Sunday 10 April 2022

Feeling Confident In Your Decisions, Even If…

Sometimes even the simplest decisions feel difficult, especially when you're insecure in your abilities or you have a history of poor decisions. If that sounds like you, then you may be the kind of person who feels real anxiety over choosing which restaurant to visit for dinner. 


There are myriad reasons to feel insecure about your decisions and it could have started in your childhood when a parent couldn't let go of making easy decisions or it could have come later when you made a string of poor decisions. Whatever the cause, you have to make decisions on a daily basis and you have to feel confident in them. 


If worry and anxiety are always present when you are making your decisions, then you have to work to remove the what if. What if this happens or what if that happens. You can play every possible scenario out in your mind, but ultimately, no one sets out to make poor decisions. 


When you make a decision, you make the best one you can with the available information. You cannot predict what consequences may come; you can only address regrets if they appear later. And if your decision leads to regret, so what? If that's the worst thing that happens, you're doing just fine. 


But you get nervous about what others might say about your decision, you worry that everyone is laughing at you, or you think about everything blowing up in your face. 


It all stems from a lack of self-confidence. You are overwhelmed by fear and paralyzed into inaction. So, why make a decision at all? Maybe you can avoid making a poor decision by making no decision at all, but that is a decision of sorts and it's rarely the right one. So, let's move you to a place of confidence, even if…

Affirm Abilities

Do you know what helps build confidence and will make you feel more confident in your decisions no matter what? Affirming your abilities often! Think about all of the times you have made good decisions, all of the times you've done a good job. That's proof of your ability to produce results. 

Do things you're good at when you need a healthy boost of confidence. Give yourself plaudits for every decision you make, no matter how small, it will help you gear up to tackle the biggest decisions.

Remove Fear 

You have to challenge your limiting thoughts and question whether they are accurate or not. You struggle with feeling confident in your decisions because you question whether you are good enough, smart enough, strong enough, or if you have the right abilities. You can change your thoughts because you have a choice in the matter. Don't just let them run rampant, put them to the test. 


Perhaps your first instinct is to hold back and wait before making a decision, but that's a great way to get caught up in negative thoughts. So, sometimes the best thing to do is to take action. Once things are in motion you can focus on making the right decision. Take action by researching what you need to know because that will help create a clearer picture. 


Your values should be your guide because if your decision aligns with your values, it is more than likely the right decision at the time regardless of what happens after. You need to know what your priorities are, you need to understand what you value, what's important, and that can steer you to the right choices. 


You won't always make the right choices, you might fluff your lines from time to time, but the worst thing to come from that might be failure and that's something you can bounce back from. You have to feel confident in your decisions because as long as you're doing your best, you're doing it right. 


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