Showing posts with label Meals. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Meals. Show all posts

Sunday, 11 December 2022

How To Make Healthy Food Choices On The Go

Try as you might, it’s not always possible to prepare all your meals. No one has the time or energy to spend hours preparing dishes packed with nutrients.


It’s also not easy sticking with a diet plan when you’re busy rushing from one meeting to the next. Sometimes, it’s just easier to grab food on the go. But the problem is that fast food isn’t always healthy food.


Because we know how important your health is, we rounded up some practical tips to help you make healthy food choices on the go.


Let’s get started.


Be Honest with Yourself


As with any new habit or lifestyle change, the first thing you have to do is be honest with yourself about a few things. Have an open, serious conversation about what your schedule is like and assess your busiest days.


These will probably be when you don't have time to prepare healthy meals. Thus, you’ll need to prepare a couple beforehand, so you can just grab them and go.


Another thing you have to be honest about is the types of food you eat. Luckily, we now live in a time when almost any food can be healthy.


Craving a burger? Try a veggie burger or use lettuce instead of patties. Need some chocolate in your life? Grab a bar of dark chocolate for your sweet tooth and a nice boost of antioxidants as well.


Understanding your likes and dislikes can go a long way in helping you make healthy food choices on the go.


Get the Right Tools


Making healthy food choices isn’t just about knowing what to buy at the grocery store. It’s also about getting suitable tools and materials to help make the process easier.


For example, two great buys are to-go boxes, such as microwave-safe bento and lunch boxes. Simply fill them up the night before. Then, just grab them from the fridge, pop them in your bag, and you’re set for the day.


For batch cooking, consider investing in a Dutch oven, Instant Pot, or crockpot. Each of these cookware is guaranteed to make meal prep quick and hassle-free. You just add the ingredients, set the timer, and leave it to their thing.


Think Ahead


Why not take a couple of hours out of your weekend to organize a meal schedule for the busy week ahead? You can go old school and use a pen and paper.


Or you can take advantage of today’s technology and download one of the many meal-planning apps available. These apps help you schedule meals, prepare shopping lists, and even help you manage your budget.


Other benefits of using a meal-planning app include the following:


  • Focus only on the items on your grocery list, so you only buy what you need
  • Suggest new and fun recipe ideas
  • No more stressing over what you’ll eat or how much time it’ll take you
  • Calculate how much carbs, fat, proteins, and other nutrients you’re consuming each day
  • Know your total caloric intake for the day


Choose Wisely


It’s hard choosing healthy foods when you’re eating out or passing through a drive-thru. However, the good news is that now almost every fast-food place has a handful of healthy food options to choose from.


Thanks to the growing demand for healthier food choices, fast-food chains have amended many of their items. Some have even added brand-new ones that are all about being healthy.


In the meantime, try these tips:

  • Pick the smaller portion sizes
  • Opt for a side salad instead of fries
  • Choose the grilled chicken instead of fried chicken or a beef burger
  • Order water, diet soda, or unsweetened coffee or tea


Be a Smart Snacker


Sometimes we’re just so swamped with work that we don't have time to eat. So, we go to the vending machine and get a bag of chips or a bar of chocolate with a bazillion calories.


Sure, it’ll satiate you for about 15 minutes. But then, because they’re also loaded with carbs, your blood sugar levels will take a nose dive. Soon, you won’t be able to focus on your work, and you’ll be dying to take a nap.


To avoid putting yourself through all that, learn how to snack smart. This means choosing snacks that keep you feeling full for hours without all the loaded carbs, sodium, and fat.


Below is a list of some nutritious snacks you need to have in your bag at all times. From the sweet to the savor, these yummy snacks will ensure you always make healthy food choices.


  • Trail mix
  • Nuts like almonds, cashews, peanuts, and walnuts
  • Chopped vegetables with a side of salsa or hummus
  • Cut-up or whole fruit
  • Rice cakes and granola
  • Frozen yogurt
  • Sugar-free protein bars


Wednesday, 27 April 2022

Avoiding Processed Foods as a Stress Reduction Technique

Many people may not realize that when we eat, our levels of cortisol will rise. This is an occurrence that is relatively important; it helps our bodies to sort out the good things from the bad so that we know what we can use and which nutrients to absorb. Unfortunately, this is something that can actually be very bad for us when we are not consuming a proper amount of healthy foods.


