Showing posts with label Communication Skills. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Communication Skills. Show all posts

Tuesday, 21 January 2025

How To Stay Connected in a Remote Work World

When working remotely, it is important to ensure that you stay connected to the rest of the world. 


You have to find creative ways to engage with coworkers or friends and family despite not being around them in person. Additionally, reaching out and connecting to others can be good for your mental health. Keep reading for helpful ways to stay connected in a remote work world.


Communication is Key


When it comes to the remote work world, communication can be the key to ensuring that you stay connected to others in your workplace. If you think about it, when you are working in the office, you can typically walk down the hall or look over your cubicle to ask another coworker a question or engage in conversation. When you are at home, you do not have the same luxury.


Working remotely does not mean all communication is cut off or limited to time in virtual meetings. It just means that it has to be done differently. Here are a few apps that can help you stay connected to your coworkers through communication.


·      Slack

·      Microsoft Teams

·      Skype

·      Whatsapp

·      Google Hangouts

·      Google Calendar

·      Zoom


Be Creative


One of the biggest challenges when working remotely is that some of the creativity you once had in the office can seem to dissipate when you are more isolated. Because you are likely at home, you tend to take fewer breaks, have lunch at your desk, and spend less time finding ways to be creative.


It is important to ensure that creativity does not take a backseat to isolation in the remote work landscape. Here are some great ways to keep the creativity and fun of the office environment remotely.


·      Question of the Day (emails, Slack, or other communication tools)

·      Monthly Company Challenges

·      Theme Days (share on communication tool)

·      Group Chats




In many cases, if you were working in person, you would be collaborating with a coworker or many coworkers to complete a specific task. This does not have to end just because you cannot meet in person as you did before.


Using tools like Trello, Click-up, Slack, and Zoom can be a way you can continue to collaborate with your team. These apps are also a good way to manage your project in real-time so others can also do their part in the task. 


Here are some ways that you can collaborate using these tools.


·      Use Trello to enter and move the project along to the next person

·      Set up a Slack channel to communicate with team members

·      Have a weekly Zoom call to make sure everyone is on the same page

·      Appoint a leader of the group to keep track of the various tools


Remember that just because you are working remotely, it does not mean you should cut off all communication with other people. It is more important than ever to ensure that you stay connected to other people to avoid feeling completely disconnected and lonely.


Friday, 17 January 2025

If You Want More Meaningful Relationships, Schedule Them

Do you have a day planner? Do you have a calendar or schedule where you plan out your activities? A lot of people plan their careers. They have a virtual or physical planner where they keep track of their work commitments. They take their job seriously and know that if they schedule their professional life, they can be more successful than if they take it as it comes.


Unfortunately, many people don't do that with their personal lives.


That's too bad. We've known for a long time that the human brain loves to be given marching orders. It was designed to respond favorably to order and habitual behavior. If you want deeper connections, you should schedule the experiences that build and maintain them.


Who Do You Want a More Meaningful Relationship With?


It's been proven that deep relationships make you less likely to develop disease or become sick. Your mind, body, and emotions benefit. The more people you truly understand on a deep level and connect with in a meaningful way, the happier and healthier you will be.


This means that when you connect with someone in a big way, you get a significant boost to your well-being. Who wouldn't like that in their lives? To experience all these wonderful benefits of a healthy social life, ask yourself who you can connect with on a deeper level.


Once you have that person in mind, sit down and ask yourself some questions. What do they like to do? What values are important to them? Do they like traveling or knitting, or reading? What vices do they have that they wish they could defeat? What are their big goals?


If you don't know the answers to these questions, or at least have some general idea of their response, what can you do to discover those answers? In many cases, it doesn't make sense to come out and ask big questions like this. You can spend more time with that person in experiences and activities they enjoy. This helps you indirectly learn that information.


Schedule time for those activities. Talk a lot, and listen. Remember your ultimate goal, to get to know the person better. Be flexible and understand that a deep connection might mean a relationship with someone that's unlike you in many ways. Opposites often attract. 


Keep these things in mind and schedule the time and emotional energy required to develop a deep and meaningful relationship. Offer a time and environment that's comfortable to them, be yourself, and do this regularly to form a strong, healthy connection.


