Monday, 27 February 2023

The True Determinants Of Building Wealth

Elite Formal Education is Overrated


There is a huge myth that going to a great school and getting a great job will help you build wealth. In reality, it’s more likely to bury you in so much debt that you’ll be close to retirement by the time you’re debt free. When I graduated from college (we won’t say exactly how long ago that was!), I had friends that had already accumulated about U.S. $80,000 in debt. And for some of those friends that went to med school or law school at my alma mater, they tacked on another $100,000 of debt, for a total burden of close to $200,000.


In today’s dollars, that debt would perhaps be more than $325,000. So in the first year after completing their formal education, some of my friends already had a minimum $2,000 to $5,000 monthly payment that came off the top of every paycheck. Any way you slice it, this is an enormous abyss with which to start your journey of life.


I know that many people will have a difficult time believing my next statement, but an examination of history will support my next assertion. The great expense tied to elite institutions serves two purposes. (1) To provide a network/structure by which the moneyed elites can retain power; and (2) To burden the non-wealthy with enormous debt. In the seminal book Education and the Rise of the Corporate State, Joel Spring wrote that ‘the development of a factory-like system in the nineteenth-century classroom was not accidental’. Russell Conwell, a member of the wealthy elite and founder of one of America’s oldest educational institutions, Temple University, voiced sentiments he believed should be integrated into education:


‘The men who get rich may be the most honest men you find in the community...Ninety-eight out of one hundred of the rich men in America are honest. That is why they are rich. That is why they are trusted with our money...It is because they are honest men....the number of poor who are to be sympathized with is very small. To sympathize with a man whom God has punished for his to do wrong.’


Elite Jobs that Build Wealth are Rare


In essence, elite education builds a caste system financed by debt. There are two predominant scenarios which students of elite educations face upon graduation. There are those that emerge from these schools debt-free and really didn’t need the advantage of an elite education anyway, and those whom are burdened with debt and will become cogs in the machine for the interests of the debt-free. For those that believe that they can dig their way out of this huge mountain of debt by working their way up the corporate ladder in the land of opportunity, think again. In 1965, CEO’s in America earned about 24 times as much as their employees. In 2006, CEO’s in America earned 262 times as much as their employees (Source: BBC News, June 22, 2006).


Furthermore, in 2005 and 2006, CEO’s from the 11 largest U.S. firms collected U.S. $865,000,000 in salary at the same time their leadership caused shareholders to lose U.S. $64,000,000,000 in company stock. Whether or not their leadership destroyed billions of dollars of wealth in the stock market was irrelevant. They were still rewarded. Such is how the modern-day caste system works.


Unless you will be studying engineering, law, architecture, or medicine, most formal education is not only irrelevant to building wealth, but you are certain to build it much more quickly if you become an entrepreneur and/or learn to invest properly. My opinion on formal education will only change when the majority of schools begin teaching what is truly necessary to succeed financially later in life. And that includes classes on:


(1) Investing in stock and non-stock assets

(2) Leveraging money

(3) Leveraging time; and

(4) Building successful networks (it’s not what you know, it’s who you know)


As it stands now, one can go to Harvard or Oxford, earn a doctorate, and still be ill- prepared to build wealth. Undoubtedly, the network that one builds at these types of institutions is exponentially more valuable than the education one receives.


Saving Money = Losing Money


Perhaps an even worse piece of advice is to save and put money away. Putting money away into a savings account and letting it sit there at the 1% or so interest rate that banks give these days just turns your money into dust. Consider that $1,000 in 1980 can only buy less than $500 worth of stuff in 2006 dollars, and it’s easy to see that ‘saving’ your money only loses you money. There are almost always good risk-reward investment opportunities somewhere in the world, not just stock markets. If real estate opportunities in Korea are poor, then Argentina or Iceland may be booming. It’s just a matter of widening perspectives to find them. Having idle cash sitting around and not working for you is never a good strategy when one desires to build wealth.


Want to find the land of opportunity? Go look in a mirror and you will have found it.


The Threshold Between Wealth Creation & Destruction

Wealth is simply the accumulation of money, and it can only be created by the amount of money that is received and never spent. If you want to build wealth, then anytime you receive money: don’t spend all of it. Sure it is a very simple concept, but it is very difficult to continually achieve. Luckily there are readily available allies to help you: find some compelling reasons to start saving, build it into a habit, watch the results of your efforts build, and set some financial milestones to reward yourself.


