay away from failure as you move forward.


5. Assemble the team. If you’re a one-man band, that’s great, but once a business reaches a certain point, you’ll need multiple people on the team. 


One person could be blogging and incorporating SEO keywords, while another is interacting with the fan base on social media, and yet another is crafting and implementing Google ads. 


The more specialized each person can become, the more their expertise will increase the overall success of your business—but remember to keep everyone within a good loop of communication. 


6. Make a plan. Set up checkpoints, goals, and deadlines. Use analytic software to track clicks and see what parts of the strategy are working. 


Just like goals are crucial for creating a destination, a plan is crucial for getting to those goals.

6 Reasons Why Your Social Media Strategy Is Not Working

Social media is supposed to be the definitive content marketing channel solution, right? But many business owners are discovering it’s easier said than done. Here are a few reasons your social media strategy is not working.


1. You’re not advertising. Yes, social media is free, whereas traditional advertising can cost lots of money. But even so, you have to realize that social media engagement with organic posting is inherently weak—people are overly bombarded by the items in their feed. With social media ads, you can target specific users and secure a noticeable spot in the feed, yielding more click-through action. 


2. You’re hacking too much. Despite the seductive words of internet gurus and content marketing professionals, there is no get-rich-quick solution to social media content marketing. Building a solid presence takes time, patience, and quality material. You can try all the backend hacks you want, but the social media venues have watchdogs to monitor that activity. If they deem it shady, it will reduce the health score of your profile, making it harder for you to market. 


3. You’re not interacting. It’s called social media for a reason! Even monolithic mega-giants like Disney and Coca-Cola have social teams that interact with users making comments on their pages and forums. If you’re going to build brand loyalty on a social media platform, you have to interact with your followers by commenting on their posts and pictures, and responding to their comments and likes.


4. You’re not using data. There are plenty of programs out there that can help you mine user data, which can help you better refine your target audience. This type of software can help you understand who interacts with your brand, and what demographics are potentially most interested in what you have to offer. Without leveraging that info, you’re kind of just shooting in the dark.


5. You’re not making good content. From pictures to textual posts, what grabs attention on social media is good content. Learn about what will get eyes to stop and click on a link, and if you can’t figure it out, employ someone who can. 


6. You’re doing all the work. You heard it right… the best social media marketing comes about when other people market your product or service. Your brand ambassadors can collectively reach out to a wider audience who is already in love with their posts and appreciates their unique style. Moreover, someone else touting your product or service gives it a seal of approval you just can’t fake on your own.

5 Reasons No One is Reading Your Blog

So you’ve decided to start a blog. Whether it’s to spread a personal message, get readers to click on affiliate links, or make money from advertisers, blogging can be a rewarded digital sport. 


But if you’re like many bloggers, you’ve come to the frustrating realization that no one is reading your posts, and here’s why:


1. You’re not writing about something people find helpful. There are already a million blog posts out there on “different things to do in xyx place,” so—for example—if you’re writing a travel blog, you have to get more “niche” with it and provide some value. For example, “best places to find spicy food in Denver” is a much more specific post that carries some value for the readers who are putting that inquiry into Google.


2. You’re not opening doors. A big part of funnelling readers to your blog is about building a network of back-links, which are essentially hyperlinks to your site on other people’s blogs or websites. A good way to do this is just to network and do guest posts for people on their blogs, with the stipulation that you can put some links to your site on there.


3. You’re not building relationships. You need to have a contact button of form on your website, and harvest some emails. Alternatively, by blogging consistently and alerting social media connections of your new posts, you can draw some steady streams of traffic to your site. The overall idea is to get recurring readers. Not only will they increase your readership with their own eyes, but over time, if they like your content they’ll share it with others.


4. Your site doesn’t look good. If people hop on to your blog and find that it looks like the screen from Pac Man, they probably will bounce off the page in less than a minute—unless of course, your blog post is dedicated to Pac Man aficionados…then that would be cool. Your website needs to look professional, and the architecture needs to be clean and well designed (for mobile users as well).


5. You think you are Shakespeare. Don’t try to get to literary with your posting, unless of course you’re catering to a high-brow audience. Use shorter sentences, small paragraphs, and lots of pictures to punctuate your words, otherwise people will find your blog too exhausting to read. While SEO experts tout the benefits of long-form posts (over 2,000 words) you still have to balance that out with reader experience—and most readers can’t tolerate more than half that word count.   