When we eat processed foods, the levels of stress in our bodies will rise. It is dangerous because our cortisol levels will rise exponentially through the consumption of unhealthy and processed foods. It is important to try and remain conscious of the effects of each of the choices that we make. By consuming foods that will cause our stress levels to rise, whether we are aware of it or not, we are subjecting ourselves to major health issues, not only physically, but potentially emotionally. 


Have you ever been in a bad mood without really fully understanding why that is? Did you ever notice that you are feeling poorly and then examine the food choices you have made and realize that it is possibly related to your food choices?


Another thing to look out for are food sensitivities. If you have any sensitivities to foods, or food allergies, these things can cause your body to release stress hormones as your immune system is activated in an attempt to fight off the problem. This can leave you feeling moody and irritable, and cause inflammation in your body that you may not be aware of because it is not always physically apparent.


When our bodies are under duress, our moods tend to take a hit. Our bodies are very sensitive and more often than not, irritability and mood swings are often indicative of serious physical problems. If you look at the symptoms for many diseases, irritability and mood swings are often early warning signs. Our bodies know when something is off, and when our brains are producing an overabundance of stress hormones, it is a sign that we should be paying attention.


Do your best to grocery shop in a smart way. Make meal plans that include fresh and healthy food options. Rather than going through every aisle in the grocery store right away, consider simply going around the outside and purchasing a majority of fresh foods before heading into the processed food aisles. It is much easier to make healthy choices if you are prepared ahead of time!


While processed foods may seem like a convenient choice, consider the future. It may cost you much more than that to try to reverse the damage that these types of foods can cause the body, while prevention is as easy as making better choices. When they say that one ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure, they aren’t joking! Avoid stressing your body out with processed foods and enjoy a healthier lifestyle today!


Monday, 28 March 2022

Growing Veggies

I can hear you thinking that you have no clue about growing veggies. The truth is that you will be able to easily learn enough to be growing useful crops really quickly, and every session spent in your garden teaches you even more. You'll learn much that's unique to your own spot, like local soil conditions, your specific aspect in relation to the sun, and oddities that relate to your local microclimate. You'll learn most of this by getting out and giving it a go.


The taste of home-grown veggies is immensely superior to that of the commercially grown produce. Have you heard individuals complain that tomatoes no longer have any taste? They'll have when you grow your own - you'll never taste better. The lack of taste with the commercial crop isn't all the fault of the growers, as they're under pressure to produce a crop, of unvarying size and color, to the schedule of the wholesale market, and finally the supermarket. You set your own schedule.


The freshness of your own crop is a huge plus. Veggies I've bought from the supermarket, and stored in the refrigerator, have started to become inedible after a couple of days. I've had home grown produce still fresh in the refrigerator after two weeks! 


Commonly, your home garden will produce a generous yield, and may readily help pay for the cost of growing them. You are able to effectively end up having free veggies. Summertime, particularly, is usually a time of abundance, even glut, as loved ones and friends leave your place with possibly more produce than they had expected to see. A tip - when giving away fresh produce, try to limit your generosity - it's better to give a little amount to many rather than to give to the few more than they may really use.


Among the turn-offs to trying something you have not done before is the intimidating flood of information (and misinformation) you'll receive.

If you're browsing one of the major bookshops, you might find 100s of books on the topic - which do you purchase? To begin with, seek the simple, basic info. Don't bother with those full of jargon - you'll learn the technical terms as you go.


You’ll hear folklore from the family, like “Uncle Henry forever put ... (you name it) ... on his ... (name it again)”. Folklore is part of our heritage, but there's no guarantee of its usefulness. You'll hear from the office genius, who has done nothing, but still knows all the answers - nod wisely, and then ignore him.

Plants evolved millions of years before mankind, and they actually wish to grow. It has been said that in a lot of cases plants grow despite what we do to help them. If you supply the basics, and these are reasonable nutrition and regular watering, Mother Nature does the rest - let her work for you.


