Sunday 10 April 2022

Pivotal Life Decision: Whether You Treat Life As Short And Precious Or Take It For Granted

Whether you plan extensively or not, life will always throw you curveballs. You can never know for sure where you will end up. You can never know for sure what you will or won't accomplish. You'll be surprised by the friends you make, the relationships you build, the experiences you have, and the emotions you feel. Life is a mix of happiness, sadness, memorable moments, and dull seconds ticking by. 


People bring you total joy and they can also cause immense pain. Friendships will come and go, romances will come and go, even family members might fade into the background. You might hop from job to job or stay with one company your entire career. 


You might have a bank account to make everyone jealous or you could go bankrupt and lose your reputation. Life will always fluctuate. It won't always be one-way traffic and if it was, how would you learn to savor the best bits?


You have to make a decision. Will you treat life as short and precious? Or will you ignore the magic and take it for granted? 


To fully enjoy everything that life has to offer you need to also understand how fleeting life is, death is inevitable. We live as though we know how long we have left, but we don't know. You can look at the life expectancy where you live and think see, I have at least this long to get it right! 


Anything can happen in life, an innocent trip can result in a fatal blow to your head as you fall. You might be a responsible driver, but not everyone on the road is. Terminal illnesses can come to people of all ages. I don't say this to depress you, rather, I say this to remind you how precious life is. 


Time is our most valuable resource, but so many of us waste it. Instead of daydreaming do something to make those daydreams your reality. Every day should be a fight to lead the life you most want to live. Right now, you live in fear of failing because you're obsessed with worry over the potential consequences.


If you died tomorrow, what would failure look like to you? What would regret mean? If you had 24 hours left to live, what would you do with your remaining time? What do you care about? 


You might realize just how much of your time was spent doing things you don't particularly care about. Or perhaps you did things that you thought would help you build to something, but now all that's gone and you realize you weren't really building to anything anyway you were just biding your time. 


We'd all likely do a bit more living if we knew our expiration date. We'd laugh louder, love harder, dance, sing, and indulge the little things we always put off for work. I want you to think about that each morning, I want you to think about how you would live this day if you knew it was your last.


I know you can't quit your job and drain your savings to road-trip across the country. You can make that phone call, send that text, and meet up with someone though. 


All of the external expectations we carry, all of our fear of failure, and pride fall away when death comes knocking. In death, only the most important things remain. Nobody wants to die, but we all will, the question is how you are going to use the time you have. Don't busy yourself living for others when your time is so limited. 

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