Setting aside a percentage of any money that you receive is the best method to follow through and build the habit of saving money. There are a few misers among us who find saving easy to do, but most people want to spend far more than is earned; let alone have the discipline of spending less than what they earn. So it starts as an uphill mental and emotional battle that gets easier by following through with the habit, and seeing the results of your effort. Spending less than what you earn every week, every month, every year, is the only way to amass money.


How much money should you set aside to build up savings? It should be a percentage so that you automatically move it into a separate savings account anytime you receive income, without exception. It is my experience that the range of 3% to 10% is the most successful starting percentage for people who continue saving over long periods of time. Saving only 3% is so small that it is nearly painless to even the lowest income earners (this is actually where I began years ago). Selecting a percentage under 3% accumulates to such a tiny amount of savings that I haven’t heard of anyone sticking with it. And starting out by setting aside over 10% is too painful for even high income earners to withstand, because they are so accustomed to spending on every whim. As you repeatedly save a set percentage rate, it will become more habitual, automatic and expected. Then you’ll be ready to increase your percentage rate. And the higher the savings rate, your growing pile of money will create more motivation to continue to save. This summer, I spoke with a successful saver who lives very well on only 30% of his income. Because he saved diligently to continually buy rental homes, after a couple decades he earns over a million a year in rental income by Ashville, North Carolina.


In the fragile first years of saving money, it can take only a single wrong financial move to wipe out everything that you’ve saved so far. And the most common wrong move doesn’t look like it when it is occurring. This draining move can also start insidiously small and build a different habit, the wealth-destruction habit. You know the problem: pay your credit card balance in its entirety, every month, without exception. As an example, if you haven’t saved money for a vacation before you depart, and then charge it all to your credit card, there is a giant probability that you won’t pay it off for a very long time. The credit card companies know this and they are extracting interest dollars from you instead of earning interest yourself. You’ve shifted to the dark side of wealth destruction where it is more common for your credit card balance to grow than shrink.


Let’s get back to building your wealth. Once you start setting aside the savings percentage that you’ve decided and opened a dedicated savings account, you need to closely review your account statements for motivation. Reviewing the progress that you’ve made so far you’ll see how you are moving toward financial goals can be self-reinforcing. And another motivator is rewarding yourself by spending some money on yourself when you’ve reached certain milestones. For example, you could start with a goal of accruing $500, and reward yourself with something meaningful; and then each time you double your amount of savings you get another reward. My advice is to at least begin with a savings percentage, even as small as my 3%, and allow this simple concept be of great financial benefit to you.


The Path To True Wealth

Many people believe that the path to true wealth begins with a huge money making opportunity. This is only partly true. While a good wealth building opportunity does come up from time to time, they are actually few and far between. Most of the people who attain true wealth are those that budget wisely, work hard, and do not live as if they were wealthy.


The path to true wealth begins with determination. When you are determined to amass wealth, you will be successful, even if it does not happen right away. Determination spurs will power, hard work, and pinching pennies. However, determination is not enough.


The next step on the path to true wealth is making a plan. The chances of finding that get rich quick scheme that everyone talks about making millions from are pretty slim. You need to make a plan for a profitable career path, business, or money making opportunity. You also need to make a plan for investment.


True wealth is about budgeting and investing. Do not spend all of the money that you earn. Save some back until you have enough to invest. This is actually easier than it sounds. When you have reached a lifestyle that is comfortable but not excessive, stop increasing your lifestyle. Instead, sock the money away into a savings account or money market account until you have enough to invest and try to amass true wealth.


You might invest in low risk, high return investments such as money market accounts, or you might invest in stocks or commodities. Investing in new and upcoming companies that are very promising, sometimes called penny stocks, is one of the best ways to invest your money and accumulate true wealth quickly. Investing the money that you do not spend is the best way to accumulate true wealth.


This is a perfect example of how to amass true wealth. One man started out working in a rock quarry. He moved his way up into management, then into executive management. In the early eighties, the man invested almost ten thousand dollars in savings into penny stocks in a company that many thought would never float. Later, he was a millionaire when Cellular One took off like a rocket. He took the money, reinvested it, and made yet more money. Still, the man only lived in a house just big enough for his large family. When he finally passed away, he had over one million dollars to be divided among his family, and he had not worked in twenty years.


The Automatic Wealth Building Habit

Can you really build wealth automatically?


The answer is just need to acquire a new wealth building habit.


You are going to love this habit because you do not even have to remember it....a banking computer remembers the habit for you! How is that possible? Read on and you will soon see.


Here is how the automatic wealth building habit works. It is based on the miracle of compounding interest and the amazing banking technology that is available to virtually all of us today.