Meat Tradition

How did our family traditions get centered on consuming meat? Consider it. When we consider Thanksgiving, we consider turkey. If we consume pork, then New Year’s celebrations frequently revolve around pork and sauerkraut. At Christian Easter, the traditional meal is ham. And in the summertime, we wait for that 1st hamburger or steak on the grill. 


How did that occur to a species that was designed to eat veggies and fruits, nuts, berries and legumes? 


We may imagine that eating meat was at the start an opportunistic event, born of the need to survive. The taste of cooked meat, plus the prolonged energy that came from eating high-fat meat products made primitive sense even to earlier man.


At the start, finding cooked animal meat, from a forest fire, would have been cause for jubilation. It’s something everybody in a clan would have participated in consuming together. When man learned to hunt and moved to a hunting preference, instead of a hunter-gatherer orientation, he would have done this in groups. They'd have had to hunt in teams, and killing an animal for nutrients would have been a group attempt. Hunting and killing an animal meant food not simply for the individual, but for the clan, and would have been cause for festivity when the hunters brought the food home. 


If they fetched the animal back to the clan, it would have taken a group effort to skin the animal and tear or cut the meat from the carcass. Everybody would have taken part in this, and subsequently, shared in the payoffs of their work. 


It’s simple to see how, once we didn’t have to hunt for meat, but could buy it, the need for gathering and festivity was deeply ingrained in our natures. We observe the seasons and life’s events with loved ones and friends, and as those early celebrations involved eating meat, that tradition has kept going to modern times.


Sunday, 27 March 2022

Save Cash and Get Healthy with Veggie Gardens

Rather than assembling a swimming pool or a Zen Garden in your backyard, why not plant veggies as an alternative? Planting veggie gardens is a good way to spend calm time de-stressing while connecting with nature. Having a steady provision of veggies will likewise lessen food expenses and better the health of your family.


It’s not simple to brush aside the lofty prices of food items these days, including veggies. Although your backyard might be little and your veggie garden might not supply all that you need, it will have a striking effect in cutting your food bill. Envisage not having to run to the market to purchase some of the elements for your cooking. A few of the basic veggies that you require are already right there in your backyard. Depending upon the sort of veggies you plant and your techniques of maintaining them, the economic Advantages you get from your veggie garden might be felt all year-around.


You might likewise think that your youngsters will likely not eat much when you serve them veggies. It's obvious that youngsters would choose to consume burgers, hotdogs and the like. But there are many cookbooks available in bookshops that may show you an assortment of veggie meals to fix that are appetizing even for the youngsters. When what you serve up on the table doesn't look and taste ho-hum, your youngsters will certainly like it.


With an assortment of veggies ready to choose right in your backyard, you'll find it more satisfying to cook and serve veggie dishes to your loved ones. This means that everyone will get to savor the many health Advantages of consuming fresh produce, since veggies are jammed with gobs of nutrients. Apart from the fact that they're low in fats and calories, and bear no cholesterol, you'll likewise get a constant source of vitamins.


Save cash and help your youngsters stay healthy through planting veggie gardens. Plus, you get that sense of pridefulness each time your loved ones enjoy the meal on the table, whose veggie ingredients you grew yourself in your backyard.


Benefits of Planting Veggie Patches

Is there a plot of land in your backyard that’s been left un-used all this time? If you’re still on the fence what to make out of it, perhaps it’s high time you think about planting veggies in it. Read on to learn a few of the benefits of planting veggie gardens.


A lot of individuals attest that veggies grown in their own backyard taste much better than those purchased at markets. They note how flavorful their crops are, whether utilized as ingredients in a fresh vegetable salad or prepared dishes. Be it as of the extra amount of love and care these home-grown veggies got or the individual pride in growing produce in his or her backyard, it doesn’t truly matter. What matters is what you dish up on the table is fresh right from your veggie garden and yummier for each member of the family to savor. You're likewise guaranteed that what you serve is free from adverse chemicals like preservatives.


Chances are you may not fully know whether the veggies you purchase at the supermarket are free of pesticides. A few vendors say that their veggies are free from adverse chemicals. What about if the ground where those crops grew in was exposed to pesticides before or they were set next to crops sprayed with pesticides? Extended dietary exposure to pesticides is associated to various harmful reproductive and developmental effects, although there is little data to confirm this. Your youngsters are at higher risk to the perils of such chemicals on the veggies they consume. Their bodies are not yet amply developed to correctly metabolize or pass such substances.


