Sunday 10 April 2022

Make The Decision To Pursue Your Dreams

The Top 5 Ways You Can Begin The Journey


During childhood, we are often asked what we want to be when we grow up. The answers range from teachers to astronauts. Rarely would a child say they want to be a customer service representative or gas attendant. 


In fact, a recent study conducted by Harvard University asked 2,000 students if they have pursued their childhood dreams. “78.06 percent of adults do not end up following through on the career path of their six-year-old imaginations.”


Throughout adulthood, many individuals have multiple jobs. Research has shown that working adults change careers once every four years. Yet, there is still the dream to go after their passions. 


Let us look at the best five practices to go after that childhood dream:

Remember, life is short – While it is often necessary to choose career paths that fit in with current lifestyles, the dream does not have to go by the wayside. Childhood dreams do not always pertain to careers, it might be as inspiring as a portrait painter. Even if a career change is not available, the time to begin trying is now.


Start by making a list of short-term dreams and long-term dreams. Perhaps a short-term goal is to learn to salsa dance. The long-term goal is to perform on stage. Make time to learn that craft, even in short periods. There is no timeline. The idea is to go after that dream for personal achievement.

Have confidence in your dream – Nothing can be as mentally draining as others negative opinions about your personal dreams. From family to investors, the words can be damaging. The mind can begin to doubt itself. To keep that confidence up, you need to be mentally strong for your dream. 

When someone questions your motives for that dream, reply in a calm tone to not appear defensive. Explain your goal in an outline. Keep it general but seemingly achievable. Another good way to keep up your confidence is to reach out to like-minded individuals achieving the same dreams. 

Do it for personal satisfaction – Maybe one of the long-term dreams is to lose weight so you can wear your favorite shirt again. Hundreds of studies have been done on weight loss. One of the recent studies conducted by the Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) claimed,”49.1 percent of U.S. adults tried to lose weight in the last 12 months. A higher percentage of women (56.4 percent) than men (41.7 percent) tried to lose weight.”

Though life can be busy and fast-food restaurants provide a quick meal, this is hindering your health. Try not to think as cooking as a chore. Instead, make it enjoyable. Start with switching out your potatoes for a salad a few times a week. Experiment with different healthy toppings such as mandarin oranges or grilled asparagus. The more you enjoy the process, the easier it is to stay on track. 

Having side dreams can be beneficial at work – Many people have side hobbies outside of the workplace. Researchers from Pittsburgh University created a scale called the Pittsburgh Enjoyable Activities Test. 

This study focused on the effect of hobbies and leisure pursuits on overall health. When it came to happiness, the report showed, “People who said they participated often in enjoyable activities also had greater life satisfaction and felt their lives had a greater sense of purpose and meaning.”

Start using your days off to devote to your dream. Engage fully in the activity and allow your body and mind to return to base level by Monday morning. When at work, commit to that task and not focusing on outside interests. This gives balance to both your personal and work life.

Be an inspiration to others = When we are children we are inspired by others before us. We create our own version of that dream. We respect the information and take lead from that. While your goal might seem silly, the reality is, your story might inspire others to do the same. What a great feeling for you.


In Conclusion


This is the time to begin your journey of pursuing your dreams. They are achievable and attainable. As Prime Minister Benjamin Disraeli once quoted, “Through perseverance many people win success out of what seemed destined to be certain failure.”


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