Showing posts with label Personal Growth. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Personal Growth. Show all posts

Friday, 17 January 2025

If You Want More Meaningful Relationships, Schedule Them

Do you have a day planner? Do you have a calendar or schedule where you plan out your activities? A lot of people plan their careers. They have a virtual or physical planner where they keep track of their work commitments. They take their job seriously and know that if they schedule their professional life, they can be more successful than if they take it as it comes.


Unfortunately, many people don't do that with their personal lives.


That's too bad. We've known for a long time that the human brain loves to be given marching orders. It was designed to respond favorably to order and habitual behavior. If you want deeper connections, you should schedule the experiences that build and maintain them.


Who Do You Want a More Meaningful Relationship With?


It's been proven that deep relationships make you less likely to develop disease or become sick. Your mind, body, and emotions benefit. The more people you truly understand on a deep level and connect with in a meaningful way, the happier and healthier you will be.


This means that when you connect with someone in a big way, you get a significant boost to your well-being. Who wouldn't like that in their lives? To experience all these wonderful benefits of a healthy social life, ask yourself who you can connect with on a deeper level.


Once you have that person in mind, sit down and ask yourself some questions. What do they like to do? What values are important to them? Do they like traveling or knitting, or reading? What vices do they have that they wish they could defeat? What are their big goals?


If you don't know the answers to these questions, or at least have some general idea of their response, what can you do to discover those answers? In many cases, it doesn't make sense to come out and ask big questions like this. You can spend more time with that person in experiences and activities they enjoy. This helps you indirectly learn that information.


Schedule time for those activities. Talk a lot, and listen. Remember your ultimate goal, to get to know the person better. Be flexible and understand that a deep connection might mean a relationship with someone that's unlike you in many ways. Opposites often attract. 


Keep these things in mind and schedule the time and emotional energy required to develop a deep and meaningful relationship. Offer a time and environment that's comfortable to them, be yourself, and do this regularly to form a strong, healthy connection.


Tuesday, 14 January 2025

5 Ways to Make a Meaningful Connection with Just about Anyone

It's possible to meaningfully connect with people if you do certain things. This can help you connect with a customer, a neighbor, a coworker, or somebody you want a deeper relationship with. It guarantees effective communication, and both parties are interested in each other somehow.


This can help you advance in your career. It makes getting along with your neighbors so much easier. Suddenly your children start doing their chores without you asking them. If you want to connect with someone in a way that makes the relationship more beneficial for both of you, do these five things.


1. Ask Their Opinion


People love giving their opinion. Ask them what they think. Talk about a hot topic or something that's currently in the news. Avoid religion and politics, and be careful when talking about sports.


People remember you when you ask their thoughts on a subject. It shows you value their opinion. Think about what they say. If you can find some points where you agree with them, tell them, you understand their opinion and why. If you differ from them, nod your head and say you can see how they came to that conclusion. Then change the subject.


2. Use Their Name, but Don't Overdo It


It is said that the sweetest sound to any person is that person's name. If you want to kill a relationship before you get started, forget someone's name. One proven practice for remembering someone's name is to repeat it immediately after you hear it and look the person in the face.


Another way to remember someone's name is to link one of their characteristics in your memory. If you meet Jim and he loves fishing, his name becomes Jim Fishing or Fishing Jim in your mind. Use their name frequently in conversations, but don't overdo it, or you'll sound disingenuous.


3. Notice Them


What are they wearing? Do they have a topic they talk about frequently? Do they mention their children often? Developing a deep connection with someone means really caring about who they are. You've got to notice them. After you recognize certain characteristics or tendencies about someone, you want to do this.


4. Reconnect


Don't wait for fate to put you two together again. It doesn't matter who you're trying to connect with. Go out of your way to reconnect with them frequently. They'll see that you really do care about the relationship.


5. Listen and Remember


If you do all the talking, how do you get to know someone? Listen, truly listen, when they talk. Then remember what they say and bring it up in conversation later. This shows that you're making an effort to get to know them.


Forming more meaningful connections is possible. You first have to care about the viewpoints and opinions of the other person. Then use these tips to connect on more than the surface level.


Friday, 27 December 2024

The Essential Role of Self-Discipline in Overcoming Obstacles

Life is full of barriers. Sometimes, the impediments you encounter on your journey seem impossible to overcome. Usually, though, there is a solution to life's problems. Make the following considerations when you require discipline to overcome a hardship.