If you have little or no time to go to the gymnasium or health club to exercise, then let gardening furnish your daily dose of training. Tending your vegetable patch for at least half-hour a day is a good way to burn those extra calories and slim down. You're able to work many major muscle groups in the body, like the legs, arms, back, buttocks and a lot of others. Gardening likewise betters your flexibility every time you stretch to reach for weeds or stoop to imbed a seedling. Unlike running, playing basketball and others, gardening has lower impact on your joints. Gardening is best where vigorous workouts aren't applicable, like for individuals with hypertension, heart diseases, bone joint troubles and many others.


If commercially produced veggies receive little demand from consumers, then commercial farmers will have no reason to enlarge their plantations. So there’s no need to cut back rainforests and ravage habitats of wild creatures. Likewise, if need is brought down farmers will utilize less pesticide and other adverse chemicals that contaminate our rivers and the rest of the surroundings. You may feel that you as an interested citizen can't add that much positive impact on the environment by planting vegetable patches. But envisage the difference made if many individuals began to plant their veggies in their own backyard.


Sunday, 16 January 2022

About Growing Veggies

Growing veggies can be fun, save you some money and be healthier for you. Here are some tips on growing a few veggies.


Beans love fertile, warm, sandy dirt. Make sure to dig deep, and work the ground thoroughly for beans. Don't plant beans before the Earth has warmed from winter chills. A bit of lime worked in with the dirt is helpful in the cultivation of beans. Bush beans are set in bores about 18 inches apart, while the pole-bean rows ought to be 3 feet apart. The bores for the bush limas ought to be farther apart than those for the other dwarf beans. While planting beans position the bean in the soil edgeways with the eye downward. 


Beets love fertile, sandy loam. Fresh manure worked into the dirt is calamitous for beets, like it is for a lot of other crops. But the following may be done; dig out a trench approximately a foot deep, disperse a thin layer of manure in this, cover up with soil, and plant higher up than this. By the time the primary root reaches the manure layer, there will be no harm done. Beets shouldn't be transplanted. 


Brussels sprouts are a really popular member of the cabbage family. Because of their size a lot of individuals who don't like to serve basic old cabbage will dish up these. Brussels sprouts are intriguing in their growth. The plant stem runs upward. At the top, like an umbrella, is a closed head of leaves, but this isn't what we consume. Shaded by the umbrella and bundled all along the stem are delightful little cabbages or sprouts. 

Like the remainder of the family a fertile soil is required and lots of water during the maturation period. The seed ought to be planted in May, and the little plants transplanted into fertile dirt in late July. The rows should be 18 inches apart, and the plants one foot apart in the rows. 


Carrots are of 2 kinds: those with longer roots, and those with shorter roots. If long-rooted kinds are selected, then the dirt must be worked down to a depth of 18 inches. The shorter ones will do well in 8 inches of well-worked sandy dirt. Don't put carrot seed into newly manured soil. As the small seedlings ascend, you’ll discover that they're much too close together. Thin a trifle at a time, so that new, tiny carrots might be utilized. 


If you intend to grow cucumbers abide by these instructions: Sow the seed indoors, cover with one inch of fertile soil. In a little space of 6 inches diameter, plant 6 seeds. Place a bean seed with the sprouting end in the soil. Once all frost is done, each set of 6 little plants, soil and all, ought to be planted in the open. The hills ought to be about 4 feet apart on all sides.

Friday, 17 December 2021

Weight Loss through Foods that Fight Fat

No one likes to diet but everyone always wants to lose weight. Eating the right kinds of food that burn fat and speed your metabolism should be your first step in your weight loss program.


Some foods can magically melt pounds, and that train of thought has been around for a long time. While exercise and a variety of wholesome foods help will help you lose weight, there are foods that burn calories and suppress hunger. Listed below are a variety of foods that will help speed your metabolism and therefore burn fat.


