Tuesday, 26 April 2022

Stop Denying Yourself What You Are Capable Of Achieving

Have you achieved what you’d like to from your life thus far?


Probably not. 




Fear. Concern. Stress. Worry. 


We worry about the path we will have to walk in order to achieve what we want. We imagine all of the worst-case scenarios and how it can all go wrong. You can’t stop making decisions, though. So, you either make your choices from a place of love or you do so out of fear. The latter leaves you walking a path of denial. You are denying yourself what you are capable of achieving. When what you want seems so far away, it seems ridiculous to expect it so with it out of reach you dismiss it. You choose what is safe. You choose what is comfortable. 


We are all capable of undermining ourselves. It’s something that many of us do unconsciously, subconscious self-sabotage. There are two incredibly important questions that you need to ask yourself. How? Why? How will you get what you really want to achieve? Why do you want it?


There are four common reasons why we place limitations on ourselves, and it’s typically one of these four things that is causing you to deny yourself. 


1. Self-Hatred


There is a part of you that is actively against you. This is literally your greatest enemy. It’s the critical voice in your head, the one that denies you, that sends you negative messages. The other half of you is struggling with the critical side, it’s trying to push forward, but your anti-self is trying to drag you back down and put you back in your place. Our early experiences in life help shape this voice and that may help you explain why yours is the way it is. Your environment also plays a role. If you were lonely, unhappy, and felt uncomfortable, then this will play a part in shaping how you talk to yourself now. 


Are you denying yourself because you don’t believe that you deserve more than what you have now?


2. Fear


This is one of the most common reasons we deny ourselves. We hold ourselves back because we are afraid of change, we are afraid of failure, afraid that our anti-self will succeed in rising against us. Rejection doesn’t feel good. Failure sucks. However, you are far more resilient than you believe you are. The same voice whispering in your ear telling you that aren’t capable is the voice that is feeding your fear. The reality of life is that it is painful and it is joyful. The more you live and love, the more likely you are to experience the pain. When you deny yourself from pursuing what you’re capable of achieving, you’re robbing yourself of joy.


3. Rigidity


Holding a negative self-image of yourself is destructive. Sadly, we rarely challenge that negative view of ourselves because we’re used to it. Since it’s familiar, it’s “comfortable”. You make the rules based on those lies and you start to believe that you’re protecting yourself. Did you get shouted at a lot as a child if you got too loud? Keeping quiet prevented that shouting. Yet, if you act timidly as an adult, you are denying yourself opportunities. Did you lose your temper in a bid to get attention from your parents? It worked then, but doing that in an adult relationship will push people away. We form defenses as a way to protect ourselves, but they don’t translate from childhood to adulthood. We have to adapt and move forward. 


4. Comfort


Your anti-self wants to trap you in a box, simply because it’s comfortable. It’s easier. At least, it feels easier, but is it really? Is it easier if you are forcing yourself to live in a world where you don’t achieve what you’re truly capable of achieving? You have to shut out your anti-self and nurture your true inner voice, the one that whispers sweet nothings in your ear and encourages you to stop denying yourself what you are capable of achieving.


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