Tuesday, 14 January 2025

5 Ways to Make a Meaningful Connection with Just about Anyone

It's possible to meaningfully connect with people if you do certain things. This can help you connect with a customer, a neighbor, a coworker, or somebody you want a deeper relationship with. It guarantees effective communication, and both parties are interested in each other somehow.


This can help you advance in your career. It makes getting along with your neighbors so much easier. Suddenly your children start doing their chores without you asking them. If you want to connect with someone in a way that makes the relationship more beneficial for both of you, do these five things.


1. Ask Their Opinion


People love giving their opinion. Ask them what they think. Talk about a hot topic or something that's currently in the news. Avoid religion and politics, and be careful when talking about sports.


People remember you when you ask their thoughts on a subject. It shows you value their opinion. Think about what they say. If you can find some points where you agree with them, tell them, you understand their opinion and why. If you differ from them, nod your head and say you can see how they came to that conclusion. Then change the subject.


2. Use Their Name, but Don't Overdo It


It is said that the sweetest sound to any person is that person's name. If you want to kill a relationship before you get started, forget someone's name. One proven practice for remembering someone's name is to repeat it immediately after you hear it and look the person in the face.


Another way to remember someone's name is to link one of their characteristics in your memory. If you meet Jim and he loves fishing, his name becomes Jim Fishing or Fishing Jim in your mind. Use their name frequently in conversations, but don't overdo it, or you'll sound disingenuous.


3. Notice Them


What are they wearing? Do they have a topic they talk about frequently? Do they mention their children often? Developing a deep connection with someone means really caring about who they are. You've got to notice them. After you recognize certain characteristics or tendencies about someone, you want to do this.


4. Reconnect


Don't wait for fate to put you two together again. It doesn't matter who you're trying to connect with. Go out of your way to reconnect with them frequently. They'll see that you really do care about the relationship.


5. Listen and Remember


If you do all the talking, how do you get to know someone? Listen, truly listen, when they talk. Then remember what they say and bring it up in conversation later. This shows that you're making an effort to get to know them.


Forming more meaningful connections is possible. You first have to care about the viewpoints and opinions of the other person. Then use these tips to connect on more than the surface level.


Tuesday, 3 December 2024

Voice of Influence: How to Project Confidence and Authority

The most confident person can have difficulties speaking in public. The same is true if you are giving a presentation on Zoom or Skype. Here are some proven methods for being perceived as an authority in your field. You are seen as a confident public speaker who looks at ease and is comfortable in front of an audience.


Dress for Confidence


Do you have a power suit? What is an article of clothing you wear that makes you feel confident and capable? That's what you want to wear when you speak in public. You should dress appropriately for the situation but also wear clothes that make you feel in control and confident.


Ask Your Audience for Input Beforehand


Knowing what your listeners want to hear can lead to more confidence. You won't get caught off guard with a question you aren't prepared for. Ask your audience what questions they want answered in your presentation. Let them know you appreciate any input. This helps you feel more confident for a couple of reasons. 


Your audience immediately respects you. You asked them for their help, and they will appreciate that. It also gives you a list of things you need to research or otherwise understand before giving your speech.


Have Someone Introduce You


Do you have any titles or accreditations relevant to the presentation you will be giving? What experiences do you know your audience will be interested in? People will perceive you as a more confident and capable speaker when someone they respect introduces you.


Your audience should be able to identify the person who welcomes you to the speaking event. It is all the better if the person who introduces you is famous or has succeeded in a way that relates to your audience or subject matter. You are seen as a person of achievement who commands respect when a respected authority introduces you to a relevant field.


Go Virtual with Your Presentation 


Public speaking is tough. What if you took the whole "public" out of the experience? You are still communicating live with your audience. Except when you go virtual, you can do it from the stress-relieving comfort of your own home. You go virtual with your speech instead of standing before a group of people in a live, in-person environment. That can go a long way to making you feel comfortable.


Record Your Speech Instead of Going Live


How comfortable and at ease will you feel with an audience of zero? Record your speech, and you can repeat the process as many times as you need until you get it right. That doesn't happen with an in-person presentation. You have only one chance for success, which can put much pressure on you. Record your presentation rather than giving it in a person-to-person format if that's an option.