Zumba: Still Keeping People Fit Years After Its Inception

There are many choices of exercise programs out there and some can be described as “more interesting” than others. Take Zumba, for example, a great program under the category of dance fitness that has been around for approximately 20 years. Zumba is trademarked and owned by a company called Zumba Fitness, LLC.  


This class-based exercise program was invented by accident by a Colombian man who was a dancer and choreographer, by the name of Alberto Perez. It is an aerobic exercise, meaning that it allows for increases in heart rate and blood pressure during exercise, helping to keep the heart healthy and free of heart disease. 


There are components of both dance and aerobics in this program. Many people use it for weight loss, healthy weight management, heart health, muscle toning and for overall fitness. It can be done by people young and old.




Zumba is very popular, practiced by about 15 million people per week. There are 140,000 licensed and non-licensed sites for you to try Zumba. It is taught in over 185 countries so there is no good excuse not to try this fun and exciting form of exercise.  


The Origin of Zumba


Zumba was created almost by accident by Alberto (Beto) Perez when he forgot to bring along his normal aerobics tape to an aerobics class he was teaching. He decided to improvise with music he found in his car—mostly non-traditional merengue and salsa music. He improvised his first class and soon had a large following in his home country of Colombia. He moved later to the United States in 2001, where he soon met and helped cofound the Zumba movement with two other men, Alberto Aghion and Alberto Perlman.  


The team soon sold their program to a company called Fitness Quest. Through Fitness Quest, the Zumba program became licensed and its appeal spread through things like home videos and a string of direct marketing campaigns.  


Dance Moves Incorporated into Zumba


A wide variety of dance moves in Zumba has been taken from some of the following dance styles:


  • Soca
  • Hip-hop
  • Merengue
  • Salsa
  • Mambo
  • Samba


Muscles Worked


The dance moves are incorporated into different aerobic moves like lunges and squats. 

Besides the obvious benefits of fat burning that comes from the fast-paced cardiovascular workout that leaves you breathless while also strengthening the heart, Zumba also works various muscles groups in the body.


Every single move aims to build strength and lean muscle in moves that are perfectly coordinated to blood pumping music. 


Muscle Groups Worked Include:


  • Hamstrings
  • Quadriceps
  • Glutes
  • And virtually all the large and small muscle groups of the body


Lunges And Footwork


Zumba incorporates body rolls and hip shakes, along with lunges and intricate footwork, all of which blend together perfectly to comprehensively work the core and lower body muscles. 


It is truly a total body aerobic workout. Good for weight loss and good for building lean muscle mass. You will likely see a six-pack peeking through on your core after a few classes.


Classes Today in Zumba


Instructors in Zumba are first licensed by Zumba Fitness, LLC, and then teach hour-long programs that incorporate both slow and fast rhythms, squats, lunges, and resistance training. The music mostly used is Latin dance, although there is some hip-hop and other musical styles incorporated into the dance routines. 


The dance routines keep people going almost nonstop for a fun and entertaining exercise style that rivals many other aerobics class routines. There is even a Zumba Gold program for the elderly that uses routines and styles of aerobics that are more appropriate for people with less vitality and flexibility.  


Other Types of Zumba Programs


  • Another program derived from the original Zumba program is Zumba Step. This latest Zumba program is primarily titrated to work on the gluteal and leg muscles. 
  • Zumba Toning is also offered, which utilizes toning sticks to help work out the abdominals, thighs and arms, in particular. Zumba Toning is a great program for people who want to sculpt lean and strong bodies. 
  • Aqua Zumba is held in a pool and is easier on the joints when compared to other Zumba programs. 


How To Get Started With Zumba


After checking with your doctor to be sure this type of intensive training is appropriate for you, you can do Zumba in a number of ways. Gyms, community centers, and private fitness studios offer Zumba classes. These options mean you go to a live class that will include an instructor and members. Another option is to purchase a Zumba DVD and participate it in the privacy of your home. 


If you find it difficult to complete a full hour session don’t get discouraged, many work up to the full hour and see impressive body changes as their fitness level rises. 

Yoga Versus Pilates And Which Should You Choose?

