Tuesday 3 May 2022

Improve Your Focus With A Challenging Goal

The reason why setting a challenging goal that you are passionate about will help to increase your focus is because you will be more likely to enter a “flow state”. When you are passionate about something you are likely to experience intense focus with it and you will find the whole thing very engaging.


If you try and force your focus then you are unlikely to maintain it for very long. Forcing your focus takes a lot of energy and can make you very tired quickly. It is much better to get into a flow state where you will just maintain your focus for as long as you want effortlessly.


Identify what you really want


The reason that most people do not have at least one challenging goal in their life is because it takes effort to think about what they really want. Most people cannot be bothered to do this and they think that it is too hard. This is not the case and you can find out what you really want pretty easily.


Go to a place where you will not be disturbed and take some paper and a pen with you. Think about the different areas of your life such as health, wealth, relationships, skills and so on. Ask yourself what you really want from these different areas of your life.


Write down everything that comes to mind and do not make any judgments here. When you have finished asking yourself questions about your different life areas you should have a list of things that you would like to achieve.


Go through each of these things and imagine that you have already achieved them. How does this make you feel? Make a note of the emotions that you experience when you do this. The thing that produces the strongest feelings within you is what you will choose for your challenging goal.


Add an Emotional Driver to your Goal


It is essential that you have an inspiring WHY for your goal. Why do you really want to achieve it? How will you feel once you have achieved your goal? A strong emotional driver will provide you with high levels of motivation to work on the tasks that will deliver your goal.


Use the SMART Goal Setting Process


You need to set your challenging goal in the right way and the best way to do this is to use the proven SMART goal setting process. This stands for:


·      Specific

·      Measurable

·      Achievable

·      Related

·      Timed


Any goal that you set must be specific. It is no use setting a goal to make more money for example. You need to decide on a specific amount of money that you want to make. All goals need to be measurable so that you can track your progress towards achieving them.


Achievable means that you are not setting a goal that will not be possible for you to achieve. Related is all about your goal fitting perfectly with your core values. If there is an issue here then you will not achieve your goal. Make sure that your goal has a time associated with it. For example, your goal could be to make an additional $100,000 in the next year.


Create a Plan to Achieve your Goal


You need to create a plan to achieve your goal. Ideally, you want a list of tasks that you need to complete on a daily basis that will move you closer to your goal.

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