Step 1


If you do not have a bank account with "Bill Pay" go to a bank that has it and open a new account. Ask them how many checks can be sent per month, can it be managed via the internet, what are the costs. Many banks now offer this service for free as a promotion to get more customers.


Step 2


Decide who it is that you want to help build wealth. Yourself, your child, a grandchild, or even a friend. This habit also works for building spiritual wealth...more on that later.


Step 3


After you open the account you now have the ability to select any amount of money that you want sent to any person or organization and at almost any time interval. Some banks even offer an unlimited amount of bills that can be sent. The banks will then mail checks at regular intervals to the people or organizations you have do not have to do anything.


The real power of this habit is that you are not going to be sending bills in most will be sending wealth building payments....automatically!


OK, before we get to step 4 let's look at the amazing power of compounding interest to see how much wealth can be built over time with this habit.


Here is an example of how much wealth you could build by having your billpay send just $50 per month into an account (mutual fund, IRA, etc) that has a 5% yield.


1 Year = $615

5 Years = $3,400

10 Years = $7,764

25 years = $29,775


You can learn more about compounding interest by doing a Google search on the internet. Obviously the amount of wealth you can build varies with the amounts and frequency of bill payments sent to your wealth building accounts and your rate of interest.


This is where research can help you, it is beyond the scope of this article to show you all the amazing possibilities that exist.


The beauty of the bill pay system is that it is very easy to adjust your recurring amounts up or down based on your current financial situation. As an example, you could set up your bill pay to send $12.50 each week into an account (Equals $50 per month) or change it to $15 per week for a few weeks and then back down to $12.50 at a later time. You decide exactly who gets the money, how much, and how have complete control at all times. It is amazing wealth building power.


Step 4


Now it is time to set up your automatic wealth building habit using your bank’s billpay system. Get the address of the person or organization you want the money sent to including the account number. Go online and set up a new account with this information. Set frequency and amounts. Note: I have been doing this since 1992 and have multiple accounts (Charities, IRA's etc) that have received money from me every month for 14 years and I have never written or signed a single check! I know from personal experience that the system works and I have never had any problems.


You can get very creative with how you build wealth and who you help build wealth.


  • Set up an automatic bill pay to fund a child’s college education. There are many states that have plans that start with low monthly fees when the child is born or still young.
  • Set up an automatic bill pay to fund a child’s savings account, just have the money be sent to the child’s bank with their account number listed on the check memo "Deposit to account ######"
  • Set up an automatic bill pay to send a charity a payment every week. Remember that I said earlier that this habit can help you build spiritual wealth? If your church receives an automatic charity payment every week you are helping to support your church every week, even when you miss a Sunday service.
  • Set up an automatic bill pay to send money to someone in need.
  • Set up your bill pay to actually pay bills that you have paid late in the may be able to save enough in prevented late fees to fund your wealth building payments!


The possibilities are just need to take action and make it happen!


The 5 Unbreakable Laws Of Online Wealth Building

When the internet first started, few could ever imagine how far reaching it’s effects will be more than a decade down the line. It’s a fact of life now that the internet will continue to change virtually every aspect of our everyday life. As the world’s internet population keeps expanding, so does the opportunities for entrepreneurs and ordinary folk looking to escape the slavery of a nine to five job.


Online wealth building is for everyone. The sheer amount of opportunities presented online enables anybody to start building wealth online. There are just so many areas to explore and regardless of your level of talent, skill or interest, you will find something that suits you. Someone once said that ‘you can turn any passion into profit online’ and this is more true now than ever before. It seems like the biggest problem is not in finding a suitable program, but rather in not getting distracted by all the various options that we get bombarded with. Every single day new opportunities open up and it’s our natural tendency to get in on the action. Online wealth building however relies on focus and having the discipline to not get distracted.


If you are committed to building your wealth online it holds many obvious advantages. The freedom to work on your own clock and answering only to yourself are the main reasons why so many make the shift from the office to the spare room at home. Many online wealth building programs create false illusions that leave many aspiring newbies out in the cold after investing their valuable time and money. The internet is a tough world when it comes to making a living, but then again so is it out there in the ‘real’ world. Don’t expect an easy ride, but don’t be put off either. There are just so many opportunities online that you are bound to find your place sooner rather than later.


I would like to offer you what I consider to be the five laws of online wealth building, that can help you greatly towards creating long term success online. I would encourage you to use these laws to evaluate potential opportunities or just to evaluate your current position.


The Law Of Excellence:


Things tend to move really fast online. It is critical that you commit yourself to excellence and to always keep learning and improving. If you don’t you will most certainly fall behind. Strive for excellence. You can’t keep doing the same things and expect to improve, nor does doing more of what doesn’t work won’t make it work any better.