Take The First Step


Pythagoras was a Greek philosopher in the 6th century BCE. As with most philosophers during this early age of enlightened thinking, he had several views on living that still apply today. Here's a quote credited to him that can help you improve your discipline. 


"Beginning is half of every action."


It's only natural to stop dead when you have a big obstacle in front of you. It makes sense. You have to judge how this impediment to your progress can be overcome. The key is to avoid getting stuck in this assessment process.


Discipline means taking action. It's like courage in a lot of ways. You act even though you are uncertain about the outcome. When roadblocks appear without warning, take some time to formulate an action plan. Then act. The key to finishing is starting, so don't let life's obstacles keep you from progressing to a great outcome.


Become Your Hero


Do you have a favorite movie star? There may be a leader in finance, politics, or some other field that you look up to. You are their biggest fan. One way to develop rock-solid self-confidence is to model that person.


What would they do if they were going through the same situation you are encountering? How would they react? Certainly, they would succeed. That's one of the things you respect about them: their ability to reach new levels of achievement reliably. When it's tough to push on, be the person you admire in your mind. This can give you the discipline to keep going.


Answer This Simple Question


Life gets difficult at times. You've already encountered this natural law. You wouldn't be here now if you weren't a survivor, someone who has overcome difficulties in the past.


There have been times you had to practice incredible self-control. Even though you have succeeded in these situations, it might be tough to see yourself getting past some difficulty now. Answer this simple question when self-doubt threatens to keep you from creating the reality you deserve.


What am I willing to do to change my life?


Will you confidently take a step today to overcome an obstacle when you prefer to wait until tomorrow? Discipline is about choosing to do something you'd rather not do right now to improve your life. Answering that question fills you with the energy and confidence needed to push forward and gives you the first action you need to take to create change.


Remember that you can't control everything that happens in your life. The only thing you can control is your response. Choosing not to react when life gets hard will change your situation. Disciplining yourself to take action when obstacles appear is its own reward.


Tuesday, 24 December 2024

Don't Let Your Circumstances Dictate Your Self-Worth

Star Trek was a groundbreaking science fiction TV series of the 1960s. A matter transporter was one of the technological wonders the show employed in many episodes. An object or a person could be teleported from the Star Ship Enterprise to a transporter on board another spacecraft or a nearby planet.


Imagine that the fictitious transporter worked. You could teleport yourself from your current location to anywhere else on earth. You could leave any environment or situation in just a few seconds and transport yourself to a much more favorable location.


If you are familiar with the original Star Trek television series or the many TV and movie shows and films it spawned, you know how timely the transporter could be. Captain Kirk, Spock, Dr. McCoy, and others were often saved from imminent death when transported to a much safer and friendlier location.


Transporting Your Self-Worth


You have a virtual transporter in your mind. You can transport yourself to another reality whenever your experiences change. When things are going great, many people live in a high self-worth reality. When life gets tough, they shift their self-worth to a lower-quality reality. 


We often allow our perception of ourselves to change due to our experiences. We allow people, places, and things to change our feelings. If we already struggle with self-worth, it happens more often than not. It’s part of being human, a flawed human that we all are. That doesn’t make it right. It just means you need to be aware of the possibility of it happening.


Keep this in mind, your environment and your thoughts might change but it doesn’t change the unique individual you are. You are a good person soul deep. You are capable and worthy. So, wherever you go, no matter what external factors are involved, there you are.


There’s No Need to Shift Your Self-Worth


Feeling the need to flee doesn't happen to someone with a high level of self-worth. They recognize the person that they are inside no matter what external factors are happening around them. 


People with a great self-image and high self-esteem are comfortable in their skin. They don't change their opinion of who they are just because of the surrounding circumstances. This is good because our circumstances and experiences frequently change without us being able to stop them.


Value yourself. Embrace who you are, warts and all. Intimately get to know your strengths and weaknesses, your skills and abilities. Respect the fact that you are a unique individual that has never existed before you came along and will never exist after you are gone. That's reason enough to respect and love yourself greatly. 


Admire who you are. You were created uniquely and are valuable to the world just as you are. Don't let your present circumstances change the way you perceive yourself because they can change without any control on your part.


Tuesday, 17 December 2024

5 Tips for Keeping Self-Sabotage at Bay

We want to be productive. In fact, you might even wake up in the morning with all kinds of enthusiasm for the projects you’re going to get done during the day. 


Now fast forward a few hours, and suddenly you’re dragging yourself home at nightfall wondering where the day went, feeling like you never accomplished anything at all.