You should practice for perfection. Get to know your material inside and out. Then, you use these tips for a better public speaking experience and will be perceived as a confident authority figure in your field.


Friday, 29 November 2024

Speak with Impact: Techniques to Captivate Your Audience

A captivated audience is interested and engaged. They are happy to be in your presence, possibly even excited about the experience. The following tips make it possible to become a captivating speaker that mesmerizes your audience and keeps them coming back for more.


Ask Questions


One way to generate engagement is to ask questions. People love giving their opinions. Ask them what they think. When they respond, applaud them for the question they asked. Telling them it is a great question builds rapport. 


The definition of captivation is a state of intense interest. Your audience will stay interested when you allow them to provide input. Asking questions is also a way to direct your listeners' interest to a particular topic.


Compliment Your Audience


"Thank you for bringing up that point, Susan." 

"That's a great question, Bill, and I am glad you asked it." 

"You must be a mind reader. That's exactly what I was going to address next."


Those are some compliments you can give your audience. Anything that makes a person feel good about the experience you offer will boost their interest in what you have to say. You can compliment their articles of clothing or recent achievements when you meet your audience members before your presentation or make some relevant, complimentary statement while you are speaking.


Announce an Unadvertised Bonus for Sticking around for the Whole Speech


Announce this at the beginning of your speech. Be very profuse with your thanks. Express genuine gratitude for everyone attending. Then, tell them you would like to show your gratitude by giving them a gift if they stick around until the end of your presentation.


Make this bonus relevant to what you're speaking about. You can capture the attention of your audience when this reward is unadvertised. It is a pleasant surprise. Don't discuss the details of the bonus; the imagination of your audience will keep them engaged throughout your presentation.


Paint a Picture with Powerful Emotions


The best salespeople will tell you to sell the sizzle, not the steak. You don't talk about the features of the product. Instead, you focus the attention on the benefits of the product that trigger powerful emotions. This means creating an emotional experience as a speaker.


Tell your audience to imagine an amazing reality. Use words that evoke emotion. If you use a statistic to prove a point, follow it up with an explanation of how that information leads to a powerfully positive experience. Paint pictures with your words. Tell stories instead of just mindlessly chattering on. The more emotions you can stir up, the more captivated your audience will be.


Captivating speakers are not born. They are made. You can become an enthralling speaker if you work at it. These tips help you cast a spell over your audience so they stay fully engaged and interested in your words.


Friday, 4 October 2024

Finding Balance: Juggling Work, Life, And Self-Care

The more technology we have, the easier life is supposed to be – but somehow, the world just gets faster-paced and everything feels much more frantic than it did before. You're trying to kill it in your career while looking after friendships, romance, and maybe even children, but what about self-care? It feels like you're constantly juggling and if you take your eye off any of the balls for even a second, one drops to the ground. 


Your career demands your attention. 


Your family and friends need you just as much as you need them. 


And what about self-care? 


Believe it or not, you can have them all if you simply find the right balance… and you can find the tips you need to do that below. 


Boundaries and Priorities 


Step one in your journey to finding balance is establishing boundaries based on your priorities. That might mean you need to sit down and establish your priorities if you haven't already. That means understanding your core values and getting to grips with what matters most in your personal and professional life. 


Once that's settled, you can establish boundaries that will protect your energy and time. Just be ready to communicate your boundaries clearly and be firm when saying no. 


Think about your boundaries around technology, too – do you pick up emails even when you're off the clock? Do you feel the need to reply to every message instantly? Think about your relationship with the internet and social media. 


Organization and Time Management


Organization and time management work in tandem and once you crack this code, you will find it much easier to find balance. Use a calendar or diary, utilize to-do lists, and structure your day to break down your responsibilities and when you will tackle each. 


By breaking down every task into manageable moments, you avoid the risk of multitasking, reduce stress, improve productivity, and give yourself time for everything. 




Something that many people struggle with is letting go of control. Let's be clear about this – you can delegate! At work and at home, you can assign appropriate tasks and responsibilities to family members and employees or colleagues. The key to finding balance is sharing the load, so learn to let go. 