The Law Of Quality:


I like the term ‘wealth building’ because it implies that it’s not some instantaneous thing. Quality always gets rewarded long term and although some of the ‘get rich quick’ schemes online work, they rarely work long term. There is a big difference between making a quick buck and building wealth. Whatever you create online, strive for quality first as this will ensure sustainability in what you do.


The Law Of Choice:


Wealth is a choice. You’ve probably heard this before, but never really understood it completely. Being wealthy starts with a choice and it’s a choice you have to make daily. The internet is responsible for the largest distribution on wealth in history. The power is shifting from the big corporations to the guy (or girl) in his garage with a single laptop. You can choose to be part of this or to keep doing what you’ve always done.


The Law Of Persistence:


When it comes to online wealth building, for some the learning curve will be greater than for others. Regardless of your skill level you will face many challenges and often consider packing it in. This is where persistence and perseverance comes in. Realize that you will always meet with much difficulty before you succeed - it’s essential for your personal growth and developing to a level of success.


The Law Of Value:


Whatever you do online, be a team player! I cannot overemphasize that enough. Your wealth and success is directly proportional to the amount of value that you add to other people. If you want to be more successful, just think of how you can add more value to other people’s lives.


Financial success is most certainly obtainable for virtually anybody. There is however a big difference between obtainable success and sustainable success. Just think back at the story of The Three Little Pigs - you want to build your ‘house’ from brick and make sure that your success is sustainable long term. After all, who wants to quit their day job only to go back after six months?


Monday, 20 February 2023

Should You Use A Private Wealth Management Broker

If you have a business and all of the struggling and hard work you have been doing to make your business successful, then it's probably a good idea to look into a private wealth management broker. You don't have to be a wealthy business, at the moment, but a financial service may be able to help you extend your potential, maybe even better than you have ever imagined. When searching for an investment broker make sure they are interested in your long-term goals and risk tolerance and understand the nature of your assets. You're looking for a private wealth management broker who will have an interest in developing a long-term asset allocation and works with you to implement an appropriate strategy that will help you meet objectives. Make sure they service each individual client's portfolio on an ongoing basis and evaluate possible adjustments in response to economic changes, market trends or client needs on regular bases. Managing anyone's money and life savings brings both tremendous opportunity and responsibility for individuals, families and family office executives. Addressing issues of generational wealth requires the right partners. When choosing a private wealth management broker one should require a proactive partner with world class capabilities. Choose the financial service that will have comprehensive financial solutions that are designed to help you grow, preserve and manage your wealth.


Many financial services have a specialized division composed of experts from each of their service areas, and are dedicated to providing comprehensive and flexible financial solutions to meet your unique needs. Many services believe of course, they are leaders in these areas. Just make sure they are committed to identifying and rigorously analyzing financial information, strategic issues and trends, both regionally and globally, which affect companies, industries and markets and fundamental changes which may have a meaningful impact on future investment values for you and your family. Distinguished and objective research is critical to serving investing clients in the equity, fixed income, currency and commodities markets worldwide. When searching for a private wealth management broker, you want to make sure you are comfortable with your broker enough to make a type of bond with this person. After all, he or she will be your trusted advisor, and their goal for you should be in building and managing your wealth be their overall objectives in mind.


The private wealth management service you choose should be to provide you with the tools and services necessary to reduce the administrative burdens of managing money that will allow you to focus on what you do best - maximizing trading performance, building your business, and attracting new sources of capital. Do they have programs that can provide you with an opportunity to generate and increase revenues through relatively low risk, well-understood transactions? You and your family face a number of challenges. You're looking for sound investment advice from advisors you feel you can trust. Rather than pre-packaged products, you need access to quality investment solutions founded on your unique situation. And you need help in developing a coordinated financial plan that seeks to address your total wealth picture and changing needs over time.


Secrets To Financial Freedom

Financial freedom, secret of success from investment, real estate, stock market wealth, profit, investment, internet marketing, millionaire, income, security, opportunities, home-based business, money, cash, fortune!!


It has always been mankind dream and desire to seek Freedom - Freedom of thoughts, Freedom of speech, Freedom of belief, and Freedom of expression! Why then not Financial Freedom!


Wikipedia definition - ‘Financial freedom describes a well-planned lifestyle where one no longer is required to work for income to cover their expenses’.