Foods such as raw spinach contain bulk. Therefore, the space they leave in your stomach - partly because of their high water content - leaves less room for pastries and ice cream. They are also jammed with iron, foliate, calcium and vitamins A., B, C, and E that helps you to lose weight.


Grape fruits help you lose weight fast. They are not magic, but they are powerful fat fighters due to their fiber content. In addition, without added sugar, a grapefruit has fewer calories than an orange of the same weight.


Apples keep the doctors away and fat. Eating several apples a day is a great way to lose weight. Hard fruits like apples take time to chew and fill you up. 


You burn more calories chewing and digesting celery than it actually contains. Celery has vitamins E and C. It is a diet food that also helps you lose weight and should be on everyone's plate.


Eat protein-packed legumes. Protein-packed legumes such as black beans, chickpeas, lentils are not just low in fat and rich in soluble fiber, they digest slowly and keep blood sugar levels steady. You will not feel like eating for a while.


Calcium rich foods and drink such as low fat milk can boost metabolism. It has been found that women and girls who consume dairy products regularly tend to lose weight easily and have less body fat than those who do not.


The omega-3 in fatty fish, such as mackerel can curb overeating. The protein mixed with the fat in fish is also known to curb your eating.


You can eat all the strawberries you want and can never gain a pound. Strawberries, peaches, plums, and grapes come with cancer fighting carotenoids and appetite-suppressing fiber. Eating these types of fruits daily will help you lose weight fast. 


Above are just some examples of foods that burn fat. Disciplining yourself to eat a proper diet and the right exercise program will help you reach your idea weight in no time.

Weight Loss Techniques

Obesity is one of the most important public health issues in the United States. It occurs over time when you eat more calories than you use. On the other hand, “overweight” refers to an excessive amount of body weight that includes muscle, bone, fat, and water.


People gain weight when the number of calories they eat is more than the number of calories their bodies use. Overweight people have an increased risk of high blood pressure, heart disease, and other illnesses. Your doctor can help you set rational goals based on a proper weight for your height, build and age. Usually, doctors will recommend that their overweight patients combine a reduction of the caloric content of the diet, with an increase in physical activity. 


Other methods of losing weight include use of drugs and supplements that decrease appetite, block fat absorption, or reduce stomach volume. Surgery is another method. Weight-loss programs should encourage healthy behaviors that help you lose weight and that you can stick with in your everyday activity. It is very desirable for you to gather as much information as you can before deciding to join a particular program. You may start to benefit from regular physical activity. Even modest amounts of physical action can improve your health. Start with small, specific goals such as walking 10 minutes a day, 3 days a week. When you eat out and are on the go it’s important to make smart food choices and watch portion sizes. When you prepare food at home read the nutrition label on foods. 


Look for foods low in saturated fats and trans fats. Choose and prepare foods and beverages with little added sugars (caloric sweeteners). Variety in the diet helps you get all the vitamins and other nutrients you need. Look for a weight loss program that gives you some control, rather than imposing one rigid system, one that offers a variety of different eating plans, so you can choose the one that's best for you. Prescription diet pills may help some people. If you use them, follow the doctor's directions carefully. Other method of weight reduction technique is the use of diet patches.

Weight Loss Survey: Why Dieters Fail To Lose Weight

Why do we find dieting so difficult? A new survey from about the problems surrounding weight loss, suggests that motivation remains a critical factor. Lack of incentive to lose weight, hunger and inability to cope with "bad days" are common problems. Anne Collins explains how to overcome these problems and achieve your weight loss goals.


Current levels of overweight and obesity, together with weight-related disease, have made weight control a major health priority throughout America. Yet statistics indicate that average weight reduction on conventional diets adds up to a mere 5-8 pounds per year. So why do we find dieting so difficult? According to a new survey(1), the answer seems to be: because we make 3 crucial mistakes. We don't have a good enough incentive; we allow ourselves to go hungry; and we can't cope with "bad days".


The weight loss survey conducted by asked dieters to select the three biggest problems they faced when dieting. The most common problems reported were: "Inadequate incentive to lose weight" (76%); "Hunger" (72%); and "Bad days" (70%). Although these results will come as no surprise to most dieters, they highlight the importance of motivation in the dieting process. We examine how these problems occur, and what steps can be taken to overcome them.


