Monday, 9 May 2022

The Complexity of Teens’ Self-Esteem

Teenagers at best are difficult creatures to understand, one moment they’re your best friend and think that the sun rises and sets on you and the next moment they treat you like something they’ve just trodden in.


Yes, the teenager is a very fickle being, prone to mood swings which you’re undoubtedly familiar with and with a cocktail of personal and social issues mixed in with a generous helping of hormones, nobody can escape the wrath of the teenager.


Your teenager is like an open book and their behavior often acts like a barometer of the events going on in their world. No matter how erratic your teenager’s behavior you know they’re only reacting at the things in their life and that it isn’t always about you.


So how can ensure that you contribute towards your teens self-esteem?


Give them your time. Just taking half an hour out of your day to talk to them, ask them about their day and the things happening in their life can make a huge difference. Knowing that you care can soften the heart of even the most stubborn teen.


Listen, are you of the old school train of thought that believes that children should be seen and not heard? Do you even do this unconsciously? 


To build your teens self-esteem you need to listen to them. Every child yearns to be heard and acknowledged and their feelings respected, doing so will help to create a stronger bond between the both of you and will reciprocate in your teenager being more willing to listen to you in turn. 


You need to listen to your teenager because every habit you create makes an impression and can form the basis of positive habits for the future and how they deal with their own children. 


Everything you say and do absolutely counts because it has far-reaching consequences and can impact far into the future so be aware of the things you say and do and remind yourself that you’re helping to shape your child for the better. 


Another great way to build your teens self-esteem is to involve them in sports. Getting involved in sports and athletics will give them a healthy dose of self-confidence and a sense of achievement with the bonus of belonging and contributing to part of a team.


Social clubs and extracurricular activities also aid in boosting a teens self-esteem because they encourage socialization and provide a forum to present skills and talents your teenager may not have otherwise known they had. This can help build your teens self-esteem immeasurably so you should consider this option for your child.


By following these steps is no guarantee that your teenager will change overnight, but by just investing a little time and knowing that you care can melt even the hardest of teenage hearts. 


If you would like to know more about boosting your own self-esteem or that of your teenager’s you can claim your free report and find out more.


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