Sunday, 17 April 2022

Social Intelligence and Smart Brain

How are social intelligence and smart brains related? The fact is, the relationship between the two has a major impact in your life that you may not be aware of. Not improving your social intelligence may be a hindrance as to why you are also not improving some cognitive functions, no matter how hard you try. How so? First, let us define social intelligence. It is actually the ability of build and sustain relationships. Aside from that social intelligence is also the ability to navigate social environments. Since man is undeniably a social being, then social intelligence plays an important role in the success or failure of his career, family life, etc. 


Ever experienced wanting to say an inappropriate word in public or to your boss but ate ice cream instead? It is called social tact. Being knowledgeable in it and practicing it could save you a number of unfortunate events and plenty of toxic discourse you don’t need in your life right now. So, if you are interested in improving your social intelligence, here are areas you need to check: 


·    Verbal fluency and communication skills – Social intelligence means having the ability to be in a crowd and go with the flow, to hold tactful conversations and listen to others’ stories with sincerity. 

·    Effective listening skills – This is the ability to make other people comfortable sharing things with you. this could be because of the trust people have in you that you have accumulated as a reputation through the years. So, make it a point to learn how to listen without judging or gossiping. Having an attitude that we all are in different stages in our lives and respecting that as a fact could help you understand people more. 

·    Knowledge in social rules and roles - If you are not sure what this means, then you could do your own research or have handy-dandy eBooks to make it easier. Social rules are often not written, but the impact it has on your life is big. The good thing here is that, there is always a choice to learn and improve. 


Happy socializing! 


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