Rich Dad, Poor Dad series and other books on personal finance really got me interested and wondered why school and college didn't teach us how to be financially intelligence. Ultimately, whether all these books have been fictionalized or are real story are debatable. The important point here is that it advocates financial independence through investing, real estate, owning businesses, and other means of money generating and protection tactics.


Most of us are hunger and aspire to achieve financial freedom. When one’s work in an organization without decision making capability. Management will dictate your financial well-being. You will bear the consequence of management failure, within or beyond their control. It could be external macro factors such as - market environment, competition, government policies, act of god... intentionally or unintentionally. You will bear the fruits of management mistake - retrenchment, downsizing, pay cut, and stagnant pay.


What happen next.....? You start to look for another job. Maybe this time round, your lady luck is shining, you manage to secure...wrong words to use, get a job working in a big blue chip company, maybe better, work as a civil servant with an iron rice bowl. In your minds, you must be saying - I have finally made it in life..... !! Do some souls searching - do you really make it? Your income from salary may or may not to be able to support your daily living expense. Or maybe you are one of the million out there still struggling to pay mortgage loan, car loan, credit card, utility and telephone bill... bills that without ending...!


Maybe you are very fortunate, able to find a job that the pay check exceeds your current living expense. Maybe you are one of the fortunate few that earn good income working in the top echelon of an organization. But ask yourself this question - Are you happy? Are you out of the everyday rat race? Are you out of the merciless office politics? Are you out of getting stuck in the daily morning traffic jams that never seem to subside?


It could be true that you like your job. Excellent....! But are you growing your money? Are you using the power of compounding to accumulate wealth so that when there is a day that you finally decided to quit your job, you have a mountain of wealth supporting you? It is only when you have reached that financial stage that you can proudly say, ‘I do what I love to do because I want to!!’


Financial freedom does not simply mean free of debt, debt is another expenses. As long as one passive investment income is able to cover all expenses, one is consider as financial free. This large enough ‘nest egg’ passive investment should also be easily be liquidated if there a need. In simplified term, financial freedom is where one does not need to work for money, but let money works for you!!


"How do you achieve it?" It could be achieved by finding, learning and putting time, effort and money into building something (passive investment) that creates income profitably and consistently, long after you have 'completed the building'. There are many ways to build such money-making machine. It could be investment or trading of stock, forex, future, commodity or whatsoever financial instrument that can generate money. Internet marketing, MLM, business ventures and real estate ownership for rental/capital income are other forms of money-making vehicle.


The biggest obstacle to financial freedom is not everyone has the necessary skills, experience, know-how and money to build it. The key to wealth is to find something that suits one’s ability and build it. The ‘money generating machine’ may be more than one, it could be multiple machines. How big or how many machines you intend to build will greatly depend on one’s desire, capital and risk tolerance level. Everyone is different. The important point is you must be the one in control of those decisions that affect your life!


Your chosen path to financial freedom will also greatly depend on your interest and the amount of money you have. It is true that you need money to generate money, but it is also true that you can create wealth with little money. Many wealthy men and women have proven that if there is a will, there is always a way!!


If you seriously want to achieve financial greatness, you must first eliminate all subconscious blocks you have towards money making. You must finally free your mind to create the wealth that you deserve!!


Scientific Wealth Building Secrets #7 - Diversification

This is a series of articles about studying general scientific ideas to create a wealth building system that works according to the laws of the Universe. These concepts come from observing our environment. Scientists have discovered that the laws of nature follow certain patterns. Some physical laws seem to be present everywhere, from the tiny atoms to the enormous stars.


Everything on the physical realm tends to be influenced by these laws, therefore they can be applied to your businesses too as you will see in just a few minutes. The whole series contain the following articles . . .


1. Entropy


2. Life


3. Multiplication


4. Synergism


5. Inertia


6. Gravity


7. Diversification


Diversification is everywhere in nature. Life is not about one thing. It is about many things. It is as the saying goes ‘variety is the spice of life.’ On this article I will share information with you about diversification and how you can apply this concept to your business.


There is a great deal of diversification in the Universe. Planets are different from each other. The same with stars and galaxies. They differ in shape, size, color, internal structure, etc.


There is a diversified uniformity in the Universe. For example, living things contain carbon as one of their components. A cell is the basic smallest structural unit of life. There are many common similitudes like these among living organisms, but their all differ in size, colour, specie, habitat, life span, physical strength and many other aspects.


The same happens with businesses. If you focus on developing only one product, you may be very successful at it, but most businesses try to market at least a few products. People love to have options. For example all cars have a similar basic structure: a vehicle useful for transportation with four wheels, an engine, a windshield, etc.