Why Do We Need an Incentive?


We gain weight because we take in more energy than we use. Either because we eat too many calories, or burn too few, or both. So if we want to reduce weight, we need to improve our eating and exercise habits. And this is not easy, because let's face it - old habits are not easily discarded, especially if they involve cutting out our favorite treats. We need a powerful incentive to help us change. Specifically, we need an answer to the question: "How exactly will I benefit from losing weight?"


When faced with this question, many dieters have no answer. Those who do, typically reply: "I'll feel better" or "my health will improve". Others explain they are trying to lose weight to please their doctor, or their partner, or simply because they are "overweight". Unfortunately, none of these reasons are strong enough to help us succeed. So when temptation strikes, we are unable to resist.


What Type of Incentive is Best?


Our motivation to lose weight must be based on a selfish, specific benefit. A good example might be an upcoming beach holiday, or a family occasion, or the achievement of a specific mobility or fitness goal. It must be as specific as possible (general benefits are useless) and ideally related to a fixed date. In addition, it must be selfish. Losing weight to please others rarely works. The advice I give to my clients is very simple. Do not bother dieting unless you have a good incentive. Because no matter how good the diet, no matter how valuable the exercise plan, unless you have a powerful reason to change your habits you won't succeed.


Hunger Kills Diets


Most dieters are still convinced that calories are their enemy. So the less they eat, the faster they are likely to lose weight. This is not true. In reality, the less we eat, the more hungry we get and the easier it is to fall into temptation. The human body is trained to eat when hungry and no amount of willpower will neutralize this basic urge. This is why binge eating is such a common response to low calorie diets.


How to Avoid Hunger


No rocket science here. Avoiding hunger simply means eating regularly throughout the day, and keeping your calorie intake above 1000-1200 per day. This prevents hunger, thus reducing the urge to overeat, and in addition helps to maintain a regular high level of calorie-burning.


Eat Too Much Rather Than Too Little


We all have days when we feel extra hungry, even when we are dieting. This is no problem - simply eat more! It is always better to eat a little too much than not enough. Might this delay your weight loss? Yes. But so what? Taking a few extra days to achieve your goal is not a problem. The real danger is not eating enough and ending up hungry and depressed. This is a recipe for a binge.


Bad Days and The Problem of Perfection


No dieter is perfect. The truth is, all dieters experience "bad days" or fall into occasional temptation. Sadly, most dieters insist on "being perfect". They cannot tolerate these lapses. So if (say) they visit a friend and end up eating 2 containers of ice cream and a box of cookies, they go to pieces. "I'm useless!" they cry. "I'm a failure!" Overwhelmed by guilt at not being perfect, they then quit their diet in disgust.


It's the Guilt That Does the Damage


In this situation, the actual binge is typically fairly harmless. I mean, we need to eat a huge quantity of food (3500+ calories) to gain even one pound of weight. The real damage is caused by the ensuing guilt. And this is what we need to address.


Guilt Comes From Trying to Be Perfect


All dieters make mistakes and this is perfectly normal. Having an occasional binge is no cause for alarm, far less guilt. Even my most successful clients - those who have lost 100+ pounds - had regular lapses. The difference is, they didn't see themselves as "perfect" individuals. So they felt "entitled" to make occasional mistakes, and so should you. Once you accept this, you will find dieting a whole lot easier.


We Need Support to Make These Changes


In order to overcome the 3 problems described above, an essential first step is to find proper support. This is just as important as choosing the right diet plan, because no matter how good the diet, it can't motivate you to stay on track - only people can do this. Dieting is ten times easier when you receive encouragement from others. So when choosing an online weight loss program, choose one with an active forum. Because at the end of the day, it's all about people. When we are alone and isolated, the smallest obstacle can seem like a mountain. But when we have people behind us, anything is possible.




Weight Loss Survey (Oct 2005) by A total of 17,403 subjects replied to the survey. They were asked to choose 3 from a list of 10 diet-problems. The results were as follows:


  • Inadequate Incentive (76%)
  • Hunger (72%)
  • Bad Days (70%)
  • Boredom (69%)
  • Stress (60%)
  • Interference From Others (51%)
  • Too Much Eating Out (32%)
  • Eating on The Run (28%)
  • Ill-health (5%)
  • Lack of Sleep (1%).