While both yoga and Pilates take an integrated mind-body approach to fitness and well-being, their origins, approach to these objectives and methods differ greatly. 


The emergence of mind-body classes like Pi-Yo and Yogalates can make it difficult for people to distinguish between the two. Although the two can be pursued as complementary activities or integrated into one style, like Pi-Yo, they are not the same.


It can be beneficial to practice each independent of the other and which one you practice depends on what you want to achieve. 






Yoga is a spiritual practice with a physical aspect. It evolved in India 3,000 to 5,000 years ago. Yogis, people who practice yoga, use breath work (pranayama), physical poses (asanas), meditation (dhyana) and personal practices to pursue the full integration of mind, body and spirit or samadhi. Samadhi refers to attaining the state of enlightenment, bliss, or union with the divine. 



Pilates emerged in the late 1900s, introduced to the world by its namesake, Joseph Pilates. Pilates developed his method as part of his efforts to heal himself. He suffered from physical weaknesses, rheumatic fever, asthma, and rickets, during his childhood. 


In his efforts to cure himself, he studied Eastern and Western forms of exercise, Greek and Roman exercise practices like wrestling, gymnastics and calisthenics as well as yoga.


How Yoga and Pilates Differ


In general, Western yoga practitioners are most familiar with the physical postures of yoga. Yoga postures, asanas, are only one component of an extensive system of philosophy, spiritual practices, and science. 


The poses are intended to build strength in the body and encourage mental focus. The asanas develop and strengthen every part of the body, joints, muscles, organs, glands, bones, and metabolism. 


During yoga, the breathing is deep and continuous linked to each movement and asana throughout the practice. Yoga’s extensive and currently exponential growth in popularity in Europe, the United States, and Canada supports the development of a broad range of yoga asana styles, including the more popular styles:


  • Ashtanga
  • Vinyasa
  • Anusara
  • Hot Yoga
  • Yoga Therapy
  • Restorative
  • Chair Yoga
  • Bikram 


How Pilates Differs


Pilates differs from yoga in several ways. Both yoga and Pilates focus on integrating the mind and body, but Pilates does not include any spiritual pursuits. It does generally increase practitioners’ sense of well-being, but this is not its primary purpose. 


Pilates also takes a less organic approach to movement. All Pilates exercises extend from the body’s core, also called the powerhouse. The powerhouse spans the center of the body from the pelvic floor to the top of the shoulders. 


Pilate’s practitioners focus on stabilizing the powerhouse and allowing other limbs to move freely to guide the body through the Pilates regimen of movements. Pilates also incorporates the use of exercise machines to offer support and take muscles through their full range of motion with optimal levels of extension and contraction. 


During Pilates, the breath is coordinated with the execution of each exercise. The primary focus of each move in Pilates is perfect execution, versus repetition of any particular move.


The Mindfulness Element Of Yoga

Overall, yoga offers more than 60 different health benefits for mind, body, and soul. It reaches into every aspect on one’s life and goes way beyond fitness and physical achievement. 


For example, the mindfulness approach taught in yoga that is not a part of Pilates helps one to improve many elements of life, including weight loss where getting in touch with the true needs of the body, such as hunger helps to reduce incidence of emotional eating or eating for any other reason but hunger. 


The mindfulness aspect of yoga can be viewed as “life skills” training. In addition, this training can help deter many emotional and mental health problems, and the associated physical manifestations that result from them.


Mindfulness during yoga brings calm and peace to your mind, body, and life. Through the process, you become more in touch with how you really feel, and that includes symptoms of stress. Such a heightened state of awareness allows you to better manage the triggers and affects that stress can have, thereby allowing you to avoid its serious health complications.

Many scientific studies have demonstrated the practice of mindfulness to have impressive and wide reaching benefits, including:


  • Greater sense of well-being
  • Stress and anxiety reduction
  • Better mood
  • Reducing risks for depression
  • Better immunity
  • Better social relationships
  • Improved cognition, memory and focus
  • Improved awareness of oneself
  • Improved ability to make decisions
  • Improved sleep
  • Reduction in chronic pain
  • Lower blood pressure and reduction in risk for heart disease
  • More enjoyment of life in general
  • Overall improvement in quality of life


Why Choose?


While yoga and Pilates provide similar benefits, a strong and toned body, endurance and a sense of well-being, their end goals differ. 