If this sounds familiar, you’re not alone. Most people feel this way at least sometimes. The trick is to realize that this isn’t something entirely outside of your control. Sure, things are going to happen, which derail you, but more often than not, you’re reaping the fruits of self-sabotage. You’ve derailed yourself, through your own negative self-talk.


How to get past this? Simple! Start with these easy tips:


Listen to Music


It’s hard to get yourself going if your mood is what’s dragging. Thankfully this is a quick fix. Put on some music you love, something fast-paced and catchy for a quick pick-me-up and watch your productivity soar.


Get up and Move


Like listening to music, putting your body in motion will build your energy levels (so long as you’re not trying to run a marathon). Dance around the room, take a brisk walk or try a few jumping jacks to get the blood flowing. Then tackle your task again, wide-awake and energized.


Look Inward 


Conversely, sometimes what you need is some quiet time. If you find your mind racing and yourself unable to concentrate on what you’re going, try meditation to slow things down. Find a quiet place, close your eyes, and focus on your breathing. Take deep breaths, nice and slow, and focus yourself on the present until you feel calm again.


Reassess What’s Important


It might be you’re not getting things done because you no longer find the value in your goal. If this seems to be the case, take some time to ask yourself some very crucial questions about why you’re on this journey. It might be you either need to shift your goal to something else entirely or, at the very least, adjust the outcome to serve your present needs.




When all else fails, if you do not feel your work has value, offer to help someone else. Mentoring is one of those win-win situations where you bring your life skills and experience to help someone else who truly needs it. At the same time, you rediscover your passion through the act of teaching others what you know.


Do all this, and it’s good-bye self-sabotage, hello accomplishment. Soon you’ll be more productive than ever! 


Friday, 6 December 2024

Why Do We Struggle With Self-Care?

We all know that self-care is important to your well-being and success in life. This fact alone doesn't make it any easier to carve out more time in your life for it. Please keep reading to discover some of the reasons you may struggle with self-care so that you can be more aware as you try to work it into your routine. 


You Feel Shame


Many people don’t find the time for self-care for the simple reason that deep down; they don't believe that they deserve it. This comes from a poor self-image when an individual doesn't believe they are worth the time for proper self-care. Improving your self-image and reminding yourself that you are deserving of self-care can make it easier to schedule time in your busy life for it. 


You Don’t Want to Make the Effort


It is also an effort to set aside time out of your schedule to take care of yourself, and some people are too lazy to make this effort. Often this laziness goes back to a poor self-image or poor time management, or both, so these two aspects may need to be addressed if you find yourself not wanting to make an effort to include self-care in your life. Sometimes these people find it is easier to engage in self-care when they put it directly into their schedule. 


You Don’t Know What Self-Care is


In this day and age, it is common to hear people say "treat yourself," and it's important to distinguish that treating yourself is not self-care. Treating yourself should come as a reward after a specific activity, not a regular staple in your life. For example, "treating yourself" is an ice cream cone on a Friday night, while "self-care" is being sure you eat enough healthy fruits and vegetables. 


You Are Tired


The number one reason that people struggle with self-care is that they are tired. This is a self-perpetuating problem because, without proper self-care, you will feel increasingly tired. If this is something you struggle with, it's important to get over that first hump of self-care and get yourself some rest so that you don't feel too tired for future self-care sessions. 


All in all, there are several reasons you could be struggling with self-care. This article might not even list your specific reason here. Regardless, it would be best if you found out why you are struggling with self-care so that you can solve the problem. Without self-care, you will be tired and stressed for the rest of your life. 


Tuesday, 26 November 2024

10 Ways to Biohack Your Diet

Dave Asprey, the founder of “Bulletproof Coffee” and the “Bulletproof Diet”, is a proponent of biohacking and a self-proclaimed biohacker. He defines biohacking as, “using science, biology, and self-experimentation to take control of and upgrade your body, your mind, and your life. To become a “superhuman” version of yourself without becoming overwhelmed, stressed or feel like you need to give up”. He created his entire bulletproof program around this mantra.


Here are 10 effective ways to biohack your diet according to the research provided by Dave Asprey and his Bulletproof Diet program. 


Eliminate Sugar


Eliminate added sugar from your diet. Soft drinks, processed foods, and flavored yogurt are a few examples you can get rid of that are loaded with added sugar. Sugar increases your risk of developing type two diabetes, increases inflammation in the body, decreases energy levels, and promotes weight gain. Ditch those added sugars and switch them to something healthy like naturally occurring sugars found in low glycemic fruit like berries.