Weight Loss Instructions

Obesity is a growing concern in today’s world. By following the given weight loss instructions you can lose weight and maintain a steady weight throughout.


Chinese Diet Tea


With the intake of Chinese diet tea one can reduce weight and can live slim and trim. Chinese diet tea causes rapid and substantial weight loss. Chinese diet tea prevents the formation of body fat. Experts say that intake of Chinese diet tea significantly increase energy expenditure and also significantly effect on fat oxidation. Chinese diet tea does not contain caffeine that’s why it does not affect heart rate. So it is safe and highly helps in weight loss.




Intake of water helps weight loss. Water has no calories, cholesterol and fat. Studies showed that a high consumption of water does not allow more fat to be deposited inspite of being metabolized into energy and helps in weight loss. So, increasing of water consumption will prohibit fat deposition and in this way you obtain weight loss. Eight to twelve glasses of water help in weight loss.


Free Diet Plans


Free diet plans are also helpful in weight loss for those people who are busy and don’t have time for shopping and preparing their own meal. Free diet plans are mostly prepared on the recommendation of dietician and nutritionist. Hence, these are specially organized for athletes and dieters as they contain less fat and calories. As a result, by using free diet plans you can lose weight and maintain it steadily.


Balanced and Nutritious Diet


With balanced and nutritious diet one can lose weight. Balanced and nutritious diet should be according to your own body need. If you want to take balanced and nutritious diet then you must take exclude fat from your diet and should include juicy fruits, green leafy vegetables, roughages, cereals and brown bread which is free from fat and full of proteins.

Weight Loss Helps Prevent Diabetes

A few months ago (March 2005), the American Diabetes Association announced the findings of the comprehensive Diabetes Prevention Program. The DPP was conducted at over 25 medical centers nationwide and involved thousands of participants who volunteered to have their habits monitored and to follow dietary and exercise recommendations. All participants had been diagnosed with 'pre-diabetes', a condition where the blood sugar levels are higher than normal, but not yet in diabetic ranges. Untreated, more than half of those people diagnosed with pre-diabetes will develop full-blown type 2 diabetes within a decade. 


For the study, the participants were divided into two groups. One half were given dietary recommendations. The other half got the same dietary recommendations, plus the recommendation to exercise at least 30 minutes daily, five times a week. 


The results? Those who included daily exercise in their routines and followed the diet recommendations cut their risk of developing diabetes by 58%. The reason? Those who made the recommended changes in their lifestyle lost 'a moderate amount' of weight. Even more important, researchers found something that they didn't expect. Those in the treatment group had a substantial chance of reducing their blood sugar level to normal, something that had been assumed was impossible. 


Apparently, losing weight not only prevents a worsening of diabetes, it reverses the damage that obesity causes to the cells that produce insulin. 


How much weight loss does it take to have an effect on the progression of diabetes? The key is in the definition of 'a moderate weight loss' - 5-7% of your body weight. In other words, depending on your body weight, a loss of as little as 7-10 pounds can make a difference! 


The recommendations suggested by the American Diabetes Society for a healthy diet to prevent diabetes is an ideal diet for steady, gradual weight loss - the kind of weight loss that stays lost. The diet includes the following suggested daily diet allowances: 


  • Grain - 6-11 servings per day (Bread, Cereal, Rice, Pasta) 
  • Vegetables - 3-5 servings per day 
  • Fruits - 2-4 servings per day
  • Milk - 2-3 servings per day 
  • Meat - 4-6 ounces per day (Meat, eggs, fish, dried beans, nuts and peanut butter) 
  • Fats, Sweets, Alcohol - Occasional treats 


(Recommendations for portions are based on gender and activity level. For instance, a sedentary 40 year old woman needs fewer portions than an active 25-year-old woman.) 


Look familiar? It's also the dietary recommendation for the Heart Healthy diet from the American Heart Association, and the recommendations from the USDA's new MyPyramid. The results just keep coming in, but the message is clear: losing weight, maintaining a healthy weight and eating a balanced diet can help prevent most major health problems. Why wait till you're diagnosed? Start today - and it may never happen.