  • Pilates focuses on strengthening and rehabilitating the body for optimal physical health; the mind or will is employed to achieve this goal. 

  • Yoga's physical postures and breath exercises strengthen the body and discipline the mind in preparation for meditation and spiritual evolution. 

In short, Pilates is outwardly focused and yoga is inwardly focused.


Making the choice between doing Pilates and practicing yoga comes down to one of intentions. If the intention is simply to form a strong and balanced body, Pilates will serve. 


If the intention is to achieve a strong and balanced physical body while gaining mental and spiritual benefits, pursue yoga. 


If both outcomes seem like something you would like to experience, try them both and see which one you find most accessible and beneficial. It just may turn out that you are not willing to let either one go. 


Important Health Screenings For Women Over 40

The female body is an amazing machine. Strong, durable, soft, and beautiful, this vessel is unlike any other. As women age, their bodies can change in significant ways and as time goes by there is the potential for much to go wrong, and for certain health conditions to develop.


Due to this, it is important that all women get certain health screenings and at particular times.  For women 40 and over, there are tests both appropriate and extremely important that need to be taken to ensure you maintain your optimal health and wellness. 


Take charge of your life and your health by running through this checklist of important health screenings. 


Why Health Screenings Are Important


Health screenings are put in place to help doctors check for diseases and conditions that can crop up as you age. 


The aging process is one of the main catalysts for the development of illness because the immune and other bodily systems are slowing down. Though your body may be physically slowing down, your life certainly isn’t. Don’t get blindsided by a serious diagnosis or a life-altering condition by staying on top of important health screenings for women 40 and over. 


One of the most important reasons for the existence of these screenings is that early detection often saves women’s lives. One of the best examples of this is breast cancer. 


The American Cancer Society cites this data from the National Cancer Institute’s SEER database as to the 5 year relative survival rate of breast cancer patients in various stages of cancer. Stage 0 is early onset, and it graduates up to the most sever stage, which is, stage IV. 


Stage 0 - 100%

Stage I - 100%

Stage II - 93%

Stage III -72%

Stage IV - 22%


As you can see, survival rates get lower and lower as stages progress. This is the key to early detection, and does ensure a much higher success rate for various treatment methods.


According to the National Breast Cancer Foundation, Stage 0 breast cancer, medically termed ductal carcinoma in situ (DCIS) is a non-invasive cancer that is characterized by abnormal cells that have grown in the lining of the breast milk duct. In Stage 0, the cancer cells have not yet spread to the surrounding breast tissue, and is considered to be very treatable. And this is where early screenings come into play because if not detected, and therefore treated early on, the cancer will spread to the surrounding tissue and result in the development of cancer into the more dangerous stages.


Necessary Screenings


Ø  Mammogram: A mammogram is performed to check the breasts for cancer. This procedure usually begins at age 40 and is performed every one to two years. If a woman has certain risk factors, such as, family history, mammograms may need to be performed more often. 

Speak with your doctor about how often this procedure must be done and make an appointment as soon as possible. Women who neglect to get this screening may increase their risk of developing cancer or other problems and can miss out on all the benefits of early detection. It is better to be safe than sorry, so contact your doctor today.


Ø  Clinical Breast Exam: Complementary to a mammogram, a clinic breast exam is an extra precaution performed by a nurse, nurse practitioner, physician assistant or doctor. Though mammograms are quite effective, most women should use both exams to ensure optimal safety and assurance. 

Women usually begin receiving this exam at age 20 and it is repeated every one to three years for women between 20 and 40 years of age. This test may be able to detect lumps and other signs of breast cancer. This same exam can be used at home by women to check for lumps or changes in breasts, and is referred to as a breast self-exam. 


Ø  Pap Smear and Pelvic Exam: This exam checks for cervical cancer and usually begins at age 21 for most women, especially if they are sexually active. This procedure is meant to detect any signs of cervical cancer so that doctors can treat or possibly prevent the disease from developing. This procedure should be performed every three years unless recommended otherwise by your doctor. 


Ø  Colonoscopy: This procedure is absolutely necessary for women over 40. The starting age is usually 50 unless otherwise specified by your healthcare provider. This screening involves the insertions of a long, flexible instrument into the rectum in order to view the inside of the colon. It may sound uncomfortable, but, this test is necessary for detecting signs of colon cancer such as polyps and other growths. Unless there are certain risk factors in place, this test is only needed once every 10 years. 

