Sunday, 10 April 2022

Understanding Clubhouse Rooms

The most important features of Clubhouse are the rooms and clubs. All of the action happens in these. Rooms in Clubhouse are the most popular feature because they have speakers that will discuss a specific subject. They also have an audience and a at least one moderator.


Check out Clubhouse Rooms


Imagine Clubhouse as am imaginary corridor at a convention where you can check out various rooms where important conversations are taking place. Each one of these rooms has a name that you can see. You will also be able to see the speakers in the room and the audience members. If a room is public then any member can join them whenever they want. 


As a member of Clubhouse, you can create your own conversation rooms. This is easy to do from your hallway page. You can designate your room as public or private. With a private room, you control who is invited to it.


Start out by Listening in Rooms


Before you start to create your own rooms, you should attend other people’s rooms as a listener or audience member. This will help you to get the feel of rooms. You will have the opportunity to ask a question as a member of the audience.


When you have joined a conversation room it is a good idea to see who else is there. You are able to tap on any other member that is in the room to create a connection with them. It doesn’t matter if they are a speaker or a member of the audience.


While you are in a room listening, you have the option to navigate back to your hallway to check out other rooms that are going on. You will still be able to hear the conversation when you are doing this. 


Speakers in Rooms


When you become a speaker in a room you will be in the “stage” area. You can mute your microphone and unmute it when it is your time to speak. Always mute your microphone when there is someone else speaking as you do not want to inflict any background noise on them.


Always wait for a few seconds after you have finished speaking before you mute your microphone. This is because there is often a lag between the members of Clubhouse that are in the room. They may miss the end of your speech if you mute your microphone too quickly.


Room Moderators


There will be at least one moderator in a Clubhouse conversation room. In some larger rooms there can be several moderators. The main role of a moderator is to ensure that things flow smoothly and that a room does not become unruly.


Although Clubhouse encourages the freedom of natural speech and open rooms, there still needs to be structure and order. Without this, rooms can quickly become chaotic with many people wanting to ask questions and voice their opinions.


You can be the moderator in a room that you started or you can be invited by another member to moderate one of their rooms. Your aim as a moderator should always be to direct the tone of the conversation.


As a room moderator you will have the power to allow members of the audience to raise their hand to speak. You can also invite an audience member to speak and accept request to speak from the audience. 


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