What makes an individual choose a car instead of another is the details. Often small details make a big difference. The same happens with the products or services that a business can offer to its clients. When your clients come to you, they may not like a product that you show them just because of its colour. By making small changes and giving people more options you can increase your sales.


Another way to apply diversification to business is to set up multiple streams of income. You can do this by increasing the sources of income within your business. Also you can start new businesses and make different investments. As the saying goes: ‘Don’t put all your eggs in one basket.’ Also ‘diversification is the only free lunch.’


The idea is to not diversify all at once, but rather, one step at a time. If you try to do everything at the same time you may get stuck. A good idea would be to start a business and diversify your streams of income within that business. It could be for example to offer different products and services to your clients, so they have options to choose.


Then, once the business becomes profitable, you can diversify and set up another stream of income and another and another, etc. Investments are a good option too. Many investments allow you to receive passive income, so you don’t have to be constantly working to earn the money.


The idea of diversification is very important. If you put all your efforts into one project only, you are taking a risk. Multiple streams of income are specially good to back up unexpected money problems when they appear out of nowhere. That’s why many wealthy people have different businesses instead of only one.


As you can see, these are just basic examples of how you can apply scientific laws to your businesses and become more profitable. On this article I shared information with you about diversification. You can learn about other physical laws and their applications to wealth building techniques from my other articles.


ROI: How to Calculate Accurately

The phrase "return on investment" (ROI) is thrown around a lot, but do you know what it really means and how to calculate it?


Three ways to calculate ROI:


  • Cash-on-cash If $20,000 is invested and it grows by $10,000, it’s a 50 percent cash-on-cash rate of return, which is great for wealth building.
  • Total amount of investment If you put $20,000 down for a $200,000 mortgage, the growth is happening on the $200,000, not what you originally put in. This is arguably less relevant because the amount made on what was originally put in is more important and helpful.
  • Lost opportunity cost When you’re looking to raise money with another person’s money, you need to demonstrate the loss he could incur if he doesn’t invest. If you have an investment that pays a 20 percent interest and the lender has money in something that only pays 5 percent, you need to show him how much he is losing if he passes up your opportunity.


What the rich do that we don't


The rich develop a wealth building niche that allows them huge rates of return on what they do - real estate, investing in the market, your day-to-day business. Once they make the money, without fail, the wealthiest of the wealthy buy bonds, key bills or some other type of fund that pays a return of three percent to five percent. They want to protect their principle. They only roll the dice in an area of expertise where they can expect a safe return.

Monitoring Your Finances Reveals Priceless Lessons

A most important element for building wealth is to measure it. The people I know that have continually increased their net worth track it in order to direct it and stay motivated to reach ever higher financial goals. Seeing the quantifiable results of your spending and investing decisions is the first step to take control of them. Contrarily, the people I know in the worst financial shape have no idea where there money is spent and are too afraid to know what their net worth might be because it won’t be pretty. Which extreme more closely matches your attitude? As Dr. Deming says, ‘You can’t manage what you don’t measure.’ Think of it: if you were seriously wealthy, you’d spend some time every week managing some aspect of money. Well, if you want to improve your financial condition, a beginner version of a money management and tracking method is required. In addition, the more money you build up, the more financial assets and obligations there are to monitor. If you don’t have your financial tracking in place before you acquire them, I’d bet that you won’t own them for long.


If you don’t see and feel the gains and losses of your financial decisions - you are playing the complicated money-game of life without any scorecard. This is how so many people with decent paying jobs and insurance still get into financial trouble. You need to have navigation reference points to know if you are steering toward building wealth or destroying wealth. It is by monitoring your net worth that you’ll start to uncover the financial impact and consequences of your decisions.


The starting point for financial measuring is a simple statement of net worth (or balance sheet). If you have never heard this term, it is a list of the current market price of everything that you own and what you owe to others. The difference between these two numbers is called your net worth, and this is the number that you want to measure and increase every single month.


As with a business, once you start measuring the financial consequences of your behaviour you can begin making your own personal spending rules. For example, if most of your monthly income is spent at restaurants, try making a rule that you only go out twice a week. If you’re spending too much money on gasoline you need to find several ways to reduce it. Simple insights and subsequent rules like these will help increase your net worth, which will lead to bigger insights and develop into bigger gains.


