Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Healing. Show all posts

Friday, 21 February 2025

Breaking Chains: Letting Go Of Toxic Relationships

Toxic relationships can drive you to your breaking point. These may be difficult to get out of, and you may not even realize things are bad until you’re in deep. Today we’ll look at healthy versus toxic relationships and how to break those chains.


Identifying a Toxic Relationship


The first step in breaking free from your chains is identifying when the chains are there. All relationships go through bad times. The difference is that toxic relationships seem to be perpetually stuck in a dark place. This is true for any type of relationship, not just romantic.


Signs of a healthy relationship include:

  • Respect
  • Trust
  • Good communication
  • Mutual commitment
  • Kindness
  • Fun
  • Comfort
  • Support of each other’s goals
  • Partnership in decisions

On the other hand, signs of a toxic relationship include:

  • Disrespect
  • Lack of trust
  • Dishonesty
  • Poor communication
  • Major difference in goals
  • Lack of support
  • Stress
  • Jealousy
  • Excessive control
  • Disregard of each other’s needs and wants

Maintaining Safety


Depending on the level of toxicity, breaking the relationship off could have safety concerns. This mainly refers to partners in romantic relationships but not always. In these cases, it could be a good idea to consult with local law enforcement or the National Domestic Violence Hotline before taking any action. To reach the hotline, you can either call 800-799-7233 or text “START” to 88788. More information is available on their website.


Keys to Success


There are a few main components that ensure success when breaking off a toxic relationship. They include:

  • Support System: Keep your loved ones in the loop about what’s going on with you. Let them know why you’re leaving the relationship and seek assistance from them if needed. Community support groups are also available if you need to talk with people who are going through the same thing.
  • Independence: Learn how to take care of yourself and complete daily tasks. This includes managing your basic needs, finances, recreation, and other errands.
  • Professional Assistance: Again, law enforcement and other measures may be necessary to maintain physical safety. From a mental health standpoint, you may also want to seek professional counseling before and after ending the relationship.
  • Cutting Ties: One of the worst things you can do when leaving a toxic relationship is leaving the door open for the other person to come back into your life. It will be difficult to step away but it’s necessary for long-term healing. Once you no longer share material possessions and communication is not essential, delete their contact information and take them off your social media. Do not indulge in conversations about them with friends, family, or mutual connections.
  • Self-Care: Engage in activities that bring you physical, mental, and emotional comfort and peace. Take care of your basic needs, live a healthy lifestyle, and participate in relaxing and recreational activities.


What To Say


What you say and how you say it during a breakup is critical to your success in walking away. Here are a few tips for breaking the chain of a toxic relationship:

  • Maintain a strong and assertive but non-aggressive tone of voice.
  • Use strong body language, including a tall stance, relaxed shoulders, and good eye contact.
  • Use “I” statements and accept that the other person may not take responsibility for their actions.
  • Use definitive language. For example, don’t say “I need a break”. Instead, say “I’m leaving you and I don’t want you in my life anymore”.


Healing From Toxic Relationships


It’s best to take a holistic approach to healing from a toxic relationship. This means focusing on every aspect of your wellbeing, not just your emotional health. Some of these aspects include:

  • Physical: This involves factors such as diet, sleep, exercise, and personal hygiene.
  • Mental: This involves using coping skills and/or professional help to deal with unwanted thoughts and emotions.
  • Social: This involves your social connections such as family, friends, work, hobbies, and other social obligations.


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Tuesday, 26 November 2024

10 Ways to Biohack Your Diet

Dave Asprey, the founder of “Bulletproof Coffee” and the “Bulletproof Diet”, is a proponent of biohacking and a self-proclaimed biohacker. He defines biohacking as, “using science, biology, and self-experimentation to take control of and upgrade your body, your mind, and your life. To become a “superhuman” version of yourself without becoming overwhelmed, stressed or feel like you need to give up”. He created his entire bulletproof program around this mantra.


Here are 10 effective ways to biohack your diet according to the research provided by Dave Asprey and his Bulletproof Diet program. 


Eliminate Sugar


Eliminate added sugar from your diet. Soft drinks, processed foods, and flavored yogurt are a few examples you can get rid of that are loaded with added sugar. Sugar increases your risk of developing type two diabetes, increases inflammation in the body, decreases energy levels, and promotes weight gain. Ditch those added sugars and switch them to something healthy like naturally occurring sugars found in low glycemic fruit like berries.


Increase Your Vegetable Intake


Eat 6 to 11 servings of organic vegetables every day. Asparagus, bok choy, broccoli, Brussel sprouts, kale, and spinach are great options. The more vegetables you can get into your body the better.


Eliminate Grains and Gluten 


Avoid gluten and grain such as corn, oats, and barley. Most of these foods have a negative effect on the body. They cause inflammation and an overgrowth of bad bacteria in the gut and can be a leading cause of candida or yeast overgrowth.


Keep Fruit Intake Low 


Reduce your fruit to about two servings a day and always eat whole organic fruit. Stick to low sugar fruits as much as possible such as blackberries, coconut, and avocado. 


Eliminate Processed Food


It is no surprise that processed food is bad for your health. They are loaded with chemicals, sugar, unhealthy fats, and sodium. Processed foods also are high in synthetic additives, colorings, and flavorings that cause many health problems. 


Eat Grass-Fed Meat and Wild-Caught Seafood 


Choose grass-fed and wild-caught seafood. The quality of your meat is important for optimal health. These foods are high in nutrients, healthy fats, and are usually free of added hormones and antibiotics. Plus, they fill you up so that you eat less.


Eliminate Legumes 


Legumes are beans, peas, lentils, and peanuts. These should be avoided because they are usually low in nutritional value and prevent your body from properly absorbing protein. They stall weight loss and contain harmful chemicals like BPA; a carcinogen commonly found in plastics.  


Eat Healthy Fat 


Your body depends on healthy fat such as omega 3s and omega 6s for survival. 50 to 70% of your calories should be from healthy fat; mostly saturated fat. Grass-fed butter, avocados, and grass-fed meat are all examples of healthy fat. 


Supplement Where Needed 


Dave Asprey suggests to always supplement with food first and only supplement with vitamins when needed. Determine what supplements you need by getting a blood test first or paying attention to any symptoms you may be having. Always avoid multi-vitamins as they are usually low in quality and are not balanced. 


Cook Your Food Differently 


Eat your food raw if possible or slightly steamed to get the most nutrients from your food. For meat eat it boiled, baked, or lightly grilled. Avoid burned or blackened food because it can produce carcinogens. 


As you implement these 10 diet hacks track your progress in a journal or on an app on your phone. Take note of the changes that are occurring in your body, so that you know what benefits you are receiving and whether these hacks are right for you or not. Remember to eat until you are satisfied and listen to your body. Don’t under or overeat, let your hunger be your guide. 


Friday, 20 September 2024

Baggage Be Gone: How To Let Go Of Emotional Weight

Per Sabrina Romanoff, a clinical psychologist, in an article published in Very Well Mind, emotional baggage “...refers to unfinished emotional issues, stressors, pain, and difficulties we’ve experienced that continue to take up space in our minds and affect our present relationships”


In other words, the psychological wounds we carry prevent us from living peacefully. Worse, emotional baggage can lead to ongoing stress and depression, and even begin to create physical issues. It’s not uncommon for people with lots of emotional baggage to experience panic attacks, heart palpitations, shortness of breath, and insomnia. 


Though we all carry some sort of emotional baggage throughout our lives, the happiest people are those who learn to control their emotional baggage instead of allowing it to control them. Of course, this is easier said than done. 


However, we have some helpful tips on how to let go of the emotional weight so you can start living freely. 


Identify What Caused It


Think of addressing your emotional baggage like mold remediation. Though your goal is to treat the mold, you first have to identify what caused it because it doesn’t just appear out of nowhere. The same concept applies to this. 


If you carry guilt or commitment issues - two very common types of emotional weight - then it’s not enough to just accept what happened or just jump into a relationship to prove you’re okay. Doing so may lead to temporary satisfaction, but nothing sustainable. Instead, you need to figure out why these feelings exist. Like the mold, you have to get down to the real cause and treat that before you can address anything else. 


For example, the root cause of commitment issues could be anything from fear of rejection or abandonment that stems from childhood or having experienced abuse in a previous relationship. By identifying the root cause, you can then address its symptoms.


Seek Therapy 


If you’re dealing with an emotional weight that’s beginning to get too heavy to carry, then one way you can start to let go is by letting someone else help you with the load. One way to do this is by seeking the guidance and support of a licensed therapist.


In therapy, you can address your past and how it’s currently infringing on your life. Furthermore, you’ll get a chance to address what you don’t like about the baggage, which can help motivate you to unpack it. 


Though therapy has become a little more expensive in recent years, there are affordable options through apps like BetterHelp. Many therapists also work on a sliding scale or even on a pro bono basis, so don’t be afraid to ask about those options. 


Learn to Sit With Uncomfortable Emotions


One of the main reasons why we tend to hold onto emotional baggage is because we don’t take the time to process it. 


Though everyone has their coping mechanisms, it’s never healthy to avoid your emotions or try pushing them under the rug. Even if you do that - and think things are okay for a little while - they will eventually pop up again the next time you encounter a similar emotion or situation. 


A good example would be grief. If you don’t take the time to feel sad and angry, you may not be equipped to take care of yourself or be a strong support system for others when they, too, eventually encounter loss. 


It’s going to be uncomfortable but sit with your sadness when you start feeling sad. Cry when you feel like crying. Scream when you feel angry. Starting out, and to make this easier, you can even set a timer so you’re only dealing with these negative emotions within a window you feel comfortable with. 


When you do this, you take the power back from these emotions, so they no longer control you. With enough practice and time, you’ll be able to encounter a sad moment instead of allowing the emotional weight of a trigger to ruin your entire day. 


These are just a few of the best ways you can begin to let go of emotional baggage. While we all have emotional weight, you don’t have to let it rule over you. There’s a grace in allowing yourself to be human and remember that what words or actions hurt you in the past don’t have to be your identifiers forever.