Increase Your Vegetable Intake


Eat 6 to 11 servings of organic vegetables every day. Asparagus, bok choy, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale, and spinach are great options. The more vegetables you can get into your body the better.


Eliminate Grains and Gluten 


Avoid gluten and grain such as corn, oats, and barley. Most of these foods have a negative effect on the body. They cause inflammation and an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut and can be a leading cause of candida or yeast overgrowth.


Keep Fruit Intake Low 


Reduce your fruit to about two servings a day and always eat whole organic fruit. Stick to low sugar fruits as much as possible such as blackberries, coconut, and avocado. 


Eliminate Processed Food


It is no surprise that processed food is bad for your health. They are loaded with chemicals, sugar, unhealthy fats, and sodium. Processed foods also are high in synthetic additives, colorings, and flavorings that cause many health problems. 


Eat Grass-Fed Meat and Wild-Caught Seafood 


Choose grass-fed and wild-caught seafood. The quality of your meat is important for optimal health. These foods are high in nutrients, healthy fats, and are usually free of added hormones and antibiotics. Plus, they fill you up so that you eat less.


Eliminate Legumes 


Legumes are beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts. These should be avoided because they are usually low in nutritional value and prevent your body from properly absorbing protein. They stall weight loss and contain harmful chemicals like BPA; a carcinogen commonly found in plastics.  


Eat Healthy Fat 


Your body depends on healthy fat such as omega 3s and omega 6s for survival. 50 to 70% of your calories should be from healthy fat; mostly saturated fat. Grass-fed butter, avocados, and grass-fed meat are all examples of healthy fat. 


Supplement Where Needed 


Dave Asprey suggests to always supplement with food first and only supplement with vitamins when needed. Determine what supplements you need by getting a blood test first or paying attention to any symptoms you may be having. Always avoid multi-vitamins as they are usually low in quality and are not balanced. 


Cook Your Food Differently 


Eat your food raw if possible or slightly steamed to get the most nutrients from your food. For meat eat it boiled, baked, or lightly grilled. Avoid burned or blackened food because it can produce carcinogens. 


As you implement these 10 diet hacks track your progress in a journal or on an app on your phone. Take note of the changes that are occurring in your body, so that you know what benefits you are receiving and whether these hacks are right for you or not. Remember to eat until you are satisfied and listen to your body. Don’t under or overeat, let your hunger be your guide. 


Friday, 15 November 2024

5 Benefits of Biohacking

Biohacking is an individualized system of techniques that gives you the feeling of full control over your own biology. It’s noticing areas you feel you need to improve and implementing hacks to improve it. The benefits of biohacking, due to its personalization, are truly endless but, here are the top five benefits that you are sure to experience. 


A Better Understanding of One’s Self 


By far the best benefit of biohacking is learning who you truly are. With meditation and experimenting different things each day, you learn exactly what your body and soul need to be happy and healthy. During the journey of biohacking, you may identify new characteristics about yourself or identify new areas of interest you may have never discovered before.


You will learn that you are powerful and strong and that you can do almost anything by doing the work. You will understand what works and doesn’t work which will prevent you from experiencing most frustrations. Once you understand your true self, getting to your goals will be streamlined and easy. 


Improved Mood


Biohacking improves your mood in several different ways. Through hacking your mind, diet, and soul you’ll discover the causes and fix them. Chemical imbalances, as well as poor diet and exercise, are the main culprits of poor mental health. Improving your mood can truly open the gate to a better life.  


More Focus and Boosted Productivity 


Implementing hacks into your diet and exercise will increase your energy levels which in turn increases your productivity. It will lift the mental fog and keep you focused. Drinking bulletproof coffee each morning, drinking plenty of water each day, and getting a full night rest each night are just a few ideas that help in these areas.


Reduced Stress and Anxiety 


Dopamine and serotonin are hormones that are responsible for the “feel good” feeling. These hormones, in turn, reduce stress levels. Biohacking techniques such as meditation and eliminating sugars and processed foods from your diet will help increase these hormones. A very common goal of most biohackers is finding things that increase these hormone levels whether it be medication, diet, exercise or meditation and then doing them every day.


Optimal Health 


Optimal health is when your physical, emotional, social, spiritual and intellectual health is balanced. Getting to a balance is all up to you and dependent upon where you feel you need improvement. Biohacking is all about getting to that balance and finding those areas to improve. Just remember that optimal health is a never-ending journey. It always needs to be worked on to get to where you want to be.  