If you find that you have a lot of debt that is decreasing your net worth, or possibly a negative net worth, then what rules about debt are you going to create for yourself? After you get some money saved, where are you going to put it? How much time are you willing to spend monitoring it? How much effort are you willing to exert to educate yourself about investing? These questions will aid in building your investing rules. Eventually you’ll have rules for spending, saving, employing debt, and investing that will shape your personal plan for you to start moving your net worth in a sharply positive direction. Think about adding a rule to read a new financial book each year. Your financial statements and financial rules can be as simple or sophisticated as you want to make them. If you keep making even baby steps forward, it may become no big deal to have specific rules for retirement planning, tax implications, entity structuring, evaluating investment real estate, checklists for buying mining companies, or selling a company you’ve built.


When you have calculated your first statement of net worth, you start having the ability to plan for purchases and payments. As a simple example, if your auto insurance bill arrives once a year, you can calculate how much money that you need to set aside each month to easily pay it when it arrives. Or if you are getting a new car, you’ll be a lot happier planning for the initial costs before you get squeezed at the end of the month and end up paying a few bills late.


After you get comfortable with a net worth statement, you can move on to an income & expense statement. Then move on to making projections for all of your statements. And creating scenarios such as: How much is a reasonable goal for retirement income for you? How much net worth will you need by when? How are you going to increase your income, increase your savings, increase your investment returns? The answers will be built upon the financial habits, tools and education that you’ll develop, but it can all start with your first net worth statement.


Monday, 13 February 2023

How A Millionaire Manages One Dollar

If you don’t know how manage a million dollars, I guarantee that the money will quickly disappear if I wrote you a giant check right now. Precisely like 90% of lottery winners that go bust within five years, they didn’t have the basic discipline or the formula to handle the money that would have created a financial foundation that would last for generations. Learn how to manage a single dollar so that you can move up to the financial big-leagues on your own.


Give a millionaire a dollar and they will do something predictable: They will display the discipline not to spend it. That dollar will be deposited into a savings account where it earns interest income. A millionaire does not spend earned income! They only spend the income from their investments. A millionaire cycles money from a job, overtime pay, bonus, etc., into investment accounts. When you start out, you probably don’t have any investments so how are you going to pay your bills? Reject the saying: ‘Try to save some money after you pay the bills each month.’ This rarely happens and may be too little to add up to much. That saying is psychologically backwards. The new saying that I you want to begin with is: ‘Don’t invest all of your earned income each month, pay a few bills with it.’ Do you see the millionaire difference?


Let’s talk about financial building blocks. Give a millionaire a dollar and they will split it up into the distinct building blocks of a solid financial foundation. Ten-cents of that dollar will be allocated to a permanent investment account that is never spent. This account builds your wealth. As I have said before: ‘Wealth can only be created and maintained by the amount of money that you receive and do not spend.’ Well, this is that account, and you need to increase it by a piece of every dollar that you receive. Another ten-cents will be allocated to a savings account. This is a delayed-spending account for expensive purchases such as vacation, home repairs, or cars.


Millionaires save money to buy something before they purchase it, not afterward on credit where you have to pay interest. The next ten-cents is allocated to wealth education. The economy is always changing and you are ultimately responsible for directing all of your money. The only way to do this wisely is to add to your investment knowledge. Get investing ideas by paying for advisors, books, courses, newsletters, magazines, and newspapers. The three-dimes that were just allocated for different purposes is the wealth formula of millionaires; this is how wealth can be built to last for generations. It is only after these three buckets get their share of the dollar that part of it is allocated for taxes on that dollar. Notice that a millionaire pays the taxman after the important building blocks get their share.


There is no such thing as ‘income before taxes’. There is a tax liability on all income from whatever source. So a millionaire will have a tax strategy in place to receive that dollar before it is ever deposited at the bank. Millionaires don’t overpay their taxes, they manage tax liabilities because they are your single largest expense (Add up how much you paid for income tax to the IRS, state, city, and property taxes - it is probably a much bigger number than you expect). Some ways to minimize your taxes include setting up a part-time business to create legitimate deductions, buying investments that offer depreciation like real estate and oil, and finding the best CPA to give you advice.


The managing-a-dollar formula that the millionaires follow is: minimize the tax liabilities, allocate parts of it to build your financial foundation, decrease the percentage of earned-income that you spend until it is zero, and forge the discipline to consistently follow this routine. Now, at what age do you wish that you had learned this material? At what age do you think you should start exposing your children to these ideas? The correct answer is: as early as possible (and when they start getting an allowance at the very latest).


Eliminate The Personal Barriers To Wealth

Wealth is the condition of profuse abundance and affluence, having a bountiful supply of material goods, resources and money. It could also be defined as property of economic monetary value.