For a complete list of women’s health screening tests, speak with your doctor. Some women may require more tests than others while others may need less. It all depends on you as an individual and your medical and genetic health history.


Remember that as a woman, you have the responsibility to take care of your body and your life. Don’t let health problems sneak up on you by being underprepared. 


Stay on top of your medical care, and speak with your doctor, ask questions and remain in tune with your body to ensure your good health. 


What Is Whey Protein and Its Health Benefits?

Whether you’re an athlete, bodybuilder, fitness enthusiast, or simply someone looking to get more protein in their diet, you should consider trying whey protein. This supplement is widely regarded as a protein staple because it helps with lean muscle growth, muscle recovery, and overall health and wellness. 


To understand this protein and how it helps your body and wellbeing, please keep reading this comprehensive guide to learn everything you need to know including the various benefits it offers. 

What Is Protein?


Protein is a macronutrient, like fat and carbohydrates that is used in every single cell of the body. Hair and nails are mostly made of protein and the body uses it to build and repair tissues. Protein is also used to make hormones, enzymes, and other body chemicals. 


Protein is an essential building block of muscles, bones, skin, cartilage, and blood. Unlike fat and carbohydrates, the body does not store protein to maintain an available reservoir, so it can only be obtained from food.  


What is Whey Protein?


To understand what whey protein is we must first unpack the meaning of “whey.” Whey is a term that describes milk serum, or the liquid by-product that is created when milk is curdling. In animal milk, whey protein makes up nearly 20% of the protein content while the rest is roughly casein fractions. 


In fact, whey proteins actually come in a variety of fractions like globulins, albumins, and more. However, for the purposes of this article, whey protein will simply refer to the whole variety of specific fractions that are found in cow’s milk. 


Whey protein is also a complete protein source, which simply means that it provides all 9 essential amino acids, which are, in essence, the complete building blocks of life. 


How Whey Protein is Made


Whey protein can be produced from whey through a variety of different membrane filtration methods depending upon the desired protein content. Some filtration methods include microfiltration and ultrafiltration. Once done, the whey protein is spray dried in give it the desired powdered consistency. 


Benefits of Whey Protein and Why You Should Add It To Your Diet


Protein is one of the key ingredients in muscle growth, development, and wellness. On the smallest scale, proteins are built up of amino acids which are needed for the construction of various bodily systems and tissues as well as other physiological functions. These include neurotransmission, brain metabolism, immune system function and strength, cardiovascular function, and energy production. Due to these dynamic building blocks, proteins then are the important for building and maintaining strong muscles.


There are a number of benefits from consuming whey protein that are all directly linked to the biological roles and properties of essential amino acids. Due to its high amount of L-leucine, whey protein is an important part of muscle protein production and other functions. 

The following are some of the whey protein’s main benefits:


  • It can provide anti-catabolic properties during extended periods of aerobic activities
  • It is quickly and easily absorbed and digested
  • It boosts insulin sensitivity which can in turn boost metabolism and result in weight loss
  • Improves and enhances the immune system (especially for physically active individuals)
  • Helps maintain muscle mass/prevent muscular loss as a result of aging


Whey protein can be found as a powdered supplement but it is also present in some dairy foods. These include: 


  • Yogurt
  • Bread, crackers, cookies (other baked goods that use whey in production)
  • Ricotta Cheese
  • Cottage Cheese
  • Dairy Butters and Creams
  • Animal Milk (goat and cow)


The best way to find out if a certain food naturally contains whey protein is to read the label! If you do not want to purchase powders or other whey protein supplements, you can easily add these foods to your everyday diet. It is important to remember, however, that too much dairy can result in some gastrointestinal problems (bloating, constipation, etc.), so remember to eat these foods in moderation. 


Now That You Know…


Now that you have a basic understanding of what whey protein is and why it’s good for you, you may be motivated to add it to your diet. In addition to this power-protein, you may want to begin exercising and practicing other methods of self-care that can help bring your body and health into a new realm of well-being.


By combining the consumption of whey protein with proper eating habits, regular exercise, and getting enough sleep, you could begin to see the lean, healthy body you’ve always dreamed of forming in no time.