Make no mistake, in the United States and other developed countries, the medical profession thinks and acts like a cartel. I know you're not supposed to say that. I know that you're supposed to tow the line as far as the benevolent nature of medical associations. After all, such associations were formed with the objective of maximizing the public safety.
If you ask any member of the American Medical Association, or any other medical licensing or certification body, they would tell the same story. They are united in their explanation of why such organizations exist. They would tell you that it's all about patient safety, it's all about protecting the consumer of professional medical services.
All of this sounds great to the ear, but when you look at how such organizations behave, you would think twice. The bottom line is they are cartels, make no mistake about it. They impose harder standards on doctors trained in foreign countries than on physicians who went to school and graduated in the United States.
When you look at that factor as well as many others, it becomes abundantly clear that these organizations serve only to protect fellow physicians. They close the door so as to hike up the price. They are basically glorified union leaders. There are no two ways about it.
I have given you this background so you can see the context of why holistic detox is currently overlooked, neglected, or even actively discouraged in the United States and similar jurisdictions. Nobody likes competition, least of which doctors.
The average doctor in the United States makes north of $150,000. In fact, in certain states, $200,000 a year is average. That's how much money they make, and as you can well imagine, if you open this market to people who don't have certain certifications and accreditation, the price will go down. It's Economics 101: When the supply goes up and the demand remains the same, the price stabilizes or even goes down.
This is the market reality behind shunning or marginalization of holistic detox in the United States. This really is too bad because if this was available on a wide basis, a lot of people can get the healing that they need. Click here for your personal framework that would enable you to tap the power of holistic detox. It is not what you think it is.
Regardless of what you've heard, regardless of what you've read, it is actually much deeper and far richer than anything you have been exposed to. Unlock the power all of this process, so you can start living your life to the fullest. If you are, in any way shape or form, feeling stuck, frustrated, desperate or otherwise living far below your fullest potential, you need this framework. It works by liberating you from all sorts of pollutants.
Please understand that many of the most dangerous pollutants in our lives cannot be seen, heard, touched, tasted or smelled. Just because you can't perceive them with your five senses, doesn't mean they don't exist. Just because you can't perceive them, doesn't mean they don't have an effect on you. Learn this framework so you can finally free yourself of these invisible toxins that drag you down and hold you back.
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