Wednesday, 20 April 2022

Follow this Side Hustle Method to Keep Yourself Motivated

A “side hustle” is something that allows you to earn money by pursuing your passion. In some cases, this may be in addition to your regular 9 to 5 and in other cases, you may be trying to replace your 9 to 5 with your side hustle.


While it’s true that a “side hustle” does offer benefits such as an increase in overall income and independence- it is still possible to get burnt out and lose motivation. However, there are a few things that you can do to keep yourself motivated in your side hustle. In this article, we’ll look at three of the most common ones. 


Do Something You Enjoy 


First and foremost, you must find something that you enjoy doing. After all, if you don’t enjoy doing it, then it’s definitely not worth it. So, take some time to think about what you enjoy and go from there. When you’re like what you’re doing, it’s easy to maintain your drive. 


Make Your Schedule Work for You 


When you’re working a regular 9 to 5, you’re stuck working someone else’s schedule- but when you have your own hustle, you can create your schedule. You can make time to handle personal business matters, family obligations, and more. If you plan to keep your regular 9 to 5 while you’re just getting started, it’s critical that you give yourself time to adjust and don’t book yourself to do too much. When you do this, it leads to a lack of motivation. 


Remind Yourself of the Benefits 


There are reasons why you decided to start a “side hustle’ in the first place- so remind yourself of those when you start losing motivation. If you’re looking to replace your regular 9 to 5 with your side hustle, remind yourself that this “gig” means that you have the flexibility to take kids to the doctor when needed or go on class field trips or whatever it is that is important to you. When you’ work a regular 9 to 5, it’s much harder to take care of those things. Also, if you’re needing some extra cash flow, you have the ability to increase your earnings, which isn’t always the case with a regular 9 to 5 job. 


Keep in mind that a “side hustle” is a great way to increase your earnings- and maybe even begin a new career path. However, it can be exhausting and easy to lose motivation, but by following these three tips, you can maintain your drive and continue on your path to freedom. 


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