An involuntary condition when face or neck goes extra red as a result of certain reasons is termed as “facial blushing”. Everybody blushes a little bit but when one feels that it is accompanied with fear, embarrassment, shame, anxiety and stress, these are not normal symptoms. This is the stage called excessive blushing that needs to be taken care of through many effective treatments available. To help someone to get out of excessive blushing is like offering water to the thirstiest person in the world. There are many people who do not take care of themselves and underestimate the effects of blushing thus do not go for proper diagnosis.
Excessive blushing can be treated with the help of following treatments:
Psychological Treatments - People prone to social phobia have chances to blush excessively. This is a natural treatment that includes breathing techniques, confronting fears and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy). Such treatments do not involve any side effects so no surgery and medicines are involved to treat the sufferer.
Drug Therapies - There are three types of medications that help to treat excessive facial blushing. These are anxiety medication, Beta blockers and Clonidine. Anxiety medication is used to reduce frequent blushing and Beta blockers to manage symptoms. While Clonidine treats some uncontrollable responses of body.
Surgical Treatment - The main surgery is ETS (Endoscopic Thoracic Sympathicotomy) which includes operation with slender equipments. These equipment are inserted to the chest through a cut along the armpit. This is done to remove the nerves that control blood vessels partially. This is an effective way to get rid of excessive blushing.
One must consult a medical professional so as to get accurate information about different types of therapies and surgeries. One must undergo the treatment on time so as to avoid any type of complications.
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