Overall, there is really no reason you shouldn’t use biohacking. Everything you do with biohacking is meant to improve your quality of life in every single way. To hack your system into better cognitive functionality, greater strength, and wellbeing, and to improve your mind and soul can all be accomplished with biohacking. If you do it properly there really are no side effects. The journey to overall wellbeing is all your own. 


Friday, 8 November 2024

Why Didn't They Tell Us Happiness Is a Choice?

A few lessons time teaches us are difficult to accept. The biggest is probably that the most important, wonderful, and influential people in our lives will sometimes be taken away from us. Older folks will tell you that you never get over the pain of losing a loved one. You try to focus on all that person's great memories and good qualities.


In other words, you choose to focus on good things rather than obsess over not having that person in your life anymore. You make a choice. Instead of reacting, you take a proactive approach. You act on the memory of that person positively rather than negatively.


Another Choice You Can Make in Life Is to Be Happy or to Be Sad Most of the Time


The earlier in life you can figure this out, the better. This knowledge doesn't come to everyone. You may know someone who doesn't realize that happiness is a choice. Some people live their entire lives embracing negativity and believing that the world is out to get them.


Let's imagine for a second that you are that type of person. 


Nothing good ever happens to you. If it does, it's by pure chance. Life will certainly return to its old routine of knocking you down and kicking you while you're there. Every person, thing, and experience you encounter will undoubtedly cause stress, strife, sadness, and other negative emotions.


Living life as this poor soul, one day, your company decides to part ways with you. You're fired. It's not that you were a particularly terrible employee. It's just that the company is downsizing, and you've got to go. This doesn't surprise you, of course. The passage of time has taught you repeatedly that you are the whipping boy of the universe.


Now Imagine for a Moment That, for the First Time in Your Life, You Realize You Have a Choice


You can view this as just another of the many mistreatments life has dealt you. Or you can look at this as a wonderful opportunity. Now you've got time to start that project you've always dreamed about. You see the silver lining in the cloud rather than just another rainy day.


We all have choices. Every day we're given the ability to steer our life in any direction we desire. We can accept that life is tough and there's not much sense in making an effort. Or we can now decide to take action and start doing the things that give us meaning and purpose. Don't live most of your life and discover that you can choose to be or feel anything you want. That's your choice right now. Embrace that idea and start living your best life today.


Friday, 18 October 2024

7 Secrets to Reclaiming Confidence that Successful People Know

Winston Churchill once said, “Success is stumbling from failure to failure with no loss of enthusiasm.” 


The problem is, enthusiasm can be hard to come by, especially when yours has taken a beating. Setbacks and disappointments have a way of knocking it down. We start doubting ourselves and lose sight of who we really are. Without confidence, it becomes impossible to try, guaranteeing failure. 


Thankfully, we know one thing for certain: confidence can be reclaimed, as every successful person knows. Read on to discover 7 things successful people know about reclaiming confidence.


They Remind Themselves They Can Do It


Successful people recognize failure is normal. Getting there won’t be without bumps. The important thing when trying to regain confidence is to realize success is still a possibility…or even a probability. This is where you remind yourself of your goal and visualize success all over again.


They Walk Away


There comes a time where a break is the best thing you can give yourself. Confidence wavers when you’re feeling stressed and overwhelmed. Doing a hobby you love, or even just taking a walk, or spending time with friends, does a lot toward regaining a positive mindset when you’re feeling frustrated.


They Revisit the Past


Where have you succeeded before? Where have you failed? Everything that’s come before is a teaching moment. What do you know about yourself already from these events? Understanding the “you of yesterday” is where your insights today come from. Confidence comes from using this knowledge well. 


They Forgive


Hating yourself for some mistake you made isn’t going to get you anywhere and only destroys your confidence. Being able to let go and forgive the past is crucial to future success.


They Keep a Handle on What They’re Saying


Self-talk can be particularly destructive to confidence. How do you talk to yourself? Are you patient and understanding, or do you tend toward negativity? Grabbing hold of those mental put-downs will preserve self-confidence. Using more positive statements will build it up.


They Start Over


The only sure way to fail is to do the same thing, in exactly the same way, when you’ve already failed the first time. Rather than force failure onto yourself and eradicate confidence, revamp the strategy. Ask yourself how you can do things differently this time.


They Keep Trying


Persistence pays off. If you fail and stop, you’ll always think of yourself as a failure. It’s the person who gets up and tries again who builds confidence as they go. 


In the end, the only way to reclaim your confidence is to put intentional work into recovering it. By using these tips, you’ll get there. Recognize the process can sometimes be slow, but success truly does still lie within your grasp, even after a setback.