In Economics, wealth is defined as the stock of physical capital, human resources and net financial worth owned overseas by a country. Physical capital composes ownership of building structures, machines, railroads and other fixed tangible assets. Human capital on the other hand, is the quality work force with emphasis on educational attainment, which contributes to the country’s productivity. While net financial capital is off settled from the monetary value of assets acquired by foreigners in the local economy to the foreign acquisition of the country.


Oftentimes, wealth is associated with money such as savings, investments and other forms of financial capital.


But the word ‘wealth’ is taken from the Ancient English words ‘weal’ (well-being) and ‘th’ (condition), which when combined means ‘condition of well-being.’ ‘Economic,’ on the other hand, originates from the Greek word ‘oikonomia’ meaning ‘household management.’


In a different perspective, some individuals view wealth as a genuine disclosure of one’s true values, and accounts for what is held important to one’s life like a reflection of image and real self.


Today, society is posed with the challenge of sustaining quality life, which contributes to the equilibrium between economy and quality. Such perspective allows an individual to assess ones real assets - strength and opportunities to enhance ones real potential.


A person who attempts to align values and principles with the condition of well-being believes that he/she is seeking genuine wealth - all things that make life worth living (personal, professional, spiritual, environmental and financial well-being).


People mostly define authentic wealth in terms of harmonious relations with the members of the family, supervisors, co-workers, peers, neighbours and acquaintances. Some see it in the simplicity and complexity of natural creations. Or it could be measured in terms of joy, social cohesion and unquantifiable, abstract thoughts and ideas.


Another relevant word which can be related to wealth is value, which is derived from the Latin word ‘volorum,’ meaning ‘to be worthy’. Oftentimes, value connotes monetary expressions such as costs, prices and returns on investments. But true value (valorum) is found on the simple things that makes life worth living. It is the value of relationships, the value of what one possesses and not long for things which are not in their possession.


Do You Have Any Goals For Building Wealth

The money is out there. No matter how many people tell you that we are in the midst of a starvation economy, that the market is doing this or that, and that it's too risky to ‘play the game,’ so to speak, people are getting rich every day. That is the reality.


The trick, of course, is to become one of those people.


‘Yeah,’ you might say. ‘That guy was just lucky. What are the chances of that happening to me?’ Well, absolutely zero if you don't do anything about your dreams to build wealth. If you walk around thinking that you have only a snowball's chance of hitting ‘the big one’ in the financial game, then you are right. That's because you are depending on chance.


Becoming wealthy is not about chance. Oh the guy you just read about may indeed have been lucky - but he was not ‘just lucky.’ Because fortune favors the prepared mind, you have to lay the groundwork in order to take advantage of opportunity when it arises. You have to be able to not only recognize those opportunities, but to actually have the resources to take advantage of them.


Laying the groundwork involves having a plan for your financial future. What is your plan for building wealth?


If, like most Americans, you don't have one then, like most Americans, you will retain the status quo. But if you recognize that you, and only you, are in charge of your destiny, that is an entirely different matter.


According to Robert Kiyosaki, author of the Rich Dad series of books, you have to get a grip on your financial philosophy. You don't have a financial philosophy, you say? Sure you do, even if you don't realize it.


In his book ‘Cash Flow Quadrant,’ Kiyosaki outlines the four philosophies as they were outlined for him by the man he calls his ‘rich dad.’ You can recognize your own philosophy by noticing how you tend to make your money. On the left side of the quadrant, are the E's and the S's - the Employees and the Self-employed. The philosophy of the E is based around security while the philosophy of the S is based around doing his own thing. While there is nothing wrong about either philosophy, neither is likely to help you build much wealth.


On the right side of Kiyosaki's quadrant, are the B's and the I's - the Business owners and the Investors. The difference between a B and an S, Kiyosaki says, is that the B has built a system which he can rig to run itself, freeing him for other financial or personal pursuits. An S simply ‘owns a job,’ as Kiyosaki says, and is such an integral part of the operation that he is essentially a prisoner of it. The company he has created is his ‘baby.’ But we all know how demanding babies are, and if a business never matures into an adult that can survive without your mothering, it will eat most of your time.


The trick, then, is not to build a better product. It's to build a product better - more efficiently with regard to your own resources. Build a system, not a job. Then you will have the money that will take care of your personal needs and allow you to invest.


If you already have loads of money to work with, then you can go ahead and jump right to the I quadrant - after investing in your own education and learning how it works. Investing is risky if you jump in blind, but if you know what you're doing, it is a whole different matter.


So lay the foundation with education and then build your wealth as though you were constructing a structure. Don't skimp on materials, but instead do it methodically. Eventually you will find yourself staring at an impressive building that will help you weather any storm.