Monday, 9 May 2022

Stop Hiding Behind Your Fears And Get The Road Map To Help

Our blueprint is our own; life is wondering and we respond. Do we meekly submit and let life, let those near us, determine where we're going? Do we serve a maybe in response to life in a muted voice? Or do we persist firm and persist true to our inmost wants; to live a life of virtue and fulfillment - a life of responsibility... free from fears?


All of us may come up with someone else to fault or leastwise find someone else who's some more faults than ourselves to take the attention off and pose ourselves in a good light. Making comparisons in this way seems to be fabricated into our DNA as well as hiding behind our fears.


When we think about our own lives, conforming to the line ‘I may not be perfect, but I’m not worse than the next individual’ seems all too familiar but behaving poorly or in a more improper way than what we would call for from others, compromises our own wholeness. 


The idea that we're ‘not as spoilt’ as someone else lets us think that our own actions are okay and guardedly selecting someone with whom we can equate ourselves only gives the backing we need to justify this to ourselves. It’s all truly handy, correct? 


This kind of behavior lets us skip out on being responsible for ourselves, to go on acting badly or to just ‘put our head in the sand’ about specific matters. If our actions are ‘not as sorry’ as someone else’s, does that signify we're correct? 


Is it genuinely just when we commit an act we acknowledge as wrong, to not anticipate being held responsible for it? We oftentimes hurt others in ways we, ourselves wouldn't enjoy happening to us and this is hiding behind our own fears. 


As a matter of fact, a couple of life's hardest examples can serve as vicious reminders that we have treated someone in some respects how we'd detest to be treated ourselves so how come do we do it? Why do we do something if we’re afraid to face the final result? 


An acquaintance once gave me some of the finest, yet most simple-minded advice I’ve ever gotten - ‘don’t be sorry, just don’t do it!’ Its dandy advice that compliments that old adage of ‘Do unto others, how you'd have them do unto you’ and is a wonderful doctrine to live your life by. 


Consider it, if you tell yourself this any time, you’re mulling over lying to somebody, treating someone badly, speaking out of turn or doing something you shouldn’t behind someone else’s back - and let’s face it, 9 times out of 10 you’re going to get discovered, you’ll never have to be ‘sorry’ ever again. 


If you don’t do the risky behavior in the first place, you won’t have the showdown with that individual, there’ll be no hoo-hah or judging, no relationship unsaved or tarnished and utterly no need to apologize, best of all - your scruples will always be clean and guilt free. It may be rather an easy way to undertake life but it most decidedly works. Alas, doing unto others, how you'd have them do unto you isn’t always assured in today’s society but you're able to at least be responsible for your own actions. Passing off the fault only displays a cowardice and lack of value for yourself and everyone around you.


We're responsible for our own lives. No individual is precisely like us; not even an identical twin. Our seeds of joy are our own; our resolves are as unique as our fingerprints. Take responsibility for your own life and stop blaming your fears on others. Learn the right way to banish your fears and move forward today.


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