Tuesday 26 April 2022

How You React Determines How You Will Overcome Obstacles

Each of us faces problems in our lives. It is an unavoidable fact of life that you will encounter problems, meet challenges, and experience failure now and then. That is true for every person on this planet. The difference is not how often you experience these problems but how you react to them that will determine whether you will be successful or not. Your belief in your own success and abilities to overcome your challenges is what will determine your outcome in life. 


A Tale of Two People


To illustrate this point, let’s consider two people, Candace and Penny. Candace looks at her life and sees nothing but problems. She always worries about what others are doing or thinking, she is often jealous of the successes of others, and when she sees a problem, she is highly likely to stop trying to reach her goal. 


Penny loves her life. She enjoys learning and sees the challenges she faces as opportunities to grow. She focuses on her goals and how she can achieve them, and she seems to bounce back after facing obstacles. 


Is it that Candace has more problems than Penny? No. They experience similar difficulties and face the same number of challenges regularly. What defines these two is how they view their problems and react to them, which informs their ability to ultimately be successful. 


When Candace looks at the successful people in her life, like Penny, she assumes their lives are easier or that they somehow do not have problems like she does. What she does not see is the mindset and hard work that these successful people put into overcoming the challenges that are a natural part of life. Instead of worrying about why they are facing difficulties, these people focus on solutions. 


How Your Reactions Dictate Your Success


Your reaction to problems will set you on a course for either success or failure. When you decide that it is not important enough to be patient or make sacrifices to reach your goal, you will never achieve success. When you are more focused on getting instant gratification than on what you can learn from your current experience, you cannot fulfill your dreams. 


Everything worth attaining in life takes time and effort. And it does not happen all at once; it happens in small steps and stages that are barely noticeable until you reach the finish line. And if you fail to do the everyday work, if you do not dedicate yourself to the habits that will get you there in small, everyday ways, you’ll never realize the result. 


When you come to a hill, you have two choices. Do you go up and over it or do you stay at the bottom? The first is the only way that will get you to your final destination, which is on the other side of the hill. Choosing the second means giving up on your goal. 


Habits like procrastination, making excuses, blaming others, and being a perfectionist are all ways you mentally justify why you can’t reach your goal. And these reactions to problems will keep you from realizing your dreams every time. Habits like self-discipline and engaging your personal power are reactions that will help you overcome whatever blocks your way and reach your goal. 


Final Thoughts


The difference between Candace and Penny are not the circumstances they face. They both have problems, and they both have opportunities to deal with those obstacles. The difference is in how the approach and think about these problems, which comes from their mindset. Changing your mindset about barriers is the best way to learn to overcome whatever hurdles you will face in life. 


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