Being uncommon doesn't seem very hard when you think about it. If you start with a sincere desire to do your best, add a strong belief in yourself, and keep a positive attitude throughout it all, you've gotten this down.
But how can you use being uncommon to get ahead? Typically, uncommon people tend to succeed in high numbers. But why?
Offer Just a Little Bit More
Uncommon people really do want to give their best. This includes finding a little bit extra to push them over the top when working or playing. Uncommon people look for the extra bit of customer satisfaction they can give. They also will go out of their way in relationships.
Add in Some Encouragement
Uncommon people look for ways to build others up rather than tear them down. By being a motivator, they, in turn, wind up motivating themselves. It's hard to keep an uncommon person down. With a little encouragement, they really do accomplish great things.
Look for the Lesson
Did you mess up? Be uncommon in how you handle the situation. Instead of assigning blame, it's better to understand the disaster critically. What can you learn here? How will this affect you going forward?
Do Things Your Way
Uncommon people don't worry about how other people are getting their work done or try to adjust their process to match everyone else's. In fact, more often than not, these people are the ones who've worked out unique ways of getting the job done, which others later tend to adopt because they're so effective.
Be Ready to Pivot
Having a plan is great, but every uncommon person knows how to adapt to changing circumstances. When you're able to show off this flexibility, those around you notice and appreciate your willingness to change. Especially if this shift involves looking outside the box for solutions.
Know People
An uncommon person doesn't stick to themselves. Instead, they get out there and meet people. While anyone can network, this person invests in relationships. That is why they always seem to know the right person at the right time. This doesn't mean you need to make everyone your bestie. It does, however, mean getting to know people beyond their business cards. Start by taking an interest and enjoying real conversations with people beyond "What do you do for a living?"
The takeaway here is fairly simple. Uncommon people aren't chasing success by ticking items off a list. They're finding it by taking an active interest in the world around them and in what they're doing. Isn't that the better way?