Take Breaks Intentionally 


Part of finding balance and practicing self-care is taking regular breaks, which means you might need to schedule them when you sit down with your calendar and to-do list. So, schedule a take-five, go for a brief walk, sit down for a quiet meditation session, or just chill out with a glass of water or hot tea. A break should not be viewed as a luxury, it's a necessity to improve productivity and performance. 


Say No 


There's no point in establishing boundaries if you don't learn to say no! 


You should be able to say no to things that don't fit or feel right without feeling guilty about it. Everyone has limits, and if saying yes means pushing yourself beyond yours, you need to say no. Whether it's coffee with a friend on your busiest day of the calendar month or picking up an extra project at work when things are hectic at home. There will be times you can say yes to those things, but if you can't say yes now, don't!


Lean On Your Support


Everyone needs human connections and having a strong support system when you're dealing with life's obstacles and challenges is key. So, be sure that you are surrounded by people who respect you, understand your goals, and build you up. These people should be willing to go 50/50 in sharing responsibilities and happy to pick up the slack from time to time when it's necessary. 


Final Thoughts 


It might feel like an impossible task, but with a bit of intention, you can strike a balance between work, life, and self-care. It might be difficult at the start, but once you establish your boundaries and learn to stick to them, the rest will come with time and practice. When you do find the balance, you will start to see everything in your life improve. 

Friday, 6 September 2024

4 Things I Learned From Overcoming Conflict

We all think differently. We all come from different walks of life. The sooner we accept it, the better everything will be. Acceptance comes first. Knowing that the other person is not necessarily wrong but that there are different perspectives in the equation will help avoid conflict. 


Once you figure out how to overcome conflict, remaining calm when being overwhelmed will become easier. You’ll be more aware of your surroundings, will know how to react in certain situations, and what to expect the outcome to look like. 


Here are 4 things I learned from overcoming conflict over the years – taking my experiences into consideration will ultimately help with making informed decisions. 


Communication Matters 


Our words often don’t mimic what we’re trying to say. During intense conversations, saying things out of anger, and impulsive statements will jeopardize relationships in the long run. Despite the thrill at the time, it is not worth it. Be rational. Be mindful of how your words can affect another person. Using the right language matters. 


In workplace dynamics, using exclusionary language, referring to someone as an opposing person will further impact your relationship. There’s a reason why there’s emphasis on being inclusive towards each other. Every word matters. 


Importance of Setting Your Ego Aside


There are times when you need to take a step back, reflect on your actions, and accept that arguing further out of pettiness will not help anyone. Ego always fuels our desire to be defensive and achieve a meaningless debate – it helps no one. 


From my experience, with a project at my workplace, there were conflicting opinions on what the right approach is. Everyone on my team came with their personal perspective on the matter, and it held a lot of weight. In such times, I learned that it is important to find a middle ground and compromise on senseless points. 


Talking in Person Matters 


It is an underrated trait but trust me, talking in person is far better than going back-and-forth on emails or text. Dealing with a professor in college, or your supervisor at work, comes with a lot of power dynamics. It is difficult to comprehend what the actual message is on either end when looking at a phone screen. 


We’re all hooked to our screens, but it is also important to act in an old-school way and confront someone when there’s a sense of conflict arising. 


Paying a visit in-person will help humanize the conversation and it is a much more immediate way to find a mutual understanding of things. When there is distance and passive aggressiveness along the way, it is difficult to fully understand what the other person is trying to say. 


Having Empathy for Others


While dealing with conflict, understanding that everyone comes with their own set of emotional baggage, and you have to deal with them accordingly is essential. Once you acknowledge the fact that everyone has different privileges and circumstances – it is easier to understand everyone’s situation. 


Active listening helps here. In relationships, listening to one another, fully grasping the intensity of the situation from all perspectives is vital while trying to resolve conflict. Being there for each other goes a long way – especially in situations where you’re actively trying to build a healthier relationship.



Communicate. Don’t let your ego take over you. Confront at the right time. And ultimately, have a sense of empathy for everyone around you. It’ll take you a long way, professionally, and in personal life. 


In most cases, conflicts happen due to unaddressed conversations, giving away the willingness to understand someone’s situation. We should all collectively do better.