Tuesday 26 April 2022

Getting Everything You Want: Transcending Fear

Have you been feeling like there are roadblocks in your way keeping you from getting everything you want out of life?


Do you hold yourself back from seizing new opportunities or trying new things?


It’s time you stop letting your fear control your life. In this article, we’re going to help you transcend fear and start getting what you want in your life. Let’s dive in!


Fear Serves a Purpose


As annoying and detrimental as fear can be, it does serve a distinct and useful purpose in our lives. It alerts us to impending danger, helps to keep us from making mistakes, and helps to keep us safe. However, how you handle your fear makes all the difference.


Sometimes those fears are unfounded and actually hold you back from getting what you want. The trick is knowing when your fears are founded and when you should challenge them and transcend them.

Getting Past Your Fears


This sounds a whole lot easier than it actually is. Once you’ve determined which of your fears are founded and which you need to work on transcending, you’re ready to start working past them. Start by analyzing your fears.


Ask Yourself These Questions


1) Why are you afraid?

2) What specifically are you afraid of?

3) What’s the worst that can happen if you push past your fears?


Push Yourself - Keep These Things in Mind to Help Motivate You


1) You are capable of anything you set your mind to.

2) Stepping out of your comfort zone is good for you.

3) Challenging yourself improves you.


Sticking with it


Implementing these changes is hard enough, but sticking to transcending your fear can seem impossible on your own. You can’t let yourself backslide; you have to keep pushing past your fear. Here are some tips to help you stick with it!


Have a Fear-Busting Partner


Having someone to hold you accountable and keep you in check can be your most valuable asset when trying to transcend your fears. They’ll keep you from backsliding, hold you accountable, and challenge you when you need it. They also offer all the support you need to help you keep with your routine and not let your fears hold you back anymore.


Stop Making Excuses


Excuses are your fears’ best friends. They let you weasel out of what you’re afraid of doing without ever having to acknowledge the fear itself at all. Excuses are detrimental to your progress in transcending your fears. Stop making excuses for letting your fears get the better of you; admit you’re afraid to do it and do it anyway.


Acknowledge Your Progress


Positive reinforcement is known to be a very effective method of adjusting behaviors. Reward yourself for pushing past your fears, you deserve it! Every time you push past something and do better, reward yourself for it. Track your progress and reward yourself when you successfully transcend your fears, it will help the behavior stick around.


Why Bother?


Transcending your fears is an important step on your road to success. In order to get everything you’ve wanted out of life, you have to step out of your comfort zone and transcend your fears. It helps you to push past limits that only you have given yourself and achieve everything you’ve ever wanted. You’re the only thing holding you back, so stop letting fear control you! Transcend your fears and start getting what you want!


If you’ve been feeling like fear is a big roadblock in your life lately, maybe it’s time to make a change. We hope this article has helped to guide you down the right path to transcending your fears and achieving success. We wish you luck in this long and difficult journey; the rewards are